Today, on the Corona Committee's Telegram channel, the English version of the pathologists' press conference was posted. It is really very interesting. Unfortunately there is only the Telegram. Hope ist is working:

Here is the video from the German Autopsy / Pathology Conference - dubbed in 🇬🇧 english publised at Rumble.

A truly remarkable conference with independent doctors who shed light over what they found in vaccinated diseased people, in blood work as well analyzing the various vaccine vials. And there is so much stuff in there - which makes from a health perspective absolutely no sense. It is frankly horrifying all they found.

Personally i say: there is only death and illness in them. There are no other words for it.

Truly excellent conference !

I was baffled, astonished and pretty upset. And yet I have only this far listened to the video, not seen the images and videos they brought forth there. (I will watch it when i am off work on Sunday !) Some of the stuff they found, they didn’t even know what to make out it, it was that strange.

And I am soooo happy that they made an English translation out of it so quickly. It was a work colleague of mine who found the video and sent me the link.

Bless him. Weheeee :flowers:
This form of cupping is called wet cupping and I have tried it a few times. The coagulation of the blood is the normal result in this procedure. So IMO this video has nothing to do with vax. The procedure can be quite effective in treating localized pain and aches for those interested.
Hi, tanks for this clarification, because I posted this same video in the Health protocol for mandatory vaccination (link here) and asked about if this technique would be a useful one to do just after being jabbed.
This remains strange that the blood coagulate like this to become like jelly, how is it explained then ? What comes on top of just blook to render what should be liquid to a jelly thing ?
At least, we all learn, and thanks for your counter information because it's one clip I used a few times these last days to demonstrate the vaccine effect, so I was wrong, ok ok so :nuts: ...
Alexander Cooney the NSW policeman that penned the Cops for Covid Truth open letter.

Facebook Watch

It's sounding as though a lot of police are having issues enforcing the covid directions. Cooney states that he is in contact with around 100 police who will refuse the vaccination, and many more who didn't want it but have taken it to keep their jobs.
It's being speculated that these "police" are Mossad/IDF wearing Aussie uniforms - from comments to Sott article:

At the times of the G8 meetings, there was also talk of foreign special police advisors and immunity of the police chief.
Hundreds of people were pinned down until the curfew time so they could be illegally arrested, the chief said he knew it was illegal, but he would do it again.

When we had the watercannon blowing the spanish girl against the concrete wall, breaking her skull, in Amsterdam, the cops wouldn't speak but were overheard speaking maybe Ukrainian amongst each other. After the cops were filmed snorting drugs behind the wheel before being deployed, we heard nothing about it anymore and police tactics went back to normal.
These seem robotic, not emotional. IDF likes what they do, and they cheer for hitting hardest.
Now, before talking about aliens, maybe these are GMO vaxx experiment victims?
Is this why the Israeli IDF a couple years ago had exercises together with Police in european countries ? I only have a vague memory of that there was something like that going on, a couple of years ago, e.g. in Ireland ? I wouldn’t be surprized if the
those activities were more widespread (in more countries) than what we got to know. Sort of “Corona Police preparation Strike Force” for how to handle people, when it comes to that point … which we see the results of now…

Uh !
I'm not going to lie, I'd take a full on alien invasion right about now just to stop this covid nightmare from progressing any further. A direct meteor hit, a super volcano, a giant comet passing close by, whatever just to make these tyrants stop running amok. Much rather be terrorised by nature or by full on aliens than by psychopathic human beings who act with impunity to cause such pain and suffering.
Hi, tanks for this clarification, because I posted this same video in the Health protocol for mandatory vaccination (link here) and asked about if this technique would be a useful one to do just after being jabbed.
This remains strange that the blood coagulate like this to become like jelly, how is it explained then ? What comes on top of just blook to render what should be liquid to a jelly thing ?
At least, we all learn, and thanks for your counter information because it's one clip I used a few times these last days to demonstrate the vaccine effect, so I was wrong, ok ok so :nuts: ...
I saw the idea about cupping to get rid of the poison and thought it to be a good idea at first, but now I am not that sure. This is a laymans speculation and a big FWIW:

Lets say I was jabbed and applied a cup immediately afterwards I suspect I would not get much(propably nothing) coming back out through the tiny hole from the syringe. But I would draw blood to the area and possibly make matters worse with the poison entering the bloodstream faster and in greater quantity. As you see in the video you have to use a scalpel and make small cuts to get the blood flowing. Is this feasible to do when under observation after vaccination? I dunno. Would it work to do it later on after leaving the facility? Mayby, I dont have knowledge about how fast the poison enters circulation etc.

As to the reason for the blood coagulating I am not sure but it has happened consistently when I have done it. Maybe the vacuum plays a role or just time.
Consider what is a right response to those who are killing your children. Should you fight? To what extent? Law, or right?
The scenario that O'Looney and Peters present seems like one that, even on its own, might well lead to a loss of control by the PTB. I'm thinking of The Cs statement in Session 2021-09-18.
Things are soon to get more dramatic. Be glad of the period of relatively controlled mayhem
Wait and see, I suppose.
It appears that the PTB have finally come up with a P.R. campaign to shoot down the question, "If you're already vaccinated, why are you bothering me? I'm no risk to you (if your vaccine works)."

And here it is! -The Fruit of (surely) millions of consultation dollars with Public Relations executives. -Who, no doubt, sleep like babies at night:


(The skinny: "The vaccine IS mostly effective, like 75% effective. But that leaves a wide gaping 25% hole in your vax shield! Through which those awful, awful unvaxxed people can penetrate with their dirty ways. AND they are the ones most likely to be sick! Just look! Everybody is saying that 99% of Covid hospitalizations are unvaxxed people!")

-WHICH, I have no doubt, is one of those hyper-inflated claims based on lots of statistical fudge work and doctors in denial. 99% of Covid hospitalizations are unvaxxed people? So basically, ALL of them. Even though the drugs are only 75% effective? (According to the stats provided by the FDA). How does that add up? (And I've come across much lower estimates of effectiveness. But those people never wind up in hospital? It's ONLY those unvaxxed people? Oh Reaaaaaally?)

It's a lie which appears to go hand in hand with the sudden convenient influx of news items which appeared over the last 3 days or so, claiming that most hospitalizations due to Covid are among unvaxxed people.

-A 'fact' which flies in the face of what we had been learning out of Israel and other sources over the last couple of months.

Here's one item culled from the mass of Official Claims being fed to the media:

VERDICT False. Unvaccinated people are much more vulnerable to catching - and becoming seriously ill from - COVID-19.

[Because] Of those currently in hospital in the UK, most are unvaccinated, health officials say. “From January first to around mid-
April, we’ve had around 4,300 admissions to the hospital with COVID. Of those patients, 99% were not fully vaccinated,”
Eduardo Mireles, director of the medical intensive care unit, said in a statement released by the hospital (here).
[Link] (That article came out on Sept 21st. Just three days ago.)

The problem with the claim being... there were very few people fully vaccinated from January to mid-April at all. -In Canada, for instance, the earliest of the early adopters were getting their first shots in March of this year. Who were they testing exactly? And we know there were hospitalizations among vaccine recipients, (as a result of the vaccine) but I guess those were not "Covid-19-associated" hospital visits. The amount of cognitive dissonance in place, "It's not the drugs!" was rampant.

This is the chart which appears to be the source upon which the "Most hospitalizations" claim comes from:


Bearing in mind, people couldn't get their second shot until 30 days had passed after the first one, so only the very earliest adopters would be represented on this graph, while the sample size of people not fully vaccinated would far out-represent them. Basically, this graph is misleading. The green and blue lines change value not just in the X and Y axis, but also in the value of what they represent. A green dot on one side of the graph isn't equal to a green dot on the other side.

Which is not to say that the vaccine may not be ineffective, just that the claims compared to unvaccinated people are not reliable.

And numbers aside, frankly the there is lots of room for fudging numbers to pad the FDA's claim.

Note the title: "Covid-19-associated hospitalization rates".

I don't have any direct evidence of corruption wrt this specific study; this is just a cursory look at the claim, BUT, given the long and storied history of ponerized agencies flat-out lying through statistics to gain power, -and given the current pressure to quash resistance, it seems unlikely that any of this can be taken at face value.
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Blanket Censorship Now in Melbourne, Australia – Internet Shut Down, Power Cut, Cell Phones Cut, Mainstream Media Protest Coverage Cut, Gov Asks Facebook to Ban Livestreams…
Long-predicted by a slew of investigative podcasters to happen everywhere should metrics reveal to the PTB a critical mass of people questioning the official narrative. Monitoring done and metrics gathered by myriad watchdog groups with dignified names. See example in this post on The Virality Project (look, they even have "viral" in their name): Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?
This form of cupping is called wet cupping and I have tried it a few times. The coagulation of the blood is the normal result in this procedure. So IMO this video has nothing to do with vax. The procedure can be quite effective in treating localized pain and aches for those interested.

A friend just told me the same. This seems to be normal with cupping.
Any source for this?
I saw it spelled out somewhere, but couldn't locate it when I attempted to find it again. Otherwise, it was from comments to the referenced Sott article - Dean indicated the law was quietly passed last year:
A bill is before federal parliament to enable the ADF, Reserves and foreign military forces and police to be used in Australian emergencies. It gives them immunity from civil or criminal prosecution for actions arising from these emergency duties. "Emergencies" are undefined.

It is called the “Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force response to Emergencies) Bill, 2020”.
Found this:
Date introduced: 3 September 2020
House: House of Representatives
Portfolio: Defence
Commencement: The day after the Act receives Royal Assent.
I'm not finding that Royal Assent was obtained, but based on the following, it probably was:

The Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2020 was rushed through parliament in 24 hours - dated August 31, 2021 - Link
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