Finished reading it yesterday and am left with an idea that there's a possibility that the whole covid thing is a cover up for cosmic intentions. That the PTB know what's coming down the pike and the mRNA vaccinations are possibly an attempt to prevent new DNA from comet viruses from taking effect in the population so that they can maintain control after any cometary bombardment over any surviving populations.
Agree, the ptb would well know of said cosmic intentions, and not sure regarding the DNA aspect; interesting. However they would indeed need to control global population migration amongst growing food scarcity that will come. It would also seem that lower level control systems (politicians, some scientists and policy makers etc.) have been steered and wedded to covid as they have been told, and even most, if not all technocrats, believe in what they are doing for alternative control reasons. The higher levels/circles know 'something wicked this way comes' and it could be argued that in that pre-cosmic reality (although it is happening know) they are using those below to manage the associated global aftershocks and blowback to come without many knowing why.
It's covid, it is your C02 footprint - you must obey.
Not sure if peeps caught the Ice Age Farmer on this week:
The Histomap of the last 4000 years of world history published in 1931 shows all of the major Grand Solar Minimums with contractions of empires and kingdoms through history. Its simple, inadequate food supplies equal civilization crumbling. There...
On his show he offers up the Histomap, and makes reference to it in terms of collapsing civilizations correlated with Grand Solar Minimums (he adds on). Not correlated is also what came in from the heavens during those periods (some have been documented in those periods).
Here is the
An All-Encompassing Timeline?
Today’s infographic, created all the way back in 1931 by a man named John B. Sparks, maps the ebb and flow of global power going all the way back to 2,000 B.C. on one coherent timeline.
It does not go back all that far in history, only capturing 4,000 yrs.
Note: The hourglass (skinny) represent civilization contractions, and bulging the counter to it, civilization expansion.

waiting on our snail mail for Pierre's book.