Common Purpose and Common Purpose International


A Disturbance in the Force
First post - I have been reading here for a long time. I expect many others were besotted faster. Getting up to (any kind of ) speed is tough!

There are many closed-door groups or agencies that seem to play a possible role in "something wicked this way comes" - eg. Bilderbergers (wonderful article here today - Baker/Estulin), etc - the list goes on and on. It can take time to "see" the few strands of strangeness in these groups, in contrast to their public image of "we're not that important, don't worry about us - we always work for the good, didn't you know that?".

Has anyone come across this UK-based charity? I knew nothing of it before, but if this talker's documents are for real, then it could be added to the above list, as there would be evidence of real manipulation. This charity apparently tries to "control" whole cities and regions - and not just, according to the talk, to spread its stated task of "leadership training".

You have to allow for the talker's military bent.

It's a long talk with many documents. But if you wanted any bits of it, maybe

(beginning - introductions etc - )
nine and a half minutes to fifteen - threatened after asking questions about Common Purpose
fifteen to twenty two - a whole city taken over from planners to police to suspected paedophiles
twenty two onwards - some documentary proof of the above .....
twenty four and a half - link to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister - initially denied then confirmed
twenty five - link to the local police - initially denied then confirmed
(involved the Chief Constable of the region, and Common Purpose demands loyalty to itself over and above any other loyalties)
- incl. ? possible connection to "shoot-to-kill" policy ?
twenty eight - link to editor of the local paper - initially denied then confirmed
thirty three - Common Purpose's written aim to be the "eyes and ears" of a city
thirty five - Common Purpose writes to a senior city officer "don't worry, it's just a case of signing a letter.."
forty - Common Purpose advises its basic staff not to answer questions from the public about its funding
forty two - link to Blair and Mandelson
forty five - possible links to Council on Foreign Relations and Tavistock Institute
forty eight - links to BBC, American Embassy London and 10 Downing Street
Here are thir homepages:
UK: _

This looks like "international communism" (Common Purpose International).

This organization seems to be a child of the CIA, CFR, working principally in Europe to destroy the States, from top down even on the local level, thus facilitating their fusion with the greater order of the EU.
Yes. And Common Purpose is spreading outside Europe too. India and Ghana are coming up, with South Africa involved since 1991 (paid for to date by the British government).

The South African Common Purpose site says "Common Purpose now runs over 85 different programmes in over 70 locations across the world", and that "over 120,000 leaders have been involved so far in our programmes. " Common Purpose " enables leaders to connect with each other, local to local, across the world".

A South African graduate of one of its courses reports, "The alumni network is so strong that I would vouch that seven out of ten people would assist any fellow Common Purpose graduate if asked to".

There are not 85 different courses - there's a "replication" of a basic few. The main course for leaders is called "Matrix".

In Europe, Common Purpose has been active in the UK (and how - ), Ireland, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Hungary, with plans developing in France, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey.

A recommendation from a graduate of a Netherlands Common Purpose course begins, "In the Netherlands, where there is little or no tradition of citizenship" ... (1)

Courses are due to start in France in Lille, Nantes, Grenoble, Mulhouse and Toulouse.

Will Common Purpose be convincing its French attendants that they also have no tradition of citizenship?

(1) Untrue. Historical example: Revolutionaries knew they had a problem in the Netherlands, "because .. (these were the words from their 1785 manual, and referred to the many Dutch towns)... all Citizens know and esteem each other".
look at the videos I mentioned on this topic ( !

I just found this website:

What's going on in the world?
(Or: What is a Psychopath, and why is it essential to know?)

By: Veronica Chapman, February, 2008

We are ruled by psychopaths...........

also included is a video: "Lecture by Brian Gerrish, showing what psychopaths are doing to the United Kingdom, through an insidious 'charity', called Common Purpose"

Edit: Common Purpose ?

brian gerrish interview on edge media about what he/they disscovered about
"Common Purpose":
and a slide show presentation:
Article in Cyprus Today – June 7, 2014
-Colonel John Hughes – Wilson

Monster in our midst

Imagine an organisation in Britain today that has at least 80,000 members in 36 cities, and enormous power. Imagine an organisation whose tentacles reach out into the NHS, the BBC, the civil service, the police, the legal profession, the Church, many of Britain’s 8500 quangos, local councils all over the country, schools, social services, government ministries, Parliament, even the MoD and controls many regional development agencies.
Imagine an organisation that can mobilise a secret network of like-minded individuals who can – and do – influence policy, pay out taxpayers’ money and believe they can change Britain.
The Freemasons? No: welcome to a shadowy organisation called Common Purpose (CP).
Largely unknown to the general public, Common Purpose is supposedly a charity that exists to recruit and train its community leaders to work “beyond authority”, and reach for a better tomorrow. However, its work is now known to be deeply subversive and unashamedly political – in direct contravention of the law that forbids charities from engaging in political activity.
Common Purpose was founded in 1989 by Julia Middleton, once described as ‘the best-connected woman you’ve never heard of”. Founded as a not-for-profit social enterprise, CP has grown to become an international organisation. Nowadays it runs local courses for leaders in 35 cities in Britain as well as global programmes for “leaders from over 100 countries across six continents”.
M Middleton was one of the founders of a left-of-centre think tank called Demos, founded in 1994 by journalists from Marxism Today, the journal of the Communist Party of Great Britain. Demos’s idea of Britain as a multicultural grouping of localised communities and regions within a wider EU superstate became an essential part of Tony Blair’s new Labour vision.
Middleton makes no secret of her desire to change the world – whether you like it or not. She is on record as saying: “Wherever Common Purpose operates, you will find leaders doing unusual tings; taking responsibility for problems other than their own – at work and in their community – connecting efforts, recognising consequences, asking difficult questions and gathering disparate teams. These Common Purpose graduates will be working to create change in their organisations and communities”
Since 1994, Ms Middleton has been taken to the bosom of London’s liberal establishment. It turns out that as well as being CEO of CP she is also a director and company secretary of the Media Standards Trust, the financial backers behind the virulently anti-popular-press “Hacked Off” campaign to control the British press. Further investigation of Hacked Off turns up some even more interesting links.
One of the supposedly “independent assessors” of the Leveson report was Sir David Bell. However Bell is also a trustee and a former chairman of Common Purpose. More damaging still, it turns out that no less than three of the six “independent assessors” of Leveson’s report into press freedom turn out to have direct links to Common Purpose. This obviously raises serious questions about Bell’s true independence and the objectivity and neutrality of the Leveson Inquiry itself.
Further investigation reveals that it was none other than Bell and Middleton who set up the Media Standards Trust, the lobby group which presented hours of evidence to the Inquiry. Most damaging of all, it transpires that at one time the Media Standards Trust, Hacked Off and Common Purpose all mysteriously shared the same London address.
So the links are both clear and political. The Media Standards Trust, Hacked Off and Common Purpose al conspired secretly t try and control the British press through the Leveson Enquiry.

This policy to muzzle the press is strongly supported by the EU in Brussels, which turns out to have secretly funded the Media Standards Trust and is calling for “media councils”, with “real enforcement powers, such as the imposition of fines, orders for printed or broadcast apologies” and even ”power to ban people from working as journalists”. They should “follow a set of European-wide standards” and be “monitored by the Commission to ensure that they comply with European values”.
If this was all above board it would be just another well-healed group of champagne socialists beavering away on behalf of the EU. But it is not above board. Common Purpose turns out to be a remarkably shy, even secretive, charitable organisation. Its meetings are held under Chatham House Rules, which means everything that is said in them is unattributable. It refuses to discuss its links with the EU. Nor is Common Purpose any more eager to comply with company law over disclosing the real addresses of its directors. Most of them claim, falsely, to live at the Common Purpose office in Banner Street, EC1.
Request for details of the organisation’s activities under the Freedom of Information Act, even from Members of Parliament, are ignored, delayed and far from comprehensive.
And there is also hard evidence that Common Purpose also controls public funds.
Former naval officer Brian Gerrish was running a locally funded group to find jobs for people in Plymouth. One of their projects was trying to build small wooden boats. One day all the group’s local council funding was withdrawn – without explanation. This was because, in his own words, “we ran into a strange organisation called Common Purpose operating in the city... it turned out that they were operating in the council, the government offices, the police, the judiciary.... it was like a quasi-secret society which doesn’t declare itself”.
Worse was to come. When Gerrish and his colleagues tried to investigate CP using the Freedom of Information Act he discovered that secret blacklists were being passed between CP members. Material that was disclosed was heavily redacted and key points blacked out: unusual – and illegal – for a supposed charity, with nothing to hide.
Further investigation, however, reveals that Common Purpose UK (Ltd Company No 2832875) is really a business subsidiary of “The Common Purpose Charitable Trust”, although both bodies are registered with the Charity Commission under the same charity number 1023384.
Even one of its own “graduates” has written: “Two things bother me. The first is that Government departments that send people on its courses are throwing our money around. The second is its charitable status. Common Purpose is really a business just like any should be taxed as a business.”
And that is really the big question behind Common Purpose. It’s not just the shifty politics: it’s the public money. A recent Freedom of Information request by Conservative MP Philip Davies uncovered the fact that the Department of Work and Pensions spent £238,000 of public money sending its people on CP courses. The MoD alone has spent over £400,000 of public money for CP courses. The BBC flatly refuses to admit how many of its staff are CP members and how much of the licence fee has been paid out to Common Purpose.
The key question then arises: should publicly funded institutions like the police, local authorities, government departments and the BBC fork out over £100 million of taxpayer’s money to an organisation that is supposed to be an independent charity – yet is run as a highly profitable business and cheerleader for the EU?
Brain Gerish, who now leads a campaign to expose Common Purpose, says: “It’s a secret society....operating a highly political agenda, which is to create new chosen leaders in some new society.”
And it’s all paid for by the UK taxpayer: and the EU as well. Were you aware that Brussels quietly paid a whopping £1.4 million EU grants to Common Purpose in 2011?
I wonder who Common Purpose is really working for?
Thanks. It's interesting that there is almost nothing about their objectives, aims, modes of influence etc to be found online. They really seem to keep pretty much under the radar.

I found this site: _ that claims that CP

is an elitest pro-EU political organisation helping to replace democracy in UK, and worldwide, with CP chosen ‘elite’ leaders. [/b]In truth, their hidden networks and political objectives are undermining and destroying our democratic society and are threatening ‘free will’ in adults, teenagers and children. Their work is funded by public money and big business, including international banks.

Both candidates and 'trained graduates' will have no real understanding of Common Purpose's wider role to help achieve a political and social paradigm shift in the UK. The real objective, would appear to be to replace our traditional UK democracy with the new regime of the EU superstate.

Well, okay, that's it? Hard to believe. And "traditional" UK democracy, well :halo:?

This is interesting, however:

Using behavioural and experiential learning techniques, the views of graduates can be remoulded to conform to the new Common Purpose. Most will not be aware this has happened, but we are given immediate clues in descriptions by graduates that Common Purpose training is 'life changing', 'disturbing, or 'unsettling'. Trained and operating under the Chatham House rules of secrecy (details of discussion, those present and location are not disclosed), CP graduates come to operate in 'their world' of Common Purpose. Please go to Document Library .......Category.........Mind Control Background on this site for historical information regarding manipulation of people's free will and behaviour.

And this (all from the same side):

Common Purpose promotes the 'empowerment of individuals', except where individuals challenge the activities of CP, and public spending on CP. These people are branded vexatious, extremist, right wing or mentally unsound. Mrs Julia Middleton, the Chief Executive of Common Purpose, praises the work of German bankers. Deutsche Bank is, of course, a major power behind Common Purpose. Mrs Middleton, earning circa £80,000 p.a. from her charity, is also very happy to promote the term 'USEFUL IDIOTS' in her book 'Beyond Authority'. Are we the General Public the USEFUL IDIOTS, or are the Elitest Common Purpose Graduates? You must decide.
Actually, the site gets more and more interesting. Here is a selection of articles:

Shocking expose of Common Purpose behavioural training of Police Officers

CP Training with 'cult'characteristics

Common Purpose links with ARK, Teachfirst and Tavistock Institute
This summary kindly provided by Ms Cassie shows links between Common Purpose, Absolute Return for Kids ARK (already being researched for its suspect activity with children and big business Academy Schools), Teachfirst (a 'leadership' teaching recruitment organisation), and the Tavistock Institute (home of mind control techniques). Just what are these people up to? Are our children safe?

A video assessment of Julia Middleton's use of Neuro Linguistic Programming. Julia Middleton is CEO of Common Purpose.

Strange the names Ms Cassie and ARK appear - they are the antithesis of them!

happyliza said:
Strange the names Ms Cassie and ARK appear - they are the antithesis of them!


There are indeed a couple of things that are strange about this organisation:

They claim to be leftist, but, the left in the UK is much more EU friendly than the right: Milliband made it very clear that there will be no referendum when he wins the elections, for example.

And Middleton "praises the German bank politics" with Deutsche Bank "being a major power behind CP"
Which real leftie would sign up for that??

I've just heard of this today. It appears to be some sort of Fifth Column affair at the UK Local Government level.
The common goal appears to be subversion of traditional values in favour of the globalist agenda.

Re-engineering society without any publicity.

It also appears that members of this secret organization were complicit in the ignoring and subsequent cover up of child abuse and paedophilia in Rotheram.

Worthy of further study I think..
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