News Flash!
New Zealand to ban tobacco nation-wide.
Which is crazy and all, but it got me to thinking...
Those who know the history of tobacco also know that Nazi Germany was the first nation to institutionalize the War on Tobacco, introducing the idea of bans and anti-smoking campaigns, etc.
In considering how nuts NZ and Australia have been with regard to Covid, my connection machine spat out a thought:
"New Z Land"
"What was the old Z Land?" Nazi Germany is the first which has a prominent letter 'Z' in it that jumps to mind. (Zambia comes a distant second and only after squinting.)
Then there's Australia. -I've always thought Austria and Australia were damned similar because they are.., in terms of spelling. Maybe now they are more so in terms of modern v 1930's politics.
Maybe those two nations with the weird accents down under are today's come-around-again gear works appearances of the old Nazi approach to life and welfare.
Nothing changes. Everything is mechanical. We live in a giant clockwork. -According to Gurdjieff, and I tend to agree.
Anyway.., that was just a thought. Maybe it's nothing, but where else does one share stuff like that?
New Zealand to ban tobacco nation-wide.
The lawmakers would impose a complete prohibition of buying cigarettes and tobacco products for people who were born after the year of 2008 and such a legislation is expected to be established in the next year.
“We want to make sure young people never start smoking,” Health Minister Ayesha Verall said in a statement.
The announcement regarding the tobacco ban came on Thursday as such a step towards lowering the national smoking rate was backed by numerous doctors and health experts in the country.
New Zealand with its population of 5 million also strives to reduce the percentage of smoking people to 5% by the year of 2025 while the current figures indicate that 11,6% of the citizens of New Zealand aged 15 and above do smoke and these numbers get higher up to 29% when the indigenous Maori adults are included.
Along with the tobacco crackdown the government has also enhanced the tobacco controls which means that some places like supermarkets along with corner stores would cease selling the tobacco as the tobacco-containing products would be removed altogether.
Officials say that the number of stores where the citizens could purchase tobacco will be dramatically reduced from 8,000 to only 500.
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Which is crazy and all, but it got me to thinking...
Those who know the history of tobacco also know that Nazi Germany was the first nation to institutionalize the War on Tobacco, introducing the idea of bans and anti-smoking campaigns, etc.
In considering how nuts NZ and Australia have been with regard to Covid, my connection machine spat out a thought:
"New Z Land"
"What was the old Z Land?" Nazi Germany is the first which has a prominent letter 'Z' in it that jumps to mind. (Zambia comes a distant second and only after squinting.)
Then there's Australia. -I've always thought Austria and Australia were damned similar because they are.., in terms of spelling. Maybe now they are more so in terms of modern v 1930's politics.
Maybe those two nations with the weird accents down under are today's come-around-again gear works appearances of the old Nazi approach to life and welfare.
Nothing changes. Everything is mechanical. We live in a giant clockwork. -According to Gurdjieff, and I tend to agree.
Anyway.., that was just a thought. Maybe it's nothing, but where else does one share stuff like that?