Now this is interesting, couple days ago UK acknowledged tests bound for UK become contaminated with coronavirus (link), but no one said how the tests became contaminated. In another article is written that tests bound to UK were sold via company in Luxemberg by the name Eurofins Scientific.

Same company stated following:

In other words probes and primers in the test kits were found to contain traces of the coronavirus, and according to Eurofins Scientific, other private suppliers have similar issues.

This brings me to the problem with Covid-19 test kits in USA from beginning of March when CDC admitted "test kits may have been contaminated".

And not to forget there were news form March about "false coronavirus test kits" seized by US border patrol.

And another news is even more interesting:

To conclude, we have test kits contaminated with coronavirus, we have false test kits, we have W.H.O. test kits with almost 50% false positives, and all of these are distributed worldwide.

Easy way to increase number of infected people across the globe.
This was posted way back in the thread. It has been removed.
It was a guy who's company manufactured tests. He said RNA from any strain of Coronavirus is all the tests would identify. There is no, and likely won't be one that can test specifically for Covid-19, to be mass produced. All the lab space and technicians in the world wouldn't be enough to do it.
Very interesting perspective. I'm starting to wonder if even the 'important' people in the game are nothing more than 'puppets'. Perhaps sock puppets in the case of Bill Gates? Real Evil wouldn't reveal it's self. Can you just imagine Evil approaching a stranger with outstretched hand saying: "Hi, I'm Evil and you're coming to work for us!"? I can't imagine it. Their intended 'hire' would run like hell in the opposite direction!

I think humanity is at a cross roads - even self delusional 'sock puppets' like Bill Gates. :-) They can chose to go one way or the other, but they will reap the karmic rewards of their actions and their choices. Perhaps not all at the same time, or in the same manner, but still. Evil isn't going to stop, it's just going to find more people to make into puppets, or socks to wear out and discard in the bin, either/or....

I was thinking about what the C's said about the future being 'open'. I think this is awfully dependent on an individual's ability to be 'open' to knowledge, awareness and most importantly: Action! If they are not, then the future is 'closed'! :-( And their existence just becomes an echo of the past and they cease to exist.

This is not a situation I want people to walk into without being aware of. That's why I'm trying to warn everyone. Equally so, I have the feeling that Evil does not want to become an echo of the past, either! It must be working pretty diligently right now.

This certainly is shaping up to be a huge 'smack down' between expansive and entropic forces. In my opinion, the one that ultimately succeeds will be the one that ends up calling the most people to their side. This illustrates the concept of free will.
Well, yes @Ruth , guys like Gates are the current days Fausts, Reav Evil doesn't have to reveal itself, it can easily take over the puppets you are thinking of, based on choices they make.

From the legend of Faust:

The erudite Faust is highly successful yet dissatisfied with his life, which leads him to make a pact with the Devil at a crossroads, exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures.

Think Bill Gates, Epstein, and you will see the pattern. Then a full network emerges and there are so many webs upon webs of Global organisms such as WHO, IMF, then foundations over foundations, which all appear to be interested in doing good, but the reality is completely different.
Also, that Fauci said earlier that the virus was nothing (as well as MSM) and later apparently changed his mind. Stuff like that looks very suspicious.

What I found is not exactly Fauci saying the virus was nothing, but he did change his tune regarding asymptomatic transmission (that theory is part of the drive behind social distancing/quarantine). Here he is in a January 28 press conference talking about the history of respiratory-borne viruses and how asymptomatic transmission has NEVER been the driver of outbreaks:

Sometime between late January and whenever the CDC put out the first guidelines to states for social distancing (early March I think but it's not in the timeline) he changed his tune.
It is good to spread knowledge and understanding and to network about it. When a post is mainly bolded and bolded read, it is a bit like someone is yelling at you at the top of their voice. The result is that one gets tired and turns off. Apart from that, then using bold and bold red is tiring for the eyes, especially for those of us whose eyes are not so young anymore. Using it all the time causes it to lose the effect that was intended, so for understanding and as a sign of external consideration try to use it a little less.
Thanks Aeneas, you are right of course about this and I did have this in the back of my mind but I guess I got a bit carried away. Duly noted for future posts though.
Nice to see that you have come back to the Forum and have engaged in posting here. Again as mentioned to somebody else recently, if you haven't checked out the EE relaxation programme I can strongly recommend it. It helps to take the tops out of the ups and downs and bring more harmony to our lives.
Thanks, I do know about the program and have practiced it in the past albeit probably too little to fully benefit from it. In any case, also noted! :)
Also, that Fauci said earlier that the virus was nothing (as well as MSM) and later apparently changed his mind. Stuff like that looks very suspicious

Now I think I found what you're looking for. Fauci in an interview on January 21:

“This is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now,” Dr. Fauci told Newsmax’s Greg Kelly on January 21.
Where do you think these people who died and chose to re-incarnate will go? Back into the Eye Of The Storm. The more the better. Children are "clean" human beings and they connect us with who we really are. And if there will be enough of them they can make a critical mass. Especially if these satanic-pedo chains are being hunted down as we speak and there will be much less kidnapping and horrors in hospitals! I keep hearing this from many different sides!!
Yeah, but they have to get vaccinated.... :-/ Especially if they are born in America which has the highest vaccination rate in the 1st world and the lowest pediatric health in the 1st world.
For anyone interested, here’s the replay of the Khan Academy interview I posted about last week. As expected, the magnanimous jabberwocky is pushing his usual talking points. I didn’t have time to watch live, but there are some interesting observations throughout - such as the audio distorting at 16:52 in reference to WHO. Seems he’s been quite busy making appearances continuing to advocate his agenda given the number of articles on Sott. Hopefully, more people are seeing the “zippers on the monster suit”.

It has nothing to do with Corona virus, or maybe it has... The other day I was rewatching the Marvel movies, in order 😎, and for the first time I was shocked by Loki’s famous speech about humanity in Germany.
Peel off the character and the cinematic glitz and the crude message remaining is a very plausible reason that enabled the current reality. Spoiler alert. No Captain America this time.
Schiff, a candidate for identification of reanimation victims? Possibly?
Would you think reanimation should be considered?
Abducting key people, killing them and then reanimating them?
Yeah, but they have to get vaccinated.... :-/ Especially if they are born in America which has the highest vaccination rate in the 1st world and the lowest pediatric health in the 1st world.
They can also wait a bit and come exactly when peak consciousness is achieved and turn the tide 😉 They are litlle Gods and they can do miracles. If only we let them!!
I live in a country, Spain, that wants to traumatize its citizens, especially the most innocent ones, the children. We have the worst restrictions in the whole Western world.
I need to vent a little...
We live in an apartment with a 2 year old boy and 2 cats. Our cats live in an eternal quarantine and they didn't seem to mind it till 4 weeks ago, when the authorities decided that children are not aloud to go out.
It looks like nobody cares about the psochological effects these measures are having on children. I am devastated by the lack of empathy shown by most people I know, including my own family. Until this whole shut down happened, we used to take our son out for at least 2 hours every afternoon(in the mornings he would go to kindergarten, where they would spend at least 1h1/2 in the garden running and playing). He loves riding his bike, taking his truck, the swing, looking at the ducks and geese(we live very close to the river) etc.
This prison is driving him and consequently all 5 of us crazy(the vet told us that they sold more Felliway than ever). We try to make it entertaining for him but I think that we need to spent time in nature in order to get rid of a lot of bad energy. We need to step on the ground in order to feel more relaxed and grounded. And kids need it more than us. Our flat is on the 3th floor and, as we all know, it is not healthy to spend 24/7 of our time suspended.His sleep has been affected(he wakes up every 2 hours), he has more tantrums than ever etc. I don't know for how long we are going to survive like this and it looks like the end of this lock down is not in sight.. Whoever designed this must be non-human🦖
I suddenly had this image of WWI generation being marched off to war. Cannon fodder for the games of the global elites? Weird.
Exactly, these scripts have been used before and are simply reused.
How many people stop to think of all of the completely unnecessary suffering of WWII for instance, where people killed each other for 5 years only so that 20 years later to go on vacation on each other's Countries?
What I am worried about is the fact that people seem to be blind and forgetful.
They forget all the previous suffering and are blind for instance that even though Colin Powell admitted that the WMD charge against Iraq was not true, US troops are still there, or that even though the reasons for the first Gulf War was a hoax, they still believed Colin Powell, or the Bombardment of Yugoslavia (btw, the Weight of Chains and its sequel are a must watch in my opinion), and the list can go on.
Somehow, the World's population is being kept in a mass hypnotic state and is programmed to march off the cliff.
Even Pink Floyd's The Wall comes to mind:
The Dutch police in Rotterdam are very happy with their new fascist toy: it's called a 'camera car', which is a car equipped with a 360 degrees camera to spy on everyone who is not observing social distancing. Just in case drones, helicopters, apps, special phone lines so you can rat out your neighbours and super authoritarian followers admonishing their fellow citizens when they don't keep their distance are not enough. :nuts:
Basically, if enough people wrote a letter to the PTB your senator, ministers, prime-ministers, etc, the more the merrier: We could create a petition thing also - but letters to The Presidents, and that, if we keep track of the numbers can create a butterfly effect.
The letter needs to state that; between never seeing our parents, children, lovers again, we prefer to catch the flu. (Language is very important) The pain caused by social DISTANCING (as is being imposed upon us AGAINST ALL SAFETY AND SCIENTIFIC ADVICE) IS SO GREAT THAT WE WOULD RATHER DIE (AS IF) than accept this. SO WE ARE GOING TO TRY AND CATCH THIS FLU AS SOON AS IT IS AVAILABLE, and thank you for making sure that we catch in our own homes. That was thougthful of the PTB. (Hey it's a shitty flu, and it hurts, and yes it never stops, so start Lugol's, Keto, etc put all the tools in your kit)

NOW, once we have had a virus, we have antibodies and cannot catch the same strain strain. Which would make the vaccine mooch! Of course in the perfect world of my mind, but hey, my idea is a start! CAN ONE OF OUR SHARP minded members write a perfect letter, 2 paragraphs in complete sentences so we can translate it through Google. My partner jokingly is saying that some of us, in Québec assisted euthanasia is legal, we would rather have our parents be put to sleep, instead of being abused by this program imposed on all of us out of desperation and cupidity.

A good bluff can go a long way!
It could change the relationship to powers.
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