DNA 'innocents' must be wiped after landmark human rights ruling


The Living Force

DNA 'innocents' must be wiped after landmark human rights ruling

More than one and a half million DNA and fingerprint profiles of innocent people could be wiped from police databases after a landmark human rights ruling.

The European Court of Human Rights ruled retaining the samples of those who were acquitted of crimes or never charged with them breached their human rights in test case brought by two Sheffield men.

It means the DNA profiles of around 850,000 innocent people could have to be removed while a similar number of individuals' prints could have to be taken off the national fingerprint database.

The ruling has grave consequences for a key weapon in police investigations and the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, said she was "disappointed" with the decision.

The Home Office now has until March to respond to the ruling but experts said it was likely to abide by it to avoid hundreds of thousands of challenges in the courts.

One likely option is to set a time limit after which samples are removed, similar to schemes run in other countries, including Scotland.

Miss Smith said: "DNA and fingerprinting is vital to the fight against crime, providing the police with more than 3,500 matches a month, and I am disappointed by the European Court of Human Rights' decision."

The police warned hundreds murderers, rapists and sex offenders will not be caught if the innocent profiles are wiped.

The Association of Chief Police Officers said DNA from innocent people was used to trap 8,500 profiles of individuals involved in 14,000 offences, including 114 murders, 55 attempted murders and 116 rapes in a four year period.

Chris Sims, the Acpo lead on forensics and chief constable of Staffordshire Police, said the ruling "could have a profound impact on the way in which the police service makes use of DNA technology to protect the public and tackle crime".

Since April 2004 anyone who is arrested by the police for a recordable offence can be swabbed for their DNA, which is then held indefinitely by the National Policing Improvement Agency.

There are an estimated 4.4 million profiles on the system, the largest of its kind in the world, and around 850,000 are people who were never charged, acquitted or had the case dropped.

Fingerprints are taken under the same circumstances but the separate database is much larger - around 7.3 million people - and police sources estimate it contains a similar number of innocent people.

The 17-strong panel of judges in Strasbourg ruled that keeping the DNA or fingerprints of innocent people on a criminal register amounted to discrimination and a breach of the "right to respect for private life" under the Human Rights Convention.

The judges ruled that there was a risk of "stigmatisation" stemming from the fact that the profiles of people who had never been convicted of any offence were on the database.

The judgment said it would now be for the UK "to implement appropriate general and/or individual measures to fulfill its obligations to respect for their private life".

Until March, when the Home Office responds to the ruling, the existing law will remain in place.

The result is a victory for two Britons who have been fighting to change the law after police insisted on retaining their DNA records.

Michael Marper, 45, was arrested in March 2001 and charged with harassing his partner, but the case was dropped three months later after the two were reconciled. He had no previous convictions.

The judge awarded the two men a total of £36,500 in costs, but no cash damages - saying their victory, "with the consequences that this would bring for the future", could be regarded as sufficient compensation.

The ruling does not affect those who are on the database because they were given cautions as they have admitted their guilt.

The Tories, Liberal Democrats and campaigners welcomed the judgement. Shadow Home Secretary Dominic Grieve said keeping DNA of innocent people had "done so much to undermine confidence in the criminal justice system".

Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, said the fact Jacqui Smith was to "consider" the verdict was an "insult" as it was "totally clear".

Helen Wallace, director of GeneWatch UK, added: "The massive, uncontrolled expansion of Britain's DNA database has given governments immense power to track potentially vulnerable individuals and their relatives.

"The landmark decision vindicates all those innocent people who have struggled to get their DNA destroyed. It means that there must be strict new rules to limit DNA retention and prevent misuse."

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