Couple's smoking at home snuffed

one way i can think of to counter anti-smoking laws would be to get an electronic cigarette, it tastes like real cigs, doesn't smell, you breathe water vapor, and no chemicals so i think some people would find it hard to be bothered by something that doesn't smell, and doesn't give off the (supposedly) toxic secondhand smoke. but of course i'm sure that they'd eventually outlaw nicotine completely and make it a federal offense to possess, just like so many other things. ever since i found out that smoking could actually be healthy to an extent (what with acetylcolene and everything) it made sense that the controllers would wanna outlaw it. that's the backwards world we live in, good is evil, toxic is healthy, honor is disgrace. oh and i almost forgot that it's totally uncool to do anything intelligent or creative or healthy. !@#$in' culture. jeez.
Hi abstract,

There was a discussion about electronic cigarettes sometime back and if I remember correctly the synopsis wasn't all that good. However I can't find the thread yet and when I do, I'll post it here for you to read. So just hang on for awhile and stay with organically grown tobacco if possible. :cool2:
i don't plan on buying an e-cigarette, the cigs i buy aren't that expensive ($2.50 a pack) i can see how a device like an e-cig could be corrupted to do harm to an individual's health, besides, natural is better as far as i'm concerned. i hope you find the thread, it sounds interesting.
Hi abstract,

Found it but it seems to be missing or lost. Will highlight it in the Empty and void messages thread and hopefully it will be recovered. Keep an eye out for it. :)
thanks, vulcan, that's some interesting stuff. just more proof that groups and agencies that want to prevent smoking are full of !@#$

i find it interesting that it's so easy to get people to believe this garbage, showing them black lungs and stuff. i heard a story once about a man who had a career as a welder, when he died the body was autopsied and ALL his organs were black. so that brings about a question: where did these black lung pics come from in anti-smoking ads and the like, and why isn't anyone informed of the damage you can do to your health by working in such an industry?

i used to feel kind of guilty about smoking, now i just don't care. it's obviously no more dangerous than anything else you could do, and i like the fact that it helps my memory. and i wish (though its improbable) that people would just get over the fact that cigarettes smell a certain way, your flippin' genitals smell bad too, but i don't go around saying that no one is allowed to have genitals or sweat glands! what if i walked around and had a campaign to try and ban people from having sweat glands? would that go over very well? no, it wouldn't. it's the same concept. "this doesn't fit my subjective (and possibly retarted) opinion of how things should be, so let's get rid of it." i realize i'm ranting a bit here, but i'd rather rant here than out on the street where i'm liable to be put away in an asylum for freely expressing my opinion.
I’m astounded by the absurdity of the anti-smoking campaign and all the fanatics that have bought into the mindset. Some of these people resemble bloodhounds. They’ve trained their olfactory lobes to sniff out cigarette smoke and where there’s smoke, there’s fire! They launch into rages!

When the secondhand smoke lie started picking up steam in the 1980’s, and I began observing what a tizzy some of these people spun themselves into. I wondered just how effective all that misguided energy might be if harnessed into doing something about all the poison the air, water and food that was affecting us all. You know, the fluoride they’re swilling down, the pesticides they’re ingesting, etc. And while they were so busy expending all that energy railing against smokers, the poisons in the air, water and food grew and has become worse. Also, I wonder how they’re liking the possibility of having murderous vaccines pumped into their veins by the same people who whipped them into the frenzy over secondhand smoke.
agreed. if the entire world started to literally split in half, there would still be !@#holes telling you not to smoke cigarettes because they'll kill you. fact is, EVERYTHING IS KILLING US!!! it's agonizing to think about.
abstract said:
i don't plan on buying an e-cigarette, the cigs i buy aren't that expensive ($2.50 a pack) i can see how a device like an e-cig could be corrupted to do harm to an individual's health, besides, natural is better as far as i'm concerned. i hope you find the thread, it sounds interesting.

You may not get the chance soon anyway, according to this article -

Food and Drug Administration Bans Flavored Cigarettes

October 12, 2009

It is being reported that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have banned the sale of electronic cigarettes in America
Boston (DbTechNo) - It is being reported that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have banned the sale of electronic cigarettes in America.

Electronic cigarettes look similar to a regular ciggy, but actually are quite different operating with a battery and a vaporless odor, in place of a lighter and dangerous omitted toxins.

The electronic cigarettes come in an array of flavors, making them very appealing for young people and this fact was one that made it easy for the tobacco companies to target young people.

“They, (tobacco companies,) were obviously trying to lure children to buy them and start smoking,” said Joel Spivak, a spokesperson for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. “What adults do you know that smoke strawberry-flavored cigarettes?”

The FDA has the authority to control how tobacco companies market their products, thanks to the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act signed into law by President Obama.

Because of this the FDA has stated that the marketing of electronic cigarettes violates the 1998 Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, and have thus taken steps to ban their sale in America.
The article is written so poorly, it's hard to tell if the sale has been banned or just might be banned - but fwiw.
i'm so F'ing sick of these GD MF's PRETENDING to care about children as an exucse to F us all in the A. does anyone really think that a little kid, (and we don't even know what age groups they're talking about) wants to start smoking just because it tastes like strawberry? that's what CANDY is for or better yet, a real strawberry. besides, if you're gradeschooler or something your body CAN'T handle alot of things yet. the second time i smoked a whole cigarette i got sick and vomited in the back at work, and i believe it's because i had too much nicotine at one time, and my body couldn't handle it yet. regardless, i once read a story about a little kid who tried a cigarette for the first time before he was even a teenager and it made him pass out. when little kids smoke, they get sick, do you think little kids like to be sick??? besides, IF YOU DON'T DRAW ATTENTION TO THESE THINGS IN THE FIRST PLACE, IT'S HARD FOR IT TO BECOME AN ISSUE. that's what the war on drugs is about, to DRAW ATTENTION to drugs so that we all start doing them. and another thing, why would a government that sits there and tells us we need to give sodium flouride to babies GIVE A RAT'S A ABOUT OUR HEALTH?????!!!!!!! the more i learn, the more disdain i acquire for having to live in such a condition. it's sickening. and yes, i'm very angry about it.
Hi abstract,

Calm down, no need to get upset and all. I remember reading a story about a dude, a dudette and a big kahuna hanging around some garden I think it was, and the story sort of goes as follows:
Kahuna - "Don't"

Dude - "Don't what?"

Kahuna - "Don't eat the forbidden fruit."

Dude - "Forbidden fruit? We got forbidden fruit? Hey, dudette......we've got forbidden fruit"

Dudette - "NO WAY."

Kahuna - "Don't eat that fruit!"

Dude - "Why?"

Kahuna - "Because I said so!" wondering why did he mentioned it in the first place. :headbash:

A few minutes later the big kahuna saw them eating the forbidden fruit and was angry.

Kahuna - "Didn't I tell you not to eat that fruit?"

Dude - "Uh huh."

Kahuna - "Then why did you?"

Dudette - "I dunno."

Dude - "She started it!"

Dudette - "Did not!"

Dude - "Did so!"

Dudette - "He made me do it."

And so on and on and on... you get the picture...... ;)

So you see, the pattern was set and it has never changed. And now that you can see the pattern, rejoice. :cool2:
you're right about that.

and when i say that something makes me angry it doesn't mean that as i'm typing the words i'm building up an urge to destroy something, it's just a statement, like saying "that picture of an icecream cone made me hungry." that doesn't mean i'm stuffing my face while i'm stating that pictures of ice cream make me hungry, it's more of a hypothetical statement.

i should really just figure out more formal ways of constructing sentences, some people take it the wrong way. not that you took anything the wrong way vulcan, i'm sure that the beginning of your post was just a small joke.

but anyway, that story is frickin hilarious and it boils down everything i've said. that is a much better way to get the point across than my rapid fire complaining.
Howdy abstract, may I offer a belated welcome to the forum...

abstract said:
... i should really just figure out more formal ways of constructing sentences, some people take it the wrong way. ...

During childhood, I was surrounded by "colorful" speech and was raised with a foul mouth. To this day, the f-bomb is normal speech to me. It's still colorful, versatile, and part of my speech pattern. I still like it's "shock" value. Gets people's attention to what I'm saying. That vocabulary program runs hard within me. The reason I bring this up, is this forum. The people here do not realize just how much they have helped me with communication skills. I can't tell ya how many time I've had to open up the dictionary while reading posts. They have helped me with grammar and shown me how to improve my communication skills.
While I'm at this THANK YOU ALL.
What I'm trying to say is, perhaps over time, you may not "see" a change until someone around you mentions they notice something different with you. Or you notice that people begin to "look" at you differently. Hear you differently, or something to that effect. Hell, sorry for the noise but I just gotta say if one is open minded, sincere, and wants to learn, this forum has been better for me than any environment of "formal" education. And I think it's all because I wanna learn, not because someone is shoving so-called learning down my throat. Yes, I still have authority issues...

And for all those hypocites standing on their soapbox, preaching mandatory controls because I can't care for myself, they can all F-OFF... I exersize manners in my smoking. They should learn some manners in shutting the hell up.!.!.!

Time for a smokie.!.!.!
:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
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