Considerations on the General Law

anart said:
Jerry said:
Seems to me that a desire to graduate is an effective and inspiring incentive to learn the lessons of the grade one is currently in.

It seems to me that this 'desire' to graduate might just preclude a lot of the lessons that must be learned by being IN the moment, being consciously here and focusing on simple and karmic understandings of this existence.

It might. Or the unwillingness to leave might be what keeps one here.

One may want to leave out of readiness, it may take a lifetime or many, there needs to be a decision. 3D is physical; this kind of thing is a matter of the heart however, not so easily discerned when understanding another.

If it’s asked how to leave, the answer is the same regardless of why it’s asked: we’re here because it’s where we fit, no one leaves without change, until one’s ready.
In my opinion, desire may not be the most effective method in terms of having an incentive for graduating. I think a good question for all to ask themselves is "If we knew for sure that we would not graduate, would we still do what we're doing?" I would.

I think the desire to leave/graduate misplaces focus from really taking time to understand the lessons we need to learn to "How can I find the easiest, quickest way out?".
Jerry said:
It might. Or the unwillingness to leave might be what keeps one here.

As I see it, it is not the unwillingnees to leave, but the unwillingness to know what keeps one here,as knowledge seems to be the key to increase our level of awareness responsible of the limitations of our existence.

Jerry said:
One may want to leave out of readiness, it may take a lifetime or many, there needs to be a decision. 3D is physical; this kind of thing is a matter of the heart however, not so easily discerned when understanding another.

What do you mean?

truth seeker said:
In my opinion, desire may not be the most effective method in terms of having an incentive for graduating. I think a good question for all to ask themselves is "If we knew for sure that we would not graduate, would we still do what we're doing?" I would.

Me too :), it is the truth of existence and the responsible and conscious interaction what drives my will.
A person who obviously wants to get selfish. Just the world we live does not like and want to flee for their own benefit. I think that is an important nuance in this matter.

Humans are bred and conditioned and so develop their personality / ego, and think they are that personality only when really this is a nebulous and not the authentic self. It happens that most people who want change do not consider that the dominant personality is what drives them into the void, because not even consider that this personality is a failure, a machinery that is necessary to understand and know it function properly. What do these people is to read and communicate with what most appeals to them and are thinking about lighting.

It's like having the base of a cake without baking and then decorating it, the cake does not go well. Then it is necessary to make the base of the cake with yeast so that it is well done and that the decorations be coupled either to the base.

What happens is that most people have their base of cake without the baking powder and throw the trappings of an inefficiently. Can not imagine even that it is necessary to return to the base has to be worth the cake.

That, I think, is one of the greatest obstacles to development, one has to be considered a failure because you are not one personality is not the real self. The I rarely arises.

Una persona que quiere salir evidentemente es egoísta. Simplemente el mundo en el que vive no le gusta y quiere huir para su propio beneficio. Considero que hay un matiz importante en esta cuestión.

Los humanos son criados y condicionados y de esta manera desarrollan su Personalidad/Ego, y creen que ellos únicamente son ésa Personalidad cuando realmente ésta es una nebulosa y no el autentico Yo. Ocurre que la mayoría de las personas que quieren un cambio no consideran que aquella Personalidad que los domina es la que los impulsa hacia la nada, porque ni siquiera se han planteado que esta Personalidad es un fracaso, una maquinaria que hay que comprender y saber hacerla funcionar correctamente. Lo que hacen las estas personas es leer y comunicarse con aquello que más les atrae pensando que así están cerca de la iluminación.

Es como tener la base de un pastel sin levadura y después adornarlo; el pastel no saldrá bien. Entonces es necesario volver a hacer la base del pastel con la levadura para que esté bien hecho y que los adornos se acoplen bien a la base.

Lo que ocurre es que la mayoría de personas tienen su base del pastel sin la levadura y echan los adornos de una forma ineficiente. No se imaginan siquiera que es necesario volver ha hacer la base para que el pastel valga la pena.

Ése, creo yo, es uno de los grandes obstáculos para la evolución; uno ha de considerarse un fracaso, porque uno no es uno, es la Personalidad y no el Yo Real. El yo pocas veces surge.
truth seeker said:
In my opinion, desire may not be the most effective method in terms of having an incentive for graduating. I think a good question for all to ask themselves is "If we knew for sure that we would not graduate, would we still do what we're doing?" I would.

I would as well. Reason being is because the more I learn, the more I realize that there is still a lot to learn. But not just because of that fact; rather what it implies...that the potential for achievement is extraordinary (or so it seems).

Sometimes I step back and look at the broad overview of the 'curriculum' in the 'school' and I imagine: "Boy, If I can just get this all down and get it all into experience into this lifetime, then where would any desire to graduate come from? If I ever reached the apex I would probably be spending so much time enjoying myself blue keeping my knowledge and skills be able to face the unknown with peace and a balanced mind and helping others to do the same and would have no desire to leave.

truth seeker said:
I think the desire to leave/graduate misplaces focus from really taking time to understand the lessons we need to learn to "How can I find the easiest, quickest way out?".

I don't think I would be 'ready' to leave while even having such a desire. It strikes me that an individual with the correct attitude and perseverance for this Work, would eventually come to understand and somehow see this world as a paradise of sorts (or at least an excellent Working environment), while another person, looking at the same exact things, would see totalitarianism, police state, destruction, etc.

The difference, of course, would be in the level of development of knowledge and being - what each can see.
Jerry said:
It might. Or the unwillingness to leave might be what keeps one here.

One may want to leave out of readiness, it may take a lifetime or many, there needs to be a decision. 3D is physical; this kind of thing is a matter of the heart however, not so easily discerned when understanding another.

If it’s asked how to leave, the answer is the same regardless of why it’s asked: we’re here because it’s where we fit, no one leaves without change, until one’s ready.

Jerry, you're really not making much sense and you're coming across in a word-salad way - what's up?
anart said:
Jerry said:
It might. Or the unwillingness to leave might be what keeps one here.

One may want to leave out of readiness, it may take a lifetime or many, there needs to be a decision. 3D is physical; this kind of thing is a matter of the heart however, not so easily discerned when understanding another.

If it’s asked how to leave, the answer is the same regardless of why it’s asked: we’re here because it’s where we fit, no one leaves without change, until one’s ready.

Jerry, you're really not making much sense and you're coming across in a word-salad way - what's up?

My attention is limited because I’m at work, I’ll respond later.
I mentioned something in a post that I think is well bring it here:

When a shock fully enters into a human, it can react in a way that not even he expected. This man, however much they know of the existence of a multitude of selves that struggle at every moment the domain of the mind and the existence and therefore knows that this can be overcome, he will allow to be carried away by that I that has emerged before the other ones no matter the consequences. Then, when this hypothetical man is more serene and therefore less clouded by the emotion that has resulted in a specific situation, sorrow comes. One becomes aware that their mechanical response is not beneficial and has erred, this realization is good at first, but when time goes by the situation becomes repetitive becoming a constant in life, the inner work is reflected in the state of the person - that moment when one can see for oneself that one is doing the same thing as previously before having the knowledge of what goes on inside. That is the right time to know that you are not committed to The Work, that only all that one knows are those babblings said and studied by others and ultimately all the knowledge is useless if it is not implemented.

Like the Taoist Liu I-Ming said in his Regret Chorus:

"[...] Many practitioners all they do is jump rope, they know a zen sentence or two [or any discipline of knowledge] they pretend to be great hermits, having done some meditation they call themselves senior wisemen. Such people are unsubstantiated, suspects and empty. They talk only to deceive others, but they deceive themselves.

Which one is willing to wake up and find the true tradition? "

Humility at Work is one of the pillars to get started. And the knowledge, if acquired when one is not prepared, it can become vanity, and that, therefore, becomes a lie to oneself and to others.

This happens constantly. And this happens because I do not want to see the reality of its own. "Everyone sees what he wants to see." When one thinks of itself something that is not really true, that only is a skill to develop and is still not palpable, the moment when a situation arises that smashes the face with his own inner truth everything falls apart, because has not met the expectations of the individual. And that happens largely because of the illusion that one lives full of assumptions, lies and false expectations about oneself and external reality. In this way, moving slowly towards self-destruction, even knowing that failure is the Personality, a refuge in it continues to survive in the jungle. And in a way is normal, ordinary humans know no other way of life. The way they do is what has been inculcated from birth practically.
I do not find for his own benefit or because they resent the world. I do not look because I want a better world in my image and likeness. I can not define with words. It is an impulse and commitment, the search for what is not beyond the emotion and reason. It is a will that arises by itself and can not relate to anything that feels so common. It's beyond that.
anart said:
Jerry said:
It might. Or the unwillingness to leave might be what keeps one here.

One may want to leave out of readiness, it may take a lifetime or many, there needs to be a decision. 3D is physical; this kind of thing is a matter of the heart however, not so easily discerned when understanding another.

If it’s asked how to leave, the answer is the same regardless of why it’s asked: we’re here because it’s where we fit, no one leaves without change, until one’s ready.

Jerry, you're really not making much sense and you're coming across in a word-salad way - what's up?

There can be a number of motives to seek liberation, the present state of affairs on the BBM being an obvious one. It's also a likely outcome from the pursuit of knowledge.

Whatever the motivation, through sincere efforts it will become evident that liberation is ultimately from the self, or rather the false sense of self which blinds one from the truth. This realization may occur sooner for some than others.

I was concerned that portraying the desire for liberation as necessarily escapist could have unwittingly a confusing effect on anyone who was fragile. I was feeling in terms of not giving steak to an infant.

I am willing to accept that posting this concern may have been inappropriate if that is how the forum feels.
Jerry said:
There can be a number of motives to seek liberation, the present state of affairs on the BBM being an obvious one. It's also a likely outcome from the pursuit of knowledge.

Whatever the motivation, through sincere efforts it will become evident that liberation is ultimately from the self, or rather the false sense of self which blinds one from the truth. This realization may occur sooner for some than others.

If the latest is truth, then from where comes the "desire to exit"?

Jerry said:
I was concerned that portraying the desire for liberation as necessarily escapist could have unwittingly a confusing effect on anyone who was fragile. I was feeling in terms of not giving steak to an infant.

I am willing to accept that posting this concern may have been inappropriate if that is how the forum feels.

Jerry, you seem to take a roll of humble wise misunderstood here, that is forced to put aside his wisdom to be accepted into the group.
Not being open to the possibility that maybe you can also learn something in our interaction creates distance and a lack of true commitment and sincerity with all of us.

No one here wants you to accept something just because it feels innapropiate for the group, How is that you think so?
Jerry said:
be a number of motives to seek liberation, the present state of affairs on the BBM being an obvious one. It's also a likely outcome from the pursuit of knowledge.

Whatever the motivation, through sincere efforts it will become evident that liberation is ultimately from the self, or rather the false sense of self which blinds one from the truth. This realization may occur sooner for some than others.

I was concerned that portraying the desire for liberation as necessarily escapist could have unwittingly a confusing effect on anyone who was fragile. I was feeling in terms of not giving steak to an infant.

I am willing to accept that posting this concern may have been inappropriate if that is how the forum feels.

Hi Jerry, I think you are putting too much stock in your own thoughts and understanding; you are not questioning your own thinking. You are assuming a role of teacher and presuming to know who and who is not an infant. In short, in this thread and few others of late, you overestimate yourself and come across as someone who is using words, but not really communicating. So, again, I'm really curious about 'what's up' with you since it's been quite a while since you've had this 'flavor' in your posts. There must be some reason.
Jerry said:
I was concerned that portraying the desire for liberation as necessarily escapist could have unwittingly a confusing effect on anyone who was fragile. I was feeling in terms of not giving steak to an infant.

I am willing to accept that posting this concern may have been inappropriate if that is how the forum feels.

I think you're allowing your self importance to rule right now. If your convictions are so strong and ours so "fragile", why not show us that you are indeed above it all and post in a way that is not only clear (which would be externally considerate) but also in a way that is more compassionate?

Did you post what you did above with the secret hope that we would all be insulted thereby confirming your illusion that no one wants to hear what you have to say/ no one cares about you (and by extension, no one loves you?)?

Time is short Jerry, you may want to start facing this program.

edit: spelling
Clarity is one of the greatest enemies of oneself. And of course it is a program. I remembered something that, albeit in another context, I will serve in support of what I mean:

The first-person experiences or feelings or qualia are essentially subjective and personal experiences that each of us has (for example, the feeling of "red" or "cold"), and can not be described by words, formulas, programs or any other objective representation. According to some theories of consciousness, as David Chalmers, an agent without such qualities would be merely a zombie, a creature might behave, perceive and communicate as a human being, but it would require the appearance most crucial of consciousness. The "hard problem" of consciousness research is then to elucidate the nature of first person experiences.

We believe that addressing the problem in this way is essentially wrong. If the zombie scenario at all times behave in a manner indistinguishable from that of a person with a conscience, then the principle of the identity of indistinguishable force us to conclude that the "zombie" has consciousness. How else would know how people around us are not zombies? We assume that you have experience of consciousness similar to us because at all times behave in a similar way to us. But if you took this argument seriously, then you could start having fantasies of a nightmare in which you are the only real and conscious in the world, and all others are merely sophisticated robots that appear to be like you. [Francis Heylighen]
Source: article on Laura Knight speaks of OP

This is related to clarity and feeling above others: to believe that others are zombies and robots and that oneself is made of flesh and blood, is authentic, when really only sees what he wants to see and after is the same condition. That is, there is not humility.

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