Did anybody else feel that??

This might sound off-key but could we be experiencing some kind of Earth cycle shift - like the magnetic poles moving? Just look at the weather. Parts of the World, like hot dessert areas are getting several inches of snow and higher elevations are receiving snow cover measured in "feet" verses several inches? Volcano's are erupting - all over - displacing lava from deep inner cores and drought stricken areas (like California) are now experiencing flash flooding. Bird watchers are reporting sightings of misplaced birds and whales are beaching in odd locations. If the animal kingdom is experiencing "out of sync" behavior - we might be feeling the effects of the same?
angelburst29 said:
This might sound off-key but could we be experiencing some kind of Earth cycle shift - like the magnetic poles moving? Just look at the weather. Parts of the World, like hot dessert areas are getting several inches of snow and higher elevations are receiving snow cover measured in "feet" verses several inches? Volcano's are erupting - all over - displacing lava from deep inner cores and drought stricken areas (like California) are now experiencing flash flooding. Bird watchers are reporting sightings of misplaced birds and whales are beaching in odd locations. If the animal kingdom is experiencing "out of sync" behavior - we might be feeling the effects of the same?
All of those things are signs of the approach of the wave. So yes, it is all related.
WIN 52 said:
angelburst29 said:
This might sound off-key but could we be experiencing some kind of Earth cycle shift - like the magnetic poles moving? Just look at the weather. Parts of the World, like hot dessert areas are getting several inches of snow and higher elevations are receiving snow cover measured in "feet" verses several inches? Volcano's are erupting - all over - displacing lava from deep inner cores and drought stricken areas (like California) are now experiencing flash flooding. Bird watchers are reporting sightings of misplaced birds and whales are beaching in odd locations. If the animal kingdom is experiencing "out of sync" behavior - we might be feeling the effects of the same?
All of those things are signs of the approach of the wave. So yes, it is all related.

But actually we don't know the very nature of the Wave, let alone its manifestations. For what we know it could not have any manifestations in physical world at all. I would go for some more mundane explanation. maybe Earth magnetic shift, maybe haarp . . .

I don't have any changes in sleeping pattern lately, but I have some strange physical pains. Such as pain in the neck and shoulder, knees and similar. Also lately i have great sensations of emotional uneasiness, stress. It is as something big is going to happen and I am expecting it, trying to stay calm but its very hard.
shellycheval said:
I was in agony of muscle pains. My digestive tract was also feeling completely backed up with gas or something. I could only groan in pain and move around like an old man. It is only now passing after eight hours or so and I still feel really bizarre and floaty.

Weird! Wednesday afternoon I experienced something similar. Although I had not eaten or done any unusual activity, I started having intense pain under my ribs around the sides and back in the kidney area with this weird pressure building up.

Strangely enough, people at my work have been having similar problems. We figured that it is probably some kind of virus. Another friend shared that for the past several weeks she suddenly started to suffer from vertigo.

In my personal case, this period manifests itself in feeling restless and sometimes anxious with strange "thoughts of doom". Today it was particularly intense, as if something is in the air. I even allowed myself to be triggered by the cashier at the supermarket, who herself was triggered by a situation she didn't know how to handle. It's like my "fuse" was shorter than usual. :(

After coming back home I saw that apparently there was a solar eclipse today. Perhaps it had some influence too. And each person responds to all those changes in their own way.

angelburst29 said:
This might sound off-key but could we be experiencing some kind of Earth cycle shift - like the magnetic poles moving? Just look at the weather. Parts of the World, like hot dessert areas are getting several inches of snow and higher elevations are receiving snow cover measured in "feet" verses several inches? Volcano's are erupting - all over - displacing lava from deep inner cores and drought stricken areas (like California) are now experiencing flash flooding. Bird watchers are reporting sightings of misplaced birds and whales are beaching in odd locations. If the animal kingdom is experiencing "out of sync" behavior - we might be feeling the effects of the same?

As I've recently come to understand the Wave, -as a years (possibly 100's of years) long period of galactic shift which isn't just an environmental happening, but also a perceptual one, I don't think this is an untoward suggestion.

We are the Wave in a certain sense.

Also, when I am in the middle of a particularly bad cranium buster which I can't sooth through any regular approaches and just have to ride out in misery for a day or two, I take some loose comfort in recalling Laura's rotten experiences leading up to her communications with the C's.

I don't suspect that DNA changes must be terribly pleasant to undergo. -If even just a common cold can be sometimes understood as an expression of a virus downloading the latest code update. "That's great. But my nose is still red and I feel like poop. Blech."
angelburst29 said:
This might sound off-key but could we be experiencing some kind of Earth cycle shift - like the magnetic poles moving? Just look at the weather. Parts of the World, like hot dessert areas are getting several inches of snow and higher elevations are receiving snow cover measured in "feet" verses several inches? Volcano's are erupting - all over - displacing lava from deep inner cores and drought stricken areas (like California) are now experiencing flash flooding. Bird watchers are reporting sightings of misplaced birds and whales are beaching in odd locations. If the animal kingdom is experiencing "out of sync" behavior - we might be feeling the effects of the same?
Some days around wednesday, I was feeling lot of gloomy. I considered it as the stresses of day to day activity. Others I thought, probably too many videos on facebook skimmed in short time like blinking large group of UFO's video , 50 feet of snow in ski areas in california area, lot of snow in europe, US establishment and population going crazy etc. which were not got consciously processed. I have this feeling some thing serious happening on this BBM though.
I was working nightshift so I didn't sleep much anyway, but I feel like something broke inside of me, I tolerate too many BS so I think I'm creating slowly healthier boundaries. Did any of you had some new insight accompanied with your physical maladies?
Same here, I've been having several sleep problems the last 5 or 6 days, getting sleepy earlier than usual, and waking up at 3 or 4 AM and havig difficult to falling asleep again and then being sleepy again in the afternoon. Also feeling uncomfortable in general, not very depressed but with a mild low mood.

Where I live it is late summer, and we are having very hot days, which seems to be the last heat spell before the end of the summer with a couple of days of over 35°C, so I thought that was the reason for this state, but it seems there is something more than just the weather.
I think things actually started to change about a month ago.
For me it's been mostly positive, with a whole lot of clarity coming up, especially in dreams.
And even though the weirdness level has increased, I feel that the universe is in control and that
The crystals are doing exactly what their supposed to be doing to quide us through it.
It's just a bump in the road..the bridge isn't out yet. These front row seats are amazing.
Must admit I didn't sleep too well last week. I think it was Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday . Felt unwell with a headache and had difficulty concentrating during the day. It's unusual as I usually sleep well.

If it is the influence of HAARP would that affect the whole world or just chosen areas I wonder?
I'm finally feeling rather like myself again.

I suspect this was just a blip, probably among many to come for everybody if it's Wave related.

One thing I forgot to mention...

The night following my most intense moments during this period, my Right calf muscle decided to cramp while I was lying in bed. OW! This has never happened in memory before, especially while just resting. Wow!

I breathed through it and let it sort itself out on its own, and then massaged it gently back into operational shape and limped a bit for the rest of the day. It's still a bit tender even a couple of days after.

I made sure to take a magnesium tablet that day, -I'm not entirely strict about taking one every day, will miss a day here and there, but I'm fairly certain I've got enough in my system.

Since then, I've started getting serious about doing those breathing exercises from the POTS which I'd let slip. I think oxygen lack might have something to do with why the period was so miserable for me. Bio-feedback is great, but it's certainly a whack in the head when I'm being negligent!
Woodsman said:
angelburst29 said:
This might sound off-key but could we be experiencing some kind of Earth cycle shift - like the magnetic poles moving? Just look at the weather. Parts of the World, like hot dessert areas are getting several inches of snow and higher elevations are receiving snow cover measured in "feet" verses several inches? Volcano's are erupting - all over - displacing lava from deep inner cores and drought stricken areas (like California) are now experiencing flash flooding. Bird watchers are reporting sightings of misplaced birds and whales are beaching in odd locations. If the animal kingdom is experiencing "out of sync" behavior - we might be feeling the effects of the same?

As I've recently come to understand the Wave, -as a years (possibly 100's of years) long period of galactic shift which isn't just an environmental happening, but also a perceptual one, I don't think this is an untoward suggestion.

We are the Wave in a certain sense.

Also, when I am in the middle of a particularly bad cranium buster which I can't sooth through any regular approaches and just have to ride out in misery for a day or two, I take some loose comfort in recalling Laura's rotten experiences leading up to her communications with the C's.

I don't suspect that DNA changes must be terribly pleasant to undergo. -If even just a common cold can be sometimes understood as an expression of a virus downloading the latest code update. "That's great. But my nose is still red and I feel like poop. Blech."

For me, at 64 soon to be 65, I am pretty sure that I chose to be here during this time in order to go through the changes, as part of my physical experience. That is should I not loose the physical experience in the meantime. It has been quite a battle just to make it here today without being consumed along the way.

It truly does feel to me that I am starting to walk out of the valley of the shadow. As the darkest part of the night is just before dawn, so it is for my journey through the valley. The darkest part of my journey was early in 2014. I also would not expect the ones who are breaking trail to have an easier time than those who follow behind. I see it as people being at different places along the path, all things considered.
The last few days I have been having strange dreams. It's almost like dreams within dreams, if that makes any sense. I have also been feeling like waking life is dreamlike as well.....it's hard to put in to words.
The general public that I have come in contact with lately also seem to be more angry, or like their fuses are short. There is definitely a feeling of something in the air.
I haven't had anything specific. My moods and feelings have swung harder than the typical ups and downs, but nothing like what could be explained as bipolar. I just can feel sometimes very down/weak and then very energetic.

My girlfriend was shopping around 4pm EST on Saturday the 27th and she heard a boom in her head and felt a huge pressure. I was outside waiting in the car in the parking lot and did not notice anything. She asked me, thinking I would have experienced it too!
Hi DBZ. I've had a really bad headache for several days (similar symptoms of migraine which I've never had) and it's just unbelievable pressure. I've ruled out common causes (diet is ok, chiropractic adjustments, etc), and it just won't go away.

I hope your girlfriend is doing better. Thanks for posting about it.
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