Covid Vaccines: What will they actually do?

The entire vaccine for COVID-19 reminds me of the movie; CHILDREN OF MEN, which is still available on Netflix, and we watched a few evenings ago. It is screamingly possible that the vaccine will be used for something similar. Note that they talk about multiple vaccines so more than likely they will alter the recipients health towards their end goal - increment by increment - which seems to be mass depopulation, while raking in as much money as they can! Just saying....
Good question.
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The entire vaccine for COVID-19 reminds me of the movie; CHILDREN OF MEN, which is still available on Netflix, and we watched a few evenings ago. It is screamingly possible that the vaccine will be used for something similar. Note that they talk about multiple vaccines so more than likely they will alter the recipients health towards their end goal - increment by increment - which seems to be mass depopulation, while raking in as much money as they can! Just saying....
There have been reports of unvaccinated women having excruciatingly painful periods after being around vaccinated individuals. For the C’s- are we in a situation where the mRNA technology injected into people can be passed on through casual social contact?
While almost everyone in the alternative media agrees that we should not take them, there is a significant lack of agreement on what these "RNA vaccines" will do and what will be in them.

Catherine Austin-Fitts is a good financial researcher and she thinks that the vaccines will include microchips, which will in turn create a sort of operating system inside of us just like on a computer. Basically, she thinks the 5G technology will be used monitor and control these chips for various purposes.

Dr. Tenpenny and Dr. Madej think that the vaccines will have nanobots in them that can be controlled with 5G technology. They also think it is likely that the "quantum dot" technology will be used to both inject the vaccines and leave an ID marker under the skin that can be read with a cellphone.

Then there are also theories that these vaccines may actually change our DNA in some way or do things like inhibit the pineal gland.

Looking at each of these theories, they do not necessarily add up:

- Microchips: While there is technology to inject small chips the size of a rice grain under the skin, I'm not sure if those would be easy to conceal within millions of vaccine shots. Basically, people would notice - unless it will be announced that this "ID" it is a necessary part of being vaccinated. It's possible, but seems unlikely. And apparently it is not possible to have smaller functioning microchips than that, at least officially.

- Nanobots: According to official sources, the nanobots developed so far are very limited in applications and - unlike what Dr. Tenpenny claims - certainly cannot reproduce or construct more of themselves. Here too it is possible that some "breakaway civilization" technology may be used that is not officially known. Another aspect of this is that nanobots could make us more receptive to the EMF radiation of 5G and other sources.

- Quantum Dot ID's: This is existing technology and is very likely to be used, in my opinion. What I find surprising is that both Dr. Madej and Dr. Tenpenny are not aware that it does not use Luciferase, even though they are directly referring to "quantum dots". Basically, the Luciferase enzyme produces light like in a firefly, but it needs the injection of another substance for that - so it would not work with just a cellphone. The "quantum dots" use small crystals instead that reflect light, so they work with just a cellphone.

- DNA change or other physical changes: This is certainly possible with existing biotechnology and may be easy to hide within the "RNA vaccines". There is a short video of a supposed Pentagon meeting in 2005 where turning off the "god gene" with a virus or vaccine is discussed. Supposedly turning off this gene would turn "religious fanatics" into irreligious people. The video has been supposedly debunked as a hoax due to an image they use. But it is interesting that this theory lines up with one of the AstroZeneca vaccine volunteers reportedy saying:

“They’ve killed God; I can’t feel God anymore – my Soul is dead”

The C's mentioned that these vaccines would be used to turn off the virus, which apparently can produce positive effects in some people. And I wonder if there is anything else that these vaccines will be used for, at least the ones produced in the West.

Does anyone have more data on these "RNA vaccines"? It may be also a good question for the C's.

One of the things to bear in mind is that a bottle of vaccine is used for more than one person. In NZ, a bottle is used for 6 separate shots. Hard to see how they can guarantee to get a micro anything in each individual shot.
As I was mulling over the possible reasons and agendas regarding the vaccinations, I came across this interview with Reiner Fuellmich, the lawyer guy who's been doing a pretty decent job with his 'Corona investigative committee' in Germany.

From what he's saying, the things I found most interesting were:

– According to a whistleblower they've interviewed, the group behind this scheme (what he calls the 'Davos group'; ca 3000 super rich people) had originally planned to roll out things around the year 2050, but then they got greedy and made plans to do it in 2030, and then finally (as they saw the opportunity) in 2020

– The adverse effects of the vaccines were never a part of the plan

- They are trying to rush things through, which makes them sloppy, a lot of mistakes has been made

– The is a depopulation agenda incorporated in the scheme (he doesn't go into details)

If I remember correctly, the C's also suggested that (1) the escape of the modified virus was a mistake, it was unplanned (2) they were trying to engineer a virus capable of modifying the awareness of people, a virus that would tweak the human genes so that people would become more obedient and less dissident-minded.

So, what I'm thinking is that as they've now, because of their greediness, have put the plan prematurely into action, before all the details were properly thought over, they have little or no idea of the things that could happen as a result of the mass scale vaccinations. At this point, they can't actually be sure of what vaccines will do or not do. This gives some hope, but at the same time it's scary thought that no-one knows what's going to happen. Even those behind this evil plan are now 'groping in the dark'.

The possible depopulation agenda – when you think about it – also has some 'problems'. Let's say you'd want to kill the majority of people on the planet with the vaccines. At least in the near future, all of those who will have taken the vaccine would be adults. If something like 90% of those would die, that would create a huge number of parentless children. Would there, or is there, a plan what to do with them? And, who would then be doing all the necessary work, working machines, electricity, power plants etc.?

So, that kind of depopulation agenda doesn't seem 'reasonable'. Of course, as those behind the curtain are most likely psychopaths, they might not have thought of all the consequences, but I don't think that they would be that dumb. Which leaves me with the conclusion that if there is a depopulation agenda, the most 'logical' way to do it would be to drastically decrease he fertility of the population on the planet. I guess that's what e.g. Bill Gates talked about during his 'Freudian slips'.
Some follow-up questions about mRNA vaccines. Feel free to comment if you think that these have been answered etc. or provide thoughts.

So it seems that PTB really want the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to be only ones on the market seeing how J & J got iced out of the competition due to blood clots which clearly Pfizer and Moderna also cause.
Joe) Maybe partly, for some. Seems to me that the process of cultural, social and psychological/emotional disintegration is accelerating, especially in the USA. Going back to the virus issues: A larger than normal number of people died as a result of Covid-19 vaccines as compared to the flu vaccine, for example...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is there anything wrong with the non-mRNA vaccines? Is there anything bad about them?

A: Safer.

Q: (Pierre) Is the reason why the Western powers want to enforce the mRNA vaccines because they contain obedience sequences?

A: Yes
(Joe) Well, that was back then. Are there chips in any of the vaccines they're administering?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Which ones? Pfizer?

A: Selective and specific.

Q: (Joe) And what is the purpose of these chips that are administered selectively?

A: Control.

Q: (Joe) Control of individuals?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What kind of control can they affect with those?

A: Tracking and other.

Q: (Joe) Can they have an influence on people's thoughts and behavior?

A: Not thoughts, but physiology.

Q: (L) So they don't need something like that for controlling thoughts. They've got other things for that. But they could probably put something in there that could trigger something that would go off in your body and like create an illness, or...

(Joe) Is that being done for experimentation purposes to do it on more people at a later point?

A: No. Raw control.
Q: (L) No experimenting necessary. They've already done that.

(Andromeda) Are they chips like we think of them, like computer chips? Or is it a higher technology?

A: Nano.

Q: (Joe) Is there anything specific about the people they select, or is it random?

A: Difficult to control.

Q: (L) Obviously, somebody who's easy to control would just, ya know...

(Joe) But then my next question is how do they decide who needs it...

(Niall) Maybe it depends on what they say on Facebook? Those who are dissident get targeted for a chip.

A: Knowledge protects. Review what you have learned about "alien" implants.

Q: (Pierre) But then the most uncontrollable ones won't get the vaccine. They'll refuse it.

A: True. Wishful thinking.

Q: (L) So it's wishful thinking on their part that they think they can get any uncontrollable people controlled?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) They will control the individuals that are already sheep.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Any other questions?

(Artemis) Who created this nanotech? Humans or aliens or inspired by aliens?

A: Both.

Clearly, being injected with any of these experimental treatments that encodes for this spike protein of COVID is doing major harm and it seems that the spike protein itself and the response that the immune system mounts is the cause of the major side effects--strokes, heart attacks, abnormal periods, miscarriages, uncontrolled high blood sugars in diabetics leading to life-threatening ketoacidosis. My thinking is that the mRNA vaccines are given to everyone but somehow the "obedience sequences" are targeted for STO candidates/people with soul potential. Is this correct?

It also seems that this spike protein is shed for a period of time, and the time is probably variable depending on the person. Could the Cs give us a range on how long the shedding lasts? It also makes perfect sense given how the vaccine "sheds" the spike protein that once the spike protein finds some aberrant endogenous RNA it could combine and become highly transmittable new beast. Would those who have been vaccinated then be the most vulnerable to this new virus as it would not recognize it as the enemy?
May 9 2020
Q: (L) So, it's going to be weather playing a more prominent role... What about a second wave of coronavirus in the fall? Is that a problem?

A: Not really, though what does come may be called by that name!

Q: (L) So there could be some other thing that comes as a wave of infection and they'll call it...

(Andromeda) ...the second wave of corona...

(L) But it will be something else. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Full on plague or something?

A: Not yet!

Q: (L) Not yet! [laughter]

Dr Larry Palevsky hypothesizes that the nanotechnology in the Pfizer and Moderna does have the capability of changing genetic code (15:00) by being integrated into chromosomes because it can get into the nucleus of the cell.
Dr Larry Palevsky Shares His Concerns About The Vaccine & His Questions About The Virus

From the statement that mRNA contain "obedience sequences" this certainly seems to be the the mechanism of action of the nanotechnology--i.e. it gets into the nucleus and changes DNA?
What are "they" tracking? What is the "other?" If the aliens can already track thoughts/feelings what is there left to track?
Can they expand on/give hints about the "raw control" that the mRNA is capable of? Clearly, people are getting very sick. So, that's one version of raw control. Is there something else? I ask because they stated that the point is not to control thoughts.

Am I worrying too much about this vaccine? As we know wishful thinking will get you every time and:
(L) And they were planning on doing exactly that, or something related, but we learn now that it backfired. So the question is: They are now working rapidly on a new vaccine that's supposed to counteract the screwup that they made. And they want to impose this new vaccine on everybody?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Lemme guess: That one's gonna backfire too?

A: Likely. Hubris!

L) Willpower even. And they just mentioned that there are certain people with spiritual force who were able to modify the virus by their own inner powers in a positive way. I would imagine that having inner force or inner spiritual power would all be beneficial. Are we on the right track?

A: Yes yes yes!

The Cs also said in a recent session (can't find the specific one) that "nature will intervene, watch for it."
Can these mutations caused by the mRNA be passed on to offspring of those who did get the mRNA vaccine?
Lastly, to end on a high note, just wondering if the Cs could give us an accurate death count of the fatalities of the vaccines:
Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca, J & J, Sputnick. Thank you!
(L) And they were planning on doing exactly that, or something related, but we learn now that it backfired. So the question is: They are now working rapidly on a new vaccine that's supposed to counteract the screwup that they made. And they want to impose this new vaccine on everybody?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Lemme guess: That one's gonna backfire too?
A: Likely. Hubris!
With Pfizer talking about a third shot, did it?
A theory I see a lot lately is that the RNA injections will cause widespread infertility (eg. Clif High) and that there is a depopulation agenda behind it. The impact on women's periods and similar issues seem to point towards this possibility.

Another theory is that an impact on the brain is possible. There is a recent research paper (now redacted I think) that RNA injections can create prions and cause encephalitis in the brain. This ties in with the John Hopkins "virus outbreak scenario" from 2017 that says that vaccines would create encephalitis about 6-12 months after the injection.
One of the things to bear in mind is that a bottle of vaccine is used for more than one person. In NZ, a bottle is used for 6 separate shots. Hard to see how they can guarantee to get a micro anything in each individual shot.

In Sweden

So, I read the other day in our top dog mainstream newspaper ("DN - Dagens Nyheter) that a special syringe has been developed which can squeeze out 7 shots (instead of 6) from the Pfizer "vaccine" vial, and still guarantee that all 7 people get enough mRNA in each shot :whistle:

Desperation ("lack of vaccines") appears to spur creativity - which of course goes in all directions, for better or worse... :scared:

Of course !!

In a more advanced subverted (3D reality) world like now - Pfizer & BioNTech of course wants everyone to take more shots. And Boosters. Don't forget the Boosters !

They also have been pretty good in getting rid of the competition as of lately - albeit the damages and deaths due to blood clotting appear in all the emergency approved "vaccines"... whether recombinant or mRNA types. (If I recall correctly, my husband said something like, that Italy will fully abandon the AstraZeneca/Oxford "vaccine" - but I never checked with him deeper about the source of that claim. No wait.... I didn't fully listen to him, is a more honest answer).

Ok. Pfizer / BioNTech: Forging the iron while it is hot, the stream of money is wide open - and tapping directly into most nations treasure chambers (even if it isn't the Gov's money, but Severe Shopping Alcoholics do not care anyway)

As a company entities, they only have to deal with fully aligned, supportive governments, while at the same going free from having to pay for damages....

Which shark can resist a deal like that ?

So, they're milking the cow. And they are allowed to. With more mRNA shots and boosters. This isn't going against the dark powers goals anyway, facilitate the developments of a lot more 'medication' based on mRNA tech as well RNAi (spraying crops) are underway. (Yes, it is hubris for sure)


Ugur Sahin and Oezlem Tuereci (married couple) behind German BioNTech - went directly into the top 200 billionaires of Germany. Their research was state funded - so through the people's collective tax money. Bill and Melina Gates Foundation did of course, sponsor them once the company was running.

I notice over and over again, how wicked things often come into place over time - in which, we the people, help and support as well work for the psychopaths to come power. While the powers behind that reality, appear to be in the sick "delight" of seeings us destroy each other; while we are running into needles and experimental vaccines, bad medications and chemicals, s**t food, and... wars. I guess it has something to do with "economics", preserving energy and doing strategic "investments", by letting others do the dirty work as much as possible.

It's just so... mind boggling, every time it sinks in anew.

I have to apologize, because I did went off track here a bit. The Thread is about "Covid Vaccines: What will they actually do?"
What are "they" tracking? What is the "other?" If the aliens can already track thoughts/feelings what is there left to track?
Can they expand on/give hints about the "raw control" that the mRNA is capable of? Clearly, people are getting very sick. So, that's one version of raw control. Is there something else? I ask because they stated that the point is not to control thoughts.
Maybe we can research, discuss and figure these things out ourselves?

As I read the above, I came to think of some hypotheses. If we think of the aliens as the overlords and the psychopaths and other strongly STS-minded evil humans as their minions, wouldn't it make sense that the overlords would rather see their minions do their dirty work for them? I could be wrong, but I think the C's have said that when an alien comes over to our dimension (as e.g. to abduct and insert implants), it does require some effort and energy. Thus, if you're a 'STS overlord', and being that you're off-the-scale selfish/egocentric, you'd only move your lazy butt to 'cross over' if it's urgent and no other option is available. And, nothing pleases a tyrant more than seeing how stupid humans destroy themselves – victory without having to move a finger, nice!

As for the 'raw control', my impression is that it means that they can (1) with more ease than before track anytime and anywhere those who they consider problematic (2) and if they are becoming a real nuisance, hindering their agendas, they can easily remotely trigger a physiological reaction in their bodies that will cause severe illness or death (more convenient and precise than targeting with a satellite).
I’ve often wondered: the more overt control that the 4D STS exert, the more free will they eliminate, then, the less “nutritious” the meal? Yes? Am I reading this wrong? Are they not killing the golden goose in some sense?

Another conundrum: if the plan is mass replacement And mass reincarnation of “us”, why bother with This vaccine manipulation? Ideas?
I’ve often wondered: the more overt control that the 4D STS exert, the more free will they eliminate, then, the less “nutritious” the meal? Yes? Am I reading this wrong? Are they not killing the golden goose in some sense?

Another conundrum: if the plan is mass replacement And mass reincarnation of “us”, why bother with This vaccine manipulation? Ideas?

I don't know if leaving more free will makes us more nutritious. It seems that 4D STS respect free will primarily in order to avoid karmic repercussions on themselves.

It may be that the mass replacement also has to take place in a way that respects our free will - in other words, we need to be tricked into accepting it somehow. Maybe they are not sure that they can pull this off and have a "Plan B" in form of the injections and other things.
The C's have always said that we have the power to influence changes and always have had it. Would that also be physiological change? I mean, are we waiting for a light to go on somewhere in order to effect changes within? IE, to become a 4D being? Or is that up to us?

Apparently it has been accomplished without a light in the past 300,000 years.
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