Contradictory information on the Annunaki

Hi gnosisxsophia,
In your photo, Sirius is indeed to the right and Aldebara to the left (in Taurus). The image is how it is seen in the southern hemisphere. The drawing of the Orion constellation is not as you depict. As an example, Rigel in arabic means foot. basically, in your image, Orion the hunter should be upside down, facing Taurus with its bow/shield.

No wonder I couldn't figure out how that image was distorted. The whole thing looked wrong.
Here is Orion as seen from the southern hemisphere are rendered in Stellarium (a free software).
Hi gnosisxsophia,
In your photo, Sirius is indeed to the right and Aldebara to the left (in Taurus). The image is how it is seen in the southern hemisphere. The drawing of the Orion constellation is not as you depict. As an example, Rigel in arabic means foot. basically, in your image, Orion the hunter should be upside down, facing Taurus with its bow/shield.

Hi mkrnr,

Yes the image is as viewed from the southern hemisphere because that's how it appears from Australia ;-)

'Orion' is upside down in this part of the world yet funnily enough still appears as an archer (Artemis in my dream).

Such that Rigel is now the hunters 'head', Saiph a 'hand' and so on.


A bit like this -


And from the referenced post -

...I was looking up at a spectacular giant ‘Huntress’ figure, poised as though holding a Bow, wearing a ‘Pteryges’ type of skirt and although immobile like a statue, very ‘alive’ and strikingly familiar.

Unfortunately though while analysing the imagery and furiously trying to remember ‘Her’*, the image began to fade and the dream moved on :( ...

*Yes an Artemis figure but the reason for the striking familiarity took a while to dawn on me. Eventually recognising that ‘she’ was mirroring the pose of the ‘Orion’ constellation - when seen from here in the Southern Hemisphere.

But getting back to the 'targeted' Sirius :-[ , as mentioned if anyone could provide a clue regarding the 'C's intriguing statement-

A: "From whence cometh, is seen that which knows no limitation."

It would be very warmly received.


Is there any reason that these kinds of myths could not be carry overs, or memories from Atlantis or some
earlier forgotten civilization brought to new locations and preserved by those who actually knew what they meant?
For instance, if the Etruscans were really migrants from Western Siberia why would they create myths or legends of, or
about, their new Roman neighbors or a new area and history, instead of those from their original homelands?
It doesn`t make sense that they would do that, but would record their own history, which the new Roman neighbors
borrowed from and used.
Interestingly, some Etruscan and ancient Chinese mythology seem to be a perfect match.
So I don`t know, I just have the thought that most "mythology" is in the wrong place. And time.

Is there any reason that these kinds of myths could not be carry overs, or memories from Atlantis or some
earlier forgotten civilization brought to new locations and preserved by those who actually knew what they meant?

Hi Meager1,

Although I'm probably biased one would have to imagine that no, there's no reason at all to suspect these myths are not carry overs from actual 'history'?

The depth of myth regarding 'Tiamat' is a prime example imo and without going anywhere near the Sirius / Nommo / Nammu connections, it's intriguing that the Sumerian phoneme 'Ti' can also mean both 'life' and 'rib'!

Leading one to ponder the Adam and Eve conundrum among other things... :-)



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