Comet dream


Last night a had a dream, I'm not sure if it had any meaning but it woke me up at around 4, and I was feeling quite shook up. The dream consisted of two scenes: First I was in a school cafeteria kind of setting. There was a feeling of authority with the teachers and they all sat in the middle of the room. They were dressed in black suits and I think, taller than us (as if we were little kids but we weren't) My feeling was an incredible tension as if something was going to happen, and it was like I was trying to hide from something or someone. Next I saw an old friend of mine and I realized she was talking about me or about whatever it was I was trying to hide, telling everyone. I made a sign that she should "shut up" and she became furious and started yelling, it was like she lost her "mask of sanity".

I ran from that place and out in the street where I saw the sky was lit up with what looked like pink fireworks. Water was pouring from pipes that had broken from falling debris and people were running around. I knew it was a comet and I told my boyfriend "this is the comet i've been reading about"! People were in the streets and we got some things together and started walking. Last thought I had was that we didn't lock our apartment before we left and our things would probably be gone.

What struck me was that there was a really eerie and intense feeling to (the first part of) the dream and that I felt a connection between the negative environment in the first part of the dream and the actual comet impact.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this unusual dream, if anyone has any thoughts!
Interesting dream... I wonder what was being hidden from the men in suits?

I have had quite a few comet dreams, but they were really short in comparison.

Despite the disasters, I felt calm in the dreams. Funny you mention being worried about the door of the apartment being locked. In older disaster/war dreams I have had, I would worry about mundane things like leaving the TV on or forgetting to do my taxes or car inspection. In a real disaster, would we worry about that, LOL?

The 2 comet dreams I have had (that I can recall).
A year ago:
I was walking in the park in an open field and I saw a bright light in the sky with a trail. I immediately noticed it was a comet and tried to tell people but they didn't want to look up. It flew from right to left and landed a distance away in the forest. Then there was a loud bang that I felt through the ground and the dream ended.

I heard a humongous rumble and saw redness. I thought, wow- the comets are finally coming.
I woke up halfway, still hearing the rumble. I thought again, wow, the comet is REALLY coming! I started to hear the window fan in my bedroom and then realized it wasn't happening, and the noise faded out.
Also had a comet type dream just before the waking hours today.

Was in a low building with lots of glass windows and spotted a spiraling small object in the daytime sky. From the left of this, all of a sudden there were small dark separated objects on low angle trajectory's piercing the sky. A few came in at such fantastic velocities that there was really nothing to see; just a shadow passing like light from within the peripheral vision, yet the sound was vivid, sizzling through the air with a wake like compression behind. At this point, remember letting people know to just lie on the ground and a few more sounds zipped by overhead. There were no impacts or explosions and woke suddenly as if it had totally happened, feeling the effects of this massive electrical type speed more than anything else.
I had a comet dream night before last. Apparently 3 fairly big ones came and exploded in the atmosphere, wiping out everything below. One was to the North of us, one on the other side of the Atlantic (which seemed to be the worst one) and the third was to the East. It seemed to be a strong dream, the kind that affects emotions.
Yesternight, i had an apocalyptic dream with meteorites.
I was in some unknown country where i've never been before, more as an observer, as if watching a movie, when big comet fell down at the foot of wooded hills and in a flash fire broke out devouring the surrounding area.
The sky has taken the unusual coloration, the air seemed to be polluted with gases and people became hysterical.
After then, i've found myself actualy being within storehouse of a supermarket where others took a shelter which turned out to be wicked trap, as i figured out, all of us should be taken underground.
Folks were eating candies and other poisonous stuff and stood in line and wait their time to go.
After looking back at the space behind me, my ex boyfriend, another psychopath from my highschool days, appeared behind me trying to seduce and lure me to go with him/them, representhing 4D STS, but I did not buy much any more.
I knew i do not belong there and only thing that was on my mind were Laura & others who were already in 4D STO reality .
In regard of that, after redirecting my energy towards the truth I woke up in my bed fairly impressed.
One of the most realistic dreams so far.
I had a comet dream also, just a couple of nights ago. It's a bit hazy now, but I believe it was just myself and one other person looking up in the sky watching it. That's all I can remember now. I think this is the very first time I've ever had a dream about a comet.
Despite the disasters, I felt calm in the dreams. Funny you mention being worried about the door of the apartment being locked. In older disaster/war dreams I have had, I would worry about mundane things like leaving the TV on or forgetting to do my taxes or car inspection. In a real disaster, would we worry about that, LOL?

Maybe it's a sign to stop paying so much attention to unimportant things and start paying attention to bigger picture. Maybe it symbolizes missing something important while concentrating on unimportant things in life, something that could have a heavy toll. What's interesting I found one comment on youtube under one movie about comets, where the person said that it also had dreams about comet impacts, and that often dreams it had came true. I don't think that person is familiar with this network and it's information.

Last night a had a dream, I'm not sure if it had any meaning but it woke me up at around 4, and I was feeling quite shook up. The dream consisted of two scenes: First I was in a school cafeteria kind of setting. There was a feeling of authority with the teachers and they all sat in the middle of the room. They were dressed in black suits and I think, taller than us (as if we were little kids but we weren't) My feeling was an incredible tension as if something was going to happen, and it was like I was trying to hide from something or someone. Next I saw an old friend of mine and I realized she was talking about me or about whatever it was I was trying to hide, telling everyone. I made a sign that she should "shut up" and she became furious and started yelling, it was like she lost her "mask of sanity".

Maybe a sign of coming future when the true friendships, relations are tested in hardships of possible totalitarian society, when the act of telling the truth becomes act of treason. It could symbolize the social and spiritual situation in general. That's my take on it, but it could have an other possible meanings. That's the answer on which only you know right answer.
I too had a comet dream just about a month ago. It was one of the most vivid dreams that I have had in recent memory. I was driving down one the main streets in my hometown (an old town in Massachusetts) that passes through the town's green with my boyfriend. As we were passing by 2 churches kitty-corner to each other and 10 feet from the graveyard, baseball-sized chunks of rocks from space fell on the street while the sky bled orange/pink. It was a "raindrops keep falling on my head" type feeling. I wasn't upset. I turned to the boyfriend and said "do you believe me now?"

Now that I am remembering it, I had a feeling of some other part of the country got it far worse as my boyfriend and I got out of the car to assess if a. the comets were still falling and b. we could move them so we could drive around. Which is kind of disturbing given Laura's dream about a big one exploding "on the other side of the Atlantic"

I keep feeling more and strongly that 2014 is the year of the "bearded star." I don't know how much fear is muddling my perception or as the "future" moves closer and closer it is becoming clearer and clearer. Wondering if others are feeling this way...
Last night I had a dream in which I was looking at sea, and little above the horizon there was comet with a tail of smoke, moving relatively slow, almost horizontally, and going behind the horizon.

Then I woke up and fell back to sleep, and had another dream looking from same place, only this time there were two comets, and they went behind the horizon, and I woke up again. They were south-west from where I was standing.
Hello everyone!

Id like to post here about the dreams I have been having over the last 3 weeks almost every night.

In my dreams I see a large UFO that looks like a cloud. It is watching. I can feel it. It is simply there to watch us. Sometimes heaps of them zooming overhead. Sometimes hundreds although they are smaller, but always moving fast. The smaller ones are more daunting than the larger one as they feel more destructive or bad to our well being for some reason. They feel 'killer' is the word.

In the same dreams I see falling comet debris. Last night they were actual comets, although they look more like asteroids in our atmosphere from what I have just Google in Google images. Maybe the word is meteorites? I am not sure. The closest I get to science is watching The Big Bang Theory on t.v :P

In these dreams I must note that people are outside, I am outside, the streets are sort of in ruins. Not in total destruction but large broken concrete blocks off buildings are strewn and water pipes are sticking out everywhere. No one is hurt either that I can see.

A few years ago I use to dream of missiles that were about to land on major cities. I could see them coming down towards the city in the sky.
One dream in particular was during a New Years festival parade upon a bridge, at night, with fireworks going off everywhere. A missle was sitting there just waiting to launch.

I am thankful that I can share this as these dreams have been curiously clear and consistant, not my normal mumbo-jumbo-nothing-makes-sense kinda dream.

I’ve had a few dreams about comets; this one was by far the most intense:

I was staying in a mansion on a mountain in a beautiful area, somewhere in the Pacific Northwest I would guess. From the top of the mountain, I could see very far. To the north (I figure) was a large bay or harbour, and beyond that was a large city. There was another smaller mountain to the northeast, which partially obscured my view of the inland part of the city. I was outside the mansion, just enjoying the scenery, when all of a sudden I saw a huge comet coming in from the west to east, from the ocean’s opening of the bay, at about a 30-40 degree angle. I could tell that it was moving fast, but being that I was so far away, it moved slowly enough for me to take it all in. Then, as it descended and began to pass in back of the smaller mountain, the bolide exploded. I assume it did so before it hit the bay. I saw fire immediately engulfing everything around the explosion point, and a wall of water began to rise from the bay. I ran inside the mansion, not necessarily scared, but knowing that even on a mountain of this height, from how high I saw the wall of water stretching, I knew (?) my best chance of survival was to put as much structure between myself and the water before it hit. (note: whether the explosion made a significant sound or shockwave, I do not know) Once inside, I went into the nearest closet as I heard the water coming. I only had to wait a few seconds before the house was jostled, and the closet – more slowly than I would have thought – began to fill with water, yet I was still calm. As the water overtook me, I took one last deep breath, and then the house started to come apart. Once I could hold my breath no longer, I inhaled water, and immediately realized I could breathe underwater, as I always can in my dreams…which I then realized this was. I woke up shortly after this.
It's interesting plaintiger -you mentioned mountains and for me whenever I have a dream of comet invasion or alien invasion, it alwasy happens in a beautiful place full of vegetation where I can see a big mountain. And usually, the sky is purple.
Last night had another comet dream.

My friends and I were at this house by the water. There was a fireball in the sky growing brighter and brighter. Then it exploded and split into 2, falling into the ocean. I screamed at everyone to get to high ground, but the waves that came were small and we were ok.

Then about 90 degrees clockwise in the sky we saw strange green loops, like rings of saturn in the sky around an object. It was moving across the horizon and then created a huge flash and a boom (I figured electrical discharge). It didn't crash into the ground.

We were walking around and I was trying to find a TV or a computer to find out any news about this and just woke up.
Place at a high. I described him, a woman asked me the location of the store. The environment is pitch black. I walked for a while, I watched the sky from where I came. The star-packed. The two stars were returning in a clockwise direction around each other. I do not know the sky was filled with star clusters. Glowed a bright yellow-toned stars are very close together. Some of them were close to each other so that the lights seemed to converge.

I watched the sky in a rural area a white meteor exploded in the sky. Thousands turned into white pieces. This was repeated three times.

Was in a class. I was with my students. I was a student among them. Some of us have passed the fourth grade. Some of them would repeat the third grade. Class, who will again complained states.
From what I remember I had had two dreams regarding comets.
One was like fifteen years ago –before I knew about comet's coming- it was at night, me observing from my parents house comets falling all along the forest that it is in front of their home.

The other one, was like 7 years ago, I was frustrated because I could not find a job about that time; the dream was all destruction, comets falling, fires around the neighborhood, I was just with Luna (my sister's dog) holding each other, other family members weren't there anymore. And the dream was at night too.

I supposed it was like those mixed dreams with emotions, connotative elements/objects and recent readings (I was starting the wave series). Luna loved my sister and my sister loved Luna, I found comprehension on her (Luna) and I supposed she found comprehension in me.
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