Conspiracy of silence(documentary)

How many of the people we meet are like this and have such a hidden life behind their civilized facade? Probably a lot more than we would ever think in our wildest dreams.

Yep. Its one reason I'm such a hermit. ;)
The topic in this thread is a parent's worst fear for their children as well as for children in their community. While I have nothing to contribute from experience on that topic, I would like to interject something that's been bothering me for a few years which is related in a different way.

As I've been reading this thread, I was thinking how relieved I am to have grown kids who don't have to worry about being taken advantage of by sexual predators...but then, I recalled a talk I had with my son about having sex with his girlfriend, and that if they were to decide to advance their relationship that there are legal consequences of having sex, even consensual sex, with someone under 18. You see, in many states, WI being one of them, the State can prosecute minors who have sexual contact, whether consenting or not; the one's that inevitably get prosecuted are usually the relationships that result in a pregnancy. I know of two cases personally, where pregnancies resulted from sexually active consenting minors in relationships, who had parents uninterested in filing charges against the alleged "sex offender", but regardless, were prosecuted by the State and have been labeled sexual offenders, are on probation with all sorts of restrictions about being around children, and will go through life with this on their record!

This seems like the State is casting a wide net in attempt to catch the real menaces, or maybe it's a desperate attempt at reducing teen pregnancies. Heck, more than half of my graduating class was sexually consenting and would've been labeled as sex offenders with this criteria. In fact, my Grandpa would have been labeled a sexual offender for knocking up my Grandma at the age of 16. :O

These laws seem to water down the legal system by lumping these hormonally-challenged juvenile misjudgments along with really menacing repeat offenders.
Something just seems extreme about this.... especially for Wisconsin. (although,... Tommy Thompson WAS gov'na at the time)
Are they just the "collateral damage" of the war on sexual predators?...or maybe a case of "padding the numbers"? :huh:

Hope this wasn't too much OT.
Skyfarm said:
This seems like the State is casting a wide net in attempt to catch the real menaces, or maybe it's a desperate attempt at reducing teen pregnancies. Heck, more than half of my graduating class was sexually consenting and would've been labeled as sex offenders with this criteria. In fact, my Grandpa would have been labeled a sexual offender for knocking up my Grandma at the age of 16.

It may seem exagerated but in my understanding, lowering the age of consent is also a way of protecting pedophiles to some extent as well as sex between older people with young people (again, by judging from Anna Salter's data). I'm not talking about same age sex (if that makes sense).
Because even at 16, teenagers can be taken advantage of by older people wanting to have sex with them. Even if they seem to be consenting at first (and clearly, sometimes this is NOT the case), research shows that in the end, these relationships are detrimental to the teenager. They can be manipulated into thinking they are having a relationship when it can be a form of abuse. The teenager can also get pregnant at a very early age, etc. Still, there are apparently some psychologists (who, by the way, also consider pedophilia to be a non-issue) trying to have us think that sex between children or teenagers and older people is good for them. Some even say that children and teenagers are the ones manipulating! Talk about blaming the victim...

So lowering the age of consent would help some of these people to get away with that. Also, 16 may seem exagerated to you (because many teenagers have relationships at that age), but it is probably only a first step. In The Netherlands, the age of consent has been lowered to 12 (13?)! There are very active pro-pedophilia people there (with their own magazines, etc.) and they were apparently heard... And some people are campaigning for that in the States as well, so...

The Department of Justice estimates that on average, there is one child molester per square mile in the United States.

Although it isn't the same country there was in my neighborhood one pedophile that was caught, he was divorced and was molesting his daughter that was 8-9 years old, and he paid her to not talk about it with like one dollar, and she told in school about it, and he went to jail and she and her brother were given to state, all in all not a happy ending, what would be with these children after they are grown up!

In The Netherlands, the age of consent has been lowered to 12 (13?)! There are very active pro-pedophilia people there (with their own magazines, etc.) and they were apparently heard... And some people are campaigning for that in the States as well, so...

I think that in Netherlands they are to open in that question, because they also wanted that sex with animals becomes legal if I remember correctly, and there are legal parties that advocate sex with animals, and in the Sweden, Finland, Belgium, is legal. and when you look it in that way, it's not because these societies are open and can be called "democratic" , it's because psychos can't control they urges, so they make laws to allow them that:

From Wikipedia:

Finally, whether or not legal, there are often social mores which frown strongly upon it. For example, even in Sweden, where zoophilia has been legal since 1944, Beetz comments[16] on the findings of Ullerstam:

"It has to be noted in this context, that not having laws against a behavior and acceptance of it by society are two completely different matters... no acceptance of the persons engaging in this kind of sexual activity was adopted by the population. [...] Furthermore, Ullerstam referred to alleged evidence that showed, that many remarkable men had sexual experiences with animals and had to live a life in constant fear because of that. Those men had been widely respected, but would have lost everything if their activities would have become known; all their great contributions would have been forgotten due to a 'primitive moral reaction'."

Yeah, that are kind of people that are respectful like majors, politicians and priests, pathological' s mostly. "Cream of society".
I watched an interview that John Decamp gave in 2007 I think. Thats is when the interview is posted but it could be between 2005-2007. I liked it, it gives a perspective on the author of "the Franklin cover-up." The interview series was actually given on dates of september and july of 2007 it says.

He tells about his involvement with the Columbine massacre case which I thought was interesting. Also about his history is Vietnam. The interviewer is pressuring him on false flag operations, asking him, does he think there will be another one... She gets into the discussion that there is one world government. I found it interesting that Decamp does not exactly embrace this sentiment. He says he hears certain things and has certain ideas but he will keep it to himself. He emphasizes he does not want to say what he does not know. Also he says he hopes another false flag operation or the "NWO" is not the case and that the government is better than this... but that she (the interviewer) is probably right. And he says this in defeat kind of. It is a sad interview. DeCamp is also struggling after back surgery and I heard he was in a car accident this year and injured but I don't know the extent. He is a humorous guy, he had to end the interview on a funny note.

Here is the link: _
But neither Gavin de Beck nor Anna Salter seem to be aware of international networks of child rapists and murderers in high places. So maybe the numbers de Beck quotes are even higher?
I remember Gavin on Oprah handing out advice to kids how to fight back when they were being kidnapped . For one he said that if they were put in the trunk of the car they should disable the tail light. Chances were then higher that the car would be pulled over by a police officer.
I have been wondering for some time now how it is possible that so many kids are kidnapped every day. Do the predators always use force or do they first lure the child?

I remember my youngest son telling me about an event in the street once. He was walking down the road in broad daylight. He was still quite young and felt that this woman that was sitting in her car was observing him. He immediately crossed the street to get away from her. I wonder how many kids that have always been told to obey and to always listen to adults are doing just that when they get snatched. They can't all be very vulnerable kids, I would think.
Natasha Kamphuus from Austria (the girl that was kidnapped and was kept in a basement for I don't know how many years somewhere in Austria) told the media that while she was walking to school (?) someone had called out to her. And while she felt that something was off she did ignore her inner alarm system. How many kids have not learnt to pay heed to their own instincts?
I think that this also plays an (important) role and should be taken into consideration when discussing the safety of children?

I have watched CoS for the second time, together with the documentaries about Marc Dutroux and his link to networks.
I definitely wish to read 'The Franklin Scandal' by Nick Bryant, after reading about it in Harrison's article on SOTT:

It has taken me some time to muster courage to watch these documentaries. Although it is very painful we also get to see some very brave and good people. They serve as an example to me.
I think we chronically underestimate children in our society, heck, in almost any society children are considered inferior, I would say. Because they lack the experience that adults have. I wouldn't say that adults are wiser. I have often found that my kids are wiser and more knowledgeable about certain issues than I am.
So, if our kids feel something is off in someone we should listen. They may not have the vocabulary, they won't probably say, I think so and so is a real psychopath, but they are capable of detecting evil, OSIT. But we have to give them a chance to stay in touch with their own wisdom.
The other day I was on the phone with a mum when her small child came running to her, crying, as if she had hurt herself. What had happened was that the man that washes their windows had come into the house. According to her mum there was something very fishy about this character. The girl without being able to say what it was had detected it and had become very upset. But if we do not make room for their observations they will lose that ability, OSIT. I suspect that this was what happened to Natasja Kamphuus.

It is not enough when we adults read Anna Salter's book and learn how to protect our kids. We also have to educate them. And we have to take them seriously when they make their own observations. And give them permission to act on their own behalf and stand up for themselves, even if an adult demands total obedience.

One of the reasons why I tried to raise my kids without coercion was that I thought it was crucial for them to learn that adults are sometimes wrong or bad and that they are allowed to point that out. Even if it meant having my own mistakes pointed out to me.
They are generally very aware of their boundaries, but they also respect the boundaries of others. Time will tell whether I have done the right thing. ;)

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