the 4th way
Novelis said:
Thus, if the individual uses this knowledge to help humanity while remaining in it, the knowledge can be put to good use; it's for this reason that I respect masters of the past that built the well I can now drink from.
Interesting post, Novelis.
In my opinion, what you mention here regarding buddhism, can be mentioned regarding any other system/religion/school/knowledge/Masters/etc.
Atomic power comes to mind: It is a fantastic source of energy, and an avenue to free energy for the whole population of the planet and a great solution for many problems... if the individual use this knowledge to help humanity. But it is not used to that end. Like with many system/religion/school/knowledge/Masters/etc, it is used to destroy, to control.
The fault is not on the atomic energy, neither on buddhism or any other system/religion/school/knowledge/Masters/etc. As you remark, it is the individual the responsable one, the active one, the intelligent one.
"I am the source", sais Merleu-Ponty mening it is all due to
me, the individual. I am the origin. I am the cause. I am the action. I am the motor.
True: Ancient oriental masters got
beyond. As they came-back, they showed the way. Maybe this fashion was the signs of the times, but I belive the true ways are timeless. I wonder: Is it all about knowledge? And I think it ain't all about gatherting knowledge and "secrets", but about the factible operations former to that.
Knowledge protects, and through false knowledge we are slaved; through true knowledge we are NOT liberated: There is the need of something else to that accumulation, and that is, precisely, the action: Contundent action in order not to transform the world, but in order to penetrate the world and act in consecuence -and such actions, in its turn, do can change the world, but this is an effect of the individual.
So you see, it is my opinion the terrain of the life is on this earth. As Garcia Marquez said: "Why to go out and conquer other worlds, when we have not conquered this world?".
Even the former is corect only "if the individual uses this knowledge to help humanity", and this is precisely the problem: To attain this "state". And, to get there, is an adventure. This is the primal function of knowledge, I think.
A further objective would be to comunicate, by encarnating a "daily life example". This objective is failed if one is on the beyond. So one needs to come back and stay: How else to use knowledge to help humanity?
I am talking af is I knew: I don't. This is what I think, and I submit this to network.
Great text j0da, thanks.