We have to think that representatives of the same international corporations are in on something, and are apparently willing to take this apparent hit, so what the heck is going on?

Just speculation, but one reason might be that the really big corporations will be "bailed out" - while the rest crumbles to dust? That would essentially create a fascist system, except that the real control lies with the mega-corps and banks... As the Cs alluded to once I think, someone might want a "controlled demolition"...

They hysterically try to implement this or that measure "to slow down the virus" even though most of it doesn't make logical sense and is ridiculous. In the IT space (people working on PC's) the situation seems to get pretty bad too, many people going to "home office" now. Also, the closing of schools and kindergartens obviously makes things for a lot of parents in germany pretty difficult; especially for those who also have to work. Who takes care of the kids? Also, people are suggested to stay home if they show the "smallest signs of the virus" all over germany, on pretty much every company I'm afraid. All this alone is already getting pretty dangerous for the economy I think. And it has just started. Also, I think many people will use this opportunity now to "make sick" for two or more weeks, even though they have no illness. It is the perfect opportunity for some people to make sick without anyone complaining. Instead, making sick is now encouraged. Also, it seems the question who pays for people getting on a two-week voluntary confinement (or longer) and if it should be covered by the workers vacation days, flexitime, government or health insurance seems to be something nobody knows about (including the chiefs). No clear statements from the government. In our company for example, people now have to use their flextime for the two or more weeks of confinement at home if they "show signs". Obviously, people won't like that either. In short; chaos.

Exactly what I'm seeing too in Germany. Many people are still making fun of it all (and good for them), but there will be dire consequences very soon.
So again, why are they all falling into line with what is basically total self-destruction of companies and wealth?

From the book : Laura Knight-Jadczyk. The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts 1997 Part 1, session February 2nd 1997, note 7: (bold is mine)

In this session all these things are being connected together: microwave towers, HAARP, and Earth changes. So, going back to the Cs statement in this session – “We told you that ‘HAARP’ was being designated for capturing and modulating electromagnetic fields for the purpose of total control of brainwave patterns in order to establish a system of complete ‘order on the surface of the planet’ in either 3rd or 4th density” – we can connect that to Earth changes. In other words, the activities of the STS consortium are effectively attracting the events that may very well lead to the near destruction of our planet and the extinction of the human race. Generating divisiveness, hatred, wars, economic inequality – all affect the FRV of human beings. And when the suffering reaches a certain threshold, I shudder to think of what will happen. A “harvest” for sure!
I hope that they won't implement a mandatory coronavirus vaccination (once it's available), and if they do, I'm going to research every single option to get exemption from it.
If you can't exempt from it, here is how to prepare and protect yourself from any vaccine ;-)
So again, why are they all falling into line with what is basically total self-destruction of companies and wealth?
These delineations between public/private, church/state, ect. are for legal purposes. But despite the distinctions, all aspects are social. What is civilization but a social construct?
So, social power is reserved for the elite, and the common man free from it. And so the means the elites tax us are myriad. You give to the church, you pay insurance, you pay taxes, you own stock, you have a bank account... it all goes into their hands. And it doesn't seem so bad if you look at any specific revenue stream. But, it is all theirs. It's exclusive. Because, despite the distinctions, a civilization is nothing without cooperation.
And so, as long as they are on the receiving end, and the destination where all revenues flow, all other concerns are for their elite circles to work out. We are beneath that level.
The problem I have with that is, it is like we are like cattle to be managed. Yet we are made to believe we are participants of equal power, when it is reserved by them. And we do have some sway, but it is limited.
So, there is a establishment, and they run the show, and whatever crisis we face, they bear the burden, and if it doesn't make sense economically, it doesn't have to.
As consumers, we are inclined to see the economic value of things, as it's what we are left with at our level where we are dog eat dog.
So, they have their social sphere, and we have ours. Ours is to feed their revenue streams, theirs is to manage. And in a crisis we see their social aspect moreso, and their connectedness. But in a crisis, we need it.
One thing has me wondering:

We all know that big corporations own governments pretty much and because of that, direct policy decisions. But here, with shutting down entire countries, we have a situation that is apparently very damaging to many, if not most, big corporations.

So, what is up with that?

We have to think that representatives of the same international corporations are in on something, and are apparently willing to take this apparent hit, so what the heck is going on?

I posed the question to Ark and he answered, jokingly, that all the elite must be planning to take off for Mars. Yeah, it's a joke, but can anyone else think of what could scare the head honchos of nearly all the corporations in the world, and gov leaders, so that they would be willing to take this truly absurd path? Surely, any of them with firing neurons can see that Corona Virus is NOT a huge threat to anybody. (Well, maybe Soros, Biden, Sanders and other old, unhealthy people.

So again, why are they all falling into line with what is basically total self-destruction of companies and wealth?

When I posted this,Coronavirus epidemic in China: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?
I was thinking of the companion star and you brougth that pass session back today. It may not be it but, you said it yourself what can possess them to take that big a hit but maybe a bigger hit coming our way. Maybe a meteorite, I don't know but it as to be apocalyptique.

Let me tell you a little story just so you see how important money is for them. My wife work for a billionaire, she is their estate manager, she meet royalty, prince and bigger billionaire. One day her boss call her and tell her that someone that she know is dead, someone that she add meet often as a guess at the house. Oh my god what happen she say, is answer; no no he is not dead dead, he lost is fortune, he lost everything with Madduff, he is dead financialy, wich for them is the same as being dead.

Money is their only drive, if you ask them what they would wish to have once they make there first billion, the answer will always be, make another billion.

So why risking it all, because they know that they will loose it anyway.

Will their bunker be deep enought! I think ark is right, they will go to mars, for some anyway.
Interesting turn of events here in Croatia. There is apparent push from the political left, currently in opposition, to implement harsher restrictions nationwide, but head of the National public health HQ, who is btw. chief epidemiologist in charge, refused to comply, explaining that current epidemiological situation in the Country is still far from disastrous with total of only 56 registered cases so far, all with mild symptoms and no deaths. Some counties have closed caffes and restaurants. Schools are out for the next two weeks, although there is on line schooling, hospitals are reorganised in order to take possible larger number of serious cases if needed. The Government is preparing a list of economic measures to help apparent economic downturn, one from the list is loan payback moratorium.
But worst panic vectors are MSM. It's totally disgusting to watch TV news or hear radio, MSM internet portals are even worse. It looks like they are disappointed for not having body count yet. In general you can see the fear and confusion among the people, with emphasis on confusion. I suppose that's the goal, to confuse in order to sell you something that you wouldn't buy normally.
Just speculation, but one reason might be that the really big corporations will be "bailed out" - while the rest crumbles to dust? That would essentially create a fascist system, except that the real control lies with the mega-corps and banks... As the Cs alluded to once I think, someone might want a "controlled demolition"...

If we think of the fact that one of the purposes of the 2008 crisis was the weeding out of weaker institutions and the absorbing of their value by larger, fatter fry, then this can be seen as the next logical step. Max Keiser has been saying for months that 90%+ of the S&P 500 companies are by now are zombie corporations with no value to their equity and the same is to be said of many dependent banks and other financial institutions. This stress testing can be seen as necessary next step culling with the remains of any value absorbed at 'book value' (i.e. next to zero cost) by the strong. It's Darwinian logic in action. Its dog eat dog in STS land and so it makes sense that part of this process will be a deliberate shedding of those who cannot survive the heating up of the frog pond even if they appeared to date to be part and parcel of the negative force. STS only sees one Lord of the Rings and so its logical to see them eating their own. Keiser again things the stock market is going private with maybe 10 global companies and a closed off market tradeable only by those on the inside to prop up their own value.
Just speculation, but one reason might be that the really big corporations will be "bailed out" - while the rest crumbles to dust? That would essentially create a fascist system, except that the real control lies with the mega-corps and banks... As the Cs alluded to once I think, someone might want a "controlled demolition"...

Exactly what I'm seeing too in Germany. Many people are still making fun of it all (and good for them), but there will be dire consequences very soon.
I remember oh too well the flood in eastern Germany (i think it was on pentecost) in the time of chancellor Schröder. We were seeing him on TV in rubber boots, promising quick help. Now, almost 20 years later, most of the concerned still have not seen any of his then promised money.
Just speculation, but one reason might be that the really big corporations will be "bailed out" - while the rest crumbles to dust? That would essentially create a fascist system, except that the real control lies with the mega-corps and banks... As the Cs alluded to once I think, someone might want a "controlled demolition"...

That's kinda my thinking too. Already the UK government has been asked for £7.5 billion from UK airlines, Norway has launched a $10 billion aid plan, Russia $4 billion, the US has 'injected' a trillion $ recently, $9 trillion in the last 6 months according to Pepe Escobar.

It's possible that they could attempt another rerun of 2008 using massive QE to further indebt the public, consolidate and fatten the monopolies.

I think one of the C's quotes said that they manufacture the financial crises but their will come a time where they actually lose control, maybe this is it? Some economists were predicting that the stock market would inevitably rise again and some insiders may have been be betting on making a lot of money then, but others are now saying that despite these measures the stock market isn't recovering.

It does seem that pathological types are using this manufactured crisis to benefit them in any way they can, from the guy in the store extorting for hand sanitizer to government types dreaming of martial law .
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Well, if this guy is right, a whole lotta heads are gonna roll in the scientific community, especially virologists. Because if it is nothing more than "The Emperor's New Clothes," a LOT of companies are going down and won't be happy when it is over.

Peeps, listen to what this guy is saying. If he's right, there's no there THERE. Nothing but a few virologists creating a kerfuffle and selling it to China, and then, more get onboard and sell it to the rest of the world and all is a complete house of cards.
Maybe, just maybe, at least some parties know of something that has been detected that will hit earth in the not to distant future, and they are now trying to see/test out how best to manage the world population in a panic mode situation, in order to stay in control through the mayhem and afterwards? Maybe the Virus just represented a good (accidental) opportunity to test things out for future use? If so, I'll think there is a good likelihood that they will shoot themselves in the foot. And if so, we probably can expect more of that sort in the near future. Using every opportunity to do so.
Just spitballing here.

Let’s say at certain levels, there are those that know what’s coming down the pike. To these people I don’t think it’s about money anymore, it’s more about control and setting themselves up to be in a position to be the ones holding the reins afterwards.

We also know that there is infighting amongst the elites. As was alluded to earlier in this thread, if you tank a whole industry such as the airlines, it makes it easier for a single entity to swoop in and set up shop as the only ones left standing. Maybe one sect saw this as a golden opportunity to cripple some of their rivals financially.

Maybe this whole thing is 3D STS forces trying to set their pieces up on the chessboard so they are in the most advantages positions for what’s coming. But as the C’s said, their wishful thinking will blind them to the fact that what’s coming doesn’t care about their game and will just knock the entire board onto the floor.
We are made of the stuff of stars, given our lives by a living world, given our selves by time. We are brother to the trees and sister to the sun. We are of such glorious stuff we need not carry pain around like a label. Our duty, as living things, to be sure that pain is not our whole story, for we can choose to be otherwise. As Ellin says, we can choose to dance.”
― Sheri S. Tepper, Six Moon Dance

Don't wish to go off topic but reading Bluefrye's comment above I saw this quote underneath. Whilst getting a bit hot under the collar reading all these pages I saw the word CHOOSE and began to calm down a bit. I imagine we have to choose every waking minute and I forget so much to do just that. Just felt I had to type that and now I feel much better.
Wait one second! If this is just another variation of the flu... Then why is the whole world going bonkers? :nuts:

Plus, why is Italy running out of hospital beds....

Also just seen this

This must be one hell of a weird flu to create all this craziness...
The way I see the issue, most hospitals are short of bed space 365 days a year. It's been that way for a while now.
Yeah, I think it speaks to the general mental and physical health of the entire global population. Ignorant, mislead, complacent and sometimes just stupid; including those who run the 'health system'.🙄
The big question is still the situation in Italy. Looking for new reports about the overwhelmed hospitals. Not seeing anything new. The idea that it is just the flu was changed by the scenes from Italy. The question of whether it's flu or not is important for narrative management. I don't recall ever hearing about hospitals running out of beds due to flu. Maybe they do all the time? In Wuhan, was there something about the surge in patients that raised the alarm, or was there narrative management starting in a place where it's easier to do, and where it's difficult to get through the information firewall?

To get some answer, the situation in Italy is significant, as it either represents a Douma-like falese-flag, or this is truly a novel coronavirus. It doesn't have to be particularly fatal, it just has to clog up the system enough to create panic. Waiting to see if it ever gets that way in other EU states this coming week, or in the US in supposedly another 10 days or so.

This is a even longer version where he answeres questions.
Interestingly enough it was on german TV six days ago.
Of course he is anti smoking. But he seems trustworthy as far as I am able to decide on that now.
This is 39 minutes long and only in german. I am simply to tired now to translate it. sorry. So this is for german speakers only.
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