Dead Mallards in Idaho? What you think?


The Living Force

Bird flu or contagin test? And why just mallard ducks and not other species? I thought this was odd and wondered what folks think of this.


It appears the ducks died from a fungal infection caused by moldy cattle feed.

Mystery solved?

Gimpy said:
It appears the ducks died from a fungal infection caused by moldy cattle feed.
Mystery solved?
A quote from your link: "The chances are "extremely high" that Aspergillosis, which can create a fungal toxin on moldy grains and rotting corn, caused the mass die-off, Paul Slota, a biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey's National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wis., told The Associated Press."

Possibly more mysterious than ever if the USGS and The Associated Press are involved.
Somebody's got it in for the avians.

Lewiston residents unnerved by dead crows

Hundreds of seagulls killed mysteriously
This is starting to make me wonder. It seems several times a week I hear of hundreds or even thousands of birds falling from the sky. Any info about whats going on here?
Austin looks for answers after 63 dead birds close downtown

Drunk pigeons? Downtown bird kill spurs theories

Many more here at Google:
I may be way off here with this hypothesis, but after reading over the instances of mass avian deaths in various parts of the world this week, I keep being reminded of some information (possibly disinfo) that I have read about HAARP. The article stated that some of the residents and people in the area of the Alaskan HAARP site had reported deaths of many birds at times when they believed the HAARP array was being tested or turned on. Apparently they found the corpses of many birds which, upon autopsy were found to have been cooked from the inside.

Maybe this was COINTELPRO or disinfo, but I can't help think that there may be a link between the use of HAARP and the avian deaths were seeing. I have treid for a half hour to find the site I had read this on 3-4 years ago, but have had no luck in finding it. I will try to find it when I take my lunch soon, and search more in depth at home when I finish work.

From what I think I know of effects of the HAARP system, it can interfere with and cause anomalous behaviour in electronics if an area is "targeted" (sort of like a tell-tale sign it in operation in an area) as well as erratic/dangerous human behaviour. Since first researching about the nature of HAARP I have always wondered about the possible side effects it may have on the avian population if they were flying in an area that is being targeted. We know that HAARP effects both humans and electronics alike, so I don't think its much of a stretch (going on the evidence I've read so far) to to conclude that our avian brothers may also be negativeley affected by the HAARP beam if flying in a targeted area.

Has anyone else read or heard of a possible connection between HAARP and bird deaths?

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