Creation of reality, Being and non-Being

DianaRose94 said:
Maybe I didn't explain myself well, What I meant is that in the book it is said that we don't create our reality. And that most methods gived by most New age teacher are somewhat useless yet I have seen many people improving themselves and their lives by using these methods. And I myself observed that when I maintain a positive state of mind, my life become positive.

Hi DianaRose94,
It might matter a lot on what you view or understand as "positive". If you mean that those things that you consider "negative" have receded into the background, although they still exist just as they did before, then that is probably the result of your concentration to the general exclusion of the "negative". Anytime anyone thinks things are now such a positive because they are thinking this way is not 'noticing' that the entire world - all the people being murdered, tortured, poisoned by our corporate and government produced environment and starved to death has not changed one tiny bit!

Just because you feel your life becomes "positive" does not at all mean that Reality itself has changed in a 'positive' way.

This is where come my first question, how is it that these methods are useless and how is it that I don't create my own reality?

Well, you do, and so do all of us. But, not exactly the way the YCYOR people tell you.
Rather than attempt to explain myself, there is a very good explanation in the Cass Glossary of YCYOR which I am adding below even though there has been a post regarding Topper on the subject:

"You Create Your Own Reality (YCYOR) - This is a common New Age belief that states that the things on which one concentrates one's attention increase. By thinking about the positive one is expected to experience same.

The Quantum Future School (QFS) sees the matter very differently, although the QFS also acknowledges that reality and consciousness interact, however not in the way generally promulgated by the New Age movement.

In quantum physics, the state of a system is expressed as probabilities up to a point of measurement. The measurement and the measured are inseparable in a sense. There is debate on what exactly constitutes measurement but for the purposes of this discussion, we could say that ultimately a conscious witness is necessary, even if the measurement takes place through a mechanical device.

The QFS applies this same idea to events at the human and cosmic scales. The quality of the observation influences the quality of the observed. In practical terms, the more clear or objective an observation is, the more the observer-observed system is ordered. If observation is heavily biased and does not agree with the reality, the system consisting of observer and observed is disordered and contradictory. The QFS postulates that the manner in which masses of humanity observe their reality and what beliefs they hold about this reality influence the same reality. The more subjective the seeing, the more disordered the reality. A large scale example of this is the belief of many Americans in the demonstrable lies of government. The belief being in contradiction with facts contributes to chaos. In this way perceptions can influence reality.

The degree to which the quality of observation influences reality varies according to circumstance. The world goes through periods of stability and predictability, interrupted by brief phases of chaotic change. This is a natural process. The effect of the quality of observation on reality is greatest at moments of fluidity or chaos, where a small impulse can precipitate a large outcome.

The QFS postulates that this is the reason why a certain critical mass of esoterically developed people is required at times of chaotic change. If the structure of spacetime itself is in flux, the quality of observation brought by an esoterically evolved group can form a sort of crystallization core or pattern for a new reality.

The QFS does not subscribe to practices of magic or imposing one's will on reality by visualization or such techniques. These are considered as deliberate subjectivity, which if it has any effect at all is only likely to add to the psychic entropy and chaos of the environment. Creative action which contributes to increased order in the universe needs to be based on an objective reading of the universe, not on contradicting this universe."

About Being and Non-Being, it is said that you can be Being but in the same time non-Being. And this is a concept that I don't understand.

I think you misinterpreted that statement, and at any rate, one can only either 'Be' or 'Not Be'. It's like a light being either on or off and can not be both at the same time.

Well, Kryon I am not reading this book because I want to get out alive out of all the mess of this world, I am reading this book because I am merely looking for truth and this book seems so far to possess some truth.

According to the C's 'some' of us just might 'get out alive' from this current reality into the next one which is the Fourth Density 'lesson plan'.

Anyway there is nothing to get out alive of because we're nonetheless vowed to die in a way or a other and we're vowed to reincarnate once more here or in some other place.

True in a sense, but then, some may 'die' in this world and reincarnate into the Fourth Density. And, in another sense entirely, it may be that if we consider the existence of the soul, we never 'die' at all. Just transition to new experiences.
Hello DianaRose94,
I think the text quoted by Anart is the best explanation of the inner contradictions of the "you create your own reality" paradigm.
The Being/non-Being aspect is different and far more complex. It requires some time to absorb. Maybe when you will read the chapter about "the names of god" in the Wave series, the issue will be retrospectively clearer.
Richard S, thank you for explaination, and you were right reading more of The Secret History... I understand more the concept propopsed by Laura.

I do see that even if my life become more positive, it doesn't mean that reality itself become positive.
The way I look at the subject 'Changing Realty' is that we change our perspective, our world view, our perception.

Lets say a person is always tripping over things in life, insert any barrier if you like, but for this explanation think of the act of tripping over things people have left lying around as well as what is extant in life anyway.

Bang! stubbed my toe again! I am sick of stubbing my toe, sick of the pain, why can't people take more care. It's not fair! I am so depressed at all this tripping and pain! etc..From this perspective the world is full of people taking the blame for the trips and injuries, or the world is unfair that all these hazards are there to be tripped over, other people are careless and blind, out to get me etc etc. The world looks like one huge trap for me to keep hurting myself and not being able to progress. I wish I could change the world. (Excluding our predicaments with high strangeness here, keep it simple)

Now, say you start to change your perspective to that of being aware, more vigilant and are able to spot these items that could be trip hazards. You avoid them, maybe not all, but you can spot many. After a while this becomes automatic, you walk around with more freedom, less pain etc, the world does not look so injurious, the world has changed. But it has not changed, you have, your perception has, your awareness has. You have changed the world but through yourself not the world itself.

A bit cobbled together but I hope you get where I am coming from with this. Its about awareness, responsibility and self importance as much as anything else. There are lots of examples in Casteneda's training under Don Juan that show this better than I can. We bend our perspective and the world appears to change, for all intents and purposes it has, yet has it?

Hope that helps a little.

DianaRose94 said:
Richard S, thank you for explaination, and you were right reading more of The Secret History... I understand more the concept propopsed by Laura.

I do see that even if my life become more positive, it doesn't mean that reality itself become positive.

I have a friend who ALWAYS maintains a positive attitude. She describes it as "pulling down the window shades" so she can't see how other people are suffering because it would distract her. Distract her from what, you ask? Well, she does art, she takes classes, she goes dancing, she eats out and goes on holidays, she has a very nice life.

There are a lot of people like her still, but that group is growing ever smaller while the number of suffering people is growing larger by the day. It could be said that the suffering of humanity is increasing because of those people who pull down the shades so they don't have to look at what is going on all around the world. They say "what can I do?" and go on with their lives.

Well, it seems very likely that the suffering on the planet is going to increase to such a point that something very, very ugly is likely to happen and it will certainly destroy the lives of those people who pulled down the window shades.
I see what you mean Laura, but how are you supposed to help all these people who are suffering? Even if they're suffering you still have to go through your on life because how can you ease someone's pain if you're suffering yourself? With the system we live in, you have to find a way to earn money, for buy food and...etc.
And if you want to help the one who are suffering you need money, except if you find some alternative ways that I personaly don't know.
The thing is with the system curently held in this world at the moment, balance just cannot exist in my opinion. Things can only be or too much or not enough.
But then the question would be how to break free from this system?

About your friend, well a lot of people think like her, some still don't even realize what's truly happening in this world. But again with the system we currently live in it's understandable. But yeah as you said if people don't change their minset something horrible is going to happen. However a lot of lightworker and co thinks that everything is currently changing. Personally I can see change, but I also feel wars coming and I honestly don't expect a peaceful Earth before at least 100 years, maybe I'm over-exagerating but this is what I think.
Laura said:
DianaRose94 said:
Richard S, thank you for explaination, and you were right reading more of The Secret History... I understand more the concept propopsed by Laura.

I do see that even if my life become more positive, it doesn't mean that reality itself become positive.

I have a friend who ALWAYS maintains a positive attitude. She describes it as "pulling down the window shades" so she can't see how other people are suffering because it would distract her. Distract her from what, you ask? Well, she does art, she takes classes, she goes dancing, she eats out and goes on holidays, she has a very nice life.

There are a lot of people like her still, but that group is growing ever smaller while the number of suffering people is growing larger by the day. It could be said that the suffering of humanity is increasing because of those people who pull down the shades so they don't have to look at what is going on all around the world. They say "what can I do?" and go on with their lives.

Well, it seems very likely that the suffering on the planet is going to increase to such a point that something very, very ugly is likely to happen and it will certainly destroy the lives of those people who pulled down the window shades.

I throught about what you said today, and well you're pretty right. I thought that the one who could have a more positive perception of the world, who lived healthier lifestyle could be an example for other people. But I realized that this is ridiculous because they are building their life on a lie and they seem to do it only for themselves.
A global revolution for change seems likethe best solution,lol.
anart said:
It's an understandable question, and I think it's really important to understand the difference between having a positive outlook, and attempting 'to create your own reality' by imposing your own personal subjective will and wishes onto god and the Universe. A positive outlooks is really nothing more than hope - a hope of the soul, perhaps, without which no one would get very far before giving into despair. Attempting to 'create your own reality' is a very different thing - it is basically presuming to know how your life and the world should be and attempting to impose that on the outside world. This is a really complicated subject and if you continue reading, I do think that you will find some clarity. In short, we inhabit a very specific reality because on a soul development level (or mission profile level) it is where we fit. To ignore that, to block out the reality of all that entails, what we 'like' and what we 'don't like' is to attempt to bring the Universe (god) down to our level which is, as the Sufi's would say, a 'sin against god'. The students are not the architect of the school.

Plus - at the end of the day - no one is going to 'win a staring contest' with the Universe, so no matter how much a person might 'want' things to be a different way than they are, refusing to see things as they are always results in an increase in entropy, or 'evil', if you will, since that soul is no longer dealing with reality AS IT IS - which is a large part of what we are each tasked with while here. Topper has a helpful essay on this which I will post in the next post.

I think that we all have the ability to co-create our reality together with our Higher Self, and in this way with god or universe. The more you cooperate with your Higher Self and the Universe, the more you co-create your life.

Seeing through the eyes of the Higher Self (perceiving truthfully), or getting in touch with that part of Self, feels peaceful and 'positive' on a deep level - and at the same time it can also bring up unresolved emotional and mental issues to be processed.

This deep kind of 'positive' or peaceful feeling is more than hope - it is there even when you grieve deeply or are in pain. And of course, it is different than shutting out everything negative, as it is indeed the complete opposite of it - openness and clarity of vision...
axj said:
This deep kind of 'positive' or peaceful feeling is more than hope - it is there even when you grieve deeply or are in pain. And of course, it is different than shutting out everything negative, as it is indeed the complete opposite of it - openness and clarity of vision...
This could be true. Also consider the possibility that such a positive feeling could indicate a split in the psyche. One part is feeling pain or grieving and another part is feeling positive and peaceful at the same time. In the same context however, if cognitive or intellectual faculties process the situation in parallel when the emotional center is feeling the pain and if after such processing (again depending on the specific situation), one ends up feeling positive and peaceful, then it could be said that the situation has been resolved through an integrated understanding - osit.
Whether this positive feeling comes from the "higher self" or otherwise, I think an effort to integrate it in the psyche through understanding of the situation may be helpful. That is what would lead to a "clarity of vision" as you put it and would help in DOing - but all this is conjecture on my part since I am not there yet. So fwiw.
In my experience so far, the kind of peaceful feeling and emotional pain do not co-exist at the same time in my conscious awareness. Also in cases, I have used such a peaceful feeling as a buffer against feeling the emotional reality of the situation and dissociating.

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