CT or CAT Scan beneifits to dangers?

Chaps23 - I had my MRI today on the brain, pituitary and eye orbitals, I specifically stated I didn't want any injections (dye, what they call 'contrast'), they were fine with that.

It was the noisiest thing, like lying in the middle of a building site knocking, banging, jackhammer sounds - they tell you all about this of course - all in all it wasn't too bad, it took about 20-25 mins lying still but comfortable. My results were available at reception straight after I was dressed.
chaps23 said:
I think psyche you hit the nail on the head with this comment.

Perhaps at the root of what happened to you, your body is trying to send you the message that you want to "disconnect"? Some positive dissociation might prove to be very healing.

I usually clear my head with a bi weekly trip to a fresh water spring that I get my water from, although I haven't made this trip in a while. Perhaps a good old fashion bush walk/hike might be on the cards for easter weekend since now our meet-up will be over skype. I am in a dead end job where I know I wont be doing for the rest of my life, the only growth available would mean changing who I am (in a terrible way) which I am not prepared to do. The sales industry is full of phsychopaths/sociopaths.

It sounds very unhealthy. Do go for that walk, I think it will prove to be very healing.

I also do a weekly walking trip to a fresh water spring surrounded by beautiful mountains. Unless the weather is very crappy, I always go. No matter how tired I am, I drag myself and go. I never regret it. I never would have thought how healing a breathtaking view with nature could be :) I typically do it after unhealthy ER shifts. When the weather gets more tolerable cold-wise (if...), I'll do my EE sessions there.
After the realisation I had after reading your post Psyche about the "positive disociation" you guessed it... life made a quick two day turn around! I just got approved for a new rental so I'm out of my dump of a place, new job prospects on the horizon and things seem to be loking up!

As usual always lessons to learn...

Thanks everyone! The MRI is next Thursday I'll post back with results but I'm sure it will be clean.
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