Cover of The Economist for the UK - September 2022

Could it be that the Economist printing of these intentions is an element of the mechanism that brings them into reality? Is there some kind of ritualistic function of these pictures in that it brings the images into the minds of unsuspecting people and anchors it into the timeline?

Or am I being way too suspicious?
I don't think so!
"Revelation of the Method has as its chief component, a clown-like, grinning mockery of the victim(s) as a show of power and macabre arrogance. When this is performed in a veiled manner, accompanied by certain occult signs and symbolic words and elicits no meaningful response of opposition or resistance from the target(s), it is one of the most efficacious techniques of psychological warfare and mind-rape.”
― Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
When this is performed in a veiled manner, accompanied by certain occult signs and symbolic words and elicits no meaningful response of opposition or resistance from the target(s), it is one of the most efficacious techniques of psychological warfare and mind-rape.”

Interesting, that’s what I thought, that the lack of meaningful opposition is key.
Interesting, that’s what I thought, that the lack of meaningful opposition is key.
My son and I were talking about the attitudes of just everyday people we see on the streets or in shops; they are just 'there'. It seems hard for them to make decisions - for example, at a coffee shop; and it's not just one or two of them, it's a majority who almost dress the same and who have their faces stuck onto their smartphones. He calls them NPCs (non-playing characters). I call them sheep.

Also, consider that most people don't read The Economist. They probably don't even know it exists...

edit: additional thought :-[
And where are the insects that we are supposed to eat?:rolleyes:
There are not many humans in this picture, but many deaths (the mountain). Strange beings, however, who walk on all fours, and some lizards. A river of blood, too. What is also curious is the earth, in the sky, instead of the moon. I still think that this artist, if you can call him an artist, is very very bad!

There is no life on this picture. No insects, then.
Interesting timing, last night I had a dream I was back in school, and when class let out for the day I left the building onto like a old cobblestone road, with buildings from like the 1800s, and there were huge cracks and fissures everywhere, buildings destroyed, and a lot of dead people everywhere; something big had happened. It was super chaotic and a friend and I had found shelter from the frantic people running and screaming everywhere. At some point, it all just vanished and everything was back to normal. The people then were standing around confused when my friend remarked something like "that was a bleed through from a different density," and the realization that we had stepped into another density briefly startled me so much I woke up. It was a very intense dream.
There are not many humans in this picture, but many deaths (the mountain). Strange beings, however, who walk on all fours, and some lizards. A river of blood, too. What is also curious is the earth, in the sky, instead of the moon. I still think that this artist, if you can call him an artist, is very very bad!

There is no life on this picture. No insects, then.

You can tell by a picture what the artist has in his head and here I see emptiness and chaos.
I wouldn't be surprised if this picture was generated by AI
Agree, it would be good in its own thread as there is something, some key thread missing; or maybe it is right there with the word Grace?
Right, I mean it more like, if there was an intelligence making the choice to imprint the crop circles as a warning, then did that choice respond to a request from someone (or several people) or if it was something that the STO being (or beings, or entities) behind the crop circles "allowed" themselves to do, since it wouldn't really infringe upon free will.. like a non-anticipatory grafiti of sorts.. but then Natus Videre posted this which might explain it, or add another dimension to the question:

Q: (Ark) I want really to know what kind of mechanism is behind this 911 number coming up in the NY lottery. (V) Yeah, me too, and it wasn't only that it was something with the...
A: Warning. It ain't over!!!
Q: (Ark) Who was warning?
A: Mass consciousness signals to self about clear and present danger.
Q: (Ark) Makes sense. (C) That we created it our own selves? (L) No, that mass consciousness is sending itself a signal about a clear and present danger...clear and present danger of what?
A: Wait and see.
Right, I mean it more like, if there was an intelligence making the choice to imprint the crop circles as a warning, then did that choice respond to a request from someone (or several people) or if it was something that the STO being (or beings, or entities) behind the crop circles "allowed" themselves to do, since it wouldn't really infringe upon free will.. like a non-anticipatory grafiti of sorts.. but then Natus Videre posted this which might explain it, or add another dimension to the question:
Q: (Ark) I want really to know what kind of mechanism is behind this 911 number coming up in the NY lottery. (V) Yeah, me too, and it wasn't only that it was something with the...
A: Warning. It ain't over!!!
Q: (Ark) Who was warning?
A: Mass consciousness signals to self about clear and present danger.
Q: (Ark) Makes sense. (C) That we created it our own selves? (L) No, that mass consciousness is sending itself a signal about a clear and present danger...clear and present danger of what?
A: Wait and see.
Okay, see where you are going, and the session reference is interesting in that way.

Was also thinking after you brought this up (thinking 6D STO being of some future selves), can these CC's being offered be seen as the possibility of sending back a message to present selves (of mass consciousness orientation) embodied as a offering (see from session) of providing a "signals to self..." - for those who see the unseen and remain true?

Going back to Pierre's quote of the session:
A: The wave cometh. Crop circles are a sort of grace offered to those slated for ultimate destruction. Why do you think so many have appeared in England? Those that receive such gifts and do not take their messages into their hearts will damn themselves and their own descendants to oblivion.

Is this like a last ditch offering; wake up, remember yourselves, and embrace it to your hearts, sort of thing?

Why England specifically, too?
Pierre said:
The apocalyptic cover reminded me of this session:
Cass 2011\2011-13-02.txt

A: The wave cometh. Crop circles are a sort of grace offered to those slated for ultimate destruction. Why do you think so many have appeared in England? Those that receive such gifts and do not take their messages into their hearts will damn themselves and their own descendants to oblivion.
I know, I've thought of that many times about people not taking any heed to the crop circles. I have never been able to decipher any of them but admired their beauty (well not the obvious man-made ones). Always felt a bit uneasy that maybe I'm doomed for not understanding their message.
Indeed, many cannot all do the math, the complex 4d geometry, the deeper esoteric and structural meanings, and yet it seems to be speaking of what those sow, their abject desecration of the heart and soul - of truth.

In Paul, too, he speaks of the gift received and those who refuse to see the unseen.​

Well, let’s keep trying to. If nothing else keep listening, and so, within our network. It’s my faith that if even only one has understood enough, and that one is heartily linked to the group, then that is all we need. Frequency and resonance to that frequency, technically speaking. See?!!

Besides, the C’s already stated that one does not need understand 4th density to go to 4th density. This is not a prerequisite settled into our lessons. So, cropcircles seem symbols most of our structured reality, thus including its history and its borders, …I suppose. Also the C’s already explained that cropcircles come from ourselves. So, they are messages from us to us. I could have added here from the future to our present, but I consider such statement inaccurate because there is not really future or past. I think all we have is a present separated into infinite sections.

Okay, but, precisely what each cropcircle does mean? Sorry, all I can say is that a few have been decoded, for example, the C’s themselves told us of some ones. Nevertheless, at least, is not so difficult to find some clues —codes?, I have written one post on this, and then other related post— in them. For example, all they have a specific shape and within those forms we find many numbers and movement —i.e. “vectors”. So, they are symbols intended to impress our psyche, intended to resonate new and forgotten paths in the neuronal net of our nervous system, then like assembling a map within our consciousness. That is my speculation.

Then again, as the C’s said, there are clues everywhere. My favorite places to find answers are myths and old tales. However everyone knows that mythology is somewhat quite confuse. Well… I think they are like everything else, that is, to really understand them first we have to grasp their metaphorical codification. When one finally comprehend those symbols, any mythology says the same and repeated message. All they just give more details on that or other topic where all topics belong to same subject, that is, our true history, our density and other densities, which includes how our consciousness interacts with the 3D reality.

Yes, I suppose that our world is going to physical changes; deep ones. And maybe the British isles are ones of the first to go into such devastation. But likely most of the world, if not the whole world will be transformed. On that the C’s didn’t advise us to keep calm and watch the show?!! Let’s do it with open eyes and ears, not like an ostrich with its head inside of a hole.

Moreover, even that we already know good part of it, next is presented what supposed higher density entities have to tell on that, as channeled by Don Elkins and Carla Rueckert —also “channelers” of ‘Ra, Law of One’— Besides, the following quotation speaks most of those who will “transit” to 4D. Those who will remain in 3D, is expected —probably— a different lesson to learn.
Voices of the Confederation —by Don Elkins & Carla Rueckert

You are at this time passing through the last portion of what you know as the third-density vibration. Shortly, your planet will be sufficiently within what you know as the fourth density vibration. At this time there will be a disharmony between the thought that creates the vibration that is your planet, and the thought that dwells within the density that is the fourth.

Much energy will be released of a physical nature. This energy will create physical changes within your planet. There will be changes within your land masses and changes in your atmosphere, changes in all of the physical manifestations of your planet. This will be of a nature that will be considered to be cataclysmic. This is a very good thing. However, it will not be considered good by those that are within the illusion.

Labeling this change good or bad is something that is dependent upon the individual observing the change and his orientation. My friends, the reason for this change being of a cataclysmic nature is that the thought that has been generated upon and in your planet for the past several thousands of years is a thought that is out of harmony with the new vibration into which your planet now goes. The Creator never conceived of the condition that is shortly to manifest upon your planet. This condition is manifested as a result of the desire of all the individuals that dwell on this planet. They are not aware of this desire, but their desire has created this.

They have created a condition by their desire that is shortly to be severely out of harmony with where they will physically be. Due to this, there will be a large energy release, which will manifest itself upon your planet in the form of earthquakes, storms, volcanic eruptions, and in fact a shift of the poles of your planet with respect to their orientation in space.

This change that will shortly manifest itself upon your planet is, as I have said, a result of the mismatching of vibrations of your planet and its new position in space. This change will alert many of the people of your planet who are very lightly slumbering, and many of the ones who are slumbering relatively deeply. Many of these people will at this time be what is known in many of your religions as “saved.” It will save them, because they will get the violent awakening that is necessary to cause them to raise their vibrations that last amount that is necessary to get them off the fence, so to speak.

There will be those who are more deeply slumbering, so to speak, who will not make the transition. It is up to you to provide those who will be awakened with the information that they desire. We have stated that this transition is both good and bad.

Ultimately, in its most broad sense, it is a good transition. However, it is an unnecessary transition.

In a normal transition there would be no energy release, since in a normal transition, the vibration of the planet would match closely enough and be in harmony with the new and higher vibration. This would result in no energy release, and the planet would continue in a relatively normal sense from a lower vibration to the higher. Your planet is an aberration in the evolution of the spirit of the people of the planet and of the planet. The change that will take place will be a beneficial change. However, the mechanics of the change will seem anything but beneficial.

Those of the people who dwell upon this surface at this time, who are totally aware of the results of this change, and the reason for it, will not in any way be affected by this change. Those who are not aware of this, but who are aware of this in a spiritual sense, will be affected only emotionally, because they will not understand. These are the people with whom we wish to communicate.
Could it be that the Economist printing of these intentions is an element of the mechanism that brings them into reality? Is there some kind of ritualistic function of these pictures in that it brings the images into the minds of unsuspecting people and anchors it into the timeline?

Or am I being way too suspicious?
Yep, it is a good point. The PTB (real elite) in our Free will frame ‘reality’ is ‘obliged’ so to say to ‘announce’ their plans. If people do NOT object it, they start/continue to execute it. 💁‍♂️
So what do we do, write them a letter? 😆
But maybe not funny?
Imo, what we can do, as an individual, as a group-to object their plans mentally and at our every days life behavior/attitude towards our decisions - and ‘send’ an answer/request to Cosmic mind😉
It is our ‘response’ to their evil plans. Look, we know about it - we disagree and will do whatever it takes to make their plan fail🙏
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Ok, so what ? We knew that it would be this way and looking what’s happening around even kinda were waiting for it☄️🌑... but every their cover is just a piece of their wishful thinking ... they wish it this or that way we see and know it another way ...with every our thought and decision we choose and build our own reality for their wishful thinking , it may just drop on their heads, future is open, yeah? 🌀
Q: (L) What is the reason for the chaos?

A: Fear of losing control.

Q: (L) Well, I don't understand. Exactly what do you mean?

(Joe) I was going to say that their fear of losing control has increased in recent years, obviously. But it's been as a result of their own actions, not as a result of anything the people are doing. The people are getting agitated and thrown into chaos because of what's being done to them.

(Artemis) They're shooting themselves in the foot over and over and over again.

A: Greed is a sickness.

Q: (L) And I guess you mean not just greed for money, but greed for power?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Can you tell us any particular way that this chaos is going to manifest?

A: Increased military intervention at all levels.

Pierre) You once asked what is the main universal rule. The C's said Free Will. At some level, energetic or informational, respect of free will of life forms is a rule. If you infringe on the rule, you expose yourself to some consequences even if you are high up 4D STS.

(L) In other words, cosmically speaking, they just painted targets on their own heads!

A: Yes
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