“Dean’s Blue Hole.”


The Living Force
I’ve seen a couple references to this latest adventure plan, and for the life of me, I truly feel as if all the pulp horror/sci-fi novels I read in the 70’s and 80’s, are now the operating manual for 4th Density service to self “reality creation”, manipulation and interference.


“Guillermo Söhnlein was a co-founder of OceanGate alongside Stockton Rush who died on the Titan, Söhnlein also left the company in 2013. He eventually founded his own company with similar goals known as Blue Marble Exploration. Now, as revealed on the Blue Marble Exploration website, Söhnlein is set to lead an exploration into “Dean’s Blue Hole.”

“Dean’s Blue Hole is an unexplored sinkhole that goes as far down as 663 feet. It’s located in the Bahamas, and while it has been explored in the past, it’s an incredibly difficult area to navigate.”
“‘What Lurks Beneath.’ Locals believe that Dean’s is a portal to hell and the Devil himself lurks in the black depths. Each year, several people drown in Dean’s due to a variety of misfortunes. We fully expect to find human remains and prepare to handle those situations with proper respect for the families.”
What could possibly go wrong, eh?

What if it’s a dimensional window, or gateway, like at Skin Walker Ranch?
That could get “interesting”!
you kinda have to wonder why?
One possibility is that a similar tactic of Bezos and Musk with their early space launch vehicles, this fellow is using a naturally inspiring formation to compliment promoting his companies capabilities to save money on marketing while attracting the attention of Defense Departments internationally as having a viable product (if it doesn't implode).
I don't know, it seems like a marketing ploy. It's about 5% as deep as the Titanic and has been explored.

Dean's Blue Hole, Long Island
The Bahamas Caves Research Foundation has a long history with exploration, film and safety diving work at the famous Dean's Blue Hole located on Long Island, The Bahamas. This oceanic blue hole was first dived to the bottom by cave diver Jim King in 1992 to a staggering depth of 663 feet (202 meters).

During his time at Dean's Blue Hole, he and his time located passages running off of the main blue hole at a depth of 150 feet (45 meters). Due to the use of back mounted cylinders and passage size, his team was limited in the distance they could achieve in these passages, leaving these for future explorers in different configurations.

This is where Brian Kakuk and the Bahamas Caves Research Foundation took up the challenge. Over several years and trips to Long Island, we were able to explore and map the upper-level caves well into new territory using custom, side mounted rebreather configurations supplied by KISS Rebreathers.

New rooms, passages and the location and extent of these passages has now been discovered. The BCRF intends to do more work at this site, studying the tides, marine life and eventually spending enough time down deep at the site to conduct more detailed study of life at the bottom of Dean's Blue Hole.
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