Corn question


Dagobah Resident
Hey guys, i'm posting this time to ask a question for my sister. She is allergic to corn (and a few other things) and she phoned me a bit earlier telling me that corn goes under so many different names it's hard to tell if you're eating it or not. She had been (although being very restrictive with her diet) unknowingly consuming some products that have corn ingredients in them. Even the soy milk she was drinking had a corn ingredient in it, I tried to tell her that soy was no bueno a few weeks ago and she wouldn't believe me, lol. So what is she to do? She is allergic to so many things, corn, gluten, etc, and she still compains of tiredness and other symptoms.

It almost seems like the only thing she could do about all this is take supplements and drink water every day, I'm thinking that a modified version of one of the diets

i've seen on here could be useful? I don't have any super specific info just yet, as it isn't my problem, so I can not necessarily assess the situation 100% accurately, thanks guys.

and yes, i'm searching the forum as we speak! (or type)

ADMIN EDIT: Spacing.
Hey abstract,

Definitely tell your sister not to lose heart, there are tasty things to be made that don't contain the eeevil ingredients. I'm just learning about it myself...

One site I have found useful is a list of gluten free grains and flours:

I'm imagining since your sister has a corn allergy that she's already got an idea of what does and doesn't contain corn ingredients, but here's what seems to be a good list:

Good luck!
A somewhat inconvenient but simple solution is to go with with whole foods. Whole grain brown rice, fresh veggies, fruits, beans, meats, fish. Drink water and herbal teas. No corn or gluten there. People who want true health, especially those who have allergies as your sister does, often have to re-invent the way they think about food. This can be psychologically challenging, so many people choose not to do it. Your sister will have to make that choice on her own. The trick to avoiding corn is to avoid processed foods. Hope that is helpful.

abstract said:
She is allergic to so many things, corn, gluten, etc, and she still compains of tiredness and other symptoms.

Has she done a program to get rid of her toxins?

Does she know the book "Detoxify or Die"?

Maybe that could help her.
I just returned from work. Thank you all for responding. I will check out the links.

She has a good doctor who gave her a program similar to the ultra simple diet. I've seen it myself, it's basically the same.

She needs to get off the soymilk too.

I'd like to point her towards the forum to see if she could perhaps find out more on her own time, since she seems to be genuinly concerned about her health.

I have a reservation about that however, the last thing I need is her blasting me with questions about laura and cassiopaea and the whole nine yards, perhaps I will print some things out

for her when I get a chance. I will point her to the reading material as well. Thank you again.

Now even though you all only know a small amount about my sister's health conditions, would a fast help her out? she's already phased out a ton of gluten (much to the frustration of her husband)

and I think the worst thing i've seen in their refrigerator lately is soda (without corn syrup) and she was already aware when i talked to her earlier today (much to my surprise) of candida and it's effects.

But i think the fast should be easier since she's not consuming any gluten (at least this is what i read laura suggest)
A real staple for people who are intolerant to corn and gluten (which is most, even if they don't know it) is buckwheat. Makes, pancakes, bread, cereal, sauces etc etc. Lots of good protein, no gluten or anything else evil. Switch to buckwheat today, you WONT regret it!
abstract said:
I'd like to point her towards the forum to see if she could perhaps find out more on her own time, since she seems to be genuinly concerned about her health.

I have a reservation about that however, the last thing I need is her blasting me with questions about laura and cassiopaea and the whole nine yards, perhaps I will print some things out

for her when I get a chance. I will point her to the reading material as well. Thank you again.

Since you are afraid of being blasted with a lot of questions, maybe you should give her just the titles of the books to read. And maybe if she asks for more, you could print some info in a document without reference to the forum
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