Some very good observations by Prof. Mattias Desmet on the mass psychosis we are observing worldwide. The Professor is from Belgium, about which he gave some interesting statistic. Belgium, a nation of 11 million, ingests ~300 million antidepressants a year. The following graphic does suggest some issues in Belgium society.


Mattias Desmet is a professor of psychology at Ghent University in Belgium.

He focuses on stuff like mass crowd formation, totalitarianism, mass hypnosis, indoctrination and, basically, how the human mind works.

For example, I’d like to know how it is that millions of people suddenly believe that permanently wearing a mask and fearing perfectly healthy people, is a good idea.

For the time being, there are few figures that show the evolution of possible indicators such as the intake of antidepressants and anxiolytics or the number of suicides. But it is especially important to place mental well-being in the corona crisis in its historical continuity. Mental health had been declining for decades. There has long been a steady increase in the number of depression and anxiety problems and the number of suicides. And in recent years there has been an enormous growth in absenteeism due to psychological suffering and burnouts. The year before the corona outbreak, you could feel this malaise growing exponentially. This gave the impression that society was heading for a tipping point where a psychological ‘reorganization’ of the social system was imperative.
- Mattias Desmet, 2021
Mattias told me in our podcast below, that this “pandemic” is less biological and more psychological.

Worth finding out why he thinks this.

It seems as if hidden under the malaise of western democracy and culture was a beast only begging to be born.

The Professor says basically the same thing as you have written above. Those who have a collective knowledge about people that spans centuries obviously know what are the best conditions and how to create them, to obtain the results we see today. I just hope they overplayed their hands.
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The Professor says basically the same thing as you have written above. Those who have a collective knowledge about people that spans centuries obviously know what are the best conditions and how to create them, to obtain the results we see today. I just hope they overplayed their hands.

Talking about centuries, this from almost bang on 100 years ago becomes more prophetic by the day:

The Second Coming

By William Butler Yeats
Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out

When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi

Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert

A shape with lion body and the head of a man,

A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,

Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it

Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again; but now I know

That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Talking about centuries, this from almost bang on 100 years ago becomes more prophetic by the day:

This line made me laugh,
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
so I thought to do a bit of a rewrite for 2021 stage,

When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi

Horrifies my dreams: somewhere in digital wilderness

A slivering snake with the head of a man,

A gaze blank and pitiless as a mineshaft,

He moves his slow scaled body, while all around

Reel shreeks of the mindless TV parrots.

The darkness drops again; but now I know

Those 40 years of sleep walking

Were vaxxed to nightmare by a Pfizer jabber,

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethesda to be hung ? Fauci

We've already been told in numerous ways what's in the cards for the US. As far as Australia being a beta test for the US, I'm thinking the brainwashing and the lie hasn't captured the many as were led to believe. Just as we're being led to believe that there's only a small group of rogue nurses refusing the jab. More lies. As much as we'd like / want to believe that there has to be another way to preserve what freedoms we have left without resorting to violence l think that's just a pipe dream. The C's have told us it's going to be bloody and so that begged the question who will win? Well some are saying that the move into the Aquarian age (information) will have us doing things differently or more creatively than ever thought of before (Uranus). I believe that to be true but we shouldn't forget that Uranus brings with it upheaval and that's not always to be seen in a good light, not at first anyway. One of the differences between the US and Australia is as we all understand is gun ownership. That reality is in my estimation the main reason why tptb will have their war, but losing control of their narrative and their censorship will most likely be a consequence that wasn't considered and l think we all have to give thanks to Uranus for that.

Talking about centuries, this from almost bang on 100 years ago becomes more prophetic by the day:

Well I never... according to wiki:

The poem is also connected to the 1918–1919 flu pandemic: In the weeks preceding Yeats's writing of the poem, his pregnant wife Georgie Hyde-Lees caught the virus and was very close to death. The highest death rates of the pandemic were among pregnant women—in some areas, they had up to a 70 percent death rate. While his wife was convalescing, he wrote "The Second Coming"

More appropriately prophetic than I even thought... especially when one remembers that the so called Spanish Flu was likely caused by some from of ADE emerging from a US Army Vaccine trial...
An interview with Eric Clapton just turned up on my YT feed. He's very honest about the fear and anxiety he went through over the pandemic, particularly the side effects after getting the AZ jab. He also points out that both he and Van Morrison have taken flak since collaborating and choosing to speak out; he noted that he's getting less texts these days. If this interview has been posted before then please ignore, but it was refreshing to hear from someone with plenty to lose open up about what's been plaguing us for 18 months now. Fair play to him, he could've kept schtum and just played the game, but he clearly sees that this is part of a very sinister agenda.

In addition to this excellent post, I found these two articles about pine needle tea that seemed helpful. The first details the potential usefulness of the tea in protecting against RNA/DNA damage, among other things. The second talks about making the tea itself, and warns that not all species of pine tree are edible.

I sent the links to a friend of mine whose daughter forced her grandchildren to get the vaccination. One of the kids apparently had a bad reaction to the second shot. Her daughter works in the medical profession and keeps pestering her mother to get the shot. She won't. Just another family being torn apart by this madness. At least her grandchildren listen to her more than their own mother, so maybe they will benefit from this information.

There's been some information circulating lately linking Judy Mikovits to saying suramin is in pine needles. According to a recent interview of Judy Mikotivs here, she denies she ever saying suramin comes from pine needles - that instead it was synthesized first in 1906 as an antiparasic drug to target a parasitic worm called trypanosoma. This worm is where where get the dye trypane blue, which like methylene blue also seems to block viral replication. That's not to say there aren't other things in pine needles could help, but it's distinct from the performance of suramin.
This reminded me of something Jacques Barzun said. He wrote near the end of his life an excellent, popular history book called From Dawn to Decadence; 500 Years of Western Cultural History. The format is unusual. One can open any page and just start reading to learn so much on so many subjects at a given point in history. It isn't politically correct.
I couldn't find the quote I was looking for, but it is about how the discovery of the New World (and the round Earth) changed absolutely everything in Western culture, almost overnight by pulling the rug out from under people's beliefs. He said something along the lines of it taking an event like Martians landing on the White House lawn, and holding a press conference with POTUS for the world to bring about such a paradigm shift today.

Here are some things he said in '99 from an interview about that book:

On Decadence

Q: What meaning of decadence do you want readers to understand?

A: I want them first to believe what I say when I call it a falling off, which is a literal translation into English of the Latin derivative. Given that, the notion of what has fallen away must occur to the reader, and then, presumably, he has the material in this last chapter of the book and at various other points along the way. Loss of nerve, loss of intention, contradictory intention, that is, self-contradiction in the working of an institution, confusion, disarray, lack of originality, desperate means of looking “new” when actually very little is offered. Devotion to the words anti- and post- and so on—to somehow cover the facts that they feel need a new justification or rationalization. All these things must go under the idea of falling away from the path, or the efficiency, or the novelty. And as I say a couple of times, it ought to be looked on with calm and the knowledge that the worse it gets, the closer we are to renovation. …

Have you not noticed in the press, and I mean newspapers, many diverse references by many different people to what, now that we understand each other, would be called decadence in that particular realm or activity of modern life? … Morals, government, the press itself, which has been very self-critical lately, the several arts—so that one might say that putting all these testimonies together, we would have a collective statement that we’re in decadence.

A Sense of History

Q: What kind of sense of history, or appetite for history, would you like for readers to have, now and in years to come?

A: I think a good starting point for the ideal reader would be a lively interest in art and social thought, coupled with an interest in what is going on now in those two realms. So that with knowledge of past art and all the theories of government and society and philosophy and religion that such a person would have, curiosity would be aroused by the present situation in seeing how the past—other than what he knows—has led to the present state of affairs.

Q: You often use the word sympathy. Could you elaborate on that idea, about the sympathy that a historian must have?

A: You can’t understand anything unless you put yourself in the situation that you’re describing, or in the mind of the person who is prominent in the situation. That is, hostility gets you nowhere, because it only hits upon points of agreement or disagreement with your own system of ideas.
The ex-Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Goldman Sachs, ex-Governor of the Bank of Italy and now PM of Italy, want to be the first to impose mandatory vaccine.

Italy could soon make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory, says PM

....and a third dose of course:
In this race, Spain on its side, anticipate the future :rolleyes:

Spain strikes deal with Moderna and Pfizer for annual Covid vaccines
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