distractions from the work


The Force is Strong With This One
When i notice a beautiful painting at first i am drawn to it as a finished work.
Once my interest is peaked i move closer to inspect the detail which led to the final product in all its perfection.
As i am understanding the brush strokes used i gain an appreciation for the techniques learnt.
Once i understand the techniques a flame is ignited and a deeper appreciation is achieved, not just for the finished product but for all the steps that led to is creation.
To me the painting is a compilation of small steps / techniques learnt over time that are just as important as the complete personal expression... the WORK of art
What a shame it would have been if that first brush stroke had not been put to canvas for fear that the painting should be finished by using only one stroke.....

I wonder if when you read this you get the same message that i do? So much to consider within this hey?
What is the work?
Is there just one work that applies to all or is the work reflective of what one is consciously trying to achieve in this lifetime?
Who decides on what the work is and if one is just wasting energy that could be better spent?
Who decides on what life experiences will best assist one in their development?
Is it possible to make this assumption given that one may not really know what level the person is at that they directing and may just be coming from a place that is of a lower vibration and perspective?
Can anyone make claim to be of a higher spiritual level than any other person and brand themselves as the holder of the finished work of art?
Could each one of us a be merely just one brushstroke?

It would be rude of me to ask so many questions without sharing myself.
The work to me is what i consider to be the most important steps toward making the biggest difference for others in this lifetime selflessly. Its all just another day at school and the real distraction for myself would be to be diverted from my path of learning on the assumption that someone else holds the painting and has the legend. That is just fine for me personally and is by no means a basis for anyone else to use. My own painting is no where near finished but if there is one thing i do know it is where Ive been, where i am and a fairly good idea of where i am heading, which can only be described as forward from my perspective although this may contradict the order of others paths.

What do you think? :)
Since I have had some distractions in the form of art recently, I can speak of this. You seem to be wondering if the painting is a distraction, no? And you mentioned if a person could be more spiritual having completed a work of art.

Well, I would say if the art leads you to your aim, then it isn't a distraction. And the only real measure is that of inner vision, seeing yourself. But I don't think you have to throw out all positive dissociation, see that thread for more info. But you will know if it gets in the way of your lessons. I usually feel a constricting in my chest if I'm wasting time on things.

And G said there is objective art, but that is something we don't see much today. I think once you come to a level of being, the objectivity would express itself in you, in art and other ways.

My 2 cents.
Thanks Jerry, i like that quote :)

Hi 3D Student,
I'm leaning more toward our painting as individuals being a metaphor for what each person will achieve in his/her lifetime with each brush stroke representing something learnt along the path travelled.
This would mean that every painting is an 'original work of arts learnt' and no two peoples paths would be the same.
Being that no paths are the same we would all be pioneers so would there be any person that can claim to be able to lead you and instruct you on what you should learn to evolve spiritually when no one has walked your path before you?
Systems i have seen so far have a belief structure and a method to reach the knowledge that they have accumulated thus far but if our paths travelled are each only a brush stroke in the universal painting wouldn't you have to be working outside the painting of life to know which way to lead?
If this is so then some people may actually think they are holding the universal big brush and are painting the way and can instruct others on how to get there?

Id imagine they would be some pretty big shoes to fill and what an easel it would be! :D

Interested to hear others point of view if you dont mind.

Gotta run,
Thank you both your time :)
researcher_of_truth said:
This would mean that every painting is an 'original work of arts learnt' and no two peoples paths would be the same.
Being that no paths are the same we would all be pioneers so would there be any person that can claim to be able to lead you and instruct you on what you should learn to evolve spiritually when no one has walked your path before you?
Systems i have seen so far have a belief structure and a method to reach the knowledge that they have accumulated thus far but if our paths travelled are each only a brush stroke in the universal painting wouldn't you have to be working outside the painting of life to know which way to lead?
If this is so then some people may actually think they are holding the universal big brush and are painting the way and can instruct others on how to get there?

Hi researcher_of_truth,

Did you read anything about psychopathy ? A simple search on the forum will give you ample information about the subject.
Maybe this would give you food for thoughts about "belief structure" and "teaching others".

Also, did you read anything about Gurdjieff and the Work ?
researcher_of_truth said:
Thanks Jerry, i like that quote :)

Liking the quote and actually applying it to oneself are two very different things. ;)

researcher_of_truth said:
This would mean that every painting is an 'original work of arts learnt' and no two peoples paths would be the same.
Being that no paths are the same we would all be pioneers so would there be any person that can claim to be able to lead you and instruct you on what you should learn to evolve spiritually when no one has walked your path before you?
Systems i have seen so far have a belief structure and a method to reach the knowledge that they have accumulated thus far but if our paths travelled are each only a brush stroke in the universal painting wouldn't you have to be working outside the painting of life to know which way to lead?
If this is so then some people may actually think they are holding the universal big brush and are painting the way and can instruct others on how to get there?

Id imagine they would be some pretty big shoes to fill and what an easel it would be! :D

Interested to hear others point of view if you dont mind.

Gotta run,
Thank you both your time :)

Everyone "doing their own thing" so to say is pretty much what the PTB like to see us doing. Everybody running around making the same mistakes others have made before them and keeping everyone ignorant of the abyss that is in front of them.

The worst thing that could happen, as far as the PTB are concerned, is for everyone to start learning from others, comparing notes on what is really happening in the world, who is scamming who, what objective truths have been learned. Finding which books, articles, essays point the way to that objective truth. This is how we grow, learning from those who have learned a thing before us.

Otherwise we just run around in circles pretending we know something, when in fact, we don't.

Thanks Tigersoap,
Thanks for the tip on searches and I will get stuck in to them asap.
No I have not read gerdjieff’s observations and the work. Is “the work” a name given to his observations or is it termed “the work” as in the true work or the real work etc?
I haven’t had the pleasure of studying under him and my teachers didn’t ask me to learn about his views, they taught me what they had learnt and chose to adopted but they may well have learnt something from him. Im know that my teachers were not born in a closed cave and must have been influenced by other sources as well as their own inspiration so I could well know some of his work. I looked him up while I should have been working today but I am swamped with suggested reading from here, which is great but will take time…..lots of time but his work is a priority on my to do list now. Thanks :)

Thanks Nienna Eluch, I like that statement ;). I suppose it s a bit like saying “you can’t overcome your own controlling behaviour by taking control of your issue”.
You have passed along a very good point and that is what I would like to know.
Who exactly are the powers that be that you are referring to, those that you have just passed down their sentiment?
As far as I can see these are the ones claiming to be holding the big brush painting the paths that we are to follow… dictating that if you don’t follow their instruction you will find your self in such an abyss or hell as seen in some religions.
Can you put me in contact with the powers that be aswell as I would like to ask them about how they decide on what I should learn and if it is even possible to be distracted from my work?

Thanks for your time :)
researcher_of_truth said:
Thanks Tigersoap,
Thanks for the tip on searches and I will get stuck in to them asap.
No I have not read gerdjieff’s observations and the work. Is “the work” a name given to his observations or is it termed “the work” as in the true work or the real work etc?

Hi researcher_of_truth,

Here is more about the 4th way and Gurdjieff.
Hope that helps.
researcher_of_truth said:
Who exactly are the powers that be that you are referring to, those that you have just passed down their sentiment?
As far as I can see these are the ones claiming to be holding the big brush painting the paths that we are to follow… dictating that if you don’t follow their instruction you will find your self in such an abyss or hell as seen in some religions.
Can you put me in contact with the powers that be aswell as I would like to ask them about how they decide on what I should learn and if it is even possible to be distracted from my work?

Thanks for your time :)

Since you are so unfamiliar with the terms we are using on this forum, maybe a good idea would be for you to read the Wave series, which the first few books can be found here, along with a lot of other information written by Laura. It would really help you to be able to interact here with us by reading this material. :)
Thanks again Tigersoap, I couldn’t agree more and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Analogy is an awesome tool to map the way to truth but it doesn’t always convince people to take that last step hey, which is cool as who would I be to think I am in a position to control what is appropriate for other seekers to learn.

Thanks Nienna eluch, I really do appreciate your help and I may take your advice which is part of my dilemma and the reason for my wanting others opinion on this subject.

My teachers have always told me not to use what they had taught me to do party tricks, bend spoons etc, as it is a waste of the energy and a distraction from the work. This has always made sense to me up until I began to interact on this forum.

My reasons for joining this forum was to further my work as I am considering doing my 4th level reiki Teacher accreditation and am researching advancements in measuring life force by the scientific community. My first words read in this forum were in the thread about the egely wheel, which if it actually did what it is claimed to do could be a very useful tool in teaching students about energy, confirming when they have found a chakra successfully, effects of using breath to transmitting energy etc.

Since I was taking from the team I thought it only fair to give a little back and proceeded to share a little of what I learnt when I was informed that I have exhibited a tendency to phenomenon chase in my posts, which is a distraction from the work. My teacher’s words rang clear and this person was right about the chasing but I was not sure about the being distracted part considering I was furthering my work. After some thought I am thinking that this advice from my teachers that knew me inside out was valid while I was working toward learning the reiki system, which was my primary focus at that time. Would their advice be the same for me now that I have achieved the master accreditation and have found the desire to proceeded even though I have to cross my own path in order to further my research of reiki energy basics, which I believe are classed as phenomenon.

I don’t believe my teachers that know where I am at would disapprove of my study methods or deem me as being distracted from the work im trying to achieve. I suppose I am not going to fully understand the reasons for the judgment imposed on me until I read and understand the wave series.
Unfortunately my life just doesn’t allow the time it would take to read years of text at this moment to understand another system. It would be a distraction from the work I am trying to achieve. My main focus at this point in time is moving forward with my life’s work and research.

Thank you to all that have taken the time to teach me something, I sincerely appreciate it and would like to leave you with one last closing thought for you all;

If you were a pastor in a church and a young man came to you and said “ father I have stumbled across a loaded weapon and I cant decide what to do with it” Would you toss him a bible and say “read this so you can come up to speed with what we do here then we can discuss your issue”? I wonder what happens if this confused young man cant read. Lets hope the next door he knocks on isn’t opened by a terrorist organisation.

Kind regards,
Researcher of truth :)
researcher_of_truth said:
Thank you to all that have taken the time to teach me something, I sincerely appreciate it and would like to leave you with one last closing thought for you all;

If you were a pastor in a church and a young man came to you and said “ father I have stumbled across a loaded weapon and I cant decide what to do with it” Would you toss him a bible and say “read this so you can come up to speed with what we do here then we can discuss your issue”? I wonder what happens if this confused young man cant read. Lets hope the next door he knocks on isn’t opened by a terrorist organisation.

To use an analogy then, the above would be a parting shot, no?

Me thinketh the cup is full.
Alada said:
researcher_of_truth said:
Thank you to all that have taken the time to teach me something, I sincerely appreciate it and would like to leave you with one last closing thought for you all;

If you were a pastor in a church and a young man came to you and said “ father I have stumbled across a loaded weapon and I cant decide what to do with it” Would you toss him a bible and say “read this so you can come up to speed with what we do here then we can discuss your issue”? I wonder what happens if this confused young man cant read. Lets hope the next door he knocks on isn’t opened by a terrorist organisation.

To use an analogy then, the above would be a parting shot, no?

Me thinketh the cup is full.

I would agree, as well as being an analogy completely inapplicable to this situation. There is no learning in having things handed to you on a platter, r_o_t (considering your user name one would think you'd know that, and perhaps your 'teachers' were not, considering you expect things easily with no effort on your part!). There will come a time in your life when this dawns on you, I think. Perhaps it won't be too late.
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