The Question is what defines really a virus these days...
A new virus, a unique virus, a stable virus, an unstable virus, a variant virus and all the many gray zone titles - which to me sometimes sound as if they have been weaponized to such a degree, you can't even see the forest because of all the trees.
Yet - in the end do we know exactly what is what ? Can we truly show proof of what is what ? How do we do that ? Can we show the difference ? Are we even brave enough to step back 5 steps - start all over again ? Everybody just seem to sit and defend existent technologies "in the way it has been done - it will be done". Thereby continue to test with those, whether they are really that good, or not.
So, what has really been found and how is it really analyzed ? (And what were the vaccines truly based on in the very beginning, if for example they didn't have a real virus yet... but just a fragment of something. After all - everything about the
mRNA in the vaccines are of artificial origin - a code that is
not found in nature ! Which i believe, is important to keep in mind. So, you do not need something real, in order to create something artificial. All you need, is a model. Modeling seem to be the favorite game occupation in the world of science in most fields. Just saying.
Something about the core in all of this virus business, still feels seriously off.
What kind of tools have been used to "see" a virus, or is it fragments, or what is it really we are talking about ? The whole procedure of "isolating a virus", seems to have spiraled out of promotions, distorted, weaponized. Different groups claim different measures, how they did it (or not). Also the ways a virus existence is defined, leaves me more and more wondering and questioning if that is what really defines a virus. Is sequencing really enough to tell that a virus is a virus ? Does a virus really do what it is claimed to do ?
If isolation of virus could been done in the past, why isn't it possible to do so now ? (That is a question to those who claim there is no virus, such as for example Judy Mikowitz, while also saying that her HIV virus has been isolated) So, where are we ? Are we talking about LETTER science - or are we talking about entities that can be seen, studied, isolated, multiplied ? If they can't be isolated - I ask - why not ?
What's up with that ? Why back then, and not now ?
The big divide
Again, here we have big shot scientists, even in the alternative world, some of claim that isolation has been done. Others big shots claim it has not been done. But... what is wrong with actually showing the whole pudding ? I think it is fair, to be able to call things it in question, especially in times of PCR testing technologies & science, which in itself seem to be flaky as a "golden standard", since you can tinker and tamper so nicely with it into all directions of necessary - getting anything you want...
I definitely call for better, more solid proof of the virus existence, from the scientists around the world. Especially, since the corona virus has been given so extreme significance like no other virus in the modern history of humanity - the more reasons to call for
more solid proof.
I am sure there is a virus - but is it new ?
And... how is 'new' defined, by the way ?
It appears that the variants are more or less little "reading" errors in the spike protein, while the
core of the virus (family) is mostly the same corona virus family, like they always have been ?
Dr Mike Yeadon was I believe the one who explained this deeper. Everytime the virus is replicating, sometimes "reading errors" happen. Think of a hard drive, when you copy large files, and as they are written down to a new location, a little error can happen. And those appear to happen in the spike protein domain (outer layer of the virus), while the genetic info of the core, largely seems to be the same without much variation. Even in the spike proteins there isn't really that much of variation, Yeadon says (around 0.3%), which for the immune system in a largely healthy person is absolutely no problem to cope with. Not even the SARS virus from 2003 is a problem, whose genome is around 80% that of the present corona virus (family, versions etc).
The Spike Protein Research...
It is also the
spike proteins most research has been done by the dark side (gain-of-function-reasearch) whose traces can be followed all the way back to 1999 where it started. We are talking about hundreds of million dollars that have been invested into that kind of research... Why all the interest in spike proteins ?
So. What is REALLY killing people ? And how MANY have truly been killed from the corona virus family in 2020-2021 ?
It is a fraction of the official deaths numbers, since they have been altered in so many ways, in order to fit the narrative. Without all that, it would still be a flu.
One that gives symptoms in some, and further down even give serious, life threatening conditions, even killing people through an interaction after one week, can lead to excessive inflammation in blood vessels, leading to death, especially in elderlies, if not treated properly. And how many have been killed though experimental anti-viral drugs (Remdesivir), wrong treatment protocols, overdosage of drugs, lack of oxygen, lack of doctor contacts, premature pallative care without consent (see elderly homes in Sweden 2020), and ventilators set on forcing air into the functioning lungs...
Those deaths, outweigh by far the real corona deaths.
And, for 99.86% the virus has never has been a life threatening problem. (The issue here is, that by putting this in words, it sounds so.... cold and careless, that many pro injection people, are going off like an atomic bombs, going on the barricades, calling whomever calling anything in question - as an "enemy of the state").
This ain't helping the truth, of course.
Given how humanity's health status has developed, going down steadily in the past 30-40 years (drugs, pills, questionable treatments, lack of sufficient, outmost important vitamins & minerals, processed food with all kinds of additives with shady nature, cosmetics with life endangering poo in it, environments with many untested ingredients more than you can count on one hand...) This all counts !
There is a price to pay...
We have been exposed to a multitude of negative factors, which makes it more difficult for the body to fix things - especially when we encounter a virus. Or it also could be, that we encounter it, because of the accumulated sum of quiet conditions in our body... which at some point are reflected by what we then call a virus...
I am sure, that particles called virus, are interacting with all that which goes into our bodies. (Plenty of ways how the interactions can play out) Enough for the scientists to sequence them into various letters, and calling it something new. An the big mean machine rolls on (emergency).
So yes, viruses can interact with the body in ways that are killing people in the worse case - as it always been the case with humanity, that when we get weaker, we fall more easily into illnesses.
Genetic injections
What is really making people ill / killing people now on a global, like the tip of an iceberg - are the experimental injections, together with the consequences of the lockdowns, poverty, conflicts.
In my opinion, the "deadliest virus" - are the
artificial genetic injections since Dec 2020 + the
corona narrative's consequences upon humanity for 1.5 years - not a corona virus.
And please forgive me if I partially ranted... I appears to me, that I am a man of too many words. I still haven't mastered the art of distilling meaning into compact, straight to the point sentences Perhaps, because the only texts I used to write for a couple decades, have only been in my personal diary... I hugely admire some of the forum members superb writing skills, believe me ! Albeit, to be honest, i also enjoy many different writing styles of forum members, too, because I tell myself, that is the way each one expresses themselves as an individual. In their very own, personal way.