Exclusive: Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
Yes, I posted regarding this also, but didn't know quite what to make of it. The referenced Epoch Times article has this interesting bit:

Quay says that while other scientists around the world were mostly interested in examining the genome of SARS-CoV-2 in the samples uploaded by the WIV scientists, he wanted to see what else was in the samples collected from the patients.

So he collaborated with a few other scientists to analyze sequences from the samples.

“We started fishing inside for weird things,” Quay told The Epoch Times.
What they found, he says, are the results of what could likely be contamination from different experiments in the lab making their way into the samples, as well as evidence of Henipah virus.

“We found genetic manipulation of the Nipah virus, which is more lethal than Ebola.” Nipah is a type of Henipah virus.

The Epoch Times asked Joe Wang, PhD, who formerly spearheaded a vaccine development program for SARS in Canada with one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, to verify the finding. Wang is currently the president of NTD Television Canada, the sister company of The Epoch Times in Canada.
After examining the evidence, Wang said he was able to replicate Quay’s findings on the Henipah virus. He explains that the genetic manipulation of the virus was likely for the purposes of vaccine development.

Documents released by the Canadian government state that the WIV’s intended use of the virus samples sent by Canada was “stock virus culturing,” which in simpler terms means storing the viruses while keeping them alive. Genetic manipulation would not be within the scope of this description.
I guess one has to presume the particular type of Henipah virus that is more lethal than Ebola wasn't in the leaked version of SARS-CoV-2 that made the initial rounds of infection, identified as Covid-19. Hardly surprising, though, that such lethal experimenting is going on.
Someone I know just posted this on our local site. I don't truly understand the documents but this is what she posted:

(seven little steps)

1) The approval, including safety, is associated with National Clinical Trial (NCT) numbers: NCT04368728 and NCT04380701.
2) The committee who approved it did not referred the Pfizer product to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee because their "review of information submitted in your BLA, including the clinical study design and trial results, did not raise concerns or controversial issues
that would have benefited from an advisory committee discussion".
3) This means their approval is based on the inclusion criteria within the two clinical trials.
4) See the enclosed inclusion and exclusion criteria of both trials.
5) Find an exclusion criteria you belong to.
6) When being told you must get vaccinated, explain that the product approval was based on the exclusion criteria, and therefore, the approval does not apply to you.
7) Provide a conditional approval if they can provide you with evidence that the product is safe for your condition(s).


History of Changes for Study: NCT04380701
History of Changes for Study: NCT04368728

I have since posted on the site about our new mandate not allowing any 'get out of jail freedom' exemptions :-(
Here is the FDA's list of approved vaccines.

On that FDA list is comirnaty.

It appears to me from the comirnaty documentation that FDA approval applies to a vaccine that has not been manufactured yet: comirnaty. It appears to me that none of the existing emergency use authorization vaccines are comirnaty, so that none of the existing emergency use authorization vaccines are approved.
At 1:28 & 5:09 in the following recent news clip it appears that cominarty is labeled on a fax bottle, yet they only ever mention pfizer and astrazenica in any commentaries. Are people even aware of what they are being given? It seems some jab centres already have the doses in syringes so they don't have labels.
Aussie journalist hospitalized for pericarditis. The Channel 7 journalist wrote on his Instagram that he originally didn’t want to share his experience, but his condition is so severe that he felt people should know the truth.

Despite the linked Newscorp article stating that Hitchcock’s condition is “rare”, the journalist said he isn’t an isolated case, and there are many other people at the same hospital suffering similar symptoms from various vaccines.

Guess what happened to that video? Not Found.
My father passed away last night.
Dear @Pluchi
I am very sorry for your loss…
It is very hard especially since you couldn’t go to him, but please don’t blame yourself. You‘ve done the best you could and as the others said, perhaps he has choosen this way out and you know you will see him again.
You and your family are in my thoughts.
Take care… :hug2:
Guess what happened to that video? Not Found.
[With Delta outbreaks in three of Australia’s states and territories, the benefits of protection against Covid-19 far outweigh the tiny risk of possible side effects from getting the jab.

Executive director of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Professor Jason Kovacic, told news.com.au that instances of myocarditis and pericarditis after receiving the Pfizer vaccine occur “only very, very rarely”.

“About 60 people per one million can get myocarditis with the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) and it is generally a mild, short-lived illness. These complications cause inflammation of the heart muscle or inflammation of the lining around the heart muscle,” Professor Kovacic explained.]

So with over 6 mil jabs in NSW they may end up with over 360 cases of myocarditis plus those with other 'rare' side effects other than dead.
MMS is back - as a covid cure in Bolivia.

  • In Bolivia, lawmakers are pushing through a bill legalizing a form of toxic bleach, chlorine dioxide, as a COVID-19 treatment despite opposition from the country's health ministry.
  • The substance is called Miracle Mineral Solution by a network of alternative-medicine advocates. Scientists and doctors say it has no medical value and can be deadly.
  • Across the country, reports are emerging of injuries and deaths of people consuming MMS under the false belief it cures COVID-19.
  • A German "researcher" with no apparent medical credentials, along with a group of renegade medics, helped popularize MMS there, Business Insider has found.
  • Analysts say opposition politicians are backing the substance — regardless of the dangers — to exploit growing anger with the embattled government.
US Navy Commander J.H. Furman Concludes that mandatory vaccination of US military personnel is a threat to US national security

"The average member of the U.S. military is young and in excellent physical fitness, two categories that are nearly immune to the dangers of COVID. So far, only 24 people out of 2.2 million military personnel have died of COVID-19, a rate of less than one per 91,000"

Today's laugh injection - not outright Covid related:

Bad News For South African Looters - Samsung To Remotely Block Stolen TVs

Samsung South Africa has now announced that they would be remotely blocking all TVs looted from shops during this period. They will do this using a security feature known as Television Block Function which is found in all modern Samsung Television sets. The block will be activated on all Television sets looted from their warehouses in Durban last month.

Um - Samsung can block their consumer owned TVs anytime they want . . . but then that might disrupt the built-in spying function . . . or not.🙃

  • The substance is called Miracle Mineral Solution by a network of alternative-medicine advocates. Scientists and doctors say it has no medical value and can be deadly.
Hard to not see the irony here . . .
I read a comment somewhere saying that blood from blood donor's who got the clot-shot appears to have issues. But this was just a comment of someone who had friends close to the medical community. True ? Who knows.

One thing we do know. The clot-shot enters the blood stream and does its magic there, as is evidenced with the clotting seen in some of the deaths.
Dr Zelenko in his conversation with the Rabbinical Court also told them recent studies were seriously suggesting the vaccine was carcinogenic. He underlined all his claims were documented and that he was willing to provide the data to the Court.

I wish I could see that info dump!
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