So called father of modern propaganda machine is said to had said that repeating a lie 100 times makes it become true. That of course and obviously is just another lie and no matter how many times it gets repeated it will never become the truth. In that sense being exposed to lies while knowing the truth about them, would not endanger our internal magnetization. The issue evidently arises only when we believe the lies and consider them to be the actual truth, which then informs our actions and choices, in a sense our beings. From this we can conclude that it is crucial to have at least one self-sustained domain in our light beings correctly aligned by truth, which then can serve as a reference or maybe better said the reference for any and all other alignments and arrangements of information within our knowledge fields.
Up to know, we sort of interchangeably used the terms knowledge field, light field, light being and local information field. If we gonna mean business, and I would rather that we do, we need to start paying attention to refer to these concepts in a sort of more mathematically precise manner. For that to happen, we would of course need to have more or less precise definitions in mathematical terms, and to arrive at the definitions, we need a framework within which to work them out. In principle, that's what these previous posts here have been about, all the while having in mind that a significant chunk of needed framework we might just borrow from what Ark's been doing over at his blog for several months now, and maybe even more. Of course, having also in mind that the C's said that branch of mathematics suitable for describing consciousness business would be pranalytical mathematics, by "borrowing", which I think
@ark would not mind, but to be sure about that pinging him here explicitly, we do not mean literally copy-pasting, but having something to draw analogies from, besides classical EM theory. In that sense, we might introduce some mathematical and physical formulas into our descriptions, because no point to have Ark being unhappy with what we all do here, but all that in its due time.
While waiting for Ark's eventual feedback, we might address in bit more details the last term of the trio in the thread title, the measurements, as pages have already been written about first two of them, information and consciousness. In the opening posts of the thread it was said that measurement in its broad sense of meaning might be regarded as an observation. Then later down the road, while weaving our multidimensional points of information together into the representation fabric of the global cosmic information field, we saw that observation, similar to truth, is a rather delicate piece of information. It seems that observation has a sort of a special role in our multidimensional interplay of information. Looking at what observation might represent in local terms, as a kind of a measurement, in the context of information and consciousness, we might say that during an observation exchange of information happens between two segments of the global cosmic information field.
Leaving the discussion about if the recording of information by the observer field segment is also happening during the exchange with the observed field segment for another time, it's interesting to note that observed segment is not actually devoid of the information, while the observer is still being enriched by the exchange. As it were, the exchange or current or flow of information seemingly would not have an apparent analogous counterpart in classical material physical science, as there so called equation of continuity, also known as conservation law, principally governs the dynamics.
Expressed in layman terms, the equation of continuity simply states that an amount or quantity of something in a given region of space can change only if there is a flow, influx or outflux, of that something through the surface enveloping that region of space. In our case of an observation, it would evidently imply that for information to reach the observer, the observed would need to part away with that same information, and we just remarked that's not what really happens between our local segments of the global cosmic information field.
In fact, even the complete opposite might actually happen, that is if the observed segment remains open to receiving feedback from the observer segment, and possibly truly asks for it, and that feedback is really given or provided, possibly freely, the observation acts also as a sort of a mirror reflection or kind of a self-reflection on others, that is on the observer to be more precise, and has a potential of enriching also the observed segment in the process. Of course, the information exchange and enrichment of either of those local field segments apparently also enriches the global cosmic information field. Although, from the broadest general point of view, all possible information is already and always present within the DCM, most likely everywhere, but probably only in the latent state, waiting or better said leaving particular consciousness unit or units to actually inform the field locally by themselves.
Here again we see an example of non-linear dynamics at play in the form of a positive feedback loop. Perhaps, in terms of classical physics, we could draw parallels and find resemblance with the phenomenon of a resonance, which might be something we are more familiar with when it comes to describing it in mathematical terms, as in meeting of two vibrations of very close or identical frequencies. And at that sort of a hint, we once again arrived at the point of being in need to actually have knowledge of usual linearly based descriptions, to steadily advance in our building or weaving, this time by observation, in secure objectively informed manner, in alignment with the actual reality of things around us and within us.
In a sort of conclusion to these introductory notes, it's perhaps appropriate to remark that drawing on analogies with the things and phenomena as described in material physical science asks for discernment and paying strict attention to objective reality left and right. Well, in fact in every direction as it were. In certain cases we would need to basically completely reverse things as they have been presented by modern science for them to be applicable to the global cosmic information field and wave reading consciousness units within it. Almost as looking at them from upside-down position and seeing if there is a match or correspondence between the two.
We already saw the need to sort of reverse the meaning of things when using the analogy of magnetically isolated domains in plasma systems while applying it locally to the global cosmic information field to come to a knowledge light field defining the being and being defined by the structure of the being of a particular consciousness unit within the DCM. Notice the non-linearity again, basically at the foundational level of the very existence itself. On the other hand, while dealing with orientation by truth and related metaphorical magnetization in its direction, kind of B or C influences, we could apply the analogy with hysteresis and heat production for instance due to the resistance to electrical current flow in more sort of a matching manner. Although, even in these cases it might be noted that there is no literal correspondence between the two worlds, as the truth in objective reality context is basically in every possible 3-dimensional spatial direction around us and within us. And not only in 3-dimensional direction, although that's what we perceive as our everyday reality around us, but multidimensional in whatever number of dimensions there are in the global cosmic information field.
So, it's not only mindless repetition and copying that we embarked to do on our journey here, but to creatively use our resources like our brains and our minds, all the while having fun and being informed by the objective assessments to the best of our ability in the forms of actual observations, to paint and draw and describe what we see our reality is revealing, as in saying and showing to us.
So fellows, let's roll, or maybe better said, in the spirit of our adventure, let's cruise.