
Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member

My inspiration for this topic is the fragment from the below session:

(mkrnhr) There have been cases of attachments that persisted over several incarnations. When the host goes to 5D, where does the attachment go when there's still an energetic karmic affinity to the host?

A: Waits in Earth sphere.

Q: (L) So that's like...

(Andromeda) It waits for the host to reincarnate?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So it kind of waits in a...

(Chu) Limbo.

(Joe) In the ether.

(L) Yes.
Where to start?
1. Are attachements beings that we invite into our lives? I mean is it possible to have attachement without asking for them?

Asking for solution to one's problems could result in attachement I guess. Asking is form of making contract: I ask, other replies, I say OK or NOT OK and contract is made or not.
Beware what you are asking for? That kind of thing?...
So maybe there are no innocent asks for a favor? No innocent whines into the air, asking God, asking the world etc to help with some problem?

Are there always consequences to a request spoken out loud, even one spoken in solitude, into the so-called ether?

2. Maybe not so hypothetical situation: attachement as in the session citation, awaits on Earth and as soon as baby is born? is that so? accompanies the person from such early on. So: how come we may say about validity of the contract in this particular life when baby is not able to:
- remember
- not able to distinguish the entity to see the attachement.
but attachement awaits...? For how many incarnations it lasts? Is it in the contract? Or maybe that is like with having pets: we just take them not asking for their consent. Is it a violation of a free will having a pet?

3. Is contract "forever" possible? - maybe doubtful because if true is that we are all "multiple personalities" of one greater being then one out of million should not have power over others to decide for all. All decide and their comes chaos.

4. If such a bond is made then in our earthly state we do not understand normally much out of other densities, we do not see full reality of the contract so thus we could treat it as signing contract that we had not been introduced to fully on.
Or maybe it is more like humans and apes: If I approach an ape and stick my paper contract for his/her signature for example that apes agree to be eaten and used for medical experiments how could I treat that contract as binding as I know that ape does not understand a thing from what I say?

But if ape suddenly spoke my language and understood all concepts that I say he/she could be a partner in this deal.

Still in our reality even that maybe violated... But yes: we say it is a violation when other person has same rights but we take advantage of him/her.

5. Other thing is forgetting. How come we may do any few lifetimes long binding contracts when we forget all when born? We would forget about contract even if this was made in full consciousness. Is attachement aware of our condition? Is that a violation in cosmic contract law or this bond need to be renewed like in the democratic state when new government comes it need to vow that all agreements are continued? So referring to point 2 above maybe baby is not affected by attachement until reaches enough (whatever it is) consciousness to accept attachement is his/her life?

6. Attachement being with the person since birth is like air. Hard to notice it's existence. Maybe then attachement is considered as part of us. Part of our personality which in fact it is not? Or maybe it is: we invited another part to our multiple personalities?

7. If there is some kind of contract - how such contract may be ceased?

I am curious of Your thoughts.
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Maybe then attachement is considered as part of us.
Yes, until you decide otherwise.
Part of our personality which in fact it is not?
It is until you decide otherwise.

Example: the alcoholic person.

Or maybe it is: we invited another part to our multiple personalities?
A person with a soul is unlikely to have several personalities.
The rest of clues are en this forum.
We made a contract with 4D STS and here we are 300k+ years later. Attachments are STS and would use manipulation tactics we're now aware of, and knowledge protects. I think we can click our ruby slippers and choose to get in the battle any time, but it's a process that will take some "time" to polarize ones self and become unpalatable to them.
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