Coming solar eclipse casts its first U.S. shadow on Eagle Pass, Texas

Session: 19 December 2001
There's a bit more regarding this:

C's Session 22nd July 2012 said:
Q: (L) Yes, we noticed that feeble cover-up. Speaking of fireballs, there was an article that Kniall put together about this supposed comet/missile launch. We're just kind of a little bit curious about that because there was a lot of weird stuff going on around that.

A: You should remember what we told you years ago about "chemtrails" in relation to MIC activity, that it was fully known that the real enemy was "out there" not "over there." Don't discard what Clube said about this matter so easily. You should be aware that there are swarms of missiles ready and waiting to be launched at the order of the military sky watchers so as to mask what is going on. In this case and even others there was both: A comet explosion followed by a missile launch to keep the masses calm. Can't have the PTB looking like they are angering "the gods", ya know!!!

(Perceval) So basically what we were thinking. (L) So in other words what you're suggesting is that there is a network of missiles around the planet belonging to various different countries. At any given time, somebody can give the order for somebody in the right place to launch a missile to cover up the fact that there are comets. Is that it?

A: Yes precisely. You need military activity to mask celestial events. And so it has always been.
Cs Session 4th December 1999 said:
A: It is just as dangerous and just as useless to "see" conspiracy in everything as it is to "see" conspiracy in nothing. We tire of conspiracy "buffs." They are nutty, and serve as perfect false sponsors to those who really DO seek to conduct widespread mental/psychic manipulations and control.

Q: Okay, that leads into the next question about the excessive contrail activity. (F) I read the articles about the contrails. There did not seem to be any way of verifying anything that was said. Essentially, you were left with the claims of this or that person, few of whom were trained observers, or who were taking all the factors into consideration.

(L) Well, we noticed them a lot in the spring of 1998 when we had all the floods and fires later. They are THERE!

(F) Yes, but the claims are that contrails were appearing in clear skies, at which point the sky became overcast as a result of these contrails, when the two may not have been related at all. Then, people were noticing cob webs or "angel hair" type stuff falling on the ground.

(L) I agree that a lot of it is unverifiable and I haven't seen any hard proof myself, either; but they ARE there! LOTS of these jets flying about. An exceedingly LOT of flying! And, not only that, other things have been reported and photographed; strange streaks and lines in the sky, dark and light both - as though some sort of cosmic structure is bleeding through!

(F) Yes, but you have to wonder about these people. I mean, the stuff about the radar anomalies was clearly an example of ignorance of both radar and weather. Oh, yes, big spheres appear on the radar, but those have been appearing forever! They are nothing but cumulo-nimbus blow-ups - what is called a meso-cyclone, and is very common. The only reason they are getting excited about it is because there is all this communication, all these satellite and radar link-ups, and now the average person gets to see what weathermen have been seeing all along! More coverage and communication just makes it seem like it is something new. People need knowledge about this! Sure, there is stuff going on out there, but people seem to be seeing boogy men behind absolutely everything that happens! And this is because they have no knowledge about these things. Why are these people going off the deep end about these half-baked ideas without bothering to get expert opinions, or even a number of opinions? Why do they promulgate all this nonsense to everybody else as though THEY are experts, with nothing to balance the observations in the way of competent analysis? Meso-cyclones, eruptions of cumulo-nimbus super cells are, by their very nature, perfectly circular because of the cyclonic up-draft!
(L) But, the fact still remains, in my opinion, that there are a LOT, LOT, LOT of planes flying above us in the past few years! Whether they are dumping anything on our heads, or what, there are an extreme number of planes flying in these upper level criss-cross patterns. Now, whether they are just playing war-games, or they are spy planes, they are doing SOMETHING! What is the reason for all of this upper level flying that results in these criss-crossed contrails that everybody is seeing?

A: A lot of it is "training-maneuver" oriented.

Q: Why are they training so many pilots? What are they preparing for?

A: Military budgets must be justified, you know. Review "Military-Industrial Complex 101."

Q: So, this is just training flight, justification of budget, and nothing more than that?

A: Well, we would not say "not anything more to it than that," but, when you say "M-IC," you have said a lot!

Q: Are you implying that there is a build-up of the Military-Industrial Complex for a reason?

A: To preserve status quo during "peacetime." This peace business is not very profitable, you know.

Q: Does that suggest that they are building up to set off a war so they can make more money?

A: Maybe if indeed, and if the populace can be hoodwinked. But, fortunately, the public is less hoodwinkable. Maybe the real enemy is "out there, " rather than "over there." Was it not always?

Q: Does any of this increased aircraft activity have anything to do with the increased awareness and activities of aliens in and around our planet?

A: As always. But, this awareness is factionalized and compartmentalized.
The skies in NE Florida were heavily chemtrailed yesterday - more than usual. We had 70% sun coverage during the eclipse, but because of the hazy skies, the sun appeared to be perfectly round with a naked eye, but with dark goggles the sun looked like a new moon. If someone didn’t tell me that it’s the eclipse time, I wouldn’t even know. It was bizarre! I’ve noticed that in all videos from across the country, the chemtrails were everywhere. What were they trying to hide, I wonder?
Your experience was similar to mine - high cirrus clouds with either con or chem trails that had spread out - one criss-cross. Saw a jet flying with a conventional contrail out the back - very distinct double lines. Didn't realize one had to take the glasses off at totality to see the corona and so, was like a new moon - total blackness. I was able to see the sun progressively being blocked by the moon's shadow with the glasses. Beneath the glasses, saw rosy glow on the distant horizon, the street lights came on, and some birds stopped singing while others continued. I was in the vicinity of my healthcare practitioner among a strip of businesses. People came out to see the eclipse and it was a party-like atmosphere. Somewhat north of the Columbus Zoo - there was traffic backup on the outerbelt exit to the highway that went north to where I was going. Not as bad as during Christmas season when people head to the zoo to see Wildlights, though.

Posted this somewhere on the forum previously:

UNconventional Grey

August 2023

The unfinished third documentary UNconventional Grey by Michael J. Murphy has been missing in action since 2016, the year Murphy had planned to release it. It is his third film of truth-telling about Geoengineering, the other two being What in the World Are They Spraying? (2010) and Why in the World Are They Spraying? (2012).

Michael’s targeting began in 2012 just after Why in the World debuted in Los Angeles at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails Conference—just as he began organizing for a third film that, unlike his first two films, would not just wake the public up but rally activists around the Aerosol Collection Project while filling in their grasp of how geoengineering entails crimes against humanity because of an operating agenda for global political power. The objective of the character assassination Michael was subjected to by the usual federally protected perpetrators and “insider” trusted colleagues was about preventing the production of his third documentary UNconventional Grey. Michael managed to rally from the post-2012 assault and to all but complete UNconventional Grey before yet another, even more brutal assault began at the same time that a remarkably similar assault began on the great Canadian activist Suzanne Maher who was spreading chemtrails awareness billboards across Ontario.

And here we are, seven years late and minus a final edit and public debut. UNconventional Grey is now available. We can now hear the thoughtful testimony of Michael Murphy, Marvin Herndon, Patrick Wood, Scott Stevens, Allan Buckmann, Max Bliss, David Lewis, Ed Griffin, Princess Basma Saud of Saudi Arabia, Rosa Koire, Cynthia McKinney, myself, etc. Rosa Koire is now dead (May 31, 2021), as is Michael Murphy (July 22, 2020). Both Michael and Rosa were critics of globalism; both died young.

It is imperative to emphasize that the classified Geoengineering program entailing weather engineering, chemical / electromagnetic engineering, geophysical engineering, directed energy weapons, surveillance and neural engineering, nanotechnology and digital synthetic biology, and hiding and detecting exotic propulsion craft and plasma lifeforms has been run by the CIA under various names since Bernard Eastlund, PhD, was building the powerful ionospheric heater HAARP in Alaska in the 1990s—back when Rosalind Peterson was a California USDA crop inspector and raising her voice against U.S. Navy sonar and the chemical jet trails making a murky cloud cover. In September 2007, Rosalind spoke at the UN 60th Annual DPI/NGO Conference on “Climate Change: How It Impacts Us All.” She died of cancer on February 4, 2018.

The public is mostly unaware of the danger surrounding classified programs like Geoengineering. Kidnapping, homelessness, accusations of “drug addiction,” internet defamation, murder and mayhem sound decidedly unscientific. Had UNconventional Grey come out in 2016—just four years before the global CV-19 medical / Big Pharma psyop run by the United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF), and World Health Organization (WHO)—would people have been awake enough to realize what it meant?
UNconventional Grey builds a picture of how Geoengineering—not the “climate change” cover story—leads straight to the UN “sustainable development” / carbons / Agenda 21 / 2030 master plan. In fact, Geoengineering with all of its political muscle is the price of admission to world government as well as the biggest transfer of wealth to the rich ever.

Gratitude to the anonymous person who stumbled upon Michael’s third film, thus flinging his vision upon the waters of chance so that we might take courage from it.

THE WEBSITE does not exist since the movie was never finished.

The documentary states they were successfully able to capture chemicals being dispursed in the air and planned to do more capture from what I remember.
I’ve been on this site for almost 5 years lurking (but donating to this organization when finances allow) exactly because of the current situation. You can’t say anything here without a bunch of you jumping the gun. For the record, by the time I found the C’s material most of the stuff I already knew on my own wind and the material of this group served as a confirmation more than new information for me. In all honesty I have so much to contribute, but when every post turns into a personal attack, why would I even bother? I’ll just keep lurking.

Bold claims; next you'll be joining the Cs in guiding us through our learning? Vanity is a seductive vice and many of us fall pray to it but some of us are striving to tame it with humility. You know, like the humility produced by a sincere quest for knowledge and questioning of beliefs, something this forum promotes. It's also a network, rich with feedback, and can certainly irk your self-importance.

And let's not be so dramatic. I may have done the questioning of your belief bluntly (intentionally, btw) but every other poster here was very considerate, offering alternative insight to the chemtrail topic or sharing their experience interacting with the forum (which tends to attract fairly learnt people like yourself). I genuinely do hope you'll keep bringing here your contributions (sassy or not), understanding that none of the responses are meant as personal stabs at you, and lightheartedly debating your observations, research, or that just pure genius you seem to poses (it's a joke, relax :halo:) etc
The documentary states they were successfully able to capture chemicals being dispursed in the air and planned to do more capture from what I remember.
Activist Post had a CROWDFUNDING campaign for the documentary. Included on the site is this 5:54 trailer:

I witnessed the eclipse near lake erie where I live. It was very close to dead center of the path of totality. The whole experience was EERIE and it did not disappoint.

Supposedly another strange event happened before the eclipse on Lake Erie, though I can't find the original footage, only this video:

Supposedly there was a weird "bump" on the lake, and later on it disappeared. Maybe it was some optical illusion due to the eclipse? Some light reflection distortion or something similar? Or it was something bona fide weird?

Here are the screenshots.


From another video:

There's a bit more regarding this:
Great recollection Ryan, both of those sessions and are very useful to re-read ever so often.

Semi-current [couple of days ago = ancient history in current time tables] info on the spraying comments on just a fraction of some of the "I" in MIC (re: spraying flights) can be gleaned from a report between the 10:39 - 16:33 marks here: _

The tie in part of the 2012 session and fireball+missle combo had me remember a brief post regarding the same here: _Albainian munitions explosion article noticed something

Great to see how the past efforts/research is proving to be helpful to maintain focus on the current signal and less on the [past/present] noise.
I can imagine @MMS reaction, because in my opinion @Arlind 's initial response did have some condensending 'air' to my ears. But the discussion so far has been insightfull.

I also think that if it is being done, it is not about getting people sick. Something like weather engineering or maybe HAARP-related chemtrails at high altitude (maybe to influence brainwaves) seem more likely.
This is my take as well. It is my conviction the skies are getting sprayed, but not for the intent of poisining.
Watching the youtubes about the eclipse, there were flights by sightseeing groups to see the eclipse from airplanes. So there's that.
On the topic of chemtrails, I wanted to speculate about it...

I was wondering about the chemtrail speculation, and thinking: 'what if the chemtrails are from cleaning the jet motors.'
I mean, the jets are just an air intake and exhaust... so you suck in all kinds of debris: bugs, birds, particles, ect., Its bound to get congested with coatings on the fans... so at altitude, and while in flight, this process takes place, creating contrails. As a benefit, there is fuel savings.
And so, some engineers consider how valuable water alchohol mixuture is, but are discreet about it because it hurts fuel revenues as aviation is beholden to the fuel industry, and why not keep this process as a trade secret, and under a maintenence category of aviation.
So, in this scenario, science is obscured to facilitate industry dominance. Not so much a plan to poison us or anything like that, but to secure for itself trade secrets. And in this process securing a monopoly.
Aviation is nothing without fuel, is beholden to industry, and science is skewed towards industry, so contrails are nefarious plans in their narrative, and has nothing to do with maintaining dominance - but it does.
Fuel conservation is paramount, but only to the industry that benefits from it. So when someone asks about contrails, it's a diabolical plan. The only thing we are to understand is that vehicles need fuel, and we as consumers must buy it. Its efficient use is metered by industry.
Watching the youtubes about the eclipse, there were flights by sightseeing groups to see the eclipse from airplanes. So there's that.
On the topic of chemtrails, I wanted to speculate about it...

I was wondering about the chemtrail speculation, and thinking: 'what if the chemtrails are from cleaning the jet motors.'
I mean, the jets are just an air intake and exhaust... so you suck in all kinds of debris: bugs, birds, particles, ect., Its bound to get congested with coatings on the fans... so at altitude, and while in flight, this process takes place, creating contrails. As a benefit, there is fuel savings.
And so, some engineers consider how valuable water alchohol mixuture is, but are discreet about it because it hurts fuel revenues as aviation is beholden to the fuel industry, and why not keep this process as a trade secret, and under a maintenence category of aviation.
So, in this scenario, science is obscured to facilitate industry dominance. Not so much a plan to poison us or anything like that, but to secure for itself trade secrets. And in this process securing a monopoly.
Aviation is nothing without fuel, is beholden to industry, and science is skewed towards industry, so contrails are nefarious plans in their narrative, and has nothing to do with maintaining dominance - but it does.
Fuel conservation is paramount, but only to the industry that benefits from it. So when someone asks about contrails, it's a diabolical plan. The only thing we are to understand is that vehicles need fuel, and we as consumers must buy it. Its efficient use is metered by industry.
Greetings Metrist,

The use case you mention is occurring however in certain conditions that alarm people does not seem to be due to engine control manipulation to run rich or to run lean to reduce maintanence and/or increase fuel efficiency.

As mentioned in the MW clip I referenced above, much of what was compartmentalized under funding umbrellas of DOE, DOD and carried out by NASA from a resource perspective, has made it's way into the '-Industrial-' contractors that most likely do it cheaper and more agile than the federal dept's. Funding still comes from them but also private entities that may want to 'try' something new for testing/measurements compared to that which is only on paper and computer models.

As an example spin out companies such as these (_ and (_** Just-clouds **) are paving the way for an increase in data outputs that verify theories and in-turn are then used to go get more budget for the theorists.

Being that to generate the outputs large sections are tested on, commercial carriers benefit from the subsidies of providing resources and that approvals still need to go through the federal agencies, there is not enough transperancy like these types of long term initiatives (_Weather Modification Frequently Asked Questions) but alas, we commoners of this world just have to look up and see there is not much to 'speculate' on. The tickle in back of your throat that was not there in the morning when the sky was blue and winds not so hard, but irritatingly persistant the rest of the day as the blue sky turns into milky semi-opaque skies that makes you squint just looking up, well that is directly associated with non-engine performance optimization spraying of substances.

This 2007 UN Address was talked about amongst this group back then and being that in today's time tables how much information has been open-sourced and along with so much more noise out there, one can hone in on better conclusions with minimal effort versus say a decade ago, to remedy the symptom of folks 'speculation'. (_Rosalind Peterson (FULL VERSION) United Nations address 2007)

Hope that helps!
This is my take as well. It is my conviction the skies are getting sprayed, but not for the intent of poisining.

There's been some hard speculation that the spraying has widely deposited aluminum nanoparticles and is contributing to the extreme devastation of recent wildfires, particularly those ignited by DEWs - excerpts:

But I’ve not yet covered how aluminum plays into the topics I’ve been dealing with more recently - “wild fires” created by DEW’s (especially on Maui) and geoengineering.

I highlighted one of those documentaries last week and because I feel it’s so important, I’m going to do so again right here. If you want to learn about the world wide management agency that implements the will of the powers that shouldn’t be, watch this documentary (hint, it’s the UN.)

Another documentary, The Dimming, is the source for much of the information in this post. If you watch both you’ll find that, thanks to the UN/Paris Accords, aluminum connects the two documentaries and… much else.

One of the points that Dane Wigington comes back to several times in The Dimming, are the on-camera discussions of geoengineering “scientists” admitting that they had not studied the toxic effects of dumping hundreds of millions of tons of free aluminum powder into the atmosphere around the world via chem trails. These pseudo scientists freely admitted that at least a million people could possibly die from the harmful effects of the other toxic elements they were using (no time frame given), but then go on to claim that many more could die if they did nothing. How many would they project to die if they included aluminum in their calculations? Two million? Ten million? I’m sorry but this makes no sense for a number of reasons.

First, to be using a known toxin like aluminum and not doing any studies on the effects of spraying that much in the atmosphere around the world is just plain irresponsible.

Secondly, as Dane makes very clear, there is mounting evidence that chem trials and other geoengineering techniques are more responsible for global warming than normal day to day anthropogenic activities.

But the primary reason it makes no sense is because none of us gave our consent to be sprayed with toxic chem trails.

If Dane is right, and I believe he is, then what we are witnessing is global warming induced by geoengineering to purposely cause a massive culling of the human population. We know this is the plan because for decades the predatory elite have been telling us the population needs to be reduced.

Much of this has to do with the aluminum and other elements that now permeate our skies. In my neck of the woods, chem trials spraying hundreds of millions of tons of aluminum into the atmosphere to block the sun (ostensibly to prevent global warming), prevents daytime heating which helps to generate our afternoon thunderstorms during the monsoon season. That same material traps much of the heat that would otherwise dissipate into the atmosphere at night. Consequently, we’ve just gone through one of the hottest, driest summers on record.

There’s more. Aluminum oxide is endothermic (heat attracting). To make matters worse, the stuff being sprayed in the atmosphere is at the nano scale (approximately 40 microns), which vastly increases its surface area and consequently, its negative properties.

Aluminum oxide, titanium oxide and zinc oxide are all desiccants, which is why they’re commonly used in deodorants and cosmetics. They’re also all toxic.

Aluminum is prevalent in the earths crust. However, because it’s always been bound up with other elements, it’s never before in history been available in its free, oxidized form. It’s for this reason that aluminum is not used in any way by the human body. In fact, it’s not used by any living organism on earth. Quite the contrary. Aluminum is poisonous to all life on earth.

On the PH scale aluminum oxide is alkali. Because it’s being sprayed all over the globe we are now seeing soils becoming so alkali that they can no longer support crops or native plant and animal species. Forests are dying in vast swaths all over the earth. Recent estimates are that up to 70% of all animal species are now gone.

Aluminum is derived from bauxite, which is mined in many places around the earth. Unfortunately, the process of separating aluminum out of bauxite is relatively simple and inexpensive. Because it’s so common and cheap, aluminum oxide has become ubiquitous, not only in our every day lives, but for use in weather modification and, because of its endothermic properties, as an accelerant for fires. With nano particles of aluminum oxide now blanketing much of the earth fires are able to catch under situations where under normal conditions, they may not have caught. And, once they get going they burn more quickly and hotter.

That’s not all. According to Christine Trame PhD (stop 5G on earth and in space), many types of nano particles absorb 5G radiation. Given the affinity aluminum has for heat it comes as no surprise that 5G radiation at the right frequency can set aluminum powder ablaze. As we saw in Lahaina, that can even occur in the water. Not a pleasant thought for those who have taken numerous aluminum tainted jabs.
Part of what makes the chemtrails topic tricky to navigate is that it really IS a thing (gov-mil programs to spray stuff at various altitudes). The key qualification we bring to that theory is that the quantities of 'stuff' involved are relatively insignificant for the spraying's two main alleged purposes: weather modification and mass poisoning. A single volcanic eruption like that one in Tonga a couple of years ago can 'burp' more 'stuff' into the atmosphere (and thus contribute more to weather modification/climate change) than total human emissions (accidental and purposeful combined) can in an entire year. And the mass 'vaccination' program of 2021-2022 was clearly more effective at poisoning people than scattershot atmospheric spraying.

Then there's another factor to consider: gov-mil psy-ops hyping their powers of 'climate control' just to awe people, whereas in fact they're only kidding, like when the media touts Bill Gates's latest plan to block out the sun with a giant disk, or similarly hare-brained ideas, which Gates - or at least the people he works for - knows is hare-brained. They're just taunting or gas-lighting you.

So, at the end of the day, people getting worked up about "all the spraying they're doing to us here today," makes the PTB purr because, subconsciously, you're acknowledging tremendous powers they have over you, powers which they don't really have, or which are ineffective at best. It's like the Wizard of Oz: he's real, and he's big and magical and powerful in appearance, but behind the curtain he's a sad little old man with some nifty but ultimately mechanical machinery.
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UFO seen in Arlington Texas during eclipse?

This one looks like a fireball to me...

Could be! A slow-moving one, but they can be slow.

The X Community Note on the Texas 'UFO' one is probably correct. Although I don't understand how an airplane's shadow would be cast onto the clouds like that, I'm guessing it's some effect of the sunlight during the eclipse. :huh:
Well, the aftermath of the Solar eclipse has been rather quiet.
There are several articles documenting vision damage, as well as permanent blinding.
This seems to have occurred especially among the untrusting “TikTok” generation, who believed “New Age/Sewage” influencers, who told them they would GAIN super powers, by looking directly AT the eclipse!

Geezus, the only super power those gullible idiots got, or WILL get, in my opinion is the opportunity to read Braille.
At least, I’ve always considered it an amazing adaption and ability that sightless humans accomplish.

“Quebec optometrists have confirmed 40 cases of eclipse-related eye damage since the solar event on April 8, and health officials say there could be more.

For the first time, the Quebec's health surveillance directorate has set up a watch for eye injuries linked to a solar eclipse, according to Ministry of Health and Social Services spokesperson Marie-Pierre Blier.

This is being done in collaboration with Quebec's optometrist order. They're particularly looking for cases presented in optometry clinics.”

“40 still may be an underestimation because the data collected from optometry clinics is submitted on a voluntary basis, and there may be a delay in reporting. Also, she noted, not all people go to optometry clinics with concerns.”

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