Wow! That's a mouthful and a lot going on. Huge forces at work. Completely beyond my comprehension.... I wonder if there's anything on youtube on how that works?
Here is an excerpt of chapter 30 of "Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection" that might shed some light on crustal slippage:
Geographic tilt and magnetic reversal
The Earth has two kinds of poles: geographic and magnetic. The geographic poles define the axis around which the planet spins. The magnetic poles are the locations where the lines of Earth’s magnetic field are vertical.
Magnetic poles and geographic poles relative to the ecliptic. (©
As you can see in the above image, the magnetic poles and the geographic poles are set along two distinct axes.
Neither of them is perpendicular to the ecliptic - the plane of the solar system (purple). Instead of being vertical (black dashed line), the geographic axis (green line) has a 23.5° tilt relative to the ecliptic, and the magnetic axis (black line) has an 11° tilt relative to the geographic axis.
If our planet had experienced an uniformitarian, eventless developmental history the geographic and magnetic poles should both be perfectly vertical:
Aligned magnetic and geographic poles. (©
Tilt of the geographic poles
Let’s first focus on the geographic pole and its 23.5° tilt. As mentioned above, if our planet had been accreting matter to itself, rotating quietly within its solar system cradle with its fellow nursery mates for billions of years, which is the official theory, then its rotation axis should be vertical. Even classical mechanics – which doesn’t take into account the electric nature of our universe – shows that an external factor is necessary for the Earth’s rotation axis to change and not be vertical. The following was stated as early as 1878:
When a mass of matter is in rotation about an axis, it cannot be made to rotate about a new one except by external forces.
Later on, scientists discovered the existence of an electric field in which our planet is embedded, which led to a better explanation for the tilt of the Earth’s geographic axis:
… the Earth’s field is tied up in some ways with the rotation of the planet. And this leads to a remarkable finding about the Earth’s rotation itself … The Earth’s axis of rotation has also changed. In other words,
the Earth has rolled about, changing the location of its geographical poles …
Zoologist François de Sarre confirms that the rotation axis of the planet should be vertical and explains how the electric force generated by a highly charged comet passing close to Earth could easily interact with Earth and shift its rotation axis:
Armin Naudiet
[3] noted that the attraction exerted by the Sun on the Earth gyroscope would cause, in a long run, its straightening [spinning axis perpendicular to the plane of the solar system], because our planet is not a perfect sphere. Geometrically speaking, it is an ellipsoid. Due to its own rotation and the existence of a higher centrifugal force at the equator, the Earth deforms: it is not spherical but slightly flattened at the poles. In other words,
if, as astronomers admit, our planet rotates ‘quietly’ (that is to say without having been ‘shaken’) for billions of years around the Sun, there should be no axis inclination¼ and no seasons, since they result from the inclination (23 ° 26 ') of the Earth’s axis relative to the plane of the solar system.
In any case, the recent discovery near the poles of a fossil fauna (dinosaurs!) rather used to heat seem to support the thesis of an Earth without seasons during the Secondary era.
[4] It was hot all over the globe!…
How to explain that there are now seasons (in our latitudes) and that the Earth ‘nods’ its head, oscillating around its tilted axis?
Presumably it received a ‘big shock’. The asteroid that ended the saga of dinosaurs is now widely accepted in science – in terms of the impact and its immediate consequences. But not a word about the disruption that could result in the Earth’s rotation.
In his book
[5], German engineer Hans-Joachim Zillmer thinks
the current tilt of the Earth is due to a celestial body carrying a strong electric potential (a comet?), which, passing close to Earth, has tilted [it]¼
Suppose a
close-passing comet has recurred here for a few thousand years. Exposed to the sudden presence of electrokinetic forces, the inclination of the axis of the Earth relative to the ecliptic could have increased sharply, up to 30 or 35 degrees¼ No, no danger that Earth would tip over; let us recall the image of the toy top!
Then the Earth began to recover slowly. This would explain the phenomenon of the precession of the equinoxes. Contrary to what astronomers usually think, it would not be constant, but be steadily declining, since the Earth returns to its original position, perpendicular to the plane of the solar ecliptic (despite the inertia of the system).
As emphasized in the above excerpt, an external agent has to be factored in to explain the current tilt of the Earth’s rotation axis. A highly charged comet passing close enough to Earth could very well be the responsible agent, exerting massive electro-gravitational forces on the planet and ‘pulling’ the geographical axis away from its default vertical position. If this scenario is accurate, the Earth has been slowly returning to its default vertical position (because of the inertia of the gyroscope that is planet Earth).
However, for mainstream science Earth’s obliquity (i.e. its axial tilt angle) has always been there and is gently oscillating between 22°1 and 24°2 every 40,000 years, on average.
[7] There are even pre-made formulae, like the Newcomb formula,
[8] that calculate the Earth’s tilt one million years in the future or in the past. But all these figures about the past or future tilt of our planet are based on theoretical models that don’t even fit past observations.
George Dodwell
[9] conducted an extensive study of ancient observations of the obliquity of Earth. He gathered 120 measurements
[10] spanning the last four millennia, from 1100 BC up to the 20th Century.
Obliquity of the ecliptic over the period 2345 BC–2000 AD. Newcomb theoretical formula (red) vs. Dodwell’s compiled observations (blue). (© Dodwell)
The graph above covers the period 2450 BC to 1960 AD. It shows the evolution of Earth obliquity (in degrees) according to the Newcomb theoretical model (red line) and the observations compiled by Dodwell (blue curve).
The observations compiled by Dodwell not only diverge from the theoretical model held by mainstream science, but also define an almost perfect logarithmic curve. This logarithmic curve – showing a sudden and pronounced change (at least several degrees) in obliquity c. 2345 BC – strongly suggests the occurrence of a major cosmic event that rolled the Earth over.
At this time, severe climatic, geological and archaeological changes occurred in which the great Bronze Age civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece were wiped out. For example out of the 350 Early Bronze Age sites in ancient Greece, more than 300 were destroyed and many others were abandoned
The scientific community generally agrees that a major disaster occurred at that time.
[13] The discovery of half a dozen craters
[14] which were formed within a century of 2350 BC including a massive (3.4 km diameter) one that was discovered in Iraq
[15] confirmed the asteroid hypothesis promoted for years by several scientists.

The Umm Al Binni Lake in the Al’Amarah marshes, Iraq (© NASA)
Dodwell supposed that a very strong cometary impact had been necessary to jolt the Earth from its default vertical position to its new tilt. However, only a very large body could account for a substantial change in tilt.
[17] But, as described by François De Sarre, cometary bodies don’t necessarily have to impact Earth’s surface in order to alter its rotation. A highly charged comet passing close enough to our planet could even exert greater electro-gravitational forces, sufficient to tilt Earth’s rotation axis, than the mechanical consequences resulting from a direct impact.
Several researchers
[18] have shown that meteors do not have to directly hit the Earth to have a devastating effect, including the creation of craters.
[19][20] In 1908, an object exploded three miles above Tunguska, in Siberia, with the force of thousands of Hiroshima bombs, laying waste to over 1,250 square miles of land below
[21]. The Tunguska overhead explosion might even have produced a crater. In 2007 Italian geologist Gasperini investigated Lake Cheko:
We report results from the investigation of Lake Cheko, located 8 km NNW of the inferred explosion epicenter. Its funnel-like bottom morphology and the structure of its sedimentary deposits, revealed by acoustic imagery and direct sampling,
all suggest that the lake fills an impact crater.
Lake Cheko in the Siberian region of Tunguska (© University of Bologna)
The asteroid-induced geographic tilt of the Earth hypothesis is also strongly supported by the numerous earthquakes our planet experienced around this time. Only a substantial and global crustal slippage could explain the disruption that affected the whole planet:
…the most significant aspect of the geological evidence is the
crustal movements[23] that apparently began at about the same time around 2300 BC at many regions of the Earth[24]
As shown by Dodwell’s research, since 2345 BC the Earth’s tilt has decreased, quickly at first, since it was far away from its normal rotation axis, and then slower and slower, hence the logarithmic curve. Eventually the Earth’s rotation axis might reach its default vertical setting - assuming nothing happens in the meantime to interfere with this process.
The Earth behaves like a spinning top, rotating around its vertical axis, which is then jolted out of its default movement. The rotation axis of the top is tilted, and it wobbles because of this external disturbance. Then, because of its gyroscopic properties, which push it to keep its axis pointed always in the same direction, the top returns to its initial configuration.
This wobble of the Earth is also called ‘Chandler’s wobble’ or ‘nutation’. Such an instability is symptomatic of a flawed equilibrium: the Earth’s axis of rotation does not coincide with its center of inertia.
[25] If the Earth’s current state was solely the result of an eventless linear evolution, its axis would be vertical and the wobble would be non-existent.
One of the few plausible explanations for such major disruption is a change in the orientation of the earth’s spinning axis induced by electromagnetic forces exerted by a nearby comet. In such a scenario:
1) The change in spinning axis would move the equatorial bulge from the previous equatorial region to the new one. That would amount to massive amounts of compression around the former equatorial region (decreased centrifugal forces) and massive extension forces around the new equatorial region (increased centrifugal forces).
2) A sudden change in spinning axis can induce ‘crustal slippage’. Because of the viscous properties of the mantle and core of our planet, only part of the torque exerted by the close fly-by of a comet can be transmitted to the inner region of the Earth. The solid crust rotates more than the more liquid mantle. The difference in rotation between the core and the crust is equal to the crustal slippage.
Geographic and magnetic axis before and after a cometary disturbance. (©
On the left of the drawing above the Earth is shown with its two vertical and aligned axis (magnetic and rotational). On the right, the effects of a nearby comet tilting the geographic axis 23.5° relative to the initial vertical axis and tilting the core by 12°, hence a 11.5° crustal slippage.
Notice that the effects of such a sudden slippage would be much more dramatic than the effects of the limited slippage due to the Earth’s minute slowdown described previously.
[1] Hill, E., ‘On the possibility of changes in the Earth’s axis’,
Geol Mag, Vol.V, pp 262-266
[2] Runcorn, S., ‘The Earth’s magnetism’,
Scient Am, 1955, pp. 152-162
[3] Naudiet, A., ‘Das Geheimnis der Präzession’,
Efodon Synesis n° 9, 17-23, 1995
[4] Among other sources, the presence of mid-latitude and tropical flora in the circumpolar region is confirmed by the findings described in: Kropotkin et al., ‘Baron Von Toll on New Siberia and the Circumpolar Tertiary Flora’,
Geogr. J., Vol.XVI, pp. 95-98.
[5] Zillmer, R.
Irrtümer der Erdgeschichte, Langen Müller, 2001
[6] De Sarre, F.,
Mais où est donc passé le Moyen Âge, p 39
[7] Berger, A., ‘Obliquity and Precession for the Last 5,000,000 Years’ ,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, pp. 127–135
[8] Newcomb, S.,
Tables of the Four Inner Planets, 2nd ed., 1898
[9] George F. Dodwell (1879-1963), leading Australian astronomer.
[10] ‘Dodwell main chart’,
Setterfield. See:
[11] Sources included Thales, about 558 BC; Eratosthenes, about 230 BC; Hipparchus, 135 BC; Ptolemy, 126 AD; and several medieval astronomers up to the time of Tycho Brahe, 1587 AD, and Wendelin, 1616 AD.
[12] Peiser Benny J., ‘collapse of early bronze age civilizations: has the smoking gun been found?’,
Cambridge Conference Correspondance
[13] Ibid
[14] Rajeev Syal, ‘Meteor showers blotted out man's first civilisations’,
The Sunday Times, 14 December 1997
[15] Master, S., ‘A possible Holocene impact structure in the Al 'Amarah marshes’ -
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol.36, Supplement, p.A124; 2001.
[16] Courty 1997, 1998; Peiser 1997; Napier 1997; Bjorkman 1973, Weiss et al. 1993, Master 2001, 2002
[17] The impact of a body 640 km in diameter and travelling at 72 km/s would induce a 4°15 change in Earth’s tilt. See: Dachille, ‘Axis Changes in the Earth from Large Meteorite Collisions’
, Nature, 198, 176, April 1963
[18] Peiser, B. J., ‘Catch a falling star’,
Jewish Chronicle, 6 March 1998. See :
[19] Firestone et al. consider the Carolina Bays (more than 500,000 elliptical craters concentrated along the Atlantic seaboard) as remnants of overhead cometary explosions.
See: Firestone Richard, West Alan and Warwick Simon,
The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes : How a Stone Age Comet Changed the Course of World Culture, 2006
[20] ‘In a near miss encounter between two bodies of different net charge, a discharge between them would be likely. The discharge if concentrated on the surface would leave a crater’
See: White, J.,
Pole Shift, p.177
[21] Bevan A., De Laeter J.,
Meteorites: A Journey Through Space and Time, 2002, Page 183
[22] Gasperini L. et al., ‘Possible impact crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event’,
Terra Nova, Volume 19, Issue 4, pages 245–251, August 2007
[23] Sea level changes, land uplift and land subsidence, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes happened concomitantly in many places around the world
[24] Mandelkehr Moe M., ‘An Integrated Model for an Earthwide Event at 2300 BC’,
Chronology & Catastrophism, Vol. X, 1988
[25] Allan, D. & Delair, J.
Cataclysm!, Bear & Co, 1997, p.190
[26] See chapter 22 ‘The slowdown of the Earth’