Covid Tyranny: New Zealand Government Strikes Again

News Flash!

New Zealand to ban tobacco nation-wide.
The lawmakers would impose a complete prohibition of buying cigarettes and tobacco products for people who were born after the year of 2008 and such a legislation is expected to be established in the next year.

“We want to make sure young people never start smoking,” Health Minister Ayesha Verall said in a statement.

The announcement regarding the tobacco ban came on Thursday as such a step towards lowering the national smoking rate was backed by numerous doctors and health experts in the country.

New Zealand with its population of 5 million also strives to reduce the percentage of smoking people to 5% by the year of 2025 while the current figures indicate that 11,6% of the citizens of New Zealand aged 15 and above do smoke and these numbers get higher up to 29% when the indigenous Maori adults are included.

Along with the tobacco crackdown the government has also enhanced the tobacco controls which means that some places like supermarkets along with corner stores would cease selling the tobacco as the tobacco-containing products would be removed altogether.

Officials say that the number of stores where the citizens could purchase tobacco will be dramatically reduced from 8,000 to only 500.

Which is crazy and all, but it got me to thinking...

Those who know the history of tobacco also know that Nazi Germany was the first nation to institutionalize the War on Tobacco, introducing the idea of bans and anti-smoking campaigns, etc.

In considering how nuts NZ and Australia have been with regard to Covid, my connection machine spat out a thought:

"New Z Land"

"What was the old Z Land?"
Nazi Germany is the first which has a prominent letter 'Z' in it that jumps to mind. (Zambia comes a distant second and only after squinting.)

Then there's Australia. -I've always thought Austria and Australia were damned similar because they are.., in terms of spelling. Maybe now they are more so in terms of modern v 1930's politics.

Maybe those two nations with the weird accents down under are today's come-around-again gear works appearances of the old Nazi approach to life and welfare.

Nothing changes. Everything is mechanical. We live in a giant clockwork. -According to Gurdjieff, and I tend to agree.

Anyway.., that was just a thought. Maybe it's nothing, but where else does one share stuff like that?
My youngest was all excited to come home from Australia on 17th January but the psychos running the show here just changed all that. All flights to New Zealand has been cancelled till end February!! She was in tears when she called. She has been there for slightly over 2 years and was really looking forward to come home! :mad:

My youngest was all excited to come home from Australia on 17th January but the psychos running the show here just changed all that. All flights to New Zealand has been cancelled till end February!! She was in tears when she called. She has been there for slightly over 2 years and was really looking forward to come home! :mad:

They are really blowing Omicron right out of proportion. I There is no justification for this nonsense
So I got a rapid antigen test on Saturday morning to travel out of Auckland Orange zone to the red Northland zone (just over the border, but thought I might be checked on the way back) I wasn't stopped anywhere btw.
I did ask a local hairdresser if I could get a haircut clutching my fresh negative covid test. She said no, only covid pass. When I pointed out that a negative test is safer than a covid pass because the pass does not guarantee free from covid, but a negative test does, she looked confused (cognitive dissonance is a look). She said the govt checks us and there is a 15K fine for serving the unvaccinated. I told her that I was sorry that Jacinda was forcing her to ruin her business and left. I was very polite :-)
I am pursuing this line with my local MP.
It is absurd, absolutely absurd.
Bring on omicron. I would offer a snog with anyone positive with omicron at this stage. Mind you I can't get an antibody test (self funded) via NZ lab tests unless my Dr orders it. I asked, she had to refer the request to NZ ministry of Health and they advised the test is not available to me. So the NZ govt does not want anyone having proof of natural immunity in order to press the vaxxx
News Flash!

New Zealand to ban tobacco nation-wide.

Which is crazy and all, but it got me to thinking...

Those who know the history of tobacco also know that Nazi Germany was the first nation to institutionalize the War on Tobacco, introducing the idea of bans and anti-smoking campaigns, etc.

In considering how nuts NZ and Australia have been with regard to Covid, my connection machine spat out a thought:

"New Z Land"

"What was the old Z Land?"
Nazi Germany is the first which has a prominent letter 'Z' in it that jumps to mind. (Zambia comes a distant second and only after squinting.)

Then there's Australia. -I've always thought Austria and Australia were damned similar because they are.., in terms of spelling. Maybe now they are more so in terms of modern v 1930's politics.

Maybe those two nations with the weird accents down under are today's come-around-again gear works appearances of the old Nazi approach to life and welfare.

Nothing changes. Everything is mechanical. We live in a giant clockwork. -According to Gurdjieff, and I tend to agree.

Anyway.., that was just a thought. Maybe it's nothing, but where else does one share stuff like that?
Yep just got my tobacco seeds online. I am going full anti govt at present but still intend to maintain the moral high ground and advising my network to do the same.
Steve Oliver and his wife are unvaccinated gym owners in Auckland. They have just been fined $10 000 for operating their business and not being vaccinated.
He did an interview with Chantelle Baker (it’s on Facebook open to view but can’t seem to post a link) Steve talks about the suicide and mental health epidemic that is happening in Auckland and he concludes that the government narrative is simply lies and propoganda. People need to know what is actually going on in New Zealand.
So. After listening to the report of deaths in Indiana Life Insurance CEO talking about 40% increase in death claims
I looked up the NZ Financial Services Council which is the association for life & health insurers in NZ. Their quarterly stats reports go up to December 2020.
Below the reports there is this statement: From December 2020, access to detailed life insurance statistics is for FSC members only. Please contact us at if you would like to discuss access to FSC data.
Nothing to see here I guess
This is an excerpt from the latest government newsletter to businesses. What I don’t understand is why place all these restrictions on the population—closed international borders, mask wearing, limited social contact, vaccine mandates etc—when they know Omicron is coming in and everyone is going to get it? What is the purpose of “keeping it out as long as possible” i.e.,delaying it?

And why are they saying people need to prepare themselves for the Omicron variant “in particular” as it causes much less severe disease? Or is part of this just poor writing and communication? Essentially incompetence?

Get prepared​

The Government is working to keep the Omicron variant of COVID-19 out of New Zealand for as long as possible. However, Omicron will make its way into our communities and workplaces eventually. When it does, many people are likely to get COVID-19.
New Zealand is well-prepared for an Omicron outbreak, with high vaccination levels, boosters and childhood vaccination now available, and public health measures in force through the COVID-19 Protection Framework.
These measures will help slow the initial spread of Omicron. However, it is important to prepare for potential workforce shortages, due to staff being sick or needing to self-isolate, and supply chain issues.
This is an excerpt from the latest government newsletter to businesses. What I don’t understand is why place all these restrictions on the population—closed international borders, mask wearing, limited social contact, vaccine mandates etc—when they know Omicron is coming in and everyone is going to get it? What is the purpose of “keeping it out as long as possible” i.e.,delaying it?

And why are they saying people need to prepare themselves for the Omicron variant “in particular” as it causes much less severe disease? Or is part of this just poor writing and communication? Essentially incompetence?

it is really weird. Especially as we have seen other countries relaxing their restrictions, the WHO coming out and saying children don't need vaccinating, the CDC saying that natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity, and clear overseas evidence that Omicron is MUCH milder than any of the variants to date. Even overseas 'experts" are suggesting that reporting on case numbers needs to stop, testing of asymptomatic people needs to stop and the only focus ought to be on hospitalisations and ICU beds. Add to that the number of countries now revealing that the Covid death numbers were mostly people dying with rather than from Covid. So the NZ governments approach makes no sense whatsoever. And now they are saying that a positive tested person has to isolate for 14 days and then their family needs to isolate for a further 10 days. And all the while the relentless mantra. Get boosted to stay safe from omicron. Classic case of wishful thinking here I think - if we ignore the overseas data it will go away.
So the NZ governments approach makes no sense whatsoever.
It's your isolation. They can play their psychopathic game much easier in a country far far off the world radar then one that is in the middle of 20 other countries whose people transit it frequently. I've noticed of late that discussion on what is happening in New Zealand in places I frequent has completely disappeared. Almost like NZ does not exist in this Con-19 circus. That's how rapidly "global attention" can be turned off.
I've noticed of late that discussion on what is happening in New Zealand in places I frequent has completely disappeared. Almost like NZ does not exist in this Con-19 circus. That's how rapidly "global attention" can be turned off.

There's also the fact that NZ has been fairly lax on its restrictions and it's currently in the middle of summer. Just wait until April (their Autumn) and horse face will start neighing about omicron and boosters and 2 weeks to flatten something.
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