Comet and Asteroids

Pierrrr said:
Everything around as is ( modified ) light/photon.
That is logical conclusion not a cryptic remark.
"All mater is made of photons and there is a continuous cycling of photons throughout all matter"
Pierrrr said:
Pierrrr said:
Everything around as is ( modified ) light/photon.
That is logical conclusion not a cryptic remark.
"All mater is made of photons and there is a continuous cycling of photons throughout all matter"

This is still a cryptic remark made by an anonymous poster on the Thunderbolts forum. Why should we give any credentials to an anonymous poster somewhere on the internet without a good track record?
Data said:
Pierrrr said:
Pierrrr said:
Everything around as is ( modified ) light/photon.
That is logical conclusion not a cryptic remark.
"All mater is made of photons and there is a continuous cycling of photons throughout all matter"

This is still a cryptic remark made by an anonymous poster on the Thunderbolts forum. Why should we give any credentials to an anonymous poster somewhere on the internet without a good track record?
Evaluate the source.
Pierrrr said:
Evaluate the source.

I evaluated this source. I must admit by just using google. One thing caught my eyes instantly. Miles Mathis claims that Pi is actually 4 (on the first page of Google results). Here the explanation he gives:



Well, by all means, a guy who really claims that Pi is 4.... I can disprove this one with a cord and a knife. And to say that a real circle made with a cord or wood or whatever is not the same as a circle on a graph, or the circle a planet travel around the sun (ignoring the path of the sun through the galaxy) is just, well, an exercise in mind bending.

You know the saying: Those who claim extraordinary things, have to have extraordinary proof:

Miles Mathis] Now let us return to the geometric circle. All the equations of geometry are created by assuming that time is not a factor. You can’t really just ignore time said:
Pierrrr said:
Evaluate the source.

Why, because You say so?
You only come across as a milesmathis promoter

Yes, it seems that way.

Edit=Disable links
Read this interesting article this morning: SOHO sees something new near the sun: Comet survives close encounter

"This comet was interesting for two reasons. First it's what's called a non-group comet, meaning it's not part of any known family of comets. Most comets seen by SOHO belong to the Kreutz family -- all of which broke off from a single giant comet many centuries ago.
The second reason it's interesting is because the vast majority of comets that come close enough to the sun to be seen by SOHO do not survive the trip. Known as sungrazers, these comets usually evaporate in the intense sunlight. This comet made it to within 2.2 million miles of the sun's surface -- but survived the trip intact."
FWIW, Spaceweather has an article describing Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) fragmentation.

It's "inevitable," according to a new study by astronomer Zdenek Sekanina. "Evidence suggests that the comet has entered an advanced phase of fragmentation," he writes.


Above: Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS photographed by José J. Chambó


The latest observed magnitude of Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) is 3.9 <<< was 3.0 today morning, but i was not able to see it due to clouds...

ANY BODY HAD MORE LUCK ??? share your photos

constellation : SEX : )

below details from my city in Poland so you need to change location in provided link

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