Comet dream

This past years, i also had many dreams about comets falls, earthquakes and celestial objects appearing in the sky. It cause chaos, destruction, mouvement of population, rising waters etc... I seem always detached from the situation and intrigued.

One interesting which I took note : " The world is in state of shock and chaos. Earthquake above 10 on Richter's Scale strike the west coast of America. Strong earthquakes also listed in Shanghai and Paris. Everybody hurry to go back to their homes."
Interresting in the fact that the C's have mentionned a think like this in a session (4 july 1998). But i'm quite sure that I had read the session before i had this dream.
Also thinking that perhaps the fact that most of us have this kind of dreams is influenced /related to the fact that we are more and more aware that it can possibly end this way ?

Also many dreams about entites / extraterrestrials invasions. Always the same pattern. Kind of ships appears. Troubles in the crowd. Sound of trompet / Horn who indicate the begining of the invasion. I'm systematically chased by this things. I try to escape. It can lasted minute or hours. Sometimes i have difficulty to move myself, like a state of slow motion. The dreams end always when the confrontation in inevitable and when they jump on me.

But the scariest one was when I was killed by a shade using a gun in a sleep paralysis. I saw it entering my room and advancing slowly up to my bed without being able to make anything. It was so realistic that i woke up screaming. Now I realised that this event was the beginning of my "awakening". The universe has perhaps pushed me to move. A symbolic death for a revival, who kowns ?

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