Darwin's Black Box - Michael J. Behe and Intelligent Design

Right, there are biological context/ containers to be used by something other, or outgrown and discarded by the indwelling soul. Or so I'm thinking. Biological life is being engineered at another level for multiple reasons and purposes. OSIT- It's definitely not just randomly developing of it's own accord.

Funny, I just was writing something similar above.

Reading "Darwinian Fairytales" has been a real release from the bondage of insanity.
Can't find the session yet but the Cassiopaeans said, if I recall correctly, something along the lines of "you too when you graduate, will create life on planets" or something like that.
Q: (L) They said it was the Orions. Are the Orions these secondary creators? (RC) Well, I read that it was the Pleiadians. And the Hebrews were originally the Hoovids who came from Sirius...

A: Here comes a shocker for you... one day, in 4th density, it will be your descendants mission to carry on the tradition and assignment of seeding the 3rd density universe, once you have the adequate knowledge!!!
Reading "Darwinian Fairytales" has been a real release from the bondage of insanity.

That's exactly how I felt. And it wasn't just the brilliant content, but also the brilliant delivery - there were so many moments when I felt such a relief because finally, somebody has the balls to say it as it is! It's as if I lived in a mental prison, guarded by all these half-dead statues of all these zombie-thinkers and their pathological ideas, and along comes Stove and beats them all up. Sometimes thoroughly and brutally, and sometimes by just giving them a bad look and they crumble to dust! ("Thomas Hobbes, Forsooth!") And by ridiculing all of them with such wit, he made me laugh at them and my own stupidity and all these ridiculous ideas I have once taken for granted and even admired. Not to sound melodramatic, and perhaps it's also because of my particular mind, but it feels like a whole new world opening up.
That's exactly how I felt. And it wasn't just the brilliant content, but also the brilliant delivery - there were so many moments when I felt such a relief because finally, somebody has the balls to say it as it is! It's as if I lived in a mental prison, guarded by all these half-dead statues of all these zombie-thinkers and their pathological ideas, and along comes Stove and beats them all up. Sometimes thoroughly and brutally, and sometimes by just giving them a bad look and they crumble to dust! ("Thomas Hobbes, Forsooth!") And by ridiculing all of them with such wit, he made me laugh at them and my own stupidity and all these ridiculous ideas I have once taken for granted and even admired. Not to sound melodramatic, and perhaps it's also because of my particular mind, but it feels like a whole new world opening up.

I think some people have what could be called a "tidy mind"; they feel uncomfortable, tense, stressed, when there are contradictions or things that puzzle, and the standard explanations make no real sense. Maybe it's not even conscious; maybe part of it is psychic awareness of lies or half-truths that cause a sensation of discomfort.

I think that is part of what goes on in my own head. I want tidiness, fer cryin' out loud; I want things to make sense! As Ark says, I don't want to believe, I want to KNOW.

It's an amazing book. Even though he says he thinks evolution is a reasonable explanation in some form or other, he actually succeeds in so completely demolishing it that there is barely a tatter left. And what he does to Dawkins is freaking BRILLIANT. "Dawkins believes in demons", i.e. selfish genes. LOL!
It looks as though the evolution of life on Earth proceeds through massive catastrophic extinctions (like for the megafauna) and sudden coming into being of new ecosystems through information/design. Lately there has been this perplexing finding Is a catastrophic event 200,000 years ago responsible for most of the life on our planet today? -- Sott.net
The appearance of modern humans has been revised to around 300ky, which is close to the 309ky begining of the actual cycle as mentioned in the earliest sessions.
It looks as though the evolution of life on Earth proceeds through massive catastrophic extinctions (like for the megafauna) and sudden coming into being of new ecosystems through information/design. Lately there has been this perplexing finding Is a catastrophic event 200,000 years ago responsible for most of the life on our planet today? -- Sott.net
The appearance of modern humans has been revised to around 300ky, which is close to the 309ky begining of the actual cycle as mentioned in the earliest sessions.

A whole lot of things the Cs have said begin to fit together like a mosaic.

Yes, they have said that some humans are "food" for 4D STS, but then they have also said that knowledge protects and that one can escape this fate with knowledge and awareness. And now it begins to make sense why this "battle between STS and STO" actually exists: it's part of the learning environment, part of the school. And consciousness engages in this and so much more to learn, to grow and develop.

Who would have ever thought that the main lines of evidence supporting the Cs information would be genetics and cell biology???

I tell ya, this last year of reading has been absolutely mind blowing; and we all thought our minds had already been blown. It's one thing to think something, and another to KNOW.
I’m through reading part one of Darwin’s Black Box. The quotes below from the book really struck me, because they point to something I have had in the back of my mind for some time: uniformitarianism vs. catastrophism in terms of the history of the world from Laura’s work and how Darwin’s evolution ideas fit into it. I even made a note back when reading ‘Secret History of the World’ wondering about the ideas of Darwin’s evolution being a form of or an extension of uniformitarianism.

Paleontologist Niles Eldredge describes the problem:

No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It never seems to happen. Assiduous collecting up cliff faces yields zigzags, minor oscillations, and the very occasional slight accumulation of change—over millions of years, at a rate too slow to account for all the prodigious change that has occurred in evolutionary history. When we do see the introduction of evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up with a bang, and often with no firm evidence that the fossils did not evolve elsewhere! Evolution cannot forever be going on somewhere else. Yet that’s how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist looking to learn something about evolution.


Gould has been at the forefront of the discussion of another fascinating phenomenon: the “Cambrian explosion.” Careful searches show only a smattering of fossils of multicellular creatures in rocks older than about 600 million years. Yet in rocks just a little bit younger is seen a profusion of fossilized animals, with a host of widely differing body plans. Recently the estimated time over which the explosion took place has been revised down from 50 million years to 10 million years—a blink of the eye in geological terms.


All told, Darwin’s theory has generated dissent from the time it was published, and not just for theological reasons. In 1871 one of Darwin’s critics, St. George Mivart, listed his objections to the theory, many of which are surprisingly similar to those raised by modern critics.

What is to be brought forward (against Darwinism) may be summed up as follows: That “Natural Selection” is incompetent to account for the incipient stages of useful structures. That It does not harmonize with the co-existence of closely similar structures of diverse origin. That there are grounds for thinking that specific differences may be developed suddenly instead of gradually. That the opinion that species have definite though very different limits to their variability is still tenable. That certain fossil transitional forms are absent, which might have been expected to be present…. That there are many remarkable phenomena in organic forms upon which “Natural Selection” throws no light whatever

I’ve also been re-reading the last chapter and afterword of SHOTW over the last week or so.

A couple things stood out to me when reading it in conjunction with reading DBB.

A couple quotes from SHOTW:

The linear conception of time is intimately connected to the idea of evolution. The events of history are a continuing unfoldment of new and more perfect manifestations of both man, man’s work, and this the spirit of God.

But despite the reaction of the orthodox Fathers, the theories of cycles and of astral influence on human destiny and historical events were accepted, at least in part, by other Fathers [of the church] and ecclesiastical writers, such as Clement of Alexandria, Minucius Felix, Arnobius, Theodret, the conflict between these two fundamental conceptions of time and history continued into the seventeenth century.

We must remind the reader that, at the height of the Middle Ages, cyclical and astral theories begin to dominate historiological and eschatological speculation. Already popular in the twelfth century, they undergo systematic elaboration in the next, especially after the appearance of translations from Arabic writers. … Albertus Magnus, St. Thomas, Roger Bacon, Dante, and many others believe[d] that the cycles and periodicities of the world’s history are governed by the influence of the stars, whether this influence obeys the will of God and is his instrument in history or whether it is regarded as a force immanent in the cosmos.

In short, the time of the creation of the Grail legends was precisely the moment when eschatological conceptions were combined with and complemented by the theory of cyclic return of events. In spite of the Crusades and Inquisition, these ideas dominated down to the seventeenth century. And it was then that the Control System began to mop-up operation to eradicate these ideas. Because, it is also at this precise time that the linear progress of history began to assert itself, most particularly through the influence of Isaac Newton.

From the seventeenth century on, linearism and the progressivistic conception of history asserts themselves more and more, inaugurating faith in infinite progress, a faith already proclaimed by Leibniz… popularized in the nineteenth century by the triumph of the ideas of the evolutionist.

Karl Marx, in an extremity of materialism, proposed that all of the suffering of humanity is not arbitrary; it is designed to lead man to a definite and coherent end – a final elimination of the Terror of History via a material salvation which constituted an “age of gold”, or Heaven on Earth of Marxism.
This of course justified the exacerbation of evil to hasten the final deliverance – an idea not unknown to Judaism and Christianity as evidenced in the Crusades, Inquisition, and frighteningly, in the present day regression into fundamentalism in America and Isreal.

Seems to me that Darwin’s work and acceptance and pushing of it became an extension of the efforts of the ‘Control System’ and from reading this thread and the thoughts of others on how it fits with all we know that it is a major piece of puzzle toward possible agendas.

Also, seems to me that all that we have been learning about Postmodernism, Carl Jung, Darwism (and the impact of these three), Intelligent design and what is laid out in this thread really helps to round out the picture to a large extent of what Laura was writing about in SHOTW. That the ‘Control System’ saw the religious program failing and/or implemented another program in terms of materialism and linear evolution, etc to supplement it and/or replace it. Then we have what we have now in terms of what looks like could be the ‘the program is complete.’ And like what Laura has said in the past about there being a website for everyone can be seen that there could be an ideology or religion for everyone meant to entrap as many as possible.

More thoughts I have been having. Darwinism = uniformitarianism = slow gradual change guided by nature without ‘God’. Much like how uniformitarianism supplanted the knowledge or view of cyclical nature of time and catastrophes that was forming in terms of a blending of science and religion that Laura details. That Darwinism created an outlet for a godless or no higher power ideology and another trap. It is like Darwinism and uniformitarianism as the leading accepted and pushed theories were a reaction and means to replace people that were exploring existence through science, but not swearing off ‘God’ or a higher power. And not allowing people to have a sense and exploration via science of a higher influence and spiritual connection with nature and universe.

Darwinism and uniformitarianism were meant to push the ‘Godless’ agenda and that mankind and the material world and materialism were and are ‘God.’ Severing any connection with the divine aspects of creation or that the divine even exists. That there is no higher order for which a person and people should pay respect to and try to learn about.

That only science without ‘God’ is the answer. And that this gives mankind an undeserved position, sense of power and sense of control over nature/creation. Replacing ‘God.’ Assuming the position of ‘God.’ Kind of like the hubris mentioned in terms of Jung teaching people that they are gods within or could become ‘God.’

And in the present, this allows the push to try to dominate and control all people via this perspective and blaming people and humanity for natural processes (ie the Global Warming agenda). Telling them they are responsible for it all and thus must cede sovereignty, choice and the ability to voice dissent from establishment ‘godless’ perspectives and actions to those that see themselves as in the place of ‘God.’ Maybe how a psychopath seems themselves.

I also found this quote from SHOTW interesting to think about in relation to all of this:

Is it possible that Fulcanelli made use of “superluminal communication techniques” as I had myself? Was this why Fulcanelli insisted as follows:

”Furthermore, in our opinion, it seems insufficient to know how to recognize and classify facts exactly; one must still question nature and learn from her in what conditions and under the control off what will her manifold productions take place. Indeed, the philosophical mind will not be content with the mere possibility of identifying bodies. It demands the knowledge of the secret of their elaborations. To open ajar the door of the laboratory where nature mixes the elements is good; to discover the occult force, under whose influences her work is accomplished, is better”[…]

I thought when re-reading this with all the information on DNA, information systems, etc that have been talked about recently on the forum that the ‘will’ of nature and the ‘occult force’ mentioned could have some thing to do with the intelligence or force that drives life and powers DNA.

Finally, what can be more divine or inline with ‘God’/the universe than exploring ‘His’ creation in all its facets, within the limits of not ‘offending’ this creation, desecrating it, while at the same time as exploring and mastering oneself toward aligning oneself with creation and its ‘occult force(s).’ And when properly developed, a person is able to exert influence through self-awareness and consciousness to have the ability to consciously harness, align with and possibly control the force/energy/intelligence/source that drives the function of DNA, the cell and life, which is all contained within a person. Disciplining oneself to be in alignment with the ‘occult forces’ while at the same time not mistaking oneself for ‘God.’
I mean to have this at the end of the last post:

So it seems to me to really come back to what Laura and Ark set out as part of their purpose, to blend science and mysticism. To be a ‘religious’ scientist toward oneself and existence.
Darwinian fairytales sounds a whole lot of fun, but I'm going to get it even if it's just to see Mr.Dawkins getting his comeuppance. He is a very aggravating little man!

LOL, plunge ahead! Hope this isn't a spoiler, but the fact alone that Stove discusses Dawkins' drivel as a theist position is just pure GOLD. Heck, he even manages to subtly insult his mommy! But I think you'll have fun throughout the book. There are so many slaps in passing, such as Stove telling us how the anti-smoking fascists (he apparently battled the anti-smoking police throughout his life) grew out of Darwinism as well, or how evolutionism has its roots in the French terror and the drive towards sexual "anything goes" etc. etc.
Laura said:
"Who would have ever thought that the main lines of evidence supporting the Cs information would be genetics and cell biology???"

I always linked a lot of the Cs sessions to that.

I tried to understand what was the content of the bags carried by the Sumerian gods Anunnakis as well as the figures of many engravings and stelae of deities or important characters from ancient Mexico.
I thought that it had to be something very important like, for example, deposits of their DNA in case of needing them, that is to say they brought their small ark.

Thus, Noah's ark was to keep/preserve the DNA of all the species that were on earth at that time; and if that was so, then it could contain the Ark of the alliance that was given to Moses/Akhenaton?
The Cs said that this ark of the covenant was not what we believed, so it would have to be something as important as the DNA deposit of the Hebrew people of that time.
It just occurred to me: the Cs have said "You are an experiment" and "The Earth/Cosmos/3D reality" is a "school", and never before has this idea taken on so much meaning.

What is discussed in this thread also seems to tie in with the C's saying that 2D graduates through interaction with 3D - signs of which are when 2D tries to communicate with 3D. And here's Laura et. al communicating with 6D.

I'm also thinking that if we are facing an impending extinction event, then perhaps keto recipes should start including 'simpler life forms' that are more likely to survive such an event on possibility that either we're not taken out by that event or fail to graduate - which ever it is. Apparently maggots are around 65% protein and 35% fat if anyone is interested :scared:
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