Condolences to Mr. Premise

Thank you all for your condolences. It was kind of a shock because as a child I assumed he would live forever. He had pneumonia and went into respiratory arrest and then into a full arrest. The paramedics revived him but he came back into a coma. He stayed in a coma for a couple days and then yesterday they got the CT scan results which showed that he was brain dead so my aunt pulled the plug...It's a reminder of how unexpectedly and quickly we can go and I can't help but to recall Gurdjieff's "The Last Hour Of Life." I hope he's doing ok on 5d..
I would like to add my condolences to you Mr. Premise and seeking_spirals. The loss of a friend and a loved one is a trauma in itself.
seeking_spirals said:
Thank you all for your condolences. It was kind of a shock because as a child I assumed he would live forever. He had pneumonia and went into respiratory arrest and then into a full arrest. The paramedics revived him but he came back into a coma. He stayed in a coma for a couple days and then yesterday they got the CT scan results which showed that he was brain dead so my aunt pulled the plug...It's a reminder of how unexpectedly and quickly we can go and I can't help but to recall Gurdjieff's "The Last Hour Of Life." I hope he's doing ok on 5d..
Yeah, we (people) have a false sense of security and no one likes to think about their own death, which can come at any moment. Knowledge protects, but there are no guarantees and as long as we're mortal we are in constant risk. Anything we do that doesn't contribute to our growth and isn't actualizing our potential while we're alive is truly a waste. Our time is unpredictably short, our energy is limited, and unless one subscribes to the idea that everything is meaningless, there is no time or energy to spare for nonsense and distraction. But without a will, without ability to consciously stay on course, there is no hope. So the first step must be getting rid of anything that keeps us mechanical and unable to choose to actualize our destiny - emotionally (EE), physically (diet, sleep, etc), and psychologically (ponerology, the Work). At the same time, we must practice honing our will by "making" ourselves do what we don't want to do, one little step at a time. Doing EE consistently could be a good exercise for that.

Today your friend died, tomorrow it will be me, you, or any of us. It's a sobering thought. Or it ought to be. The problem is that without conscious will, no thought is ever truly sobering. It's sobering for a moment, but in a minute we'll go back to being comfortable again. We'll be back under the illusion that we have all the time in the world to do "important" things, and that our death is certainly not imminent nor is time and energy limited. Our machine brought us back into a false comfort zone, into happy sleep. But we say we're just "resting our eyes", we're not sleeping, and like a drug addict would claim, we can "stop" whenever we want to, and we will... "soon".

And how do we stop this vicious cycle? Things like EE help, but there's no magic pill, no easy button. There is no auto-pilot that will turn off our auto-pilot. Consciousness will not evolve unconsciously. It will take conscious effort, and it will be a struggle against our machine, and there's just no way to escape having to struggle and fight for our consciousness and for our destiny. And it must be now. Not tomorrow, or soon, or when "this or that" occurs in our life to make it convenient. The general law will NEVER make it "convenient" to wake up and unplug from the Matrix, because this is how it works. So it must be now. No matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable the circumstances, it must be now, or it will be never.

If we can drill "now or never" into our heads when it comes to working towards our own destiny, it's the only way we'll ever do it.
My condolences to you two as well, and to all else who have been or are experiencing loss. I hope that your loved ones are free of pain in 5D. I've been beginning to think that if there's a good time to check out, it's now; many of our friends and family may be going to 5D soon, because, as mentioned earlier, the cosmic changes are not in their lesson profiles. At least, then, less will suffer.

And thank you, SAO, for another alarm clock. Time spent on mechanical pursuits is time wasted, as I have yet to fully understand.
Sincere condolences to you both, Mr Premise and Seeking Spirals. :flowers: :(

As SAO has pointed out, and I would guess that many of us have been thinking about but perhaps not stating, there will be many people close to all of us who will be "checking out" rather than face what is surely going to be a traumatic future:- How can it not be?

So we could each and every one of us be losing friends, family, colleagues, however close or distant, each and every one of them will to those of us that are left behind to be a gut wrenchingly painful loss (like having the floor taken away from beneath you), yet also one must acknowledge that for those individuals in question it may well be a blessing. If they are truly and totally asleep the trauma of the future (I have given these future scenarios a fair old amount of wondering) could be absolutely mind and soul destroying. The dream may end in one fell swoop, and there will be no time to make any sense of the mayhem...

During some very dark times for me at the end of last year when I was ranting psychotically at myself (and against myself) for my own failures, I remember hearing a voice late one night asking me if I wanted to check out. I said no, but not out of any emboldened spirit at the time, and I would be a liar if I said I had the spirit of a warrior now. No, the reason why I said no is because I was afraid of death, and of karma. I chose to plough on and slowly my life has gradually improved. By getting clean and most importantly by coming clean, to all I have been hiding from, most notably myself.

I am now ready to actually think about my own mortality, because I have already had the bejeezus scared out of me from an EE experience that suggested that some terrible traumas were coming on the way. They were vague but I got the gist of what the future tragedies could be like.

Just as church and the notion of "Heaven" was once a source of great comfort to me as a child, I can now see and understand that that comfort has now been transplanted to the concept of Fifth density. For many of us it may actually be heaven. DCM knows we've all suffered.

SAO said:
But without a will, without ability to consciously stay on course, there is no hope. So the first step must be getting rid of anything that keeps us mechanical and unable to choose to actualize our destiny - emotionally (EE), physically (diet, sleep, etc), and psychologically (ponerology, the Work). At the same time, we must practice honing our will by "making" ourselves do what we don't want to do, one little step at a time. Doing EE consistently could be a good exercise for that.

This is tremendous advice, and I understand it, yet I also understand that it is all too easy to understand and then fail to apply, day in, day out, until one has the magnetised iron will. The retraining of the will is the most important aspect of the growing pains, and to not collapse into hopelessness when resistance proves to be stronger than we imagined..
Skipling, thank you so much for your sharing. It is comforting to see how people here are sincere and very, very profound without fear to give what they are.

This fear of death is something that myself have to work. And this fear of myself, my shadow, my failures, everything, I have to do so much! But listening to all of you I feel that the Work will be less traumatic. We, some of us, need guides, lights. Thank you so much!

loreta said:
This fear of death is something that myself have to work. And this fear of myself, my shadow, my failures, everything, I have to do so much! But listening to all of you I feel that the Work will be less traumatic. We, some of us, need guides, lights. Thank you so much!

Yep, my fears are I believe commonplace, particularly now, when I think many more of us are becoming increasingly aware that the times are hotting up, and with that there is a tendency to try and overdo it, and try to do more than the mind can handle (in my case that is), which can lead to poorly digested information/knowledge, or a total info-overload where little can be processed. These are all the symptoms of a self-confessed ne-er do well making up for lost time. :-[ But, hey, that in itself is a lesson, and can also lead to other lessons still to be learned.

However, I do still have faith that the subconscious can be the best guide in these times, as it can digest slowly and perhaps slowly feed the mind where it feels itself to be deficient. In that regard my subconscious has become a most welcome ally and true friend! It's all a part of the search within I think.

loreta said:
It is comforting to see how people here are sincere and very, very profound without fear to give what they are.

Sincerity is golden. It's the only way to truly learn. Quite often it hurts, but after a while I began to see that it was the predator within me, the "know it all" ego (which in reality knows very little about truth and reality), which was doing most of the hurting. The same goes for the fear. 'Tis better to blunder in public and learn than to hide, lurk and stagnate, that's what I discovered!
My condolences for your loss Mr Premise, and Seeking_spirals.

If they are truly and totally asleep the trauma of the future (I have given these future scenarios a fair old amount of wondering) could be absolutely mind and soul destroying. The dream may end in one fell swoop, and there will be no time to make any sense of the mayhem...

This thought came to my mind recently, this is really blessing in a way because their souls will be saved and not be crushed but I don't think that everyone who stays won't be crushed, it sounds like the barging but price is to high!
Oh man, the future offers unlimited possible learning opportunities. And outright terror could be one of them, unfortunately. It is an omnipresent aspect of the first three densities of nature, after all.

I foresee many of my own preconceptions being dashed, that's for sure. In the quietest moments of my mind, in the wee small hours, it can terrify me. Just thinking about what's coming. A big heart is what's needed, but it's just not as simple as it seemed to me all those years ago, when I was just collecting info and learning new stuff every day.

The gravity of the situation hit me suddenly, and then it took me quite a while to even register that awareness.

I hope to be able to help those that I can who need assistance, should I still be here when the proverbial hits the fan....

For that I need to understand myself and my personality far more than I currently do.

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