A Disturbance in the Force
I watched the first 5 minutes of What is Going to Happen during the Polar Reversal sent to me by my doctor brother and need encouragement to continue. Doug claims that by 2046, a 12,000 to 15,000 year cycle will reversal the magnetic forcefield causing another ice age which will be devastating.
These are the problems I have:
1) The scientific and theological evidence I’m familiar with indicate there has only ever been one ice age, which advanced and retreated during its existence. Evolutionists have no explanation for any ice ages at all. What evidence indicates more than one?
2) The scientific evidence I’m familiar with indicates magnetic reversals are frequent and quick but don’t interfere with the exponential decrease in the strength of the magnetic force field which could not have existed more than 10,000 years ago. A dynamo within the earth is hypothesized without any evidence at all, unless you have some I’m not aware of.
3) Doug noted that there were major differences between evolutionary text books and between evolutionary articles which he researched. Yet he ignored a whole field of creationist research which more closely aligns with the scientific evidence. Search for Ice Age or Magnetic Force Field at,, or To discount this research without at least checking it out and then disproving it is unprofessional.
4) Doug claims, “In 1997, I found the real Mt. Sinai in the Sinai desert and all the altars. I was the first person to discover Mose’s Mt. Sinai.” However, it is easy to prove that Ron Wyatt found Mount Sinai (Jebel el Lawz) in 1984. David Fasold was with him when he returned to the site in 1985. Mr. Cornuke and Mr. Williams found it again in 1988 by following the written instructions of Mr. Fasold.
Your thoughts?
I watched the first 5 minutes of What is Going to Happen during the Polar Reversal sent to me by my doctor brother and need encouragement to continue. Doug claims that by 2046, a 12,000 to 15,000 year cycle will reversal the magnetic forcefield causing another ice age which will be devastating.
These are the problems I have:
1) The scientific and theological evidence I’m familiar with indicate there has only ever been one ice age, which advanced and retreated during its existence. Evolutionists have no explanation for any ice ages at all. What evidence indicates more than one?
2) The scientific evidence I’m familiar with indicates magnetic reversals are frequent and quick but don’t interfere with the exponential decrease in the strength of the magnetic force field which could not have existed more than 10,000 years ago. A dynamo within the earth is hypothesized without any evidence at all, unless you have some I’m not aware of.
3) Doug noted that there were major differences between evolutionary text books and between evolutionary articles which he researched. Yet he ignored a whole field of creationist research which more closely aligns with the scientific evidence. Search for Ice Age or Magnetic Force Field at,, or To discount this research without at least checking it out and then disproving it is unprofessional.
4) Doug claims, “In 1997, I found the real Mt. Sinai in the Sinai desert and all the altars. I was the first person to discover Mose’s Mt. Sinai.” However, it is easy to prove that Ron Wyatt found Mount Sinai (Jebel el Lawz) in 1984. David Fasold was with him when he returned to the site in 1985. Mr. Cornuke and Mr. Williams found it again in 1988 by following the written instructions of Mr. Fasold.
Your thoughts?