Just saw this one:

Denmark's parliament on Thursday night unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law which gives health authorities powers to force testing, treatment and quarantine with the backing of the police.
The far-reaching new law will remain in force until March 2021, when it will expire under a sunset clause.
Trine Maria Ilsøe, DR's court correspondent, said that Danish citizens could face prosecution under the new law if they refused to comply with health authorities' demands. "It means that you could be sentenced to a punishment if you, for example, refuse to allow yourself to be tested for coronavirus," she said.
The Ministry of Health will now work with the Ministry of Justice on the details of how the police will work with health officials to enforce their demands.
As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even though there is currently no vaccination for the virus.

It also empowers them to prohibit access to public institutions, supermarkets and shops, public and private nursing homes and hospitals, and also to impose restrictions on access to public transport.

Initially, the government wanted to the law to give the police the right to enter private homes without a court order if there is a suspicion of coronavirus infection. But this was dropped after opposition from parties in the parliament.
Hey, everybody. Hi.!
There are good tips from a Russian doctor working in China.

Klimov Yura - a young doctor from Russia, working in a hospital in Shenzhen, transferred to the study of the pneumonia virus Wuhan. He called his loved ones and gave an explanation.

If you have a runny nose and sputum with a cold, you cannot be a carrier of coronavirus infection. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough without a runny nose. It's the easiest way to determine what kind of infection you have.
Wuhan's virus is not heat resistant and dies at 26-27 degrees. So drink more hot water. Be in the sun more often and for longer. Hot water is not a cure, but it is good for health and effective for all viruses.

Doctor's advice on coronavirus:

1. The virus is quite large in size (the diameter of the cell is about 400-500 nm), so a regular honey mask can filter it out. If the infected person sneezes in front of you or passes up to 3 meters away from you, slow down the step and the infection will just fall to the ground, it can not fly.
2. If the virus hits the metal surface, it will live for at least 12 hours. So if you come into contact with any metal surface, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
3. The virus can remain active on tissue for 6-12 hours. Normal detergent should kill the virus. Winter clothing should be dry enough in the sun to kill the virus.

About the symptoms of the disease itself, the pneumonia caused by the coronavirus:

1. After penetration into the throat, dry throat may appear, which is found in angina. It will last 3-4 days.
2. Then the virus will merge with nasal fluid, enter the trachea, and then into the lungs and cause pneumonia. This process will take 5 to 6 days.
3. Coronoviral pneumonia will cause high fever and difficulty breathing. The nasal congestion is not like a typical congestion, it feels like you are drowning in water. In this case, you should see a doctor immediately.

About prevention:

1. The most common way to get infected is by touching people, so wash your hands often. The virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 minutes. But anything can happen within those 5-10 minutes (you can rub your eyes or touch your nose with your hands).
2. In addition to frequent hand washing, you can rinse your throat with Betadine to eliminate or minimize the effects of germs while they are still in your throat (before reaching the lungs).

Be extremely careful and drink more warmed water.

Klimov Jura: The new coronavirus NCP may not show signs of infection for many days, whereas one can know if a person is infected?

According to recent data, the incubation period can last up to 28 days before the symptoms of COVID-19 become evident.
By the time a person has a fever and coughs and goes to hospital - the lungs are usually found to have 50% fibrosis and it is too late!
Taiwanese experts advise a simple introspection that we can do every morning:
Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds.
If you successfully complete it without coughing, without discomfort, stuffiness, shyness, etc., it proves that there is no fibrosis in your lungs, and this indicates no infection.
Consultancy of Japanese doctors treating COVID-19. Everyone should make sure that your mouth and throat are moist, not dry.
Take a few sips of water every 15 minutes.
Even if the virus enters your mouth, drinking water or other liquids flush it through the oesophagus into your stomach, and then the pearls in your stomach will kill the whole virus.
If you do not drink enough water regularly, the virus can enter your respiratory tract and get into your lungs.
It's very dangerous.

Share this information with your friends, family and friends. May the world of grief cure her from the crown virus.
Bless you!

Regards Sergei!
Тranslation DeepL.
The US representative Katie Porter has secured free coronavirus testing for all Americans, no matter what health insurance they have. Well done!

Good intentions I'm sure, but I think the appropriate thing to do would be what the Chinese apparently do: just stop testing to contain the real killer: the mass hysteria. That and paying people who can't go to their jobs, who are quarantined etc.
and it keeps going worse ... how to reach a new low ...

UK to put all citizens over 70 into isolation for MONTHS as coronavirus spreads across the country

Source: UK to put all citizens over 70 into isolation for MONTHS as coronavirus spreads across the country

UK’s health secretary confirmed isolation of people aged over 70 for up to four months amid a coronavirus pandemic. The is to protect them, but critics say it may be a really bad idea.
Isolating the elderly is “clearly in the action plan” Health Secretary Matt Hancock has told Sky News, confirming earlier reports in the British media. “We will be setting it out with more detail when it's the right time to do”, he added, which may come within weeks.
Earlier ITV’s political editor Robert Peston said the British government was likely to enforce a “wartime-style” mobilization effort and other emergency measures, including isolation of elderly people.
Britain has 1,140 confirmed cases of the Covid-19 disease. Elderly people have shown to be more vulnerable to the epidemic as they are more likely to develop more serious symptoms.

I guess that should include the Queen and most of the Lords ... but double standards may (likely) apply ...
So, this morning, these are the hystericized headlines I read:

And that's just looking at RT. God knows what is on all the other outlets!

And for what? A virus that is, comparatively speaking, almost a Nothing Burger!
Well on the economy side ... in Norway
Not sure it is related to the Corona nothingburger ... but the timing is pretty suspicious .
Will have to follow the money track to see who benefits
The irony is that while the coronavirus per se didn't cause much suffering yet, the hysteria generated around this so-called pandemics has generated way more suffering: employees losing their job, small businesses going bankrupt, people angsting, canceled social events, retirees and small investors losing a sizable chunk of their saving.

We are witnessing a tragedy. This tragedy is not the COVID19 "epidemics" but the overblown and destructive measures taken by the authorities.
There are a handful of little snippets from the transcripts which have stuck in my mind over the last couple of decades (!!) and which serve as a kind of core belief and maybe even reality-shaping guidance system. One of them was an exchange between Laura and the C's discussing things to come. (This is totally paraphrased and I don't recall the session date):

"So.., there will be a war with American STS forces. Europe and the rest of the world will push back.., and win! There will be a time of rejoicing and stability. And then.., Splat! A comet wipes everything out."

I seem to also recall, "With food shortages, disease naturally follows."

These little quotes have settled in mind like something between common wisdom and bible entries; poetic stanzas poorly describing a more concrete truth not yet seen. Critical interpretation following observation as reality plays out is the best way to learn what they mean.

Anyway.., the war with the American STS, I think, while there is certainly a boots-on-the-ground quotient, has been pretty mild when you contrast current day warfare to wars in the past. When you compare the casualty counts of the first world war to modern warfare.., it's unreal! They're in totally different solar systems, -perhaps literally. (The Iraq war, including violent civilian deaths from 2003 to 2013, is around 680,000. By contrast, World War I claimed and estimated 40 million. That's industrial level death! I remember a history teacher one time trying to explain the daily death toll in terms of box cars worth of humans per hour, per day. As a species, we were seriously committed to killing each other.)

Today, the world has shifted focus in terms of combat.

The world now stages its modern sound and fury in the media. More than half the war, maybe even most of it, is taking place across virtual reality. Hell, I've been in soul-bruising combat more times than I can count over the years on one forum or another, trading words and barbs like bullets. I bet everybody here has. It's taken twenty years to learn how to not hurt people and not get hurt.

There are other ways to conduct war and I think we'll see some of it play out, though I hope I'm mistaken.

Not sure this was posted before, but here is Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg's (a doctor with years of real-life experience both as a doctor and the head of a health authority) assessment in written form:

Without PCR-Tests there would be no reason for special alarms.
We are currently not measuring the incidence of coronavirus diseases, but the activity of the specialists searching for them.

by Wolfgang Wodarg
The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. However, it causes considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and restrictions. The images in the media are frightening and the traffic in China's cities seems to be regulated by the clinical thermometer.
Evidence based epidemiological assessment is drowning in the mainstream of fear mongers in labs, media and ministries.

The carnival in Venice was cancelled after an elderly dying hospital patient was tested positive. When a handful of people in Northern Italy also were tested positive, Austria immediately closed the Brenner Pass temporarily.

Due to a suspected case of coronavirus, more than 1000 people were not allowed to leave their hotel in Tenerife. On the cruise ship Diamond Princess 3700 passengers could not disembark., Congresses and touristic events are cancelled, economies suffer and schools in Italy have an extra holyday.

At the beginning of February, 126 people from Wuhan were brought to Germany by plane and remained there in quarantine two weeks in perfect health. Corona viruses were detected in two of the healthy individuals.

We have experienced similar alarmist actions by virologists in the last two decades. WHO's "swine flu pandemic" was in fact one of the mildest flu waves in history and it is not only migratory birds that are still waiting for "birds flu". Many institutions that are now again alerting us to the need for caution have let us down and failed us on several occasions. Far too often, they are institutionally corrupted by secondary interests from business and/or politics.

If we do not want to chase frivolous panic messages, but rather to responsibly assess the risk of a spreading infection, we must use solid epidemiological methodology. This includes looking at the "normal", the baseline, before you can speak of anything exceptional.
Until now, hardly anyone has paid attention to corona viruses. For example, in the annual reports of the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) they are only marginally mentioned because there was SARS in China in 2002 and because since 2012 some transmissions from dromedaries to humans have been observed in Arabia (MERS). There is nothing about a regularly recurring presence of corona viruses in dogs, cats, pigs, mice, bats and in humans, even in Germany.

However, children's hospitals are usually well aware, that a considerable proportion of the often severe viral pneumonia is also regularly caused or accompanied by corona viruses worldwide.

In view of the well-known fact that in every "flu wave" 7-15% of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) are coming along with coronaviruses, the case numbers that are now continuously added up are still completely within the normal range.

About one per thousand infected are expected to die during flu seasons. By selective application of PCR-tests - for example, only in clinics and medical outpatient clinics - this rate can easily be pushed up to frightening levels, because those, who need help there are usually worse off than those, who are recovering at home. The role of such s selection bias seems to be neglected in China and elsewhere.

Since the turn of the year, the focus of the public, of science and of health authorities has suddenly narrowed to some kind of blindness. Some doctors in Wuhan (12 million inhabitants) succeeded in attracting worldwide attention with initially less than 50 cases and some deaths in their clinic, in which they had identified corona viruses as the pathogen.

The colourful maps that are now being shown to us on paper or screens are impressive, but they usually have less to do with disease than with the activity of skilled virologists and crowds of sensationalist reporters.
We are currently not measuring the incidence of coronavirus diseases, but the activity of the specialists searching for them.

Wherever such the new tests are carried out - there about 9000 tests per week available in 38 laboratories throughout Europe on 13 February 2020 – there are at least single cases detected and every case becomes a self-sustaining media event. The fact alone that the discovery of a coronavirus infection is accompanied by a particularly intensive search in its vicinity explains many regional clustersi.

The horror reports from Wuhan were something, that virologists all over the world are waiting for. Immediately, the virus strains present in the refrigerators were scanned and compared feverishly with the reported newcomers from Wuhan. A laboratory at the Charité won the race at the WHO and was the first to be allowed to market its in-house tests worldwide. Prof C. Drosten was interviewed on 23rd of january 2020 and described how the Test was established. He said, that he cooperated with a Partner from China, who confirmed the specific sensitivity of the Charitè-Test for the Wuhan coronavirus. Other Tests from different Places followed soon and found their market.

However, it is better not to be tested for corona viruses. Even with a slight "flu-like" infection the risk of coronavirus detection would be 7% - 15% . This is, what a prospective monitoring in Scotland (from 2005 to 2013) may teach us. The scope, the possible hits and the significance of the new tests are not jet validated. It would be intersting to have soe tests not only on airports and cruising ships but on german or italian cats, mice or even bats.

If you find some new virus RNA in a Thai cave ore a Wuhan hospital, it takes a long time to map its prevalence in different hosts worldwide.

But if you want to give evidence to a spreading pandemic by using PCR-Tests only, this is what should have been done after a prospective cross sectional protocoll.

So beware of side effects. Nowadays positive PCR tests have tremendous consequences for the everyday life of the patient and his wider environment, as can be seen in all media without effort.

However, the finding itself has no clinical significance. It is just another name for acute respiratory illnesses (ARI), which as every year put 30% to 70% of all people in our countries more or less out of action for a week or two every winter.

According to a prospective ARI-virus monitoring in Scotland from 2005 to 2013, the most common pathogens of acute respiratory diseases were: 1. rhinoviruses, 2. influenza A viruses, 3. influenza B viruses, 4. RS viruses and 5. coronaviruses.
This order changed slightly from year to year. Even with viruses competing for our mucous membrane cells, there is apparently a changing quorum, as we know it from our intestines in the case of microorganisms and from the Bundestag in the case of political groups.

So if there is now to be an increasing number of "proven" coronavirus infections. in China or in Italy: Can anyone say how often such examinations were carried out in previous winters, by whom, for what reason and with which results? When someone claims that something is increasing, he must surely refer to something, that has been observed before.

It can be stunning, when an experienced disease control officer looks at the current turmoil, the panic and the suffering it causes. I'm sure many of those responsible public health officers would probably risk their jobs today, as they did with the "swine flu" back then, if they would follow their experience and oppose the mainstream.

Every winter we have a virus epidemic with thousands of deaths and with millions of infected people even in Germany. And coronaviruses always have their share.
So if the Federal Government wants to do something good, it could learn from epidemiologists in Glasgow and have all clever minds at the RKI observe prospectively (!!!) and watch how the virom of the German population changes from year to year.

Some questions for the evaluation of the current findings:
  1. Which prospective, standardised monitoring of acute respiratory diseases with or without fever (ILI, ARI) is used for the epidemiological risk assessment of coronavirus infections observed in Wuhan Italy, South Korea, Iran and elsewhere (baseline).
  2. How do the comparable (!) results of earlier observations differ from those now reported by the WHO? (in China, in Europe, in Italy, in Germany, etc.)
  3. What would we observe this ARI-season if we would ignore the new PCR-testing?
  4. How valid and how comparable are the detection methods used with regard to sensitivity, specificity and pathogenetic or prognostic relevance?
  5. What is the evidence or probability that the observed corona viruses 2019/2020 are more dangerous to public health than previous variants?
  6. If you find them now, how can you proove, they were not there (e.g. in animals) before.
  7. What considerations have been made or taken into account to exclude or minimise sources of bias (sources of error)?
and it keeps going worse ... how to reach a new low ...

UK to put all citizens over 70 into isolation for MONTHS as coronavirus spreads across the country

Source: UK to put all citizens over 70 into isolation for MONTHS as coronavirus spreads across the country

I guess that should include the Queen and most of the Lords ... but double standards may (likely) apply ...
That's a telling cultural variation on what's taking place in other European countries, where the whole country is encouraged to go into self-quarantine out of a sense of national solidarity. In the UK, they instead move to shove OAPs - the most vulnerable to flu-like illnesses of course - out of view. For many years now, hundreds of thousands of British pensioners have been forced to choose between heating and food each winter.

Here is another (german) interview with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

Some points:

- "How do you know the virus has spread rapidly? All we know is that the measurement to diagnose it spread very quickly. How do you know that these viruses were not already present in Peking and elsewhere, or in Italy? In the past, one could never search for them and never looked for them."

- [On the flu epidemic in general] "...This looks very mild. There are even fewer deaths than in recent years" (see Mortality monitoring in Europe EURO MOMO)

- "It's nothing new that there is a new coronavirus [...] And it's not worth making a test like this every time, nobody wants to buy it normally, unless you panic like now, then everybody wants to have it."

- "[It's pretty much the same as always, a little bit weaker. And if we weren't testing on Corona all over the world, nobody would notice it(?)] No then we wouldn't notice it. We wouldn't notice it."

- He says the lockdown is negligent.

- "Depending on how they define a pandemic, they may or may not have one. If we're talking about viruses spreading all over the world, then you have a permanent pandemic."

- "People are not dying more. People do not get these influenza-like or flu-like or acute respiratory diseases more often than before and than every winter. They do not. It isn't there."

- The test is not validated.
With respect to the situation in Italy, this article gives a good possible explanation on why it has gotten so bad:

From the article:
Watching a recent interview with an Italian public health official, I had the impression that perhaps several thousand new ICU patients were burdening the hospital system in the northern part of the country. Several thousand out of a national population of 60 million.

Here’s the trick. Before the announcement of the coronavirus epidemic, people who showed up at those hospitals, with flu, flu-like symptoms, lung infections, pneumonia would be placed in the general wards and treated, or even sent home with drugs.

But now they would, many of them, be called “presumptive cases” of coronavirus, without any tests at all, or after tests which don’t work (see my prior articles on why the diagnostic tests are useless and deceptive). By labeling these patients “contagious coronavirus,” the hospital doctors are forced to send them to the ICU, to “protect others from the infection.”

Thus, these ICUs are crowded and overflowing.

Which of course, will lead to many more people dying :cry:

Excellent point!
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