Consciousness, Information and Measurements

We don’t determine which layer/density we connect to as we are in 3D are connect to that layer. Now I am not saying other information from other layer/densities can’t “bleed through” at times but when I talk about these things I talk in majority meaning 50.01%+ of the time our wave reading consciousness unit interacts with 3D layer/density as we are plugged into this 3D density.

There may be an all encompassing information field however there is also an all encompassing ocean and when you swim in the Pacific Ocean you are in the all encompassing ocean or are you in the pacific? We are having a specific consciousness experience because we and the system at the time of reincarnation from 5D believed this 3D 50.01+% of the time information field was the best place to evolve our individual consciousness and thus the larger consciousness system.

The system or I guess information field is ONE do that is correct but here and now in time space we are experiencing a certain aspect fragment of it…This IS reality the one information field exists but it’s not our physical reality.

We are granted or allowed access to the densities we can’t just go to a different rule set at our whims so YES there is one information field but from a practical standpoint we are here and now in this fragmented part of the one just like our individual unit of consciousness is one with the larger consciousness but we are here now logged on aware of this density…..I’m not sure we differ I just might be talking more practical and specific than broad and esoteric
OK, that might be so, that we're just using different terminology.

The thing is, as I see it, that our level of awareness or consciousness, of our knowledge and/of being, determined how and "where" we plug into the cosmic information field or, maybe even better term to use, where we are in the Divine Cosmic Mind, in this specific reincarnational cycle. Kind of in line with what the C's said that it doesn't matter where we are, but who we are and what we see. And that extends to 5D too, for example Pierre does not see and experience 4D yet, because his knowledge and/of being is not at that level yet.

In that sense the DCM or the cosmic information field is omnipresent always everywhere in all its glory, beauty and fullness, but our FRV and ability to read the wave determines what kind of a blueprint of lessons we seek and sketch for ourselves to experience. And then we might go and find suitable realms to actually live those experiences.

Does this fit better to your view?
An Anonymous commented on Ark's blog in response to "Without a reference, be it inside or outside, there is no way to tell the difference between the movement and the stationary state of being." that "Maybe because they (differences) do not actually exist. Optical illusions are an example of this.", which has made me think about our information here and its representation. In a sense, Anonymous is right, there are no differences as all is information. But in very important aspect Anonymous is wrong, as differences seem to be the ones that make the reality and everything within it manifest.

So, going back to that exchange with the C's during the session of May 28th 2013 that served as sort of a spring-board for this thread and discussion, this time in a bit broader scope and context. Hopefully, this might make things a bit clearer also for Menna.
Q: (L) Okay, next question. In terms of "preparedness" for the coming - er, currently manifesting – changes, how important is it to truly connect to other people?

A: If that is the only way to achieve truth within the self, it is very important.

Q: (L) I don't think that was quite the way the question was intended. I think it was about having a group that helps each other in material or physical ways in the coming times.

A: If there is truth within that will manifest naturally like the pieces of a puzzle snapping into place.

Q: (L) Next question on the list: How do consciousness, information, and matter relate to each other?

A: Different concentrations of truth.

Q: (L) So I'm assuming you mean that matter would be one concentration, and consciousness would be another, and information like maybe pure information would be the purest form?

A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.

Q: (L) We talked before a little bit about information being involved in where earth changes would be manifesting and that locations could be attractors as well as some people can be attractors for cosmic events or electrical things, like they have this negative thing and it fries them in the process. mkrnhr said something the other day about the destruction of information. We were talking in a broad context, but we were talking about destruction of libraries, archaeology, and that war itself was essentially destroying information. It was an anti-information, or the ultimate disinformation so to speak. So I guess my question is how is this going to affect where, when, and how any of these sheets of electrical rain or electrical discharges or whatever manifest? Is this going to be like... I don't even know how to ask the question. (Belibaste) I have a question that might go in the right direction. During the last session, it was established that if a human population believes in information that is orthogonal to truth, that is, lies, then it can modulate cosmic events. To understand better the mechanism, I wanted to know where information is stored?

A: Consciousness.

Although all is information, in this exchange we see that for example matter and consciousness are referred to as different concentrations of truth, which is of course also an information, just like a lie is. But a difference between truth and lies is crucial, existential even, at least from the point of view of consciousness, as noted in the quoted exchange with the C's.

With this in mind, we come to tentative conclusion that there are different kinds or types of information, or that there is information of different order or quality. In that sense, truth, which can also be a simple standalone information by itself, is type of information that speaks about the quality of other information, so let's say that truth is information of "higher" order.

Then there are sort of simple information that can stand alone with a more or less exact meaning associated with them, like information representing "objects", that is object-like kind of information. Those "objects" could be physical as in material like a body or a cloud, emotional or sensational like joy or excitement, or mental that is kind of imaginal or abstract like a reference or an algebra or a truth, and any combinations of these three groups, much alike in correspondence to center sectors as they were presented in Mouravieff's work for example.

These simple standalone information might be perhaps represented by those multidimensional points introduced in previous posts here, as they sort of would not need other information by themselves for the actualization of their potential meanings, which in fact are again information. A consciousness in interaction with them could reach as deep as its awareness level enables it into the overall cosmic information field for actual meanings of that specific information for that particular consciousness unit. By themselves these information points or units would not be lies, but neither would they be exactly the truth as such. Their truthfulness quality would be acquired by the way how consciousness interacts with them, that is how they would be assembled and/or placed in relation to other information, and which meanings would be associated with them. For example, a woman by itself is not a lie, but what that object-like information represents to usual woke person is more lie than truth.

In a sense, cosmic information field would be like an infinite multidimensional space spanned by the most beautiful complex light network of connections, joining multidimensional points of information with other information in the form of their potential but true meanings. Of course, a consciousness unit within this light network could by its ignorance or/and by its choice kind of make illusory untrue connections like in that example of a usual woke person with the concept of a woman. But as those illusory untrue connections would not be made of real true light or knowledge and understanding, they would not have that cohesive property or capacity or capability of truth to actually bond and incorporate the newly acquired information into the being, as in already present light network of that wave reading unit, to become integral part of the overall consciousness in question.

Together with these standalone object-like information, in the light network of the cosmic information field, there would probably also be simple information representing "relations" and "actions", sort of relation-like and action-like types, which potential meanings would get actualized in relation or as a result of application to other information, like a yes as in relation to truth or true for example or a change as a result of a movement or rotation for example. But with this kind of qualification things start to be more delicate depending on let's say the situation, as there are information which actualized meanings, all potentially true, might vary on how particular consciousness interacts with them or how they get applied, like good-better or success or observation for example.

So to keep things simple for starters, let's call it a day with this post, shall we?

Edit: Spelling
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While still being in pranalytical domain of mathematics, let's expand a bit our scope with some physics, plasma physics in particular.

In ECHCC Laura and especially Pierre gave us a nice intro in the field of plasma and going from there we already know what plasma systems are, in the sense of how they are considered in a narrow context of various physical materials and so called electric charge separation. In a more or less layman terms it could be said that plasma represents sort of fourth aggregate state, in addition to three states usually encountered in our everyday lives, solids - liquids - gases.

In a bit broader context it can be fairly stated that everything we observe in nature is basically plasma of one kind or another, depending on the scale we perform our observations. Atoms in a simple Bohr's kind of a model apparently conform to even to narrow usual physical definition of plasma, with negatively electrically charged electrons orbiting around positively electrically charged nuclei. In similar manner, using the concept of Langmuir's sheaths or DLs as exposed in ECHCC, we might ascribe plasma quality to planetary and stellar systems, and most probably even to galaxies. Also, as nicely presented in ECHCC (p.9), physical state of plasma got its name due to resemblance to living blood cells. So we might tentatively expand or maybe better said extrapolate the plasma property or quality even to the living world in general physical terms.

What's maybe not explained in the ECHCC though, at least not in bit more details where devil often hides, are magnetic properties of plasma systems. Taking into account the phenomenon of so called magnetic shielding where so called impurities in plasma get sort of isolated by kind of internal local magnetic fields into their own sort of domains, we see that the word "tentatively" in previous passage could be dropped out, as living beings, that is their physical bodies on a cellular level, basically exhibit pretty much the same behavior. When impurities in the form of foreign DNA cells are registered to have invaded and compromised the integrity of the body, its immune reaction is quite in accordance with what plasma systems do with magnetic fields and impurities there, as regions of different electrical charge density compared to the surroundings or neighboring regions in such systems.

Now, we might use this description above and apply it as an analogy to construct or create a particular consciousness unit in the overall global cosmic information field or our Divine Cosmic Mind.

In previous posts we have implicitly arrived at a working definition or hypothesis of how to refer to consciousness, that is as a knowledge and/of being. The term "and/of" denotes that there is a being, as a sort of a structure in the cosmic information field which is presumably arranged by truth, and that there is a knowledge or specific information about the very existence of that being, which can be summed up as the information that the arrangement has really been performed by truth.

The analogy with plasma comes into play when we associate the internal magnetic field defining specific domain inside a plasma system with the knowledge or information about the existent particular consciousness unit being within the global cosmic information field. The particular domain enveloped by the local magnetic field in the plasma system is still just a plasma, only of different charge density, as noted in previous passage. The same with consciousness unit, in the sense that its being is also still made of information, arranged by truth, as all information actually are in the global cosmic information field. It's only of different apparent density compared to the underlying cosmic information field in a sense that given consciousness unit does not yet possess the knowledge or awareness of the level of the DCM.

Going further with the analogy, we might say that the local magnetic field, which is basically in general an electromagnetic field or in fact light, which serves as an envelope for a consciousness unit, but also permeates its very being or body made of information, is not of such density level that awareness of that particular consciousness unit includes knowledge of all possible information arrangements by truth that exist and can possibly exist in the global cosmic information field.

Under some conditions, information might be arranged by lies also, but in that case knowledge about such arrangements could be considered to be false knowledge. In our analogy this false knowledge would be represented by part of internal local magnetic field of different or opposite polarity. That part of the field would then not be able to naturally include or incorporate into the light field of the consciousness unit, but would require additional energy investment to keep such a misaligned domain as a non-integrated part of the being. The more the magnetic field enveloping and permeating such a lie-based domain differs from the true arrangement of information in the omnipresent and all-encompassing and all-pervasive global cosmic information field, the more energy would be needed to keep it as a part of the light being.

Eventually, the expenditure of energy would not be sustainable anymore, and the lie-based domains then fracture from the consciousness of a given unit and dissolve back into the cosmic information field, in a sense that information that was contained within them, or out of which these lie-based domains were made, spontaneously arrange themselves back to true arrangement present everywhere throughout the global cosmic information field or the DCM.

In that sense, that's what might happen or perhaps probably happens when we leave the material realm and physical bodies in a specific incarnation and head back home to 5D. And with such a scenario it would make perfect sense that the C's would remind us that it's not our physical bodies that matter, but our souls or consciousness with light beings aligned by truth, and not by lies.
In previous post we saw that knowledge can be represented as a light field, much alike to magnetic field in electromagnetism. What are possible implications of such a representation?

Well, much alike to geomagnetic field in relation to the planet Earth and living world residing on it, knowledge can then protect our beings from all kinds of harmful and detrimental influences there could be in our environment. So, on already sort of first step on our light journey, we reached first half of our motto, "Knowledge protects".

What about the other half, "Ignorance endangers"? Well, ignorance is basically lack of knowledge, which when translated through the lens of the analogy presented in previous post, simply points to gaps or openings or regions of lower or close to non-existent density in our protective light fields. In the parlance of the C's, gaps in awareness, which might be a source of all kinds of negative influences entering into our lives, our beings, potentially causing all kinds of mishaps.

But, there are not only negative things out there, our knowledge light field is also a place or maybe more suitable term might be a region of contact, of interaction with others, with other light fields around us. It seems self-evident from the exposition so far, that the "first" other around us or next to us is in fact the DCM, that is the global cosmic information field or the Divine Light Field out of which everything, including us, is composed of.

How to ascribe for differences then, because obviously we are we and others are still others at the end of the day, although we all reside within the DCM? Well, there are many possibilities on which aspects we can place our attention and focus to in respect to light and light fields where differences could arise. One of the possibilities, already mentioned here, would be light field density. Another one might be frequency which we usually perceive as color of hue.

But, frequency as usually considered in physics and in science in general, would involve time as a sort of a medium where and through which a wave propagates, in our case a light wave or electromagnetic wave. That in itself makes things a bit complex as we haven't really created in earnest even our ordinary 3-dimensional space, yet alone time. Although, the C's did mention to Laura that all aspects of a wave could be happening all at once, removing time from the equation. But still, even in that case we would be left to deal with space, and that seems to be still few more steps ahead. So, maybe better to leave that part of the discussion, about space and time, for some other time and another post when we would be a bit better equipped with knowledge to deal with these concepts more efficiently.

So, let's take a look at what different light field densities might provide us with.

In part 7 of the podcast series with Jay and Hunter, Laura mentioned that basically an unique quality consciousness has is the ability to self-reflect. In electromagnetism, reflection is essentially a wave phenomenon. Light wave gets reflected or refracted when, on its way, it encounters a region of different so called refractive index, usually denoted by the letter n, than the region in which it has been propagating just before. Leaving aside technicalities, as we still or yet don't actually have 3-dimensional space where and in which electrodynamics operates, let's just say that essentially different indexes in classical ED paradigm might be viewed as regions of different light field density in our global cosmic information field.

So, a consciousness unit within the DCM actually reflects or self-reflects on the multidimensional surface where its local light field of a given density meets or comes in contact with the cosmic information field of different light density. Knowledge given consciousness unit has, that is sort of density of its light field, is kind of responsible for what that consciousness would see around itself and in itself as well. Or maybe better said of itself, as being of a light, we can practically look in any direction and at any angle within our light fields we choose to, if we know how to take a particular stance or a vantage point within ourselves. And consequently, we can then reflect on regions of different light density within our local light fields or on global information field of different light density around us.

Obviously, from mathematical or scientific, physical point of view, as there is light interacting with light, we are in so called non-linear domain already, and we haven't properly addressed even the linear type or description of light phenomena yet. So, let's call it a day at this point and let things settle a bit before we proceed further on with our light building.
Before plunging ourselves completely into the world of light interactions viewed through the prism of knowledge and/of being, I'd like to get something off my chest first. Apologies for maybe repeating myself, but I find this matter to be of vital importance that no matter how many times it gets pointed out, it probably still wouldn't be too much.

Another implication of the analogy between EM fields and knowledge or light has already been mentioned in previous posts, in the sense of field polarity or orientation. We saw that our light fields come from information arranged by truth, otherwise false knowledge from believing lies results in misaligned segments of the local field which effectively can fracture our whole being. In that sense, false knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge at all, as gaps or regions of lower density can be mended by maybe at first bridging over them and then ultimately by learning as to fill them with light - knowledge - love.

Fractures in our beings, on the other hand, which ultimately can lead to disintegration of consciousness or breaking of the structure of our light beings, in a sense to the soul smashing, ask for a different approach to get fixed than just simple learning. That is if it is even possible to fix them without completely parting away with these misaligned parts of our light fields. We are talking about beliefs in lies here, which of course is the matter of our free will to do so, to the extent we have free will based on true knowledge.

One way to deal with the situation, presuming we at least stopped magnetizing ourselves by lying to ourselves, would be to expose our light fields to an external knowledge field based on truth. Drawing again on the analogy with the magnetic fields, we might naturally expect heat production due to the currents that arise when fields of different polarities interact with each other. Well, heat actually comes from the resistance to the induced flow, not exactly from the flow itself. If there would be nothing to resist the current, there would of course be no heat resulting from its passage.

In that sense, lies that still might be present in our beings, and especially strong false beliefs, are the most resistant parts to the flow of truth. And if they have been deeply ingrained into the being, maybe even into its very core, resistance we might feel when facing the truth could under certain circumstances even lead to a real and complete fracturing of the being. Therefore, handling beliefs, especially beliefs of others, needless to say asks for extreme caution.

Another thing that we can draw an analogy from magnetism, in the context of believing lies, is the hysteresis or so called memory effect magnetic and magnetized materials exhibit. Magnetizing some non-magnetized domain in any direction for the first time is easier, and usually much easier, than let's say rectifying already existent magnetization. The domain once magnetized by lies, even when stopped being exposed to lying, still remains with the residual magnetization in that direction, that is believing those lies. Before even starting to reorient itself towards truth, it takes a considerable application of the external field in the truth direction to even get to zero magnetization. And only then the still continued exposition to the truth might lead to actually being properly magnetized in its direction.

So called father of modern propaganda machine is said to had said that repeating a lie 100 times makes it become true. That of course and obviously is just another lie and no matter how many times it gets repeated it will never become the truth. In that sense being exposed to lies while knowing the truth about them, would not endanger our internal magnetization. The issue evidently arises only when we believe the lies and consider them to be the actual truth, which then informs our actions and choices, in a sense our beings. From this we can conclude that it is crucial to have at least one self-sustained domain in our light beings correctly aligned by truth, which then can serve as a reference or maybe better said the reference for any and all other alignments and arrangements of information within our knowledge fields.

Up to know, we sort of interchangeably used the terms knowledge field, light field, light being and local information field. If we gonna mean business, and I would rather that we do, we need to start paying attention to refer to these concepts in a sort of more mathematically precise manner. For that to happen, we would of course need to have more or less precise definitions in mathematical terms, and to arrive at the definitions, we need a framework within which to work them out. In principle, that's what these previous posts here have been about, all the while having in mind that a significant chunk of needed framework we might just borrow from what Ark's been doing over at his blog for several months now, and maybe even more. Of course, having also in mind that the C's said that branch of mathematics suitable for describing consciousness business would be pranalytical mathematics, by "borrowing", which I think @ark would not mind, but to be sure about that pinging him here explicitly, we do not mean literally copy-pasting, but having something to draw analogies from, besides classical EM theory. In that sense, we might introduce some mathematical and physical formulas into our descriptions, because no point to have Ark being unhappy with what we all do here, but all that in its due time.

While waiting for Ark's eventual feedback, we might address in bit more details the last term of the trio in the thread title, the measurements, as pages have already been written about first two of them, information and consciousness. In the opening posts of the thread it was said that measurement in its broad sense of meaning might be regarded as an observation. Then later down the road, while weaving our multidimensional points of information together into the representation fabric of the global cosmic information field, we saw that observation, similar to truth, is a rather delicate piece of information. It seems that observation has a sort of a special role in our multidimensional interplay of information. Looking at what observation might represent in local terms, as a kind of a measurement, in the context of information and consciousness, we might say that during an observation exchange of information happens between two segments of the global cosmic information field.

Leaving the discussion about if the recording of information by the observer field segment is also happening during the exchange with the observed field segment for another time, it's interesting to note that observed segment is not actually devoid of the information, while the observer is still being enriched by the exchange. As it were, the exchange or current or flow of information seemingly would not have an apparent analogous counterpart in classical material physical science, as there so called equation of continuity, also known as conservation law, principally governs the dynamics.

Expressed in layman terms, the equation of continuity simply states that an amount or quantity of something in a given region of space can change only if there is a flow, influx or outflux, of that something through the surface enveloping that region of space. In our case of an observation, it would evidently imply that for information to reach the observer, the observed would need to part away with that same information, and we just remarked that's not what really happens between our local segments of the global cosmic information field.

In fact, even the complete opposite might actually happen, that is if the observed segment remains open to receiving feedback from the observer segment, and possibly truly asks for it, and that feedback is really given or provided, possibly freely, the observation acts also as a sort of a mirror reflection or kind of a self-reflection on others, that is on the observer to be more precise, and has a potential of enriching also the observed segment in the process. Of course, the information exchange and enrichment of either of those local field segments apparently also enriches the global cosmic information field. Although, from the broadest general point of view, all possible information is already and always present within the DCM, most likely everywhere, but probably only in the latent state, waiting or better said leaving particular consciousness unit or units to actually inform the field locally by themselves.

Here again we see an example of non-linear dynamics at play in the form of a positive feedback loop. Perhaps, in terms of classical physics, we could draw parallels and find resemblance with the phenomenon of a resonance, which might be something we are more familiar with when it comes to describing it in mathematical terms, as in meeting of two vibrations of very close or identical frequencies. And at that sort of a hint, we once again arrived at the point of being in need to actually have knowledge of usual linearly based descriptions, to steadily advance in our building or weaving, this time by observation, in secure objectively informed manner, in alignment with the actual reality of things around us and within us.

In a sort of conclusion to these introductory notes, it's perhaps appropriate to remark that drawing on analogies with the things and phenomena as described in material physical science asks for discernment and paying strict attention to objective reality left and right. Well, in fact in every direction as it were. In certain cases we would need to basically completely reverse things as they have been presented by modern science for them to be applicable to the global cosmic information field and wave reading consciousness units within it. Almost as looking at them from upside-down position and seeing if there is a match or correspondence between the two.

We already saw the need to sort of reverse the meaning of things when using the analogy of magnetically isolated domains in plasma systems while applying it locally to the global cosmic information field to come to a knowledge light field defining the being and being defined by the structure of the being of a particular consciousness unit within the DCM. Notice the non-linearity again, basically at the foundational level of the very existence itself. On the other hand, while dealing with orientation by truth and related metaphorical magnetization in its direction, kind of B or C influences, we could apply the analogy with hysteresis and heat production for instance due to the resistance to electrical current flow in more sort of a matching manner. Although, even in these cases it might be noted that there is no literal correspondence between the two worlds, as the truth in objective reality context is basically in every possible 3-dimensional spatial direction around us and within us. And not only in 3-dimensional direction, although that's what we perceive as our everyday reality around us, but multidimensional in whatever number of dimensions there are in the global cosmic information field.

So, it's not only mindless repetition and copying that we embarked to do on our journey here, but to creatively use our resources like our brains and our minds, all the while having fun and being informed by the objective assessments to the best of our ability in the forms of actual observations, to paint and draw and describe what we see our reality is revealing, as in saying and showing to us.
So fellows, let's roll, or maybe better said, in the spirit of our adventure, let's cruise.
While still waiting for Ark's appearance here, which hopefully won't turn into something like waiting for Godot to appear, let's perhaps do some gymnastics to kind of keep ourselves in sort of a fit shape. It'll do with spirals, and "spirals we love" as the name for the image of the avatar for this Forum account would suggest.

For a warm up let's just picture or draw a spiral. Archimedean or golden or spira mirabilis or reciprocal spiral that usually serves as a blueprint for staircases, or whichever we might fancy, each pick is as good as another. Here's the list of spirals on Wikipedia.
Maybe we might skip the circle as a trivial example and sort of refrain from helical 3-dimensional types for the time being. Then we could make two additional copies of the chosen spiral curve, or on the other hand we might choose two different ones if we're perhaps up to heavy lifting from the very start. Again, any choice would suit the purpose of the exercise.

Placed next to each other, we might get something resembling the triskeles or the triskelion, the triple-spiral symbol.
The difference between our set of the three spirals and the triskeles is that the later is kind of composed of double spirals, where adjacent lines or so called spiral arms, those closest to each other, go in sort of opposite or antiparallel directions. A nice representation of such a spiral behavior can be found with Fermat spiral if we take both so called branches into account and go along such a curve in a continuous manner. We might touch upon that a bit later down the road.

Why would we need three spirals in the first place? Well, one possibility might be because of the Law of Three. Another one because we perceive 3 spatial dimensions. Yet another possibility would be that our machines are usually described as having and operating with three lower centers. There are probably many other possibilities we could come up with, but let's leave it at the three just listed here and proceed with our exercise.

Next question, of the practical variety, might be how to join our three spirals into a coherent whole? Well, that of course would depend on what we want to do with them joined, what we have in mind that they would represent, what our intention would be to use or apply these three spiral curves for. Here again many possibilities would arise, each probably dependent on the specific situation.

Let's say we would like to inform the world we live in by what our observation informs us about the reality around us. Then a spiral might represent sort of a template for a particular dimension or a direction where our focus is placed or maybe which our attention is drawn to. Three spirals, each for an orthogonal dimension of our 3-dimensional space, for example, in the sense that particular dimension would stretch itself perpendicularly to the plane where respective spiral is evolving, kind of playing the role of the axis of rotation.

The exact matching would then be a matter of our perspective, of our awareness level of sorts, of the speed or frequency each spiral would be unwinding or unrolling itself around, and vibrating along the particular direction, in a sort of forward-backward fashion. In other words, it would depend on our FRV, which would then inform our perspective by the FRV of what we see and perceive.

That would seem to do as this exercise goes from the virtual point of view. Off to inform myself for real by the NewsReal trio about what's been going on recently as of the human affairs on the planet Earth. Until the next time.
fwwiw , the chackras have been detailed by "clairvoyants" as circling , spiral/funnels ,and as i recall Gurjief talked about the human fields as well , plus cross-checking with something the C's have said , that human genetic profile of atlanteans was "all" times aware of space area directly above a ( few miles ? ) , and the crown chackra , and you might be on to something indeed .
Why would we need three spirals in the first place? Well, one possibility might be because of the Law of Three. Another one because we perceive 3 spatial dimensions. Yet another possibility would be that our machines are usually described as having and operating with three lower centers. There are probably many other possibilities we could come up with, but let's leave it at the three just listed here and proceed with our exercise.
(cont. then there's Dna , wich could be interpreted as a thread? spun by those chackra spirals perhaps)
From a propagator phase/amplitude point of view for probabilities, I've heard a quantum transaction described as a DNA-like double helix (one helix being for a past and the other for a future). From an Enneagram law of three head-heart-gut triad centers point of view, the matching to me looked like external longitudinal-internal longitudinal (translations), and transverse spatial dimensions. That was from plotting both the enneagram and spacetime basis elements on to root lattices.
fwiiw , Not educated on " formal high level physics " , but i'll try my 2x cents to add a comment , "a DNA-like double helix (one helix being for a past and the other for a future)" , recently on time C's have commented on time not being "quanta-ized" , FWIIW , so this seems a bit off .

Session 15 August 1998 :

A: In other words, "zero time," and the folding of space. This is where the complete Unified Field Theory would come into play. You see, the problem needing solution is to demonstrate how space and time are interchangeable, and how gravity and magnetism are born of the same source, with the application of electromagnetic fields as the key to utilizing all realms simultaneously. Goodbye.


Session 31 May 1995 :

Q: (L) Am I correct when I say gravity is time?

A: Close.


Session 30 March 2002

(...) Ark :(...) Time does not flow for light which travels. (...)
fwiiw , Not educated on " formal high level physics " , but i'll try my 2x cents to add a comment , "a DNA-like double helix (one helix being for a past and the other for a future)" , recently on time C's have commented on time not being "quanta-ized" , FWIIW , so this seems a bit off .

Session 15 August 1998 :

A: In other words, "zero time," and the folding of space. This is where the complete Unified Field Theory would come into play. You see, the problem needing solution is to demonstrate how space and time are interchangeable, and how gravity and magnetism are born of the same source, with the application of electromagnetic fields as the key to utilizing all realms simultaneously. Goodbye.


Session 31 May 1995 :

Q: (L) Am I correct when I say gravity is time?

A: Close.


Session 30 March 2002

(...) Ark :(...) Time does not flow for light which travels. (...)
From Ark's blog earlier this month:
"Put simply: the time determined by macroscopic states and the time determined by quantum noncommutativity are aspects of the same phenomenon." This, I believe, is the essence of what we call "time" in our universe—a variable that doesn’t exist at the fundamental level but emerges from the interplay of quantum and thermal dynamics.

So the quantum picture is still there, it just morphs with the classical picture. Time doesn't flow through a worldline of a universe for light but does jump from one complete universe state worldline to another. Gravity would be the links between universe states so would kind of be the road time travels on.
So my perspective on this is via human body ( since lack of formal Ph. ed.) is easier to grasp (?) , as both reflect , so the pentagon , via , the hexagon , (within the circle ) would be the interaction/through that moves all the states ? this seems to reflect as well the 5 and 6 numbers , via ofc the previous 3 centers ?.
From a propagator phase/amplitude point of view for probabilities, I've heard a quantum transaction described as a DNA-like double helix (one helix being for a past and the other for a future).
Maybe we can use an analogy to get a feeling what DNA double helix might represent in sort of an abstract view, by extending the propagator view, in which particles and their respective counterpart antiparticles are represented as going in opposite time directions. When these meet or interact, they so called annihilate each other and create a photon, that is light, or in our scope information in the sense of knowledge. In that respect we might say that the DNA as a meeting and joining of two helices in opposite directions stands in fact as a representation for information, knowledge and light. Pretty neat, isn't it?
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