Drea, I am not sure after reading Meager1's post, that I would take the advice of "some people who knew the person", regarding this guy's mental state. There's a world of scariness in the description "a bit 'off' " He may be stable now, but what will happen then next time he goes on another drunk? Believe me, Meager1 speaks from hard experience.
Please don't brush off this first incident. Gather the information suggested by Meager1, and tell his superior. If you're worried about his reaction to you doing this, compare that to the harm he could do the child, your bf, and you, if you hadn't.
with concern,
Please don't brush off this first incident. Gather the information suggested by Meager1, and tell his superior. If you're worried about his reaction to you doing this, compare that to the harm he could do the child, your bf, and you, if you hadn't.
with concern,