Has anyone seen the film "Conspiritus: The Illuminati UFO Conspiracy"???
This film attempts to paint the picture, and further agenda that extraterrestials and UFO's are really just demonic entities from another dimension. For the longest time I was torn between this theory, of aliens being demons because I let my blind faith Christian beliefs distort my true perception of reality. There is quite a bit of truth in this film as far as government conspiracies, secret societies, and Illuminati mind control. However, they lost me when they started telling me that society has been deceived in thinking that that the Illuminati is controlled by ancient Reptilian Aliens! I understand how esoteric this knowledge may be, but people have got to stop twisting the extraterrestial phenomenon into a Satanic Demon Theory. This belief tells everyone that there is no hope except in having faith in their religion, when they should be acquiring as much knowledge as possible to gain higher awareness, therefore beginning to counteract the true Overlords of Entropy( aka our slave masters).
Quote from Conspiritus:"Anti-gravity technology has nothing to do with extraterrestial technology, it is the result of many decades of research done by Nazi and Illuminati scientists. Hollywood has programmed the world into slowly accepting the possibility of extraterrestials while doing everything in their power to ridicule the existence of Demons/Angels"
I'm sorry, but I think Hollywood has done quite the contrary. There are just as many religious demon movies as there have been alien movies. All of them propagandize and disinform the public.
If you haven't seen this film, I definitely recommend it, to see the extent to which the purveyors are promoting the Demon Theory as the evil of our strange 3D world.
Any thoughts fellow knowledge seekers? I was a somewhat disgusted!