Deep purple: Cities across Russia illuminated by dazzling Northern Lights


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

Just beautiful :)

Think this has anything to do with the magnetic field/polarity/FRV over Russia right now regarding their political activities?
T.C. said:
Think this has anything to do with the magnetic field/polarity/FRV over Russia right now regarding their political activities?
The aurora borealis has been really spectacular in Norway and further south these last days, so it isn't limited to Russia :)
Hithere said:
T.C. said:
Think this has anything to do with the magnetic field/polarity/FRV over Russia right now regarding their political activities?
The aurora borealis has been really spectacular in Norway and further south these last days, so it isn't limited to Russia :)
And accordingly to spaceweather, this time, they were not due to CME, but to CIR to which was unfamiliar, and was interesting to know:
_ said:
SOLAR WIND SPARKS GEOMAGNETIC STORMS: NOAA forecasters estimate an 80% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Oct. 8th as a high speed solar wind stream buffets Earth's magnetic field. This marks the third day in a row of geomagnetic storms and bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. "Last night we had an awesome display," reports Matti Helin from Finland. "Never had I seen such bright auroras. They lit the whole scenery, and I could have read a magazine with ease." ...

Many readers are familiar with CMEs, billion-ton clouds of gas from the sun which can cause geomagnetic storms when they hit Earth. This event, however, was not caused by a CME. Instead, the culprit is a CIR (co-rotating interaction region). CIRs are boundary zones between slow- and fast-moving solar wind streams. Solar wind plasma piles up in these regions, producing density gradients and shock waves that do a good job of sparking auroras. A CIR hit Earth's magnetic field during the early hours of Oct. 7th, amplifying a storm already in progress. A solar wind stream arriving in the wake of the CIR has kept the storm going through Oct. 8th.

Auroras were also seen souther as some states in US, like Virginia, Dakotas, Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin, Wyoming and Minnesota, reports/phots at spaceweather.
mabar said:
A CIR hit Earth's magnetic field during the early hours of Oct. 7th, amplifying a storm already in progress.

Maybe it wasn't limited only to Russia, but it was still a very pretty birthday present. ;) Also, don't know if it is related, but right now the entire region (including here) experiences unusually cold temperatures that are more appropriate for November.
Would the northern lights display also be related to the asteroid due to fly-by this weekend?
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