The videos from the guy Laura, thorbiorn and luc posted about are excellent material to share far and wide especially in germany! Might even be a good project to translate some of this material into English that is not already available in English. The public needs to hear that.
If you can't exempt from it, here is how to prepare and protect yourself from any vaccine ;-)
I would be concerned mainly with possible microchipping here. An actual vaccine could perhaps be dealt with as you suggest.

Well, if this guy is right, a whole lotta heads are gonna roll in the scientific community, especially virologists. Because if it is nothing more than "The Emperor's New Clothes," a LOT of companies are going down and won't be happy when it is over.
That bothered me since a week ago and I could not understand. There was no quarantine in Czech at the time but the government already proclaimed that the main bank for loans to small-medium enterprises is getting special funds for interest-free loans (with up to 3 years of postponed first pay!) to help SME's overcome this virus related difficult situation. How the heck would they know it's gonna be that serious if they didn't know something? 🤫

He didn't even say anything new about the situation, just repeated: 'trust the experts'; 'be nice to each other'; 'keep distance from each other'; 'we're going for maximum control'; 'can take months' etc. (see here if you want to know more). Apparently, the coronavirus happening has been such a huge and important issue that the Dutch PM (and/or others) thought it necessary to address the nation about it. People are only going to get more scared and stressed about the whole thing, especially the elderly, IMO.
That sounds like an experienced magician talking to his sheep.

Just speculation, but one reason might be that the really big corporations will be "bailed out" - while the rest crumbles to dust? That would essentially create a fascist system, except that the real control lies with the mega-corps and banks... As the Cs alluded to once I think, someone might want a "controlled demolition".
Good point. Perhaps that is also where it will all fail which was also mentioned in that part you mean, I think. Maybe it was Laura who said that. They will try to bring the house down in a controlled way, maybe just a part of it, but things will not work out as expected and get out of hand.

Edit: some bold text
I worked in the "coronavirus" circuit today and in 12 hours, I saw 17 patients, all of them stable with either the common cold and/or gastroenteritis. Almost 5 of them were just hysterics induced by the emergency curfew. One case was a confirmed case of flu by influenza, and he just wanted a prescription for his symptoms. On a normal day, I can see around 40 patients in 6 hours. None of the people I saw today came in contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus and I didn't have any reasons to think that they had any different from the usual stuff around this time of the year.

Before shutting down the computer, I checked the notifications from the local ER to see if any of the patients assigned to my post (which covers some 1900 patients, if I include the ones in the elderly home) went to the hospital today. In the whole day, just ONE went due to a common cold and it was pretty banal, so they sent her home. Granted, it rained most of the day and typically people stay at home on a day like that, UNLESS, they have a real emergency.

As of today, nobody has tested positive for coronavirus in my region which is located in the countryside. Nevertheless, the entire population is considered suspect, so no more coronavirus tests will be done. At least not to stable outpatients.

We received quite a big influx from city people in my region which is very unfortunate because they are not registered as living locally, so their official doctors and nurses are not here. That means that we can find ourselves doing the Alpha Charlie shifts (weekends and nights during the week) with thousands of extra people and only one doctor for whatever. The emergency line has been collapsed for nearly a week now with doubts about the coronavirus and its symptoms. As a consequence, people with pressing emergencies are having trouble getting through.

My private practice was shut down due to the national emergency and anything non-essential to the coronavirus emergency, including blood tests for cancer patients pending treatment, are postponed. The busiest people at the clinic today were the secretaries which had to handle all the cancellations of scheduled tests and consultations. I'm decisively more worried about my patients whose scheduled consultations were cancelled.
Few seconds ago these questions went through my mind: Do we have any emergency phone number for forum members if internet will shut down? Or any tips What we should do? Some „Remember all of this” package to be able to download and print maybe?
Maybe these are very silly questions but I needed to ask ;)
The Mexican government declared a couple of days ago that they will not establish state of emergency because "there's not enough scientific evidence that those kind of measures mitigate the risk of transmission".

Mexico rules out coronavirus state of emergency

After the pronouncements in the House of Representatives and the Senate to urge the federal government to implement greater measures to contain the coronavirus and declare a state of emergency, Hugo Lopez-Gatell, undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, said there are no elements. He said that the necessary measures have been implemented since Jan. 3 and called on legislators to "calm down" and not fall into disinformation.

He stressed that the federal government has identified the technical plan for restricting events when necessary, but this will be done when conditions are coupled with the epidemiological reality; furthermore, it will be done in an orderly manner.

He pointed out that the fear that political leaders may have could lead to an inappropriate situation of early cancellation of events without a technical basis, which could cause economic and social wear and tear, affecting public health intervention.

"We have said from the beginning that in the technical response plan we have contemplated possible postponements, reductions or cancellation of events, but it is not healthy to do so without a technical basis. If these interventions are made too early, the only thing that happens is that they are applied when they are not useful. When they have to be applied, there will be economic and social wear and tear. We ask, we call for calm in that sense. We reiterate, we insist that we have perfectly identified the technical plan that could be useful for the restriction of public events, but it must not be done in a disorganized way".

The Government of Mexico criticized the rumors and misinformation about the coronavirus in the country. And it asked citizens not to panic by pointing out that for now it does not see the need to cancel massive events or suspend classes.

The Federal Health Secretariat monitors the spread of the virus through six different mechanisms, which so far has only registered imported cases.

"Panic is useless, but it is a natural reaction. It's an epidemic that we must be attentive to in order to comply with public health, prevention and control measures... no more and no less," said Hugo López-Gatell, undersecretary of prevention and health promotion.

He noted that in the last two days there was "a spread of rumors, a phenomenon that can be amplified by a social response of fear, but can also be induced by targeted misinformation.

Regarding the series of rumors, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador answered that "politics is one thing and public health is another, because there is a lot of misinformation. Everyone thinks and becomes an expert, but they misinform and lie. We have to adjust to the opinions of doctors, technicians and scientists".

No cancellations of mass events so far but some "internal contingency measures" have been implemented, mainly from private companies:

- The main Mexican airline, Aeromexico, cancels flights from Paris and Madrid.
- Some companies are promoting home office, and extreme cleanliness and caution.
- The Ministry of Public Education brought forward the Easter holidays for all schools.

There have been some cases of panic shopping in the northern states though.

In general, daily life here continues with relative normality but if the number of cases increase and the hysteria continue to build up, the state of emergency might be established... we'll see.

The social response around the world is not surprise, people have been programmed to react this way on a rolling basis since long time ago to give up their free will to the pathological authorities little by little. Now, all this hysteria might serve them as a foundation to implement some more radical changes in society as others have mentioned, yet, the question still lingers:

So again, why are they all falling into line with what is basically total self-destruction of companies and wealth?

Maybe something wicked this way comes indeed, and they find necessary to "speed up" their agenda.
So again, why are they all falling into line with what is basically total self-destruction of companies and wealth?

I'd say it because they know that "governments'" aka taxpayers' money is gonna make up any shortfall. Governments can leverage the future sweat of taxpayers to create vast amounts of "money" to grease the system. The only negative in all of this is the effect on the ordinary people of the world. They're all doing what they're being told to do by their "advisors".
The big question is still the situation in Italy. Looking for new reports about the overwhelmed hospitals. Not seeing anything new. The idea that it is just the flu was changed by the scenes from Italy. The question of whether it's flu or not is important for narrative management. I don't recall ever hearing about hospitals running out of beds due to flu.

You haven't heard about hospitals running out of beds due to the flu because you have never heard governments around the world telling the people that they are going to die because of the flu. Btw, no one said this virus is a flu virus, it very likely is a novel coronavirus.
I hope that they won't implement a mandatory coronavirus vaccination (once it's available), and if they do, I'm going to research every single option to get exemption from it.

Just a heads up, Oxajil. The Dutch authorities have considerable experience with (religious) exemptions when it comes to home education, and they have come down on parents like a ton of bricks, even if the parents had the law on their side. My guess is that they are not even going to allow any exemptions, but that is just based on what I know from the past. I hope I am wrong.
What happens these days is total capitulation of common sense, and will go down in history.
It's like a narrative written by Joker to which politicians and public figures sign in blindly.
Comparable to fascism or worse, considering the global scale.
They pointed fingers at China when China ordered lock down in Wuhan, now they're doing just that.

People cannot be confined, people need fresh air to breath, free movement.

You will see defiance and crowds gathering in squares soon.
Last edited:
One thing has me wondering:

We all know that big corporations own governments pretty much and because of that, direct policy decisions. But here, with shutting down entire countries, we have a situation that is apparently very damaging to many, if not most, big corporations.

So, what is up with that?

We have to think that representatives of the same international corporations are in on something, and are apparently willing to take this apparent hit, so what the heck is going on?

I posed the question to Ark and he answered, jokingly, that all the elite must be planning to take off for Mars. Yeah, it's a joke, but can anyone else think of what could scare the head honchos of nearly all the corporations in the world, and gov leaders, so that they would be willing to take this truly absurd path? Surely, any of them with firing neurons can see that Corona Virus is NOT a huge threat to anybody. (Well, maybe Soros, Biden, Sanders and other old, unhealthy people.

So again, why are they all falling into line with what is basically total self-destruction of companies and wealth?
That is a darn good question that I can not for the life of me figure out? But I'm gonna keep thinking about that one!
It's been years since I don't post on the forums (Think 10 or so years), but I've been following Laura's work and SOTT.

The recent events of the WW3 threat, followed by the Coronavirus, the electromagnetic phenomena in Alepo. 2020 has been a year to remember and the C's said it's going to get more interesting.

I'm from Argentina mysenf and... here I am: sitting and witnessing all the chaos around. People that didn't give a hoot about it are slowly getting pushed into a state of fear, taking measures and stockpilling goods. My friends on their chat groups sharing info of how the virus is growing and how concerned they are for their relatives. How they talk about potential shortage. The media talking from the morning to late hours of night about it, mentioning the number of deaths, infected, showing pics of cities that were engulfed in fear. Presidents themselves addressing concerns on the media directly. Whole countries shutting down. Conspiracy theories everywhere: The Americans did it. The Chinese did it. The Russians did it, etc. Pointing fingers as usual when these things happen. People on the market forming lines buying several packs of toilet paper, deinfectant, canned food, drinks, milk, general cleaning products. All rushy and nervous but prioritazing themselves (aka buying everything and not leaving anything for the rest). This is truly showing the ugly of some people.

I struggle wondering what's the ultimate goal? Reading this thread showed me that people are equally curious about the decisions taken by the govt and the corporations, because yes, this will lead to a big loss for all of them. Did they take advantage of the outbreak and they are trialing us to see how we react in case a more serious matter happens? I can't read them. For now, it seems like all I can do is to take care of myself (Got Vitamin C supplements for me and my family) to strenghten my organism. What's next? Sit and see what events will unfold next. I remember the C's saying back in the day that the 4D STS would try to squish every single drop of stress/pain from people until the last second. Maybe that's what it is? partly? My head hurts a lot lately trying to put everything together but I have more questions than answers.

Thanks for this thread, it was an enjoyable read with many pespectives on the matters. Sadly, I don't have much time myself so writting this required quite the effort. However, I wanted to share a bit of my mind since I needed to take it out of my head and I feel no one around me would see it that way.
One thing has me wondering:

We all know that big corporations own governments pretty much and because of that, direct policy decisions. But here, with shutting down entire countries, we have a situation that is apparently very damaging to many, if not most, big corporations.

So, what is up with that?

We have to think that representatives of the same international corporations are in on something, and are apparently willing to take this apparent hit, so what the heck is going on?

I posed the question to Ark and he answered, jokingly, that all the elite must be planning to take off for Mars. Yeah, it's a joke, but can anyone else think of what could scare the head honchos of nearly all the corporations in the world, and gov leaders, so that they would be willing to take this truly absurd path? Surely, any of them with firing neurons can see that Corona Virus is NOT a huge threat to anybody. (Well, maybe Soros, Biden, Sanders and other old, unhealthy people.

So again, why are they all falling into line with what is basically total self-destruction of companies and wealth?

I recall from the "How/Why Big Oil Took Over The World" documentaries, one of the questions asked by some elite players was how they were going to continue accumulating wealth and power in a post-money world. -After all, they'd already won the money game. What was next? That black hole wasn't going to feed itself!

It also strikes me that the idea of Universal Basic Income, seeded heavily over the last couple of years at least here in Canada, could really be made to sprout in this kind of environment. -I know several service workers, wait staff and such, who were asking yesterday, "What do I do!? It's already tight at home and the rent needs to be paid. I have kids, and now they have to stay home! How can I look for work and take care of children?"

The local government for my region has indicated that they've put aside a billion dollars in anticipation of needing to help people who are in this kind of situation.

If a UBI is instituted, some experts agree that it would very quickly make people dependent on the state and that the road back to personal soveriegnty would be next to impossible. Talk about imposing instant control! -Just one specter which jumps to mind is that if you don't take your pills and needles, you can be easily punished simply by having your cash "privileges" shut off.

Mid-sized corporations which seem so powerful to us, but who aren't powerful enough to have a seat at the elite table may as well be just another bunch of peons in the eyes of the ultra-powerful. The old oil and banking families will do just fine, (or so they believe, I'm sure).
One thing has me wondering:

We all know that big corporations own governments pretty much and because of that, direct policy decisions. But here, with shutting down entire countries, we have a situation that is apparently very damaging to many, if not most, big corporations.

So, what is up with that?

We have to think that representatives of the same international corporations are in on something, and are apparently willing to take this apparent hit, so what the heck is going on?

Just speculation, but one reason might be that the really big corporations will be "bailed out" - while the rest crumbles to dust?
That would essentially create a fascist system, except that the real control lies with the mega-corps and banks... As the Cs alluded to once I think, someone might want a "controlled demolition"...

Thinking about this, it occurs to me that this economic hit will NOT impact the real movers and shakers, and at the same time:

1. It's a good way to provoke a global recession and an economic collapse
2. Test draconian/fascist measures and its acceptance among the population
3. Promote digital currencies and kick away physical money
4. Extending on point 2, to reveal how many of us are authoritarian followers -- as in "programming is complete"

Correct me if I'm wrong but when a Country declares a "State of Emergency" it gives it certain powers, one is low interest financial aid to prop up business and Corporate Institutions to keep the economy running? International Corporations are getting a bail-out.

Italy pumps cash into coronavirus-hit economy as death toll passes 2,000
Italy approved 25 billion euros ($28 billion) of spending measures on Monday to help the fragile economy survive
the onslaught of coronavirus as the death toll in Europe's worst-affected country jumped above 2,000.

Factbox: The economic remedies for the coronavirus
Policymakers and government leaders have taken a range of measures to shore up financial markets and economies
in the face of a coronavirus pandemic. Here is a list of how some of the world's biggest economies and economic blocs have reacted.

The U.S. Federal Reserve slashed rates back to near zero, restarted bond buying and launched other measures from its crisis-era toolkit, along with other central banks, to put the floor under a rapidly disintegrating global economy assailed by efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic.

The Fed also encouraged banks to use the trillions of dollars in equity and liquid assets built up as capital buffers since the financial crisis to lend to business and households whose balance sheets and lives have been upended by the virus.

The central banks of the United States, the euro zone, Canada, Britain, Japan and Switzerland agreed on Sunday to offer three-month credit in U.S. dollars on a regular basis and at a rate cheaper than usual.

The U.S. Treasury Department will defer tax payments without interest or penalties for certain individuals and businesses negatively impacted, aiming to provide more than $200 billion of additional liquidity to the economy.

The Small Business Administration will also provide capital and liquidity to firms affected by the coronavirus.

Earlier, Trump signed a $8.3 billion emergency spending bill to combat the spread of the virus and develop vaccines for the highly contagious disease.

EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK - The ECB will also provide banks with loans at a rate as low as minus 0.75%, below the -0.5% deposit rate, and increase bond purchases by 120 billion euros this year with a focus on corporate debt. The ECB’s bank supervisory arm will let euro zone banks fall short of some key capital and cash requirements, to keep credit flowing to the economy.

CHINA - China earmarked 110.5 billion yuan ($15.9 billion) to fight the epidemic.

ITALY - Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri said the government’s planned economic support package would total some 25 billion euros ($28 billion) to ensure that companies and workers were helped through the crisis.

JAPAN - The Bank of Japan said it would double its purchases of risky exchange trade funds (ETFs) to a pace of around 12 trillion yen ($112.6 billion) a year

Germany’s center-left coalition agreed to increase public investments by 12.4 billion euros by 2024 and to make it easier for companies to claim subsidies to support workers on reduced working hours to counter the effects of the coronavirus epidemic.

BRITAIN - Britain launched a 30 billion-pound ($39 billion) economic stimulus plan just hours after the Bank of England slashed interest rates, a double-barreled package aimed at warding off the risk of a coronavirus recession.

FRANCE - The government is allowing companies to suspend payments of some social charges and taxes, and is activating state-subsidized short-time work schemes. It has ordered the Bpifrance state investment bank to guarantee loans needed to overcome short-term cashflow problems. Paris has also allowed companies to declare force majeure due to the outbreak if they cannot honor a contract with the public sector, and is putting pressure on big companies to show similar leniency with subcontractors.

INDIA - The government is pushing state-run banks to approve new loans amounting to 500 billion-600 billion rupees by the end of March, according to government sources.

CANADA - The Bank of Canada lowered its benchmark overnight rate to 1.25% from 1.75% in response to the epidemic, prompting money markets to price in a better-than-even chance of another reduction next month. The last time it cut by 50 basis points was in 2009 during the financial crisis.

SOUTH KOREA - The government announced a stimulus package of 11.7 trillion won ($9.8 billion) to cushion the impact of the largest outbreak of coronavirus outside China. An additional 10.3 trillion won in treasury bonds will be issued this year to fund the extra budget.

'We are at war': France imposes lockdown to combat virus
French President Emmanuel Macron is seen addresses the nation about the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, on a mobile screen in this illustration picture taken March 16, 2020. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard/Illustration
French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday ordered stringent restrictions on people's movement to slow the spread of the coronavirus, and said the army would be drafted in to help move the sick to hospitals.

France to deploy 100,000 police to enforce coronavirus lockdown - minister
France will deploy 100,000 police to enforce a lockdown ordered by President Emmanuel Macron aimed at curbing the coronavirus outbreak, the country's interior minister said on Monday, and fixed checkpoints will be set up across the country.

UK's Johnson says coronavirus will be 'very considerable challenge' for business
The spread of coronavirus will be a "very considerable challenge" for British businesses, and the government will do all it can to resolve cashflow shortfalls and help them recover, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday.
Excellent video post from Aaron and Melissa Dykes over at TRUTHSTREAM MEDIA.

For those who don't know their work they're a very bright young married couple in Austin, Texas, and they have been posting often superb videos for years, mostly about mind control and technocracy - and when they are right they share some fantastically well researched material.

Melissa in particular is also a very good observer and commentator on behavior and its relationship to mass programming/culture (I really enjoy her - she's a got a natural video voice full of sense and apoplectic shock at what she is living through year in year out...) .

The first 20 mins of this video is a video diary of what happened in her city/county over the past few days where there is not a single confirmed case of the virus. A perfect distillation of collective madness.

Then she goes on to make some very good observations as follows, including the blindingly obvious first statement - with deep esoteric undertones - that I must confess I've missed hitherto, though its staring me in the face:

What happens in your body start on a psychic level and I think it's ironic that this is a corona virus because what's a corona? What's the corona normally?

(picture of a crown on the head)

It's the aura right around the Sun that you can only really see during a total solar eclipse.

Fear is the mind killer. Remember that scene in Dune? She's got his hand in the box and she's telling him all this stuff that's happening to his hand and he's telling himself ‘fear is the mind killer.’ Don't give in to the fear! Your immune system is taxed by a constant stress and constant anxiety and constant panic and fear and freaking out. So yes, you can wash your hands all day - but if you're freaking out, if your anxiety is driven up to a level 100 because everywhere you look in this digital bubble all you're hearing is COVID-19… Corona on a loop, to where it almost doesn't even sound like words anymore - because you've heard it so much and you've just jacked up your entire system to where you're just dumping stress hormones and chemicals into your body at a pretty steady pace.

Well your immune system is going to be impaired by that continuous panic and stress. Continuously stressing someone out is a great way to drive their immune system to a point where if there is a virus, if there is a flu, if there is a cold, if there is something, it's going to be a lot easier to catch it.

Those of you that went to college and you remember finals week? You get all stressed out and the lead-up to finals week - and as soon as you take that test everyone gets sick! It used to happen to me every semester because I'd get all stressed out trying to cram for all my finals and everything and then I would end up getting sick that week because my body couldn't handle the continued repeated stress of freaking out and staying at this constant state of low-level to mid-level anxiety.

Now it's just full-on high level anxiety that people are having, so fear - that's the mind killer. And our reality is based on the signals that are sent to our brains from our sense organs to build the perceptions that we have of our reality, so if we're just constantly listening to all this fear about what's going to happen to you now, yet what's not happened yet, nor what is actually happening, physically where you are.

I'm talking about the projections and all the constant repeating, and repeating - it's like just pushing a button, a panic button, in someone's forehead just over and over and over right there in their corona.

Then after that:

Our minds are so powerful that there have been cases where a woman has believed she is pregnant and she has had every symptom of pregnancy. I saw one time there was a story about a woman who grew an amniotic sac! That's how strong the mind is. They call it Pseudocyesis - and doctors suspect the psychological factors actually trick the body into thinking that it's pregnant.

The brain is insanely powerful. This is we have such a thing as the placebo effect… I definitely don't want to make you witness 27 people saying the word fear, but that's what it is… today then I watched a mayor of one of our larger cities give a press conference and the whole press conference was about freaking people out - it was not about calming anyone down - the way he was talking, I couldn't believe it because normally when they give these press conferences they usually try to get everyone to remain calm. But it's almost like the words he was saying were trigger words that were trying to trigger people into freaking out more

... Driving people to the point where they're just responding emotionally and reacting to a situation instead of thinking about things logically is also driving people to a point of begging to have their rights taken away - begging for any level of fascism that you can think of. And some of that is actually going on - that's actually occurring now; people that back in 2012 were decrying the idea of martial law on the streets are actually saying today “It's gonna be a good thing when that happens it's gonna be good we are being locked down…” unbelievable.

It reminds me of a quote I saw today on Instagram it said:

“Let's face it - we live in a command based system,
where we've been programmed since our earliest school years to become followers, not individuals;
we have been conditioned to embrace teams, the herd, the masses, popular opinion,
and to reject what is different eccentric or stands alone;
we are so programmed that all it takes for any business or authority to condition our minds
to follow or buy something is to simply repeat a statement more than three or four times
until we repeat it ourselves and follow it as truth or the best, trendiest thing.
This is called programming; the frequent repetition of words to condition us
how to think, what to like or dislike and who to follow.”

and finally:

...which takes me back to the Twilight Zone and Maple Street.

Do you know how the episode ends?... it's a good episode it's one of it I think it was ranked the top ten Twilight Zone episodes of all time because it makes a really good point.

So at the end, you have neighbours who just moments before in the episode we're totally friendly with each other and hanging out in the street. But now they're beating each other to death in the streets and they're throwing rocks through each other's windows and everything has gone to complete hell - utter chaos. Everything is dissolved.

Then the scene cuts to a nearby hilltop that overlooks the street; there's these two guys there… they're talking about how all you have to do is use this device they have to manipulate a neighbourhood’s power and how simply messing with it just makes everyone go insane, and that it only takes a few hours after screwing with people's machines - the machines are specifically mentioned by the way - that's all it takes for people to descend into complete and utter anxiety, paranoia, chaos, panic and flip out on each other and it's a pattern that they've done in other cities and it can be exploited.

…these two guys with their device, they're aliens - and they're going to take over earth. And the last line is about how they're going to do it one neighbourhood at a time. They say:

“All we need to do is sit back and watch. Their world is full of maple streets and we'll go from one to the other and let them destroy themselves, one to the other, one to the other…

The closing narration… says:

“The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men.”

For those who haven't yet see their award winning documentary, 'The Minds of Men', its linked here.

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