Dark figure experience during EE


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I had a strange but brief experience last night during EE. I was pretty tired and feeling down because I got caught up looking up stuff on the web. I also skipped my cold shower because I was running late for EE and then bed.

I usually fall asleep somewhere during beatha. I noticed that I had a dull localized pain in my thigh. I thought it might be the soreness I get from a long day of sitting at work. I'll notice this in the car too. But I was laying down late at night and without much pressure on my leg, so I thought it was odd that the pain would come about then. And it was in a slightly different location ( maybe an inch or two) of the "sitting pain".

Anyways, I just let it go thinking it would go away, which it did. I fell asleep after the first round of beatha I think, and I had this ominous and threatening feeling. It seems I was half dreaming and I felt the presence of some kind of malevolent dark figure looking over me. It seemed like it wanted to harm or drain me. As I woke up out of my semi-sleep state I had feelings of opposition and just wanting to force this thing away. It was only a matter of a few seconds to wake, and when I was fully awake obviously nothing was there. The feeling went away as quickly as I woke up. But there really was something like, "There's a threat here, I must head it off." I went back to sleep and had the same feeling again, but to a lesser degree around the time right before the POTS.

I fell asleep with the headphones through the whole night, which I sometimes do when I'm really tired. And I had weird dreams, some of which were like a war video game. Battles and being shot at and shooting enemies. I'm taking 4 drops of 5% Lugol's twice a day, and haven't had weird dreams like others have reported. My dreams are just as weird as they are normally. In the past before the forum and dabbling in astral projection and that sort of thing, I would always have an oppositional or violent stance when I thought I was being messed with, with much physical flailing at those moments.

I had made an Outlook reminder at work when reading that session about the Golem and Elisa Lam, 7th November, 2015. It was simply titled "Awareness", meaning to keep that in mind for protection's sake. It's kind of become just a word without much meaning now. But last night had me wondering, that since this kind of dark figure thing doesn't happen much to me, that I should make an effort to keep more aware. And it could have been some subconscious representation of myself. I just wanted to post this to kind of put it out there, as I think networked awareness is kind of amplified. Any thoughts on this? Thanks for reading.
i experienced something similar when i had sleep paralysis. your experience reminded me of that. i think perhaps it could be feedback or your own shadow if that makes sense? as if you can only comprehend the light cast around you and your own being casts a shadow you cant see into, this uncertainty causes vivid paranoia and maybe you had an unpleasant hallucination as a result.

lisa seemed swept up in an circumstances that involved her being away from her usual romping grounds, i think that's why she was easy prey.
Hi 3D,
It's difficult to be sure whether it's an external, or an internal manifestation. The best is to keep all possible explanations in mind without feeding whatever it is with fear or expectation. It is interesting that the experience was preceded by physical pain, as if that pain manifested afterwards in a different form. Pain is after all an alarm system that signals threat and danger. So maybe both experiences, physical and mental/emotional were a reflection of something deeper going on in your life.

On a less dramatic note, I once had a vivid flash image during beatha of a primitive hominid, like a blend of human and ape, staring with obvious anger, threateningly showing teeth like a mad dog. The understanding I got during that short vision was that it was a mirror image of my own animal self, who was not very happy with the activity, and who was not ready to give up the fight, something like a primal version of the predator's mind so to say. On another occasion, however, after some upsetting day (it happens, it's 3D existence after all) I had the sensation of several presences around, and opening slightly my eyes (I do the whole program with eyes closed even if it's in a dark room) I had a glimpse of silhouettes in the dark, with very few reflections that highlighted non human shapes, sort of a horned dragon or some other production of my mind. I mentally said to them something like "you bast***s! I'm trying to meditate now, so f*** off!" :) and it was over. The ways with which our minds deal symbolically with physical, mental, and emotional processing, especially during meditation are endless, and IMVHO, the way we consciously troll (or a t least try to) these processes to grow in awareness and self-knowledge, strategies that may also be developed individually according to each person's specificity's and particular life experiences, are what makes these experiences beneficial or "traumatic". OSIT
Some time back I had experienced something similar to you on a night that I had done EE. I dreamt and felt upon awakening that there was some kind of malevolent presence that I had had some kind of struggle with and resistance to. A few weeks later, two forum members reported very similar things and my take on it is that EE had helped release something that didn't want to go or liked hanging around. I wonder if your doing EE 3D, coupled with doing the Iodine protocol, isn't shaking things up a little in you or your environment and, like the bromide reactions that have been discussed on the iodine thread, bringing things to the surface in some ways.

When you wrote of staying aware I think you were alluding to this recent session (but also a number of recent one's where awareness was stressed):

Q: (Joe) A couple of weeks ago when I was in bed and having a bad night, I had a vague awareness of an upright alligator type thing beside the bed. Was that significant in any way, or is there any meaning behind that that I should pay attention to?

A: See previous!

Q: (Joe) About energy flows?

(L) Yeah.

(Andromeda) Was that referring to the energy of the house or the DNA changes?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) [laughter] The energy of the house?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I'd say when stuff like that happens it's because there are blockages in inflow and outflow. When that kind of stuff happens, then your energy tries to break out by making holes in places where it shouldn't. That leaves gaps for entry of other energies.

A: Your own subconscious sends messages to yourself. It can take many forms, including alligators!!!

Q: (Galatea) So, Joe's subconscious sent him alligators, and mine sent me soot. [laughter]

(Joe) And in both of those cases, it was failure of the unity shield?

A: Gaps!

Q: (Joe) Gaps.

A: Awareness!

I think your decision to just post about it and remind yourself to remember the importance of awareness is a good one!
mkrnhr said:
It is interesting that the experience was preceded by physical pain, as if that pain manifested afterwards in a different form. Pain is after all an alarm system that signals threat and danger. So maybe both experiences, physical and mental/emotional were a reflection of something deeper going on in your life.

I hadn't thought of connecting the pain with some mental construction. As if it had migrated from the body to the mind.

mkrnhr said:
I mentally said to them something like "you bast***s! I'm trying to meditate now, so f*** off!" :) and it was over.

Yeah, I pretty much have an aggressive stance with these kinds of things. I don't have trouble with invoking anger. :P I just thought it was curious as they don't happen too often.

Ennio said:
I wonder if your doing EE 3D, coupled with doing the Iodine protocol, isn't shaking things up a little in you or your environment and, like the bromide reactions that have been discussed on the iodine thread, bringing things to the surface in some ways.

Actually, when I think about it, since taking Iodine I've been able to think more clearly and have had more positive spiritual insights. Kind of reviewing knowledge and using it to help in general in life. A way of finding inspiration with the knowledge you have.

Ennio said:
When you wrote of staying aware I think you were alluding to this recent session (but also a number of recent one's where awareness was stressed):

Yeah there have been a few recent ones like that. It was the one where it was being implied that gateways could be opened and creatures could be used for attack. And I was kind of like, "Eep, I should make a sort of reminder."
First thing that came to mind here 3D student was the session that Ennio posted, and that this may have been a warning from your own subconscious about a "threat" of some sort to you. Is there anything you can think of that going on in your life right now that might constitute such a thing? Something that is compromising your awareness maybe?
Joe said:
First thing that came to mind here 3D student was the session that Ennio posted, and that this may have been a warning from your own subconscious about a "threat" of some sort to you. Is there anything you can think of that going on in your life right now that might constitute such a thing? Something that is compromising your awareness maybe?

Yeah. Too much researching of and buying art stuff. And forcing myself to draw sometimes when it's late. I'm trying to increase skill in that area but I still do a lot of dissociating with videos on that. Haven't had great sleep for the past weeks due to those things. Iodine helps to stay functional, but it shouldn't be used as a crutch.
3D Student said:
Joe said:
First thing that came to mind here 3D student was the session that Ennio posted, and that this may have been a warning from your own subconscious about a "threat" of some sort to you. Is there anything you can think of that going on in your life right now that might constitute such a thing? Something that is compromising your awareness maybe?

Yeah. Too much researching of and buying art stuff. And forcing myself to draw sometimes when it's late. I'm trying to increase skill in that area but I still do a lot of dissociating with videos on that. Haven't had great sleep for the past weeks due to those things. Iodine helps to stay functional, but it shouldn't be used as a crutch.

The threat is likely always present, for those who choose to walk this path.

The Iodine can never be a crutch, especially in a lower dose maintenance. It's something that the body can use a little bit of everyday.

It may be that the Iodine is really starting to get results. I know that for me, it certainly is having a positive effect. The dark entity could be you becoming aware of another you. Kinda like the white half with the black dot. Then of course there is also the other side. However, choosing to be white and yet being aware that there still is darkness within goes with the territory. You may just be starting to see more clearly. That part of you may be running out of places to hide.

I have that part of me chained up, in a cage, at the edge of the property. fwiw
Hi 3D Student,

first of all I would like to draw your attention to gadgets we use and why they have a negative effect

Session 29th July 2006.

(Galatea) What is the invisible creature that keeps playing the piano when I am in the salon? (Galatea had said that the chords of the piano would sound like they were plucked when she was alone in the room)

A: You.

Q: (Galatea) what do they mean me?

A: EM bursts

Q: (Galatea) What’s that? (Others explain what EM bursts are)

A: Suppressed music.

Q: (Explanation by others to Galatea about poltergeist activity and creativity and it needing a channel, otherwise it comes out in other ways)

A: You have vast untapped talents. Stop watching TV; it produces suppressor chemicals in the brain

Q: (Galatea) what were those weird people I saw from a distance on the road who were making weird movements?

A: Disabled.

Q: (Galatea) What happened to the car I saw that disappeared?

A: Dissociation on your part.

Q: (explanation to Galatea about dissociative states)

A: Again, stop with the TV already!

Q: (Galatea) What are the weird squiggly lights I see in my bedroom at night on the wall?

A: 053 DNA activation

Q: (Galatea) what is that?

A: Codon nomenclature:

Q: (Galatea) what does that mean? (explanation to Galatea about codons and that this is probably a meta-scientific designation for a specific DNA codon)

A: Will be.

Q: (discussion that the “053” is possibly a future name for a certain type of DNA. Galatea asks further questions about DNA and turning it on and what the lights are and what they mean)

A: Higher perceptions.

Q: (Galatea) does that mean I have higher perceptions?

A: Bleed through; you are sensitive.

So it might be a bleed through, too much non native EM radiation, or, as I remember the C's said in another session which I couldn't find, that entities love tech and they can use these devices to interfere with communication: so, maybe you shouldn't sleep with a headphones and CD player attached to you during sleep, even if it is the EE meditation.

We were advised before not to have electrical devices turned on in the bedroom, not even lights.
I would take some lavender oil when I am tired and just start the meditation with the intent to continue during sleep. But I never used a headphone, I do it from my memories.

Maybe you should learn the meditation by heart and do it independently. What if we just run out of electricity in the near future?

Just the way I see it, and, as Sitting would say: I could be wrong :)
3D Student said:
Joe said:
First thing that came to mind here 3D student was the session that Ennio posted, and that this may have been a warning from your own subconscious about a "threat" of some sort to you. Is there anything you can think of that going on in your life right now that might constitute such a thing? Something that is compromising your awareness maybe?

Yeah. Too much researching of and buying art stuff. And forcing myself to draw sometimes when it's late. I'm trying to increase skill in that area but I still do a lot of dissociating with videos on that. Haven't had great sleep for the past weeks due to those things. Iodine helps to stay functional, but it shouldn't be used as a crutch.

Indeed, I think while iodine can help a lot, it can also cause detox and other symptoms that might tend to make us want to dissociate more, so care should be taken over the nature of the dissociation. Sleep is VERY important, so finding a way to get good sleep should be a priority.
Shared Joy said:
So it might be a bleed through, too much non native EM radiation, or, as I remember the C's said in another session which I couldn't find, that entities love tech and they can use these devices to interfere with communication: so, maybe you shouldn't sleep with a headphones and CD player attached to you during sleep, even if it is the EE meditation.

I should clarify there. I don't think I've ever let the music go on all night. I usually half-consciously turn it off after EE and the proceeding instructional blurb by Laura. The next album is Muse's 2003 CD, so I usually turn off the player on the song "Apocalypse Please". Sometimes I listen to that song the whole way through though: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFrl01aPPkA

Shared Joy said:
Maybe you should learn the meditation by heart and do it independently. What if we just run out of electricity in the near future?

Yeah, but I've always made the effort to listen to the audio because I recall the C's saying that Laura's voice was encoded with some higher energies or something to that effect. And I'm pretty sure that after all these years twice a week that I could produce mentally a good facsimile of the audio.

About the electricity thing - I've entertained the thought of getting some generator for power and Faraday caging PC components. But it seems like too much. Just let it go, and print out what data you need. At least with myself I see that I keep too much outdated and unnecessary data on the computer, and the same with physical items too.
Hi all, just remember me 12 years ago. It was during my questionning about divorce and if so, what about my childrens. I was sweat lot of nights and i remember one night during my sleep this dark face just in front of mine, nose to nose... I woke up heart beating. Just one time, one night. I was divorced in 2006, and the reading of Laura experience with is ex-husband help me a lot. This Is the occasion to Say thank you to Laura for all she wrote and done. Thank you Laura... Kiss.
Considering my self to be just a beginner on this path, I spot on this thread few days ago, sure, but how I am dont really feel confident to quote or give my thoughts on the subjects I still feel I don't understand completely, I didn't want to get involved with my thoughts ... but as I just started to red Castaneda, and as just some things happens to me too, I couldn't stop thinking on description of the flayers in Castaneda:

" “The sorcerers of ancient Mexico,” he said, “saw the predator. They called it the flyer because it leaps through the air. It is not a pretty sight. It is a big shadow, impenetrably dark, a black shadow that jumps through the air. Then, it lands flat on the ground.""

after reading about this experiences with black figure / shadow, I got pretty scared last few days to do some meditation or to calm down before go to sleep, as I am not sure how I will go through if I will be alone and experiencing something like that ... so

and than yesterday I turned on the TV and here we go - there was one ordinary episode from cartoon "Regular Show" - I don't watch that show, so I have no idea what it is all about, but yesterday for 2 minutes, on my TV screen, I was watching a part of cartoon with a huge black monster "flying" around, trying to catch ordinary people in parks, on the street etc, and any one touched by that demonic like black creature, get transformed to hypnotized evil follower, changing to a same black "outfit" ....

and than just few minutes ago, I got my daily dose of "awareness crises", I felt like I touched the bottom of endurance to be alive in this moment, I felt totally devastated by all this predatory relations and horrors of trapped human life, I just was crying and trying to get over it, and in order to cheer my self up, I went to play Rihana on YouTube, I don't listen to Rihana, but there is one song that is helping in dull moments like this one, and was already offered by the list, and some how I clicked that Rihana song ( Diamonds ), and to my horrifying surprise, this one, that I never heard before, start to play:


Yonderboi - Sustainable Development

I want to believe in the nobility of the human spirit.
I want to believe the horrors we witness and the misery we feel is Temporary,
The manifestation of a dark demon's death rattle,
A demon that has marched ruthlessly across the planet for far too long.
I want to believe that we can no longer be seduced by it's false promises
And as a result, it has fallen, never to rise again.
I want to believe that we will grant the beast a decent burial,
And will show it the respect it does not deserve.
I want to believe that we will mark it's passing with the scattering of Seeds,
And in no way seek revenge as it would have wished.
I want to believe that in our newfound glory no new beast will take it's Place,
And we can stand alone,
Proud, yet wise enough not to let this feeling lead to a fall.
I want to believe that we can recognize each other,
Befriend one another,
Love one another,
And be certain that these new feelings will grow,
A gentle expanding universe with no boundaries.
I want to believe that we will fully deserve our place in this new eden.
I want to believe.
I want to believe all of these things.
I want to believe all of these things and more.
But, you caught me at a bad moment and I can't (and I can't)

... and so I just wanted to share this with you ... don't have much more to ad apart form this ... as I still feel low and scared :huh: :huh: :O
Joe said:
3D Student said:
Joe said:
First thing that came to mind here 3D student was the session that Ennio posted, and that this may have been a warning from your own subconscious about a "threat" of some sort to you. Is there anything you can think of that going on in your life right now that might constitute such a thing? Something that is compromising your awareness maybe?

Yeah. Too much researching of and buying art stuff. And forcing myself to draw sometimes when it's late. I'm trying to increase skill in that area but I still do a lot of dissociating with videos on that. Haven't had great sleep for the past weeks due to those things. Iodine helps to stay functional, but it shouldn't be used as a crutch.

Indeed, I think while iodine can help a lot, it can also cause detox and other symptoms that might tend to make us want to dissociate more, so care should be taken over the nature of the dissociation. Sleep is VERY important, so finding a way to get good sleep should be a priority.

I'll second this - it seems that sleep is super important if you are taking iodine. It is after all when we process, heal, detox and recharge. Wanting to disassociate may actually be a sign you need to sleep instead.
Do go easy on the iodine too, the detox effects can be cumulative (if the body can't process things quickly enough) and really mess with awareness.
I had a similar experience in the past, maybe like 3 years ago. I wasn't doing EE at the time, but I was laying down and trying to fully relax my body and see how "deep" I could go. After an indeterminate amount of time, but being fairly relaxed, I felt a malevolent presence around me. Along with the presence was a feeling that I had never experienced before... it was as if my wrists were being pulled together and my hands twisted outward., as if something was "binding" my arms. My arms were relaxed and to my sides, but they felt as though they were on top of my thighs and being pulled together by the wrists. The only comparison that I can find, which is something I learned recently, is that the feeling I had seems to be a combination of Decerebrate and Decorticate posturing, as shown in the image below. My arms and wrists felt like they were as in the Decerebrate posture, but they were on top of my body like in the decorticate posture. I have no history of brain trauma or anything like that, and have never experienced these postures, I'm only using them as reference.


When I felt my arms like that, and I felt the malevolent presence, I immediately "knew" something was trying to mess with me, and having read some of Castaneda and Secret History I at the time, I remembered that I should try to avoid feeling fear lest it feeds on it. I forced myself to continue focusing on the relaxation procedure, and was able to avoid a fear reaction, but wasn't able to become more relaxed. I haven't attempted this again.

solarmind said:
as I still feel low and scared :huh: :huh: :O
solarmind, from what I have understood, I would suggest to attempt transmuting the fear into curiosity...almost a feeling of adventure. I personally tried to desensitize myself to the topic of the predator in its many facets by thinking about it, reading about it, exposing myself to media on the subject, etc. as a sort of "systematic desensitization" to prevent a fear reaction. Not sure how effective this will be when faced with the real thing, or why exactly it is that I managed to keep fear at bay in the anecdote above, but I'm just sharing it because its what I did.
Remember that it is necessary for us to feel low at times and it is a natural part of growth, and that we must use it as fuel to work on ourselves and expand our knowledge. Best of luck!

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