Another painful unbearable story here in France (south-ouest):

"Yesterday my mother (79 years old) was fined (135 euros) in the good town of Graulhet (Tarn) for having stopped at my father's window (93 years old) in a retirement home, 500 metres from her home and even if she had her exit justification certificate.
The reason given: it is forbidden to stop in one's daily walk. As a result: from now on, my father won't have any contact with the outside, even through a window."

I'm reading that Taiwan did not have a shut down aside from an extended Chinese New Year closure, and that only a handful of Taiwanese deaths are officially attributed to the virus. Why are they targeting Sweden to pressure them to lockdown, and leaving Taiwan alone? Is it because Sweden makes the EU response look terrible and Taiwan is only put in the spotlight when it serves anti-China agendas?
I believe what Aragorn just said is spot on, elderly care is completely miserable here since everything was privatized.


I heard this morning that just recently from some friends that Sweden is putting in more restrictions. Some messages have gone around to their Finnish friends saying "Finland is lucky to have restrictions" as they know of "people in bad shape", "this virus kills" and they know of "two dead" already.

Do you have any updates from Sweden? (On the restrictions themselves? Is mainstream media there stepping up the hysteria propaganda?)

Everyone is looking at Sweden to compare if restrictions will make any difference.

From just glancing at the media, I can say that they are doing their best to ramp things up. An interview in a "Morning show" type of program the other day showed the hosts asking questions to the State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell: "Doesn't this warrant more shutdown though??"(the fact that people will travel more on Easter), latching on to the criticism that they aren't doing enough to save us. Tegnell replied that the measures taken in other countries cause a whole lot more frustration and that this way seems to work. He also mentioned that the most recent testing showed 2% with Corona of those tested. The show hosts replied something like: "But we have heard it's more like 30-40%" 🤦‍♀️ They also asked him why more restaurants in the city aren't being shut down (hinting that it would be the right thing to do) and he replied that he had 'heard they were going to try to do that' over Easter in Stockholm.

Sounds like "they" will analyze the situation after Easter to see how people travelled etc and maybe take new measures after. It is possible that the discussion on the elderly will lead to something as well. Old people have been conveniently put away and drugged for years and now all of a sudden people have started to worry about them. It is true of course that the staff taking care of them are in these parts of society that are still open (trains, daycare, etc) so if anyone is going to get the virus and die, it is them. It wouldn't occur to anyone at this point that it might be something the elderly would actually desire. One main article in the paper talks about how sad it is that more than half of the buried last week (10 people at the largest burial site) are holocaust survivors "She survived everything and now the virus has taken her". The lady mentioned was 94 yrs old.

In other words, there could be a slight ramping up after Easter but I doubt it will be too drastic. On a personal level as I have mentioned before many people (most) around me have proven to be real authoritarian followers, and it seems most people are staying at home and obeying, even without military or police involved.
If accurate, this means the spread of the virus may have been underway in the Roseland community - and the state and country as a whole - prior to the issuance of stay at home orders and widespread business closures in mid-March which have crippled the national economy.

That is interesting. As mentioned earlier, a Cambridge study reveals that the majority of cases in the U.S. are of the type "A" mutation, which is the originator of the pandemic. Type B, derived from A, is more prevalent in East Asia.

I bet that they can nail this down to the U.S. if they analyze more samples for phylogenetic origins.

Mutated versions of ‘A’ were seen in Americans reported to have lived in Wuhan, and a large number of A-type viruses were found in patients from the US and Australia.

Variant ‘A’, most closely related to the virus found in both bats and pangolins, is described as “the root of the outbreak” by researchers. Type ‘B’ is derived from ‘A’, separated by two mutations, then ‘C’ is in turn a “daughter” of ‘B’.

The A and C types are found in significant proportions outside East Asia, that is, in Europeans and Americans. In contrast, the B type is the most common type in East Asia
Was it that book which exposed President Bush Sr., where his potential involvement was even posted on a major national newspaper, that caused the CIA/FBI spooks to go into emergency "damage mode"? And also, President Clinton's concurrent alleged involvement with drug-running out of Mena air force base in Arkansas when he was there? Because from then on it seemed that every time something overtly evil happened in the world where America was involved, blame was laid at the feet of our presidents in the (controlled?) alt-media and dark recesses of the internet. And in retrospect, a lot of that finger-pointing is probably justified.

But my question is: was this intentional? Were these people and certain US organizations (e.g. NSA, CIA, FBI etc.) used to achieve evil means for those they serve, making sure that the finger of blame always pointed back at themselves?

Because if there is any truth to what I just wrote, then it could be that all of what we have been following in the news regarding the evils of America may be scripted to result in these people and organizations (including the FED) taking the blame for it all, while there may be others who serve these very same forces who are scripted to "overthrow" them and "save the world" - but who actually serve the same forces in the end. And this is done in order to get us to celebrate the "vanquishment of evil", and then also accept the rule of those who "won"...but who are really just psychopaths in sheep's clothing acting as saviors.

As a student of history, this has happened many times. STS forces have no qualms about sacrificing those who serve them if it suits their overall greater agenda, which is to consolidate greater control over us. Just look at what happened with Napoleon in France, who was used and then thrown away at Waterloo so that the Rothschilds could cement their grip on the banks of five different countries. Could we be seeing such a set-up now?

It's not just possible, but likely.

At the same time, those being used to draw the fire are certainly as vile as we suspect!
So..., earlier this week, the delivery and truck drivers apparently got the, "Be VERY Afraid" memo.

Getting your oil tank, (for home heating), filled up is suddenly a bigger challenge than simply placing an order. -Now it is apparently necessary to have your debating skills sharpened in order to convince the phone rep that yes, you really do need to heat your house. One guy had to invoke his, "Old Mother Living At Home" card in order to convinced the oil company to take his money. -It seems the drivers just don't feel safe venturing out into the virus soaked apocalypse landscape. -And let me be clear; we're talking about a job where you park your tanker truck on the road and then run a hose to the side of a customer's house. You don't even have to be home in order to receive an order! Other than, 'Forest Ranger', I'm having a hard time thinking of a more socially insulated job -where you can perform your duties without compromise and still suffer practically zero risk of random human contact. Maybe, 'Astronaut'?

And yet, they've been frightened into wiggling deeper into their covid-safe hidey holes. You now have to plead and cajole in order to keep your furnace fed. Or at least that's what I've seen so far. I'm getting my cue cards ready for when the needle on the tank at my house hits the low mark.

And speaking of fuel... The last gas station I visited has seen better days. Their normal shelf stocks were eroded down to about a quarter their normal capacity, -like I was living in some socialist third world economy, (which I probably will be soon). I nodded at the sad shelves and demanded, "What's going on? Did the world run out of snack food?"

I was rewarded for my flippancy: "There's this thing called a 'coronavirus'. Maybe you've heard about it?"


But it turns out product distributors were having a hard time getting their delivery guys to go on the road. -Now that job I can see as having a higher risk of random human contact; a convenience store certainly sees more foot traffic than the oil pipe around the side of my house, but for goodness sake! Come on, guys; you're not hand-delivering Twinkies to grubby grade schoolers. They shut down all the schools.

Here's the one I find particularly troubling: Farmers, especially during harvest times, often rely on folks who travel in from other countries for cash labor. Migrant workers. -A practice which struck me as peculiar when I first left the city and encountered it. But that's Western economics for you; Summer jobs where you have to sweat and bend a lot are not well favored among the local youth, (or really anybody, if we're being honest), especially given that there are competing service jobs where knowing the local language and maintaining a mall-suitable wardrobe are valued skills. It's hard to keep your shirts pressed when you're living in a tent and your mom isn't available to drive you to the job site. Thing is.., you can't get migrant workers to migrate when there's a pandemic-sensitive border in the way. Not during these trying and difficult times, anyhow. -But somebody has to bring in all those fruit and vegetables, and I can't see the vegans doing it. You need to eat real food if you're going to survive farm work! And anyway, they're all busy pouring coffee, -or would be if the cafes were still open.

With local service businesses shuttered and farms desperate for workers, I wonder if we'll see a shift to healthy, outdoor work for our kids? Maybe that'll be a good thing in the long run?

And finally...

Is it just me, or do I sound suspiciously like an old grouchy Republican in this post?


Whatever. Get off my lawn.

It does seem that, despite the many, many people raising the points about the absurdity of the lockdown, many more are being captured by the propaganda and turned into lemmings. It's the damndest thing I've ever witnessed.

Authoritarian Followers! Sheesh! We knew about it, but we never thought it was this bad!
Just saw this one: Bill Gates now claiming that the flu vaccine does NOT work so well in elderly people:
“The efficacy of vaccines in older people is always a huge challenge. Turns out the flu vaccine isn’t that effective in elderly people. Most of the benefit comes from younger people not spreading it because they’re vaccinated and that benefits on a community basis the elderly,” Gates said during an interview with CNBC.

Of course never mind that they have been pushing the flu jabs for god knows how long and in most countries, such as The Netherlands, they advise it for people 60 years and older (Griepprik | RIVM), and they have made fortunes pushing it. Now they want the soon to be launched covid19 vaccine pushed on those younger people because they are living their lives as people should, supposedly to protect the elderly. What a word salad. Really, it is so obvious right in front of our eyes what is happening here and how they twist and turn and still most of the people choose to not get what's being played out here.

Gilad Atzmon is now writing that since it is possible that the virus is manmade by some 'creatures who believe themselves greater than nature' we should treat the current epidemic as a potentially criminal act as well as a medical event and begin the search for the perpetrators who may be at the centre of this possible crime of global genocidal proportions.
Yes, this could be one of the probabilities included in the backfiring of this whole mess they made.
It's not just possible, but likely.

At the same time, those being used to draw the fire are certainly as vile as we suspect!

Thank you, Laura.

It's quite late where I am, but I want to say this before I retire for the night: I have beat around the "bushes" here, but those who I have not named on the international scene that may be a part of the NWO "trap" being set could include people who have quite admirable followings here and on SOTT. And reasonably so! They have positioned their countries, and themselves, to be agents of positive change for the world in the times to come...but: I would say that it's very easy to win a game of chess when you are told which moves to make. Keep that in mind.

So before retiring, I wish to ask this: are people here willing to let go of "sacred cows" if the *facts" as presented without bias (hopefully!) may show that those they believed in are actually not acting in the best interests of humanity as a whole? And while doing so, I acknowledge that I may not have the entire picture, and I could be wrong - but I am willing to risk whatever small amount of legitimacy I may have gained here in trying to provide some clarity to events currently transpiring.
Just saw this one: Bill Gates now claiming that the flu vaccine does NOT work so well in elderly people:
“The efficacy of vaccines in older people is always a huge challenge. Turns out the flu vaccine isn’t that effective in elderly people. Most of the benefit comes from younger people not spreading it because they’re vaccinated and that benefits on a community basis the elderly,” Gates said during an interview with CNBC.
This frightens me a little. I worry that children will be the prime target of the new vaccines.
So we are in the first Sunday following the full moon after the March equinox and the Spring has really started.
Its Easter and Croatian church fathers are very pleased they now have the opportunity to hold their sermons on TV. They seem to like the fact that they dont have to mingle with their beloved flocks of intelligent souls.

Seriously. Where is the outrage of the church because one of the greates religious dates has been subverted? How on Earth they can allow the state to get between them and their flocks? Are they not satisfied with their flocks maybe? Are they not satisfied with the way courts and judges are letting them go after they have been caught in abusing children?
And what are they doing in churches now that theres no people there? Maybe they are preparing the long avaited nano chip communion waffer for the deserving masses? :evil:

I think we will be able to see where all this fake cv madness is taking us soon. The initial wave of confusion and fear is lessening and some clarification in peoples heads seems to be happening! WOOT WOOT WOOT 🎊🎉 🥂

More and more sleepy heads are REALLY starting to ask the needed questions. The synchronicity on this thread is very powerfull and helpfull to entire World, not just us who read it and post in it.

So thank you all :love: who are participating and making an impact. We are the spearhead of The Wave and nothing can stop us. BRAVO 😁

Happy Easter 🥚 to all who are celebrating it.

&Have a beautifull day y'all.
A Neural therapist colleague, who is an anesthesiologist in shift at a main hospital, reports the following:

[my translation]

I still find it hard to accept the surprising results that I'm getting. I'm on shift in the ICU and had pinched (with Neural therapy) two patients who were in claudication at a respiratory level and who were candidates for mechanical ventilation for the next morning shift... The're both doing much better and intubation was no longer necessary! I think I will make the proposition of treating them in the main ward before they go up to the ICU.

More info on Neural therapy:

Unfortunately, it remains largely a European therapy.

My colleague basically injected procaine 0.5%, half to 1 cc in several segments of the chest wall in what we call "the lung technique". Easiest therapy ever that can make the whole difference!
Just as an FYI, whilst many are enamored by the ongoing covid crisis, other changes appear to be afoot.

We've had a number of volcanic eruptions occur recently

See: Volcanoes Erupting All Over

There's also been a noticeable uptick in reported UFOs the world over. I've noticed a particular uptick from the Americas

See: Videos of strange and mysterious objects and other phenomena in the sky

Comet Atlas is also said to be fragmenting as well plus we have a huge asteroid making a close pass on 29th April.

All per usual on the BBM nowadays
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