Daily planetary weather and tectonic report


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
This youtube link was posted on my facebook page last week. This fellow makes a daily video digest of extreme weather, ocean and tectonic activity. He does a fine job and this one link gets the current updated news. I have taken to checking it regularly. His commentary is also interesting. He is the one of the few people who acknowledge atmospheric loading of comet/meteor dust and its effects.

I have been enjoying his daily updates as well. He also tries hard to put a stop to the HAARP disinformation about it affecting the weather in the comments section.
His reports are wonderful, on the spot , quick and he has all the numbers to logically connect. at least some body is doing in video format.

Only thing I am not yet comfortable is his use of star water. yes, it looks electrical plasma(universe model) responsible for water and million other things in the universe, but our understanding is not advanced enough to quantify that star water component in all the natural calamities we are facing.
Suspicious0bservers made a nice video compiling all the symptoms of events happening in solar systems , but just shy'd away from brown star concept. reasons are not clear yet.

Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress

description is interesting

There are two dangers presented in this video: 1) The Electromagnetic Event; and 2) The Mega Solar Flare & CME - Music: Instrumental "Soul Survivor" by Akon & Young Jeezy

Emotional & behavioral suppression technology, Silent Sound Spread Spectrum technology, and weather modification are dangerous, unethical, a secret in their truest form, and don't have a damn thing to do with HAARP -- This is what you should know:
1) Things not caused by HAARP: Long Solar Minimum, Jupiter/Saturn Storms, Saturn/Venus Rotation Anomalies, New Radio Emission from Jupiter, Uranus Auroras, the ENA ribbon, and most importunely, earth's shifting N pole and fading Magnetic Shield. [There is a natural event taking place]
2) Weather Modification that is not HAARP: Radar Rings are different [local VLFs can do it without any help from HAARP], see video called 'Standing Wave Tank" to see how LF work better on water vapor than HF. Some rings are man made with VLF, others are a natural effect of the EM event; I believe we are trying to stop it.
3) Potential Danger of HAARP: Over-ionization of certain layers or regions, Creating Ozone holes, Increasing our Solar Vulnerability.
4) ****HAARP and the Russian/Norwegian Devices are directly under the auroral electrojet, which is the thing that would kill our grids in a solar storm. The devices are ionospheric heaters capable of expanding the electrojet and scattering the energy.

What can I say, there is no star coming in here. That would kill us, and wouldn't have left any planets here if it had come before. The term 'dark star' is a misnomer, it's not so dark you wouldn't see it. There IS a possibility that we could see a crossing 'planet', but not a star. Here are those possibilities, google will help fill in the blanks.
1) Hypothetical Planet Vulcan [not star trek] happens to be real and comes out from behind the sun.
2) Rogue Planet enters our system. [they outnumber stars in our galaxy]
3) Planetary 'Birthing' process where a baby planet comes out of the Sun, Saturn, or Jupiter.
4) A Return to the World described in 'Symbols of an Alien Sky'
[All but #2 could be lumped in together as caused by an electromagnetic event; I worry this is what is happening now-- Sitchen made many documented errors, and it was the Maya, not the Sumerians, who spoke of 2012]

He has all the numbers and all the symptoms and theories but any thing other than star. :headbash: I hope he will explain why not ?. On sept 15th episode , he mentioned that he is not going to discuss the reasons. Probably he will be putting the leg on the snake's tail there.

Another thing he mentioned that flash in jupitor may be some discharge instead of some comet as it didn't leave the symptoms in the clouds as it happened before.
I was listening to morning news this morning while reading SOTT's article The Ice Age Cometh http://www.sott.net/articles/show/251227-The-Ice-Age-Cometh-Arctic-sea-ice-shrinks-to-smallest-extent-ever-recorded, and they reported a story of a huge snowstorm in Iceland which buried sheep in 3 meters of snow... 3 meters! WOW!
Around 300 ICE-SAR workers took part in the search and rescue of sheep in North Iceland yesterday following Sunday night's severe snowstorm. Many sheep have been found alive, buried in up to three meters of snow.

According to WIKI, regarding Iceland's climate:
The climate of Iceland's coast is subpolar oceanic. The warm North Atlantic Current ensures generally higher annual temperatures than in most places of similar latitude in the world.

And the comment inserted in the SOTT article;
Comment: This is absolute nonsense. Melting sea ice means that vast amounts of fresh water have spread into the North Atlantic. The lack of salt in, and low temperatures of the water will have the effect of sinking the North Atlantic drift which will cause the Jet Stream to swing much lower than usual (The North Atlantic Drift helps to keep the Jet Stream at high latitudes) which will in turn lead to a much cooler temperatures over Northern Europe and, ultimately, the entire Northern Hemisphere. So we are looking at GLOBAL COOLING, NOT 'Global Warming'.

Perhaps this early Icelandic snowstorm is a portent of things to come for northern Europe?
seek10 said:
He has all the numbers and all the symptoms and theories but any thing other than star. :headbash: I hope he will explain why not ?. On sept 15th episode , he mentioned that he is not going to discuss the reasons. Probably he will be putting the leg on the snake's tail there.
Dismissing offhand the possibility of a companion star may be understandable because the idea is generally associated with the Nibiru thing in the internet. It is claimed that the star/planet will be arrive close to Earth's orbit as part of the ambient disinformation. However, the companion star doesn't need to arrive that close to affect the electromagnetic fields in the solar system (mainly in the Sun). It may induce changes while remaining invisible to us.
mkrnhr said:
seek10 said:
He has all the numbers and all the symptoms and theories but any thing other than star. :headbash: I hope he will explain why not ?. On sept 15th episode , he mentioned that he is not going to discuss the reasons. Probably he will be putting the leg on the snake's tail there.
Dismissing offhand the possibility of a companion star may be understandable because the idea is generally associated with the Nibiru thing in the internet. It is claimed that the star/planet will be arrive close to Earth's orbit as part of the ambient disinformation. However, the companion star doesn't need to arrive that close to affect the electromagnetic fields in the solar system (mainly in the Sun). It may induce changes while remaining invisible to us.
Also, didn't the companion star already make its close approach during the Middle Ages? He won't find data on that unless he looks at History.
Youtube video - Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress

I thought this video named ''Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress'' might be SOTT material.

Re: Youtube video - Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress

This is discussed here

Re: Youtube video - Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress

seek10 said:
This is discussed here


Thanks, seek10

I've seen that thread but just skimmed through it and didn't checked the video link. Also search on forum didn't give any results.

Still, IMO it might be good for SOTT, in case that editors aren't aware of the video.
Re: Youtube video - Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress

Serendipity said:
Still, IMO it might be good for SOTT, in case that editors aren't aware of the video.

I posted sott links in that video comments section. but he didn't respond, but he has read for sure as he responds to the comments from others. He shied away from the brown star concept which we know is true and explains million other things like origin of meteorites , slowing down of planet, unusual line up, sun flares. this type of pattern is not new to sott.
Re: Youtube video - Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress

seek10 said:
Serendipity said:
Still, IMO it might be good for SOTT, in case that editors aren't aware of the video.

I posted sott links in that video comments section. but he didn't respond, but he has read for sure as he responds to the comments from others. He shied away from the brown star concept which we know is true and explains million other things like origin of meteorites , slowing down of planet, unusual line up, sun flares. this type of pattern is not new to sott.

Seek10, I'm curious what do you mean by bolded part?

Maybe he didn't saw your post or he saw it but ignored it simply cause in his head it's the same theory as Nibiru and other theories that he advocates against. I might be wrong, of course.

Anyway, I simply thought that video might be useful by itself as it contains some good info, and author doesn't appear to be disinfo agent, at least not at first glance, OSIT.

EDIT: But on second, or third thought, I realize that I might be way off here.
Re: Youtube video - Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress

Serendipity said:
Seek10, I'm curious what do you mean by bolded part?
taking the concepts from sott and not giving credit to sott and come up with their own conclusions . In this case ignoring brown star

Maybe he didn't saw your post or he saw it but ignored it simply cause in his head it's the same theory as Nibiru and other theories that he advocates against. I might be wrong, of course.
he replied to some posts after me. so I do think he read it.

Anyway, I simply thought that video might be useful by itself as it contains some good info, and author doesn't appear to be disinfo agent, at least not at first glance, OSIT.

read the text below the video or read the forum link I provided.
Seek10, I did read what you suggested, and now I'm beginning to see that what you say is probably truth, especially since you have been following his reports for some time, so you have more knowledge about the topic.

Again, thanks for answer :)
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