China: >2021 Autumn - winter - Christmas - May 2022<

777 million fully vaccinated in China, authorities say as country records lowest rate of Covid-19 infections since July
The outbreak triggered the implementation of lockdown restrictions, contact tracing and mass testing. Authorities even tested the entire population of Wuhan, a city of 12 million people, finding 37 cases and 41 asymptomatic carriers.

On Sunday, the makers of the widely used CoronaVac shot said a third shot of their jab increased antibody levels substantially, amid concerns over its long-term efficacy. China’s shots made by Sinovac and Sinopharm have been used widely across the world.
The authorities contend that the Delta strain entered the country when an airport cleaning crew was exposed to the virus on a passenger jet that had arrived from Russia.
When I read the title of this article, I got the following image:
1. China = ash mound. [Got visual image of knee to waist deep in cremation chamber & burial sites]

2. I could taste the granulated ash on the back of my throat.
- "Take care to not celebrate such record vaxxing achievements, lest You turn your country into an ash-heap!"

3. By probably May 2022 (some still this year) China - it looks - will be cremating a good portion of this record 777mil jabbed unfortunates and the heaps of ash making knee deep mounds there. This would signal: no manpower left to bury and sanitary decision of authorities to cremate to solve the problem as high-tech furnaces are available.
Versus the Middle-Ages: forced-different handling of the dead in old times:
Paula R. Stiles
, SFWA member, PhD Medieval History, BA Classics, Ed. Innsmouth Free Press, RPCV.
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 518 answers and 1.5M answer views
What could have been done differently to stop the spread of the Black Plague during the Middle Ages, with the tools they had available at the time?
The really disturbing probable answer is “Almost nothing.” Yes, there are ways you could personally avoid getting the plague in the middle of an outbreak if you knew what the vectors were. You could avoid fleas, sick animals and being coughed on by sick people. If you managed that, you’d be golden.

But there was no way, with the technology and infrastructure of the time, to stop the spread of the contagion to populations in general. This is because humans were not (and never have been) the primary vector for the fleas that carry the bacillus. Rodents are.

That’s a big reason why any assertion that the influenza pandemic of 1918 was the worst pandemic of all time is ludicrous—it spreads by human contact. That’s its vector. Isolate yourself from other humans before you pick up the virus and you will never get it. That pandemic spread all over the world, true (thanks, largely, to troop movements near the end of WWI), but it only killed, at worst, 10% of the world population.

In contrast, the Black Death of the 14th century (not actually either the first or last of the plague pandemics) killed anywhere from 16 to 50% (or more) of the world population, with medieval historians currently favoring the higher end of that range. And that’s not even taking into account the possibility that the huge mortality rates in the New World, which occurred while the pandemic was still going on in Eurasia and Africa, were driven by plague. People couldn’t escape plague. It followed them even where there were no other people.

The reason why the Black Death has been so deadly and persistent in history is because of the rodent problem. Once plague is in a rodent population, it’s effectively impossible to eradicate. The spread among human populations was secondary to the huge and rapid spread through rodent (and flea) populations in Eurasia in the 14th century. It’s why it continues to pop up in areas where it had previously died out. It’s why we have plague in the western U.S. (thanks to the Third Pandemic, which only officially ended in 1959).

There is no way you can control the rodent populations of entire continents, let alone all those fleas. Even now, we struggle to control fleas, especially in the southern U.S., where they have become resistant to topical treatments for pets. The best you can do is limit human population exposure to those vectors and try to control the spread to other rodent populations. In the 14th century, keeping rodents and fleas out of all contact with humans was an unattainable goal (and believe me, they tried; our ancestors hated rats and fleas).

So, there really wasn’t anything humans could have done to stop it or make it any better in the 14th century, except on a very personal and short-term basis. The best you could say is that draining wetlands (as in the Netherlands) and displacing the rodents in those areas was a bad idea. But flooding in Central Asia may have pushed infected rodents into contact with humans, anyway. One could also argue that the Mongols spread plague with their empire-making, but people had been flooding out of Central Asia for thousands of years without causing pandemics, so it seems unlikely stopping the Mongols would have stopped the plague.

It’s easy for us humans to get arrogant these days about what we can and can’t do, to the point of claiming we’re changing our global environment more than we probably are, both for better and worse. We really need to remember that the world has many natural processes that are well beyond our control and this was even more true in 1347.

Some country leaders already mentioned "We are hoping it won't come to.." burning down the houses of infected.

Regards the history of The Black Plague, this of course goes completely against the customs / of the times, because:
Mostly they were buried. There was no concept of infectious disease or microbes, and burning would have seemed worse-releasing miasma into the air ( they knew of pneumonic plague), so buried they were, sometimes several to a grave.
Paul Ross, Teacher, Class Leader at Teaching Adult Course on Shakespeare's Plays at Hofstra Univ. (2007-present)

Cremation numbers reveal possible suppression of true COVID-19 data in China
Data on Crematories
Reports from established media show that whereas the eight crematories in Wuhan operated for about 4 hours a day, on average, before the outbreak, and typically in the morning in keeping with Chinese funeral rituals, a change occurred at around January 25, 2020.
At this point, the crematories were found to be operating almost round the clock or at about six times normal levels. If the normal daily mortality is pegged at about 136, for this population of about 9 million, the increased hours of operation would show an excess of about 680 per day above the normal or a total of about 816 deaths a day. It is to be noted that the maximal cremation capacity is reported to be up to 2,100 bodies a day.
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Blaylock On Vaccines: What You Need To Know For Informed Consent

Prior to taking any unapproved drug, you have the right to receive a broad and complete spectrum of information about the potential effects of those drugs on your body, in order for you to give “informed consent” or to refuse. Dr. Blaylock wrote this especially for this purpose.

There are four major companies offering the COVID-19 “vaccines” (biological bioengineered agents); Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca. Two (Pfizer and Moderna) use a technology never before approved or used “vaccine” called a messenger RNA (mRNA) biological. Continue reading . . .

Dr. Blaylock’s Informed Consent Brochures available at Citizens For Free Speech. Click the button below. [on webpage]

Is a vaccine really needed?

Vaccine manufacture has become the major profit maker for pharmaceutical companies, especially for vaccines that are recommended or mandated each year. This has already been proposed for this set of vaccines. This is especially so now that these corporations have been given legal protection from lawsuits by Congress.

Of most importance, is that this virus is being treated as if it were a deadly pandemic of major proportions. Unfortunately, most people do not understand the concept of a “pandemic”. Most assume that any virus that spreads rapidly over the entire globe qualifies. If this were so, the common cold viruses would constitute a pandemic several times a year.
Prior to this event, a pandemic must not only spread around the world rapidly, but it must cause a high death rate among all groups—the healthy, the elderly, both genders and the young. This virus is a danger in essentially one major group—the elderly having two or more major chronic diseases. Death and severe illness in younger age groups are among those who have immune deficiency disorders—obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, hereditary immunodeficiencies and HIV infection.
Because this virus did not meet the accepted criteria for a pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) changed the criteria, dropping the necessity for the virus to be deadly for a significant percentage of the population or causing severe injuries to a mass of the population. This virus has never even come close to satisfying these criteria.

Worse, to increase the perception that everyone was in danger, the public health authorities were instructed by the CDC to only use the RT-PCR tests to diagnose cases and specifically instructed these agencies to set the cycles far beyond what was standard for accurate testing (20 to 30 cycles). By doing this, the CDC, and other agencies, turned negative tests into false positive tests—making it appear that the infection was everywhere.
Worse still, they instructed all hospitals to sign out all hospital deaths as being COVID-19 deaths if at any time in the previous month they had a positive RT-PCR test. This included suicides, car accidents, deaths from a heart attack and many more such examples. Death certificates for people dying in their homes were also altered to imply they all died of COVID-19.

The government also paid hospitals more if they listed their serious cases as being COVID-19 cases and making a pay scale to the hospital that paid more if the person was placed on a respirator. Continue reading . . .

Dr. Blaylock has produced a very comprehensive data set regarding Covid-19 and the vaccines - all the facts relevant and pertinent to the situation presented in a straight-forward manner. Should be all one would need to determine if taking the shot is a good idea.

Additional links:
The latest Highwire episode with Del Bigtree interviewing Catherine Austin Fitts is very interesting; as he is now trying to figure out the reasons behind all of this, in my opinion getting pretty close to what the C's said about remaking the world and she is describing a lot of the financial aspects of what and how they are doing this, where Del has been exposing the medical side of this for a long time. VERY interesting interview from yesterday:
The Ax-3 Domaines ski resort receives three million euros in compensation for COVID-19
Although many stations are still finishing the calculations to find out what compensation they have for the closure of ski lifts imposed by the French Government this winter, some of them have already advanced some amount. This is the case of Ax-3 Domaines, who estimates that it will be about 3 million euros to which something more must be added for the other winter resorts that it manages.
Finally, 54 million euros will be distributed among the companies that manage ski resorts in the French Pyrenees. There are 4 million more than originally estimated. For all of them it does not mean more than money to be able to survive until the next ski season, and then be able to hope that everything goes well. Either there are no problems with COVID, such as the snow appearing normally.

That is why most of them take this summer as a transition period between a very bad season to another that is expected to be better.

And it will be done without major investments, other than maintenance tasks. If there was any major news, it was delayed until better times. Ax 3 Domaines has already assured that this will be the case both for its facilities, such as those of Guzet , Ascou Pailhères and Les Monts d'Olmes, which are also managed under the Savasem company.

In total the company will receive 3 million euros. 2 of them for Ax 3 Domaines. This aid was calculated by the State based on the turnover of the last three years, with the exception of the 2019-2020 season, which has already been impacted by the health crisis. It represents approximately 50% of the income during this period, not including taxes.

With this, it is possible to 'save the furniture', but the consequence of the Coronavirus crisis will be affected in the coming years, when it will be difficult to see large investments in most of the ski resorts of the French Pyrenees. It has also affected the employees of the station , which has 150 permanent staff and hires 220 to 250 seasonal workers during the winter periods on the ski slopes. Everyone eagerly awaits the resumption of activity. His main fear: that the health crisis will follow a winter without snow.

Ski Andorra is optimistic about the upcoming snow season. The sector is aware that it will be a winter of transfer, but hopes that proximity tourism will serve to cover expenses.

Last ski season was one of the worst in the history of the country. The pandemic caused millions in losses in both Grandvalira and Vallnord - Pal Arinsal .

The goal, however, is to turn the page. That is why Ski Andorra wants to start the new snow season with optimism and rely on vaccines to combat possible new outbreaks and variants of the virus.

The sector is aware that it will be a leap year and that it will not be at the height of a pre-pandemic winter, but the forecast is, at the very least, "not to have such important losses", remarked the president of Ski Andorra, Francesc Camp.

And it is clear that the situation in Europe will not yet be entirely normal. For now, Campo already rules out having a massive reception of Russian and English tourism, but he hopes to welcome Spanish and French and have "a season with a certain normality."

If everything goes as it should and local tourism responds, the idea is to open the entire ski area and not by sectors as was done last year.

Police intervention to evacuate a "wild terrace" which has set up on the Place de la République in Paris under penalty of being fined.(


Could it be useful for the detoxification protocol?

A nasal spray against COVID-19

Argentine scientists will clinically test the ability of an ANMAT-approved drug to filter SARS-CoV-2 infection through the nasal route and stop the spread of the virus in the body early.

Published on 21 July 2020

It is known that one of the main entry points for SARS-CoV-2 viral particles into the human body is the nasopharyngeal route. For this reason, being able to pharmacologically block this entry point for the virus, especially in populations at high risk of infection such as healthcare workers, could help to reduce the number of cases of COVID-19.

This is one of the potential applications that a team of Argentine researchers, within the framework of a project selected in the call launched by the COVID-19 Coronavirus Unit (formed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, CONICET and the National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation, within the framework of the Federal Strengthening Programme), is visualising in a nasal spray, already marketed in Argentina and in sixteen other countries for the treatment of common colds, whose active ingredient is carrageenan.

Carrageenans are polysaccharides (a union of many monosaccharides or sugars) produced by some red algae that have been used as food thickeners and stabilisers since they were discovered around six hundred years ago in a village in the north of Ireland, known as Carraghen. Today, their use is widespread, not only in the food industry, but also in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

More than six decades ago, scientific studies also began to successfully test the antiviral properties of carrageenan. Various in vitro and animal model tests have proven its ability to inhibit various enveloped viruses, such as influenza B virus, herpesvirus types 1 and 2, human immunodeficiency virus, human papilloma virus, influenza A H1N1, dengue, rhinovirus, hepatitis A, enteroviruses and some coronaviruses.

The antiviral action of carrageenan would be due to the fact that this polymeric compound would function as an electrical barrier which, thanks to its negative charge, would bind to viral particles whose envelope contains positively charged proteins, thus preventing the virus from binding to the cell surface and blocking its entry into the cells. Carrageenan can also "capture" viral particles released by cells that have already been infected.
carrageenan ?

isn’t that the additives the food industry uses to make for example fresh cream and such products thicker ? I noticed here in Sweden that is always used in products that are slightly cheaper compared to the original fresh cream (which does not use it)

Carrageenan changes the bacterial flora in out intestines, leading to more allergies in people. There might be more to it, but i have not read into it deeper, so i am only refering what i remember about it.

We avoid buying anything that has carrageenan in it. Odd choice to use carrageenan to prevent corona virus in the nose… who knows, perhaps it leads to more (false) positive PCR test results - which the PTB loves so much ? (That is speculation from my side, because i barely trust anything in science news anymore)

and god knows what else they could or would piggy back via nasal sprays…
carrageenan ?

isn’t that the additives the food industry uses to make for example fresh cream and such products thicker ? I noticed here in Sweden that is always used in products that are slightly cheaper compared to the original fresh cream (which does not use it)

Carrageenan changes the bacterial flora in out intestines, leading to more allergies in people. There might be more to it, but i have not read into it deeper, so i am only refering what i remember about it.

We avoid buying anything that has carrageenan in it. Odd choice to use carrageenan to prevent corona virus in the nose… who knows, perhaps it leads to more (false) positive PCR test results - which the PTB loves so much ? (That is speculation from my side, because i barely trust anything in science news anymore)

and god knows what else they could or would piggy back via nasal sprays…
I think it is better to use an ointment made from 10% strong Lugol's Solution + coconut oil (1 part Lugol's and 9 parts coconut oil) to sanitize your air passages. Also effective as a hand/skin sanitizer. Use a little bit in your mask or around your nostrils. If you can barely smell the Iodine, that is enough. Plus, you're getting a medicinal dose of a micro-nutrient. It does not dry out your skin like an alcohol gel. I think it is a good antiseptic for minor wounds as well.
To make it, melt the oil, add the Lugol's and stir (with a plastic spoon). Keep stirring periodically as it chills. You'll have an amber-colored paste. You'll need more than 10% for weaker solutions. It is not so strong ass to color the skin. Store in a non-metallic container like glass or plastic only. Iodine will corrode a metal lid.
The latest Highwire episode with Del Bigtree interviewing Catherine Austin Fitts is very interesting; as he is now trying to figure out the reasons behind all of this, in my opinion getting pretty close to what the C's said about remaking the world and she is describing a lot of the financial aspects of what and how they are doing this, where Del has been exposing the medical side of this for a long time. VERY interesting interview from yesterday:
Brilliant! Maybe we should look up some stokvels. Boer maak'n plan.
Hugely Popular Anti-Vaxx Misinformation Website Is Just Some Lady in Piedmont
End snip: California Woman Behind Anti-Vax Site Outperforming Government Database
Willner has suddenly shut down her Facebook account, though an example of her stylings on that platform can be seen above. She remains active on Twitter as @1pissedoffmom1, an account which Logically also traced to her. We would embed a tweet, but her settings will not allow this, so the screenshot below will give you some idea of what she’s been up to on that platform.


And she’s built quite an audience. OpenVAERS scrapes data from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a real and well-intentioned government database where individuals can report any headaches or dizziness they’ve experienced from the vaccine. Trolls, of course, are spamming that site with all sorts of false claims. Willner’s OpenVAERS site selectively picks out the troll posts, and presents them without context to argue that the medical community is pulling a deadly fast one, from which only Substackers and Youtubers who don’t have two undergraduate medical credits to rub together can save us.

The “red box” alerts showing quack data are a huge hit on social media, and OpenVAERS now gets vastly better traffic than the CDC’s VAERS website from which it scrapes. “Although the site is less than a year old, more than 1.23 million people have visited the site in the past six months, with a substantial increase since July,” Logically found. “Our research shows that 30 percent of OpenVAERS referral traffic comes from Gateway Pundit, a far-right website that often publishes fake news and conspiracy theories.”

In these eight or nine months since the COVID vaccines arrived, even the left-leaning Bay Area has seen cadres of anti-vaxxers and Covidiots. But it is surprising to learn that we are part of the machine creating more vaccine resistance. The government will not be able to shut this lady's website down. But Piedmont Avenue shoppers, we’d recommend keeping a six-foot distance if you see her out whilst out shopping for organic groceries, consignment artwork, or holistic veterinary services.

Everybody I know, knows of somebody at one or two degrees of separation who has had a serious reaction to the Covid shots. -I was just talking yesterday with a friend who was describing one such connection close to her family, an otherwise healthy young mother, in her early 30's whose health plummeted after receiving her first jab, she couldn't get out of bed and was dead two weeks later of heart failure.

But the author of this story has the stubborn gall to insist that such tragedies are "Trolls", and that "VAERS is a well-intentioned government database where individuals can report any headaches and dizziness they've experienced from the vaccine. Trolls, of course, are spamming that site with all sorts of false claims.".

Good grief! That seems like cognitive dissonance running on jet fuel to me. -Not even dissonance, but rather straight up denial.
Oh look! Look like the smoking gun. The plan was written in a document dated from 2010!

Video broadcasted October 21st 2014. Journalist Harry Vox. (English with French subtitles).

Document entitled "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" attached, here is the extract (page 18):

Anyone knows who did broadcast this when? Names, dates, sources from before 2020? I think its legit but before beeing able to use it as source i need more data on it. Not the document but the video.
A nasal spray against COVID-19

Argentine scientists will clinically test the ability of an ANMAT-approved drug to filter SARS-CoV-2 infection through the nasal route and stop the spread of the virus in the body early.

Published on 21 July 2020

You can use a Hydrogenperoxide 3% solution mixed at a 1/5 ratio with water for gargling (60-90 seconds MAX). Super cheap and IMO very effective for preventing anything breeding in your throat and then continue down to your lungs. I use hydrogenperoxide for my mouth/throat and iodine solutions for my nose/sinuses when getting sick with Influenza like symptoms.
Anyone knows who did broadcast this when? Names, dates, sources from before 2020? I think its legit but before beeing able to use it as source i need more data on it. Not the document but the video.
I believe the Vox video is real. It was mentioned early on.
This was apparently originally filmed in 2014, an interview with Harry Vox - investigative journalist.

Transcript of the first 40 seconds of the video:

“The ruling establishment will stop at nothing to complete their toolkit of control. So one of the things that has been missing from the toolkit has been quarantines and curfews. Now, welcome to the New World in America where to get on a bus or a subway station….if you think that the procedures at the TSA are onerous, this is coming to a bus depot near you. It’s a more invasive way and the ruling class needs this because if the ruling class ever saw widespread civil unrest you would see an ebola outbreak in America.



Dr. Mike Yeadon: They are lying to you all the time.
Do not take, especially if you are pregnant this experimental, still
in clinical trials gene therapy!
Anyone giving this drug to pregnant woman is an absolute reckless

Nothing we don't know already, but when even the ex Vp Pfizer is speaking up!

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