Covid Tyranny: New Zealand Government Strikes Again

She sounds like a glossy sociopath; without remorse, without insight, without any hint of actually understanding the misery she has implemented against the people of New Zealand. And like with most higher level criminals, which unfortunately rarely get pushed too far, to show remorse about the actions (crimes) they have committed against far too many people. Therefore - they cannot/will not admit their crimes - never showing any hints of having done wrong.

Ardern was among the most fierce advocates in the Corona Plandemic and its lethal Vaccine Programme. In order for her to show "remorse", many more people would need to realize, in depth understand, the absurd amounts of deaths she was/is responsible due to her actions.

In one or the other way, she will have to do some serious pondering in the 5th density about her past actions on earth, that is for sure.
Was just talking to my brother who lives in Queenstown and when I mentioned about recent egg factory fires in the US etc he said "yeah, there have been a few here too".

Any of you kiwis aware of that?

Well, there was this about a month ago.
I'm getting the impression that the market here has absorbed all the food price increases that it can, certainly in the case of eggs and dairy products. There is now real tension between farmers and sellers (especially the highly competitive and cutthroat supermarkets) on prices. The prices are not rising as noticeably as before but we know the factors driving food price inflation are still there. It's worrying, because what is going to give is the supplier's ability and/or willingness to continue to produce food for very low or no profit. Either those prices are going to jump again, which is bad enough, or those products are going to start becoming even more scarce.
Yeah, I think he mentioned that, he also said there were egg shortages, or talk of them, in his area. Any up north?
I'm getting the impression that the market here has absorbed all the food price increases that it can, certainly in the case of eggs and dairy products. There is now real tension between farmers and sellers (especially the highly competitive and cutthroat supermarkets) on prices. The prices are not rising as noticeably as before but we know the factors driving food price inflation are still there. It's worrying, because what is going to give is the supplier's ability and/or willingness to continue to produce food for very low or no profit. Either those prices are going to jump again, which is bad enough, or those products are going to start becoming even more scarce.

Yes and no. In the big supermarket where I shop (Countdown) there are very few eggs on the shelves. However at the Fruit and Vege shop where I get my fresh food, they have literally pallets of eggs in 24 egg packs. If you only shopped supermarket, you would definitely say there was a shortage, but if you shop the small fruit shop, then, no. No shortages at all
The other elephant in the room re food prices in NZ is the damage from the recent cyclone. The cyclone ripped through the Hawkes Bay where a large percentage of NZs fresh fruit and vegetables are grown. In many instances there has been 80 to 100% current crop losses - from beans, pumpkin, onions etc plus all the orchard fruit - apples, pears, oranges etc.. There is no doubt this is going to have a big impact on food prices going forward.
I haven't heard of any egg farm fires in Australia, but the big chain supermarkets (where I live at least) have about halved the shelf space for eggs, and are still/again enforcing egg buying limits - currently only allowed to buy 2 cartons per customer I think it is... It was like this during the covid lockdowns, then went back to normal for awhile, but then started again a few months ago. Not really sure why... If you look it up there are articles from August/September 2022 saying stuff about cold weather reducing egg laying, and production having been lessened due to lower demand because of lockdowns... neither which seem like they should apply at the moment. There was a story the other day about one of the big refrigerated supply transport companies going bust ( Freight company that supplies Coles and Aldi in receivership with fears for 1,500 jobs ).. Around here lots of people have chooks and it HAS been fairly common to see people selling fresh eggs from the front of their house... though I have a feeling that will stop... (sorry this isn't about NZ, just adding data points for the wider region)
What we already suspected but the evidence has just been obtained at how the NZ Bill of Rights was violated.
Official Information Act recent releases reveal the extent of Ardern and Hipkins illegal activity in the Covid response. The Ministry of Justice told the priministers office that the NZ Bill of Rights prevented vaccine mandates unless it was proven they stopped spread—“a hope and assumption … was insufficient…they needed evidence”
This is way back before the mandates. More documents coming out that are very damning. But the question is—what do we do about it?!
What we already suspected but the evidence has just been obtained at how the NZ Bill of Rights was violated.
Official Information Act recent releases reveal the extent of Ardern and Hipkins illegal activity in the Covid response. The Ministry of Justice told the priministers office that the NZ Bill of Rights prevented vaccine mandates unless it was proven they stopped spread—“a hope and assumption … was insufficient…they needed evidence”
This is way back before the mandates. More documents coming out that are very damning. But the question is—what do we do about it?!
I don't think they are worried or really care what we do. The damage they wanted to inflict has been achieved to a large degree. They'll probably take their lifelong salaries and resign, laughing all the way to the bank.
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