Documentary movies


Dagobah Resident
Hi everyone ;)

After last Cs session about movies I came with a nice idea. Since I have quite big documentary movies collection , i would like to share it.
I am wondering how to do it thou or rather where to put it ;)
It is a collection of movies covering various subjects very similar to subjects that this forum is covering like food , supplements, pills, corporations, bankers, WW2 , water, mysticism etc. etc. all eating quite a lot on hard drive.
Of course not all of this material is "good" but still it might show you how the dark side works through their plots , so i believe its still worth watching.
I also have good up-link here at work and I can easily upload but i cannot serve all that data also upload has to be divided because of bandwith monitoring systems.

Anyway , question is directed mainly to admins of this forum but I think that anyone who has large FTP server with a lot of space ( >50 GB ) and is willing to share it , is welcome.
I don't know if it is a good idea ,but if it is , let me know ;)

i think that your plan is not advisable, since potential copyright violations would open this forum and SOTT up to attack.

you could post links to online versions (youtube, googlevideo) of the programs you want to share.
Yes you are right , I did not think about it :/
Probably because i never think about copyrights . I do not like boundaries and limitations ;)
drygol said:
Probably because i never think about copyrights . I do not like boundaries and limitations ;)
So if your livelyhood depended on creating music or movies you wouldn't care if others stole them and gave you nothing in return for your efforts?
Its just because in my country nobody never cared about it as much as in other countries , where RIAA unleashes lawyers.
Also , I am a BIG fan of open source idea and sharing - not taking money for every possible thing.
I stopped thinking in a rights,trademarks,patents and money form - That's why I keep on forgetting that these laws still exist.
But if you are asking me
So if your livelyhood depended on creating music or movies you wouldn't care if others stole them and gave you nothing in return for your efforts?

I must say that first of all i would never go that way , I mean i would never rely on creating music for money , espesialy for money.I`ve never been in this kind of situation so i should not say what i would or i wouldn't but IMO going further that way is pointless because you will never have an opportunity to at least grasp an idea of STO.
So as a final answear I'll say that at least i woud try to not care ;)
drygol said:
Its just because in my country nobody never cared about it as much as in other countries , where RIAA unleashes lawyers.
Also , I am a BIG fan of open source idea and sharing - not taking money for every possible thing.
I stopped thinking in a rights,trademarks,patents and money form - That's why I keep on forgetting that these laws still exist.
I used to write software that people had to pay for. I also write OpenSource software that is free to use, but people have to pay me for services around it instead. In both of those cases I, as the creator, chose how I wanted to make my software available, and how I want to make money (if any) from doing so. But it is my choice, not the users. With piracy, the "users", or leechers, think they get to decide what is best for me (=not pay), which is wrong.
drygol said:
Its just because in my country nobody never cared about it as much as in other countries , where RIAA unleashes lawyers.
I know what you mean, I spent a few years in Vietnam where software piracy was around 98%
Also , I am a BIG fan of open source idea and sharing - not taking money for every possible thing.
I stopped thinking in a rights,trademarks,patents and money form - That's why I keep on forgetting that these laws still exist.
But if you are asking me
So if your livelyhood depended on creating music or movies you wouldn't care if others stole them and gave you nothing in return for your efforts?

I must say that first of all i would never go that way , I mean i would never rely on creating music for money , espesialy for money.I`ve never been in this kind of situation so i should not say what i would or i wouldn't but IMO going further that way is pointless because you will never have an opportunity to at least grasp an idea of STO.
So as a final answear I'll say that at least i woud try to not care ;)
Thanks Drygol, what you say makes sense. But you seem to be saying that making a living from being creative means that one couldn't grasp an idea of STO? We could put authors into this category (copyright theft victims) too. The books that are sold at redpillpress help support the efforts of those involved here. Pointless?
Thanks Drygol, what you say makes sense. But you seem to be saying that making a living from being creative means that one couldn't grasp an idea of STO? We could put authors into this category (copyright theft victims) too. The books that are sold at redpillpress help support the efforts of those involved here. Pointless?

No no no , it is a very good way of getting around money problem we have in 3D. Also nobody here hides all knowledge hidden in books released by redpillpress.
So you have a chance to learn and also you have a chance to return this favour by buying books and strengthening people who put effort in writing them.
By all what I said I basically mean that money is not a good approach , but we simply have no choice living in this world nowadays . I am happy that i understood that principle and started to implement sharing idea in a much wider sense in my life.

I just simply think that we all are citizens of earth and we all have equal rights and that does not go along with money idea.
I still find it difficult to stretch all above to universe size but that's probably because I have never met alien life form :D
You can actually steal something that is not shared which equals almost everything these days because it has been bought but a hardworking person- totally upside down concept. So sharing is the way.
Unfortunately I am so enthusiastic sometimes that i keep on forgeting that I am still living in 2009 on earth and that I could be prosecuted and put in jail for being Robin Hoods mate ;P

I am not good in expressing myself but i hope i party cleared that mess up :)
I just simply think that we all are citizens of earth and we all have equal rights and that does not go along with money idea.
Yes you're right Drygol and sadly we live in the world that has a plethora of artificial limitations and boundaries imposed upon us. We just have to live within them but not be ruled by them.
Hi Drygol, can you post a list of the documentaries you have here?
Drygol, you never got round to posting your list of documentaries!

That's ok, it's just that I'm always on the look out for new ones to watch when I'm detoxing in my FIR sauna.

Can anyone recommend me stuff? Thanks!

This is a good site, lots of informative documentaries here. If you haven't watched it yet, check out 'sweet misery', but there are lots of others. You can download any of them (once you start them playing on the site) with firefox plugin "download helper"
Perceval said:

This is a good site, lots of informative documentaries here. If you haven't watched it yet, check out 'sweet misery', but there are lots of others. You can download any of them (once you start them playing on the site) with firefox plugin "download helper"
thanks Perceval for that link !

PS: I think "UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact" (
should be in every documentary movie list too ! :D

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