Dagobah Resident
Here's Webb request on any FBI records on MuckRock on the Freedom of Information Act
George Webb Sweigert Writing Books, Documentaries Washington
DC-Baltimore Area500+ connections
Flashback: June 16, 2017: 5:46 PM ET
So, so far, c.a., Webb hasn't received a copy of his FBI file, it seems.
The "Flashback" [CNN] article you linked to claims there was no dirty bomb on the ship called the Maersk Memphis. According to the article, such inside information was given to Webb by one "very brave" source (Webb called it) who met in person with five other sources, and who, Webb claimed, "has been right every time." As per the article, it was Jason Goodman of Youtube's "Crowdsource The Truth," where Webb had been doing a live broadcast on all this, who called the Coast Guard, causing authorities to temporarily close the port at Charleston in order to investigate this alleged dirty bomb scenario.
I'm wondering whether Goodman actually did contact the Coast Guard given the content of Webb's request letter to the FBI:
So, it seems the "Flashback" [CNN] article was likely a cover-up for something very serious, then. And it seems Webb's phone was pinged -- illegally, apparently -- in response to the "Crowdsource The Truth" broadcast.[Webb]: I have standing with the FBI due to numerous JTTF pings on my phone on June 15th, 2017 in Zanesville, OH. Chris Whitaker of Charleston, SC JTTF was cited for pinging my location. Chris Whitaker is a Coast Guard JTTF member who worked through the FBI JTTF to ping me. The 7F exemption no longer applies. I would like my entire file from all databases.
I provide get background data for an online news show regarding shipping of radioactive material on unqualified ship without documentation. I never called the Coast Guard or JTTF. I answers all five calls after the show was over from Customs and Border Protection, DHS, and USCG and co-operated fully, explaining the state of affairs with a group know as the Imran Awan spy ring using diplomatic containers to ship radioactive material. Four diplomatic containers did in fact turn out to be radioactive on a ship that was not rated for carry hazardous material."
One wonders who this "source" is, the source Webb had [allegedly] talked about on "Crowdsource The Truth"? (if that portion of the CNN article is legit). That's what I meant by Webb's "seeming connection to the intelligence community." I assume that portion of the piece was legit given this CNN article was apparently written to discredit this sort of "conspiracy theorizing" online, and so the writer keeps to the facts, except for the outcome -- the alleging that there was no dirty bomb/s found -- which functions as the "gotcha" point of the re-worked story. CNN's moral: these conspiracy theorists have no idea what they're doing.
On another topic, it's interesting, c.a., your linking to Trump's latest tweets, and the tweeter questioning their authenticity. I just looked at them myself, and I see what he means. They don't even have to be "automated." They could have been written by staff. They just seem generic, and do not seem to be Trump tweeting to his concerned base at this heightened moment in time.
It seems as if yesterday evening Trump deliberately drove past the people gathered outside Walter Reed Hospital to honor him in order to let them/us know that he is, indeed, alive.
There's no evidence that Trump is back in the White House yet, although the White House has predicted he will return there today. However, the generic tweets suggest... what? That he's too ill to tweet?... although he did look well in the video of yesterday evening, when he announced he'd be giving a surprise to those gathered outside the hospital (referring to the "drive by" he did). So, it's still difficult to tell what's actually going on with him.
Oh: I just saw a headline in my email that the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, just tested positive for Covid-19. So the seeming "assault" continues... (if, in fact, that's what it is).
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