Dark figure experience during EE

Guille said:
When I felt my arms like that, and I felt the malevolent presence, I immediately "knew" something was trying to mess with me, and having read some of Castaneda and Secret History I at the time, I remembered that I should try to avoid feeling fear lest it feeds on it. I forced myself to continue focusing on the relaxation procedure, and was able to avoid a fear reaction, but wasn't able to become more relaxed. I haven't attempted this again.

solarmind said:
as I still feel low and scared :huh: :huh: :O
solarmind, from what I have understood, I would suggest to attempt transmuting the fear into curiosity...almost a feeling of adventure. I personally tried to desensitize myself to the topic of the predator in its many facets by thinking about it, reading about it, exposing myself to media on the subject, etc. as a sort of "systematic desensitization" to prevent a fear reaction. Not sure how effective this will be when faced with the real thing, or why exactly it is that I managed to keep fear at bay in the anecdote above, but I'm just sharing it because its what I did.
Remember that it is necessary for us to feel low at times and it is a natural part of growth, and that we must use it as fuel to work on ourselves and expand our knowledge. Best of luck!

yep due to some personal issues that start bubbling on emotional level last week, I have been observing a lot all the ods that came to me from a different perspective ... Castaneda reading definitely amplified the real understanding, and what is very valuable is to disconnect the flow of fear and over emotional state of body to go to the mind ... some time I literary feel how the flow is stooped by my neck and than I focus to transmute that to self observation and detachment from that, looking to that sensations as something that is not happening to me, but I am just witnessing it .. and that is quite mind blowing .. even sensations of stomach sickens were present at some moments of observation! Today I had one WOHO moment ... asking all day long why why there is such a need in us to be accepted to be who we are, that cause much emotional pain and distraction and dramas between people, and all of a sudden I realize how my pledge for that from ordinary people is just silly, as they don't even have idea who they are, same as me, I don't even have full understanding who am I, and the whole thing about that drama felt at one moment like a stone that falls down to the ground form my heart ... like a big relief ... and understanding of that need to close the door to false and manipulated feelings, that are ruled by predator's mind, is very important ... so I understood it is very important to make a silent deal in your thoughts with your self not to let it play with you ... just some of my bigger thoughts on the subject ...

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