Another really good german alternative media pundit who hasn’t fallen for it. Good one to share!

Fasten your seatbelts for a good dose of "tin foil hat" conspiracy speculation that I just discovered in the video above, that might just be that or not. The man in question is Bill Gates. I remember that I read somewhere (don't know where exactly, but I think it was a book) that Gates father was big into eugenics and that Bill is essentially following in his fathers footsteps there. You know, his father and Bill himself seem to be those kind of strange eugenics Psycho types who advocate for population reduction and especially of the weaker/poorer/brownish people (or more like all non Psychos?).

In the video above they guy brings up a talk by Bill Gates from 2010 about "Climate Change" and "CO2" in which Gates presented a pretty strange mathematical equation, he has created, "to solve that problem“. It very much looks like Bill told the public there (in a Freudian slip manner maybe?) what his vaccines (and other "health care" services) are really meant to do; Kill people, so that less people walk on earth and thus "less CO2 is produced". The video should start at that point in his talk:

He explains the first number in his equation ("P" for "Population"), by saying, quote:

First, we got population. Now, the world today has 6,8 Billion people and that is headed up to about 9 Billion... Now, if we do a really good job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that [number] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.

Can you come to any other conclusion after watching that? Or was this just another of Bills mistakes that he didn't mean that way, or that I understood wrongly? People, the guy is now promoted in the mainstream by politicians and media all over the place as the go-to guy "to find the solution". Just think about that for a minute!!! Could it be that the whole talk, as with other talks from him, is a sort of insider joke by mocking the population, essentially laughing his ass off how stupid the public is because he is telling them flat out into their faces what his plans are and they don't get it and even support it? He called his talk "Innovating to zero". Is the whole talk just a tongue in cheek exercise for Bill (and people like him) amusing himself how stupid people are? Is much of what he says just Psycho double talk, only other insiders will recognize/understand? What does he really mean by "Innovating to zero" and all the other strange ideas and terms he presents there and elsewhere? Putting my tin foil hat down again though, for now.
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And what I arrived at is that there's a huge difference between them and us in terms of the context we have for the events. And the result of that is that even if they know all the facts about this 'pandemic', they don't see much of a problem.

So let me mention some things that you take for granted but they don't.
When you look at this situation, you look at it in the context of...
- the ruling elite, who they are, what long-term goals they have, how long they've been planning all this,
- 4D and that whole mess,
- knowing what the WHO and IMF and other institutions really are,
- what kind of shit vaccinations are in general and what's been planned with those for a long time,
- police brutality and total lack of punishment for it,
- 9/11 and why it happened and who was behind it and that it was planned etc.,
- how exactly the media are controlled, by whom, and how that relates to other things,
- the whole spiritual connection and lessons and purpose and STO/STS,
and a host of other things.

The problem is that even if you explain all the facts about this 'pandemic' and people get it and agree on the facts, they know almost nothing about the things I just mentioned, and you can probably guess that without them a lot can be shrugged off.

The interesting thing about this is that the realization that corona is a hoax to further some agenda actually implies most of these things. Laura wrote about this in the Wave - we can do all sorts of mental gymnastics to protect our belief systems: we can just deny the facts, which many people do; but we can also accept the facts but deny the implications. We just stop thinking it through and go on living in a state of cognitive dissonance of sorts. Like "well, I just realized that all the governments in the world, the UN, and a bunch of leading scientists lied straight to my face unisono, trashed the economy and erected a police state. Nevermind, let's get back to work..." If they actually thought what this means, they would soon have some shocking realizations about our world, our place in it, even metaphysical questions etc.
I'm not sure vaccination is the desired goal. Maybe they want to disrupt our lives, get the bills to pile up, and then as people get loans, the pandemic slowly goes away.
I think I am beginning to better understand what an ugly game is behind destroying of all peoples livelihoods and businesses, and how they are going to use this crisis as an opportunity to get to their desired goal. This is from FT where Macron says:

Macron FT.JPG
"To nationalize wages and financial accounts of almost all our businesses".

So this is how they gonna do it. All this printing of trillions by Central Banks, are going to be used to bail out everyone, while they're promising to preserve peoples jobs? Yes no problem, with digital credit, social credit, most of ordinary people will be required to work and they will receive in return universal basic incomes, vaccines with bio-metric certificates, given super safety in society under total control. That is their goal. We want your soul.

Central Banks are going to take control of every aspect of free markets until it will no longer exist. And it is happening right now. It is going to be complete transfer of wealth from people to the hands of few, the elites who are behind all of this - called nationalization. Well if that's perhaps their plan, will it succeed? We'll see.
The Prime minister of Sweden and the chief epidemiologist have both had press conferences today. The main take aways are:

Prime Minister Stefan Lövfen:
People did a good job not travelling on Easter (They were monitoring us through our phones as they let us know beforehand) Too early to ease restrictions. Hard times are not over, we will have to continue to be careful "week by week, month by month". The travelling ban to Sweden is prolonged until May 15th. Migrant workers with work permit for agricultural work are allowed a pass. "We are not talking weeks, we are talking months", concerning restrictions (social distancing and prohibiting gatherings of more than 50 people.

Chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell:
12540 reported cases in Sweden, 1333 deaths. No spike after Easter as predicted. Many cases from elderly homes. Those areas are difficult to protect, otherwise things ´seem to be working very well´. Kids´and youth´s sporting matches will be allowed.
I was at work today, first time in a month. Not many people were there, but I needed something in an office with two ladies, so I started talking to them, to check what they know and think.

I was again pleasantly surprised, for the most part. They knew the numbers were bullshit because they're counting everyone with CV. They knew the measures make no sense. They understood most people need to get infected before the virus stops. They understood the virus isn't really dangerous. One of them even said she thinks there's something else behind the lockdown. So I said, well yeah, now they have the police state they always wanted. She laughed in that kind of ironic manner, and neither of them disputed that.

So that was all good. But then... they put their masks on and continue with the 'new normal', and apparently it doesn't bother them. It doesn't make them mad or anything. So I thought about that.

I have to admit things in my country aren't that bad. It's pretty relaxed compared to most of what I've read here. If the mandatory masks weren't there, you'd notice little except the streets being strangely empty. So part of the lack of reaction is probably due to that.

But I realised something else. And this ties to what I mentioned yesterday - all of us here probably most of the time don't realise just how disconnected we really are from the average person and what they know. Why is it that even when these people agree on the covid facts, it doesn't seem to matter to them? They agree we have a police state, but they shrug it off?

And what I arrived at is that there's a huge difference between them and us in terms of the context we have for the events. And the result of that is that even if they know all the facts about this 'pandemic', they don't see much of a problem.

So let me mention some things that you take for granted but they don't.
When you look at this situation, you look at it in the context of...
- the ruling elite, who they are, what long-term goals they have, how long they've been planning all this,
- 4D and that whole mess,
- knowing what the WHO and IMF and other institutions really are,
- what kind of shit vaccinations are in general and what's been planned with those for a long time,
- police brutality and total lack of punishment for it,
- 9/11 and why it happened and who was behind it and that it was planned etc.,
- how exactly the media are controlled, by whom, and how that relates to other things,
- the whole spiritual connection and lessons and purpose and STO/STS,
and a host of other things.

The problem is that even if you explain all the facts about this 'pandemic' and people get it and agree on the facts, they know almost nothing about the things I just mentioned, and you can probably guess that without them a lot can be shrugged off.

I think they see this whole thing as kind of incidental... The governments will play police state for a while, and then we'll go back to normal. Or not normal but something slightly different, but no big deal. They don't get that this is a part of a plan that has been in place for... decades, centuries, millennia, depending how far you really want to go. They don't see the intent behind it. They don't see there's something really malicious going on. They have little sense of the danger. The event is disconnected from other things.

And it's really hard for me (and probably most of you) to imagine what their view of the situation really must be like. Spending several hours a day around this thread and sott, it's really hard to connect to the mindset of the average person. So little information, so little knowledge, so few dots connected. Any red flag they might see is just accidental. It's not connected to anything else.

And without a bigger picture, I think they just believe that it's not their problem at all. Which, I suppose, ties into another factor, and that is that they have unknowingly become convinced that they have no power. (Which, as we know, is no accident at all.) To them, all of this is for other people to sort out. So at best you get something like, "Yeah, it sucks, but what can we do?" Not my problem. I'm not a politician. I can't do anything.

I guess that's the 'the programming is complete' part.

It's like if we're under attack and you give somebody armour and weapons and tell them who the enemy is, and show them the enemy is running straight at them... and they nod and keep staring at you, weapon in hand, and wondering what you want from them. Because they have no clue what to do. Actually, they have no clue they can do something. (A few minutes later: "OH, I'm supposed to fight?? What?? Me??")

Honestly, I don't know what we can do about this, or if anything can be done about it. But for starters, we should definitely be aware of it.

At the very least, it can help us be more understanding about those people who don't even really know who or what they are. And like I mentioned earlier, if they need more lessons, then they need more lessons, and there's nothing we can do about that. Hence, 'enjoy the show'.

It's going to be frustrating, but maybe a better understanding of how little most people really have to work with can make it less frustrating for us. And we're going to need a lot of humour.

Also maybe I should to turn my co-workers into guinea pigs and run some experiments and see if I discover something interesting.
I hear you @Mandatory Intellectomy , but this is all normal in a way. In order for someone to grow, they need to make a conscious effort, a choice. They need to be curious, to seek that knowledge that will alter their awareness which in turn will change their reality.
I think every one of us on this Forum might have went through the same phases: all of a sudden having an epiphany when realizing that there is a whole other World out there, then become excited and try to share this with other people, only to be met with strange looks and scoffs, to withdraw and be hurt, then learning that one has to seek the knowledge in order to get it.
I like the idea of turning the people around us in guinea pigs. What worked for me in the past, with 9/11 for instance, was not trying to explain things to people, but rather awaken their curiosity, by asking questions such as "How about Building 7?" or "Where were the fighter jets?". Most people would not get it, but there was a small percentage that were intrigued, and wanted more information, and I just gave them small steps, more like guidance on what they should ask themselves, but then allowed them to go and research on their own, so that they invest some energy. Basically, in a way, the same way the C's deal with us...
I think we should do something similar here. Find a few key points that we can raise, in order to awaken the few that are interested.
A good friend of mine is a priest and he told me about a concept about how priests should go out of the Church and talk to the people outside of the Church. The people that already come to Church you can guide and help, etc. But there are others, outside, sort of "fence sitters", which are curious, but have various "programs" that prevent them from coming in, and by talking to those, you have a chance.
We need to sharpen our discussion points regarding this mess and start looking for these fence sitters, in order to build up a critical mass:
Critical mass of critical thinkers 🤔
So this is how they gonna do it. All this printing of trillions by Central Banks, are going to be used to bail out everyone
Yes, that seems clear to me almost from the beginning. Non-lovers of humanity want to build popular dependence on government and other institutions of control, preferably global ones, to increase their power. It is herding. This episode is a fantastic opportunity to force never-before-dreamed-about numbers of people into dependence. It increases their power enormously. In previous economic crises, they would bail out various institutions of control. Now they don't even need those "middle men" so much, just a national Big Brother, and eventually a global Big Brother.
I think that this virus is increasing the gap within human beings between those who are willing to believe anything they are told, those who had already doubts about our reality and those who have the potential to doubt. Besides, the reaction of PTB and those who follow them seem to be more and more clear for people who will or can read them even a bit.

Concerning the tests, in France, our great president announced in his last speech that, in 1 month, people will start to be tested but only those who have symptoms, can you believe it? Yeah, it would be useless to test all the population according to him...

Just to be clear about his policy:
1. It's planned that the lockdown starts to progressively stop from May 11. Children will go back to school for their parents to be able to go back to work
2. We should receive some masks from China on this date
3. Only people who have corona symptoms will be tested

1. Children are believed to be healthy corona bringer. They don't really respect "security moves between people". They will surely transmit the virus to their parents.
2. It's largely probable that we won't have enough masks for all everyone the May 11.
3. People won't be tested until they have symptoms knowing what I have just written and the fact that some of us are known to be "healthy bringer".

Everything is perfect, isn't it?

I'd like to add some interesting info
- Some veterinary labs are still waiting for the authorization from ou govt to proceed on tests since they have the needed material.
- Pharmacists don't have the authorization (forbidden by decree) to sell masks to citizens whereas they could buy it from various providers.

European deal
Yesterday, they have shown us European countries ministers of economics shaking hands after having "proudly succeeded to agree on a great deal to save the European nations.
Of course, there was no victory at all. Generally speaking, some countries as France, Italy or Spain wanted to mutualize the debts but Germany or Scandinavian countries didn't want it (hahaha).

Their main agreement appears to be on the MES ("Mécanisme Européen de Stabilité / European Stability Mechanism). and guess what? It's useless since it allows you to request some money but other countries will tell you exactly what to do with it. It's a super control and this is what was used with Greece during their Crisis around 2012-2013. Italy already said that they won't use it, they could see what it truly is.
Just to be clear, it was better to shake hands and smile fainting that we're all a big and loving family.

European mess
The reality caught us several times in Europe. For example, the French govt tried to steal some masks that were flying for Sweden. After this diplomatic incident, France accepted to give them back... half of it! But, even in France, the East part stole some masks that were planned to the south.
Another "funny" story is about the Tchek Republic that stole some masks destined to Italy and so forth.

Besides, a good friend of mine who works in a French embassy told me today that diplomats are trying to find a way to slow down some Scandinavian countries and Germany in their program to stop their lockdown by asking them to organize something altogether. Hahaha, man, we are so late compared to Germany or Danemark for example. Be sure they won't wait for us especially when you take a look at what I wrote above.

The virus situation reminds me what the C's said once, there are several STS groups seeking power and control, and war is also among them.
I don't have a prophetic gift, but I have enough confidence in my analyses. As I read this, I thought that at the end of the "pandemic" would come the economic reset, the forgiveness of debts, and the application of the universal basic income ... but to access the latter (the basic income) people will have to consent. And that consent will be in the form of a vaccine or cryptographic ID*.

If you install in people a transmarginal inhibition, by the time a real pandemic arises, and people allow themselves to be locked up indefinitely, in the same way they will accept the new digital transaction system with unique and non-transferable ID because making the exchange of goods and services they will no longer be able to use the usual channels (because there will be a social distancing).

If all this becomes the norm and custom the image of Neo, plugged into the matrix suddenly becomes possible...

*This is just one example, but I mention it because as of today, a large part of the world's population has or uses some of the elements to be used as cryptographic ID.

So this is how they gonna do it. All this printing of trillions by Central Banks, are going to be used to bail out everyone, while they're promising to preserve peoples jobs? Yes no problem, with digital credit, social credit, most of ordinary people will be required to work and they will receive in return universal basic incomes, vaccines with bio-metric certificates, given super safety in society under total control. That is their goal. We want your soul.

That's what I thought. That's his goal. After all, there is no free lunch.
Well, there is a bizarre development to this story. After her hearing (remember she was accused of encouraging people to break the law, this had nothing to do with her being put in the psychiartry), she made a speech in front of her supporters who were bravely demonstrating in front of the police station:

In it, she says she was NOT mistreated by the police in any way but "fell from a bicycle drunk". The whole thing is really confused and doesn't make sense, she also says she hasn't time after that because she has to go to a coffee shop with friends (what? they are closed) and a couple of other strange things. She also said the "lying right-wing press has made all this up", never mind that she posted this audio file, which she now seems to be denying as well (?).

The net result of all this: her brave supporters and followers look completely ridiculous and stupid. All the haters are vindicated. Notice also that the police has not dispensed the little demonstration. So my conspiracy thinking sees different scenarios here:

a) She was threatened or bullied during her hearing into making this statement. (However, she doesn't seem very tense of nervous in the video?)
b) She really IS a bit off the rockers. Or they made her kind of crazy and confused by whatever means. After all, she was in a psychiatry...
c) She herself is part of an elaborate plot to discredit all criticism of the corona madness, making look everyone completely crazy who asks questions.

In any event, this story is BIZARRE.

Bahner had almost single-handedly been fighting the system for quite a while now which takes some courage and inner stability to be able to stay sane. She possibly bit off more than she could mentally chew.

During the video she comes across as possibly being in a hypomanic condition.

Considering what she's allegedly been through during the last one or two days she seems to be in an unnaturally elevated mood, somewhat restless, not really able to react to questions and probably making up stories or adventures as she went along.

Apart from the (closed) coffee shop which Luc had already mentioned she claimed to having been just back from visits to the Royal Opera House in London and the Louvre in Paris during the last two weeks. Are these places actually opened to the public right now? I think she even mentioned having been to one of the Berlin opera houses (which are closed up to April 19).

I think if "they" really have tried to turn her around chemically they must have done a very bad job...

After all she only spent about a night or a day in the hospital which is probably much too short to fine-tune a person to a psychiatric medication.

At the end of the day I wouldn't be surprised if she had really been picked up by the police in a confused and irritated state (maybe aggravated by alcohol) and was forcibly admitted to a hospital.
It looks like there is a new spin in the narrative. On queue from Trump, now the Canadian conservatives are saying the same thing.

So the West is going to blame China. China has already blamed the US. They both point to each other in terms of the origination of the virus. They both say the virus might not be of natural origins.

If it is not of natural origins, it means it is man made, therefore someone should have the cure.

The WHO is being pushed to the fore front. Exposure?

Given what we read about the Globalist 3.0 agenda, it seems that the WHO will also be a target for destruction. All of the Globalist 2.0 institutions such as the UN, IMF, WHO, WTO should be destroyed, in order to make way initially to some fake multi polarity that will eventually usher in the big One World Government.

Is this what we start to witness here?

The move against the WHO definitely serves more than one purpose.

1. It shifts any blame that the democrats might try to pin on Trump in terms of the handling of the crisis: he will say the WHO gave him false information so he only did what he could based on the information he received.
2. By linking the WHO to China they also put blame on China and turn the public opinion against China, therefore pushing back on China's trade, weakening its position
3. Internally it might give Trump some leverage against the likes of Fauci, Gates, etc.
4. It would allow Trump to not take WHOs advice into consideration in terms of reopening the economy, and if he does it boldly, and not too many deaths will occur, he will be a hero, election guaranteed

I think what is happening is that they noticed people started to look more critically at the numbers, they did achieve quite a bit in terms of control, but the momentum is not yet there for full sweep, so they will ease the chokehold a bit, as they can always raise the alarm about a second or third wave later, and return to more pressure.
I noticed our health minister in BC also saying that the projections that he has been seeing are, 'too high', and I think he even referred to them as, 'doomsday numbers, or a doomsday scenario'.

I think in and of themselves, these thing don't mean a lot, but do possibly shows cracks in the system, (narrative), at this point, however small.

The reporter later in a scrum, when asked about these numbers, described the numbers as coming from certain models, and that maybe they would have to look at other models. (I think if people realize that everything is just guesses, built upon faulty assumptions, or even an agenda, things could go South pretty quickly)
Those who are following statistics can see a huge disproportion between western and eastern Europe. I was wondering about that and I just read this news that might explain why is that (translation):

Right now, Belgium is first in Europe (and world) in number of deaths per population number (if we do not count the micro countries - San Marino and Andorra).

I don't know about other countries but in mine they are really testing. We just got an equipment for two new labs from China. So we will be able to do much more testing than before. The curfew during the weekends did nothing to stop the corona. It entered hospitals and homes for the elderly, so now we have big numbers of infected. But at least the number of ICU patients keeps going down. Whether it is because of the nice weather or the new therapies, I don't know.

One of our doctors said that our clinic for pulmonary diseases has one advantage - it is located in a very old building so it has windows that can be opened. Imagine that, we just realized that we have the state of the art technology in fight against corona! Spread this knowledge around, you can probably save more lives than staying home. ;-)
One potential explanation could be the fact that in Eastern Europe, if I am not mistaken, the Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine (anti TB) has been in use well into the early 90's, whereas in the Western World they stopped using it earlier.
I am thinking about this given the fact that Australia was considering at one point to vaccinate a large number of health care workers with this vaccine, so they might know something.
Something occurred to me today, there is a movement where I live, I look upon it as a make work project and feel good factor for those involved. "Make your Own Masks" There was a poignant story from local video, where an immigrant from a conflict area (he has lived in Canada for 20 years). Is now making masks for healthcare workers that are unable to obtain the necessary supplies., he want to give something back to Canada.

So as ridiculous as the idea of wearing a mask is IMO to protect from this virus, it may be prudent to make a mask or acquire one of these home made masks, if one is so inclined. I have to check it out but I believe there is a fabric store close by that is offering masks for free.

My thought is, when the "second wave hits" the start of the normal flu season in October, that the ones not wearing a mask will be singled out as dissenters and non believers, this could have repercussions from the rabid authoritarian follower types. My thought is go with the flow for self protection. Makes a mockery of this so called facial recognition technology, who needs it anyway when our names, all our personal information is know using technology available today.
I have a Rant.
It is about This mask thing..
On my outings, I am starting to see the odd Joe Sixpack and Suzy Soccer Mom, sporting homemade masks.
They are all fiddling, adjusting, pulling the damn thing up and down to talk, eat, sip their Tim Hortons Coffee, and looking OH so Trendy.
Disdainfully looking over the brim of their lovely crafted mask at anyone NOT wearing a mask.

They seem to be exuding that Hipster Millennial arrogance that we were blessedly given a break from, when this Corona farce interrupted the "How Dare YOU" pig tailed Re-Greta Green Machine and the Tranny Boys who wanted to be Girls(but just our clothes, make-up, and bathrooms. Not the many other areas of responsibility that REAL girls deal with) Carnival.
But, think back to a minute before that...
Here in Canada, it was immigration and fear of the Islamic extremist that our Liberal Government was open arming into our Country.
The Wahhabis and Salafis were going to have us living under Sharia law, remember that?

And all the Canadian Women would be forbidden to go outside without their faces covered.

Interesting fact, the face covering for women pre-dates the creepy religious fanatics by a few thousand years.
The reason is lost in antiquity, but the face coverings were a lot more decorative and appealing.
With sparkles and gems and danglers!
Come on Ladies, get out your craft kits and Bedazzlers!
If I consent to wearing the damn useless thing, it's gonna be AMAZING!!
Bahner had almost single-handedly been fighting the system for quite a while now which takes some courage and inner stability to be able to stay sane. She possibly bit off more than she could mentally chew.

During the video she comes across as possibly being in a hypomanic condition.

Considering what she's allegedly been through during the last one or two days she seems to be in an unnaturally elevated mood, somewhat restless, not really able to react to questions and probably making up stories or adventures as she went along.

Apart from the (closed) coffee shop which Luc had already mentioned she claimed to having been just back from visits to the Royal Opera House in London and the Louvre in Paris during the last two weeks. Are these places actually opened to the public right now? I think she even mentioned having been to one of the Berlin opera houses (which are closed up to April 19).

I think if "they" really have tried to turn her around chemically they must have done a very bad job...

After all she only spent about a night or a day in the hospital which is probably much too short to fine-tune a person to a psychiatric medication.

At the end of the day I wouldn't be surprised if she had really been picked up by the police in a confused and irritated state (maybe aggravated by alcohol) and was forcibly admitted to a hospital.
Stepford wife treatment?
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