The topic of forced/mandatory vaccinations started today here in Croatia. Only on PernarTV for now. Ivan Pernar was ranting about how theres no need for all-inclusive vs selective quarantine because that tactic can lead to more infections and less natural immunization. Which could then potentially lead to forced vacc. He did mention 0.1% rate of mortality from cv in young people. He asks some good questions and points out how un-constitutional this all is. The government is letting all taxes and other financial obligations continue but they are adamant that the lockdown must continue. Pure economic war, I dont know what else to call it. Against all who are in debt and live on credit or are poor. Totaly a war of the "elites" against the "people".
There are more and more comments on his videos of people saying they wont accept it forced vaccs.. But there are also these fascist types we all noticed emerge from the forest. I will translate a comment from a guy that will have none of it:
I was waiting for them to do this. Let them try to vaccinate me if I don't want to. Over my dead body. I can be blackmailed, threatened, blocked from everything, it doesn't mean anything to me, I never had anything with the banks or the state anyway. I have long ago become such that I am not dependent on any state or any society, I am completely independent and I do not need anyone's help for anything. That experience will serve me very well now. Conspiracy theories or not, I don't care, I just don't trust anyone and over the years it turns out I'm completely right. I don't have a loan, I don't hold anything in the bank (not even at home), nor am I interested in what anyone provides and advises, so I have my brain working, thank God. Why would anyone decide what I will do and how I will do it? Well, they are not Gods nor my parents. Whoever they are I say .... their mothers. They are all psychopathic / sociopathic shits who care solely for themselves and you are like ordinary sheep and a source of income for them. I will vaccinate them with 9mm rather than they me, that's 100%. And I will serve my sentence if it comes to that, if it escalates so much .. Have a nice evening
I think hes not joking but you never know...Id certainly avoid that 9mm part ...
And heres a reply from one of these imbeciles that are either on a paycheck from political party in power or he fears for his job and is forcing everyone to comply... Disguisting fascist behaviour in any case (Ive added explanations in italics):
Ohhoo, how we are strong, but you will have to get vaccinated, or quarantine for life, GET OUT! because of such fools as you, all this will last even longer, LONG LIVE BEROS(minister of idiocy), PLENKOVIC(prime minister from hdz) AND THE WHOLE STOZER(national emergency comitee) AND HDZ(sold out politicans with a conservative mask)
And I checked some online news papers and I picked a few titles Ill just describe for you. No forced vaccination headlines and I hope it will stay that way but it doesnt seem like it for now.
Our prime min. looks like hes cracking up under pressure and looks really tense when he says he wants even more un-necessary measures:
'Ne želim ni ponoviti riječ relaksacija, izvučena je iz konteksta. Svako naglo odustajanje od mjera može poništiti sve ono što smo učinili'
'I don't even want to repeat the word relaxation, it was taken out of context. Any sudden abandonment of measures can undo all that we have done '
he gave an interview on national TV but Ive seen just this headline with a picture.
Check this one out:
3 families claim that they now live on 60euros a week NO PROBLEM. And then theres a picture of one slightly fat couple with 4 kids that are chubby! And all of them are pale and have black under their eyes. And the picture is taken in what looks like a museum or a chapel. A complete projection article.
It also seems that German Wings bankruptcy is news for Croatians because there were cheap flights to/from here...never heard of them. Last time I flew it was with a last minute combo and one plane even had propellers. I will NEVER forget that landing in Vienna
There is one that says that eventho there are raising numbers of cv infectees in NY and Italy there wont be so many deaths as has been expected because of the msm "experts" style of predicting
Msm is really acting like devils prostitutes. Trying their best to foment massive confusion and instill as much fear as possible while projecting a grim future. Im wondering who will break first now. On the streets you can now see 20% of little fascist in their gloves and masks, enjoying in their new found authority (They remind me of guys that grow beards instead of balls and think that their beards will fight their fights, like a new hipster fad/disease haha) and 80% walking in the sun...
What "worries" me the most is I keep hearing how 5G is silently installed left and right.