DNA, Ancestors, and Saints


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I wanted to ask a question about the 11-August-2018 session, related to DNA acting as an antenna to the information field as it related to ancestors and other people who may share your DNA.

A: Keep in mind that there is a certain power transmitted by awareness of ancestors.
A: Something like that. You can help to heal some things and draw strength via your DNA antennae which, you must remember, is also their DNA antennae.

I've been in orthodox churches before, and I've seen walls covered with religious icons. It reminded me of what I read in The Ancient City about Roman estates, where they had a familial shrine dedicated to the ancestors of the family, replete with wax faces and tales of their accomplishments. This ancestor worship did have a practical role in facilitating their ability to access with their DNA the same parts of the information field the ancestors accessed.

I find it kind of interesting that the outer form of this was by and large conserved in religious iconography. I am wondering if it is playing a similar role as in the ancestor worship. It's been said by the C's that our conscious work and attainment of lofty spiritual purity can add DNA to our being, not just turn genes on or off.

If we are part of a religious order (say, Benedictine or Francescian or Mt. Athos monks) that has a dedicated prescription for growing spiritually, would it in principle be possible that colinear individuals are receiving the same DNA, or at least the DNA necessary to connect to the same parts of the information field, based on their beliefs and practices? In such an arrangement, would studying the lives and writings of the Saints of your particular religious order provide similar strength and protection as those with whom you share germ-line DNA, via accessing their life experience and maybe some wisdom pertaining to it?
If we are part of a religious order (say, Benedictine or Francescian or Mt. Athos monks) that has a dedicated prescription for growing spiritually, would it in principle be possible that colinear individuals are receiving the same DNA, or at least the DNA necessary to connect to the same parts of the information field, based on their beliefs and practices? In such an arrangement, would studying the lives and writings of the Saints of your particular religious order provide similar strength and protection as those with whom you share germ-line DNA, via accessing their life experience and maybe some wisdom pertaining to it?

I think that must remain in the realm of speculation. That said, I think any DNA addition etc. would largely come from personal work on the self and, according to the Cs, some kind of interaction with "ourselves in the future", rather than co-linear comrades in the past.
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